This chapters dedicated to my friends. x
I couldn't concentrate so I threw a load of shit that I would need for my nights stay. Toothbrush, boxers, socks, sleepwear, money, phone, charger, shit shit shit.
I jumped down the stairs and begged my mum to hurry and put her shoes on, she responded quickly and hurried Into the car with me, surprisingly.
The drive was only two minutes but it felt like forever.
"So what did you do in town?" She looked at me as if I had something to hide.
Oh I went on a date with this gorgeous eighteen year boy and kissed him on top of his car. Instead I replied with the appropriate;
"I went shopping and ate at nandos with Kacy and Paige."
She smiled and we eventually came to a stop. I opened the door but she suddenly stopped me and pulled me back.
"Hey..." I could tell she wanted to say something else but she held back for a few seconds.
"Never mind, have a nice time."
I got out the car, grabbing my bags and continued up the street to Lilly's house.
As I walked to the house, I wondered how I was going to break the news of what went on tonight. I got to the door eventually and realised no parents were home so I opened the door, placed my bags on the floor, and screamed at the the top of my lungs.
Kacy, Lilly and Anna all came rushing down the stairs, they pretty much guessed what had happened. They came down and I was flooded with thousands of question on how it was like.
After a good half hour of obsessing and bragging about my night, we decided to get up and go out. Where we was going was still a mystery, all we knew was that it involved terrorising the neighbourhood and probably getting into trouble with the police.
Although the majority of my friends had already lost their virginities, we all were immature when we were together.
Obviously, being in high school, people shoot down small groups who are happy with being friends with each other. After once being said by a pretentious bitch whose name shall remain anonymous, we were known throughout for school for being 'a group of homosexuals and slags' due to me being the homosexual and the rest of my friends loosing their virginities.
We didn't give a shit about what people said as we happy with us being just us. I loved my group of friends with all my heart and I wouldn't change them for anything or anyone.
The night was coming to and end and I went to bed that night thinking about him and what would happen next.
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