Cried for you
My life isn't one of those hot rich girls on the internet going out and kissing boys all night long. I'm that girl who's watching on Netflix but then Netflix gets boring and then I move on to social media. I have a lot of pets and I go barely have real friends. And when I say that I haven't had one of those people who you go to each others house everyday. Who talks about boys or takes showers with. I have fake friends. And at this point I don't even know if they remember me. But hey I don't blame them because I'm one of the nobody's. And that's how it all started. That's how we met. Through the nobody's. I saw him. Standing with his books. Messy hair, random hoodie, glasses. And that's when he saw me. And he smiled. Because he knew we would get along. And we did. We were best friends. We were those friends in the movies everyone wants. We were really close. Until 11th grade when he joined the hockey team and became popular. Now we barely talk. But we smile at each other when we pass through the halls. So I believe we can still be friends. If he lets me. Since everyone is calling him a bad boy, I don't think he's a rude dude. He's the nice messy haired boy I met. Three years ago. I just hope he is.…