I'm really sorry I haven't really posted much this week, I have been busy with school and haven't had the time, hope this makes up for it. xxxx
Five days passed and I was starting to get withdrawal symptoms. All I could think about every second, every minute and every hour of the day, was him. I was completely and utterly crazy about him.
I only had a few days before I would be getting on a plane and I wouldn't get to see him for two whole weeks, how I was going to survive, I had no idea.
With a only a few days to go before I went on vacation, I needed to go into town and get a few last minute items for the plane and maybe a few items of clothing. Logging onto my Facebook and asking on the group chat if anybody would come with me, it dawned on me that nobody would be coming with my so I decided to fuck it and go by myself.
I quickly got ready, throwing some skinny jeans and an oversized, tartan shirt on. Switching my hairdryer on, I let the hot hair blow throw my hair and with a running of my fingers I was ready.
I threw on my converse and got out the house quickly and efficiently, taking only my phone and money. I got on the bus, handed the driver my money and sat in the back were nobody would see me.
I eventually reached town and the first place I went was Starbucks and ordered a lime refresher. I went through the usual process of telling the cashier my name and the waiting for my cup to be filled. I tapped my foot, waiting for my drink when the unthinkable happened.
Sat right opposite me, with a girl, was Adam. She was unbelievably pretty and looked a lot like him, freakishly like him. Then I recognised the two children sat beside her. It was his sister.
I was now really impatient. I heard chairs moving and looked around to see him getting up and walking towards me.
He walked straight passed me and through the doors, kissing his sister and his niece and nephew on the cheek. He turned around and noticed me hurrying out of the door, he stopped me in his tracks.
"Hello." He said, and I was sent into a trance all over again.
"Hey" I said trying to sound casual but failing miserably.
"How come you haven't text me since the other night, did I do something wrong?" He looked worried and I felt bad.
"I have been waiting for you to text me first, I have been trying to play the whole hard to get thing." I laughed and so did he. It was no longer awkward.
"So what are doing in town by yourself?" He asked.
"I am fifteen years old i don't to be assisted, I'm picking up a few things before I go away on vacation on Thursday".
"Do you mind if I tag along?" He stood on his toes and moved up and down impatiently, waiting for my response.
I nodded and we carried on down the streets. I made one stop in a newsagents and I picked up, Teen Vogue, Cosmopolitan and Ok magazine for the plane. I also picked up a pack of gum.
He laughed at my choice of magazines, and picked up a few himself, Sports Illustrated and the newspaper.
"What boring reading material" I said jokingly.
"What gay reading material" He bit his lip again, wondering wether he had offended me, he hadn't of course.
I made a few stops in several stores and picked up a few items of clothing. I made a stop in Topman, and picked up a pair of jeans and another oversized shirt to add to my growing collection.
I went over to the changing rooms, he followed. I was located to a charging room by the store clerk. I didn't notice that he also had something to try on. I stepped into the changing room, closing the curtain. He stopped me before I could fully close it and he stepped in the closed the curtain behind us. What was he doing?
"Uhmm what are you doing?" I glared at him, he had confusion spread across his face.
"I don't see the point in me going in another changing room, it's a waste of space." He didn't waste anytime waiting for my approval, and within an instant he had taken off his t-shirt and let it drop to the floor. I gulped.
I watched his mussels flex as he placed the new t-shirt over his ripped body. Then I realised that I was staring and I turned away and tried my shirt on. It took me a while to unbutton the shirt I already had on, and by the time I was finished, he was stood watching me.
I swatted him with my shirt, "Pervert".
I had just managed to place my arms into the shirt I was trying on, I hadn't the time to button it, before he spun me around so he was facing me and placed his lips on mine. Within an instant, his hands were traveling down my waist and on to my thighs. I felt my body lift of the ground. My back was against the wall mirror, with my legs wrapped around his waist. He was topless wearing only his jeans, whilst I was wearing simply my boxers and the shirt I didn't manage to fully try on.
His body moved against mine and I could feel his hard muscles press against my stomach. His breathing through his nose became more intense. I let his tongue trace mine, as I ran my fingers through his hair. His growing length pushed against my mine, I let out a small moan and he placed his hand over my mouth, trying to quiet me. Slowly removing his hand, he continued to kiss me.
If felt as if we had been at if for a long time and I was starting to become breathless, he noticed and pulled away, laying a quick kiss on my lips before he propped me back down onto the floor. I looked up at him, our chests moved up and down fast we both tried to regain oxygen.
We must have been in the changing room for a long time so we both got changed quickly grabbing our clothing items and walking out of the changing room together at a fairly fast pace.
Every customers mouth fell as they saw us both leave the changing room together. When we knew everyone from the changing area was out of reach we both looked at each other and burst out into laughter. I was falling way too hard for him.
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