I'm starting to get a bit of negative attention on this. You are all free to your own opinions but you really don't need to spread your unwanted opinions on homosexuality. If you are homophobic don't read it.
The day was coming to an end and I had bought everything I needed. I told that I would get the bus but he insisted that he take me home. I gave in and we walked to his car.
His car was parked infront of a flat, just outside town.
"This is me" He said pointing towards the tall sky blue building.
He opened the car door, gesturing for me to get in, I climbed in and thanked him.
He got into the drivers seat, turned on the engine and began to pull out of his space. I watched his large hands wrap around the steering wheel and how when he would turn he would bite his bottom lip and scrunch up his face. He was so mesmerising to watch.
It didn't take him long to drop me off at home, like usual he stopped a couple of doors away to avoid any unnecessary meetings with my parents.
Adams POV:
Connor sat for a few seconds waiting for me to say something. I wasn't really sure what he wanted from me. I didn't have much to say.
He was driving me fucking insane. I've never had these feelings towards someone over than a girl and I didn't know how to deal my urges, without fucking it up. Normally if it was a girl I would have slept with her by now. I knew that this wouldn't be the case with Connor as he would expect me to be with him for a long time beforehand.
I thought of him almost everyday. His full soft lips, his deep blue eyes, how his face lit up whenever he saw me, how he reacted perfectly to my every move. He is just so god damn cute. I wanted him so badly.
I fell out of my daze just as he was getting out of the car, i grabbed his wrist. Climbing out of the car and taking my place in front of him. I gave into my urges and pulled his body into mind, lowering my head so my lips could meet his. It only lasted a few seconds as he decided to pull away. I became angry.
"I can't have anybody seeing us, if they do my parents will find out"
he felt bad, I could tell.
I sighed and unclenched my fists, I had to keep it together, I can't let him see me loose control.
"Why don't you just tell them that your gay, it's not like it's not already pretty obvious anyway!" I realised my words would probably hurt him but I didn't care I was pissed off.
"The thought of having that conversation with my family makes me feel sick, it's not something I want to delve into at this point in my life"
I decided to end the conversation to avoid any unnecessary lashes of anger.
"Well I guess I'll see you in two weeks then?"
"Yeah sure, that's if your still interested?" He teased.
"How could I not?" I winked at him as I knew it drove his insides crazy.
He laughed and walked away. I assume that he was stuck his ass out as he walked away on purpose to drive me even more crazy.
When I could no longer see him I decide that I needed some fun tonight so I called Stacy and asked her to come over as soon as possible...
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