The next thing you knew you were talking with Yugi and Joey. You talked about how you were interested in Duel Monsters, and what got you to this tournament.
"Where did ya come from?" Joey asked,
"Oh...uh.." You bit your lip, "I came from California-"
"California? Aw, that's sweet!" Joey's eyes lit up, "Tell me are there any good-lookin' girls besides yourself?"
"Joey!" Yugi shrieked,
"Uh...let's move on." You pushed off the subject to go to another.
"Whaat? Just askin'."
"We're not going to California." Yugi shook his head and crossed his arms.
"Why not?" Joey frowned,
"Let's stop creeping her out!" Yugi shrieked, "Let's talk about the Tournament, okay?"
"Well okay then." Joey sighed,
"...How many star chips do you have?" You asked,
"1," Yugi answered,
"Same as Yugi's." Joey sighed,
"Huh...I have 2."
"What?!" Yugi and Joey shrieked, "How?"
"I am not sure."
"Ugh...I fear that if everyone in this boat knows we have only one, they'll take advantage of us." Joey frowned,
"Then be quiet about it." Yugi gave a small laugh. You gave a soft giggle,
"I can tell Joey is a little loud-mouthed, isn't he."
"Yeah, he kind of is." Yugi laughed as Joey frowned at his friend,
"Well excuse me!" Joey huffed and crossed his arms, "It's apart of my personality, you're gonna have to live with it."
"Aha, is that so?" You tilted your head and laughed a little.
"...Hey, (y/n), what happened to your eye?" Yugi asked. You turned pale and looked at him,
"What do you mean?'
"Something is bugging me about it. Did something happen to your eye?" Yugi asked,
"Huh..now that you think of it.." Joey took a step closer to take a better look at your eye patch. You took a step back, now alert of the 2. What do you tell them?! You can't just tell them that you have a dangerous, soul-sucking seal on your eye! Imagine how they would react! You got to think fast on this one.
"...There was an accident that happened when I was a child." You answered, "...and it sort of...well..."
Joey backed off immediately and Yugi bit his lip, "...Sorry for asking." Yugi mumbled,
"No no, it's okay." You assured, "It wouldn't be long before my eye would be mentioned."
Besides, you weren't lying completely, the Seal was forced on you as a child.
"Well, what do we have here?" You heard a female call out from behind. You turned around to see a blonde, curly-haired girl. She was wearing a lavender outfit, her brown eyes staring at Yugi. Joey's cheeks went red as he examined her head to toe,
"Wow.." Joey gasped,
"So, you're the Yugi kid everyone's been talking about?" The girl spoke as she approached him.
"I am amazed that a squirt like you could beat Kaiba, you're famous you know." Mai kneeled over to his height and gave a smirk. You narrowed your eye, you didn't like her attitude.
"Uh...thank you very much, I think," Yugi mumbled. He looked very uncomfortable. You couldn't blame him.
"Hey miss, I'm a really good friend of the famous Yugi, the master duelist-"
"Look, you're either a champ or a chump. Cut this guy loose. He's fashion-challenged and deserves to be crushed in the games." The girl spoke very rudely. You frowned, you didn't like her at all.
"Well with that attitude, I can see why no one is talking to you." You hissed at the girl. The girl rapidly turned around and faced you with a cold stare. Yugi and Joey looked at each other, then back to you and the girl.
"Excuse me? I don't need anyone." She hissed
"Of course you don't because I can see you've put up such an attitude no one wants to even be close to you." You hissed back.
"ooh snap," Joey mumbled in the back. This girl looked offended,
"excuse me?"
"You're excused." Your eyebrow was raised,
"Well, at least I don't look intimidating." The girl gave a small smirk, "With that eye-patch, I can see no one wants to even take a step closer to you."
"Heard of the phrase 'never judge a book by its cover'?" You leaned forward with your arms crossed, "You may look cute and nice but people can sense a spoiled and disgusting attitude." You smirked to see the girl take a gasp of offense.
"Doesn't matter." The girl huffed and turned around, "That will change once I crush you and everyone in the games. Oh, the name's Mai." Mai winked at Yugi, gave you a cold stare, and left.
"Well, I'll be danged!" Joey clapped his hands together with a wide smile, "Look at Ms. Savage (y/n) over here!" He seemed pretty happy about that, You looked at Joey,
"I can't help it. She had such a horrible attitude." You crossed your arms with a frown, "And the way she treated you? Ugh, it was so horrible." You scoffed. Yugi gave a small chuckle, approached you and patted your back,
"Well, it's nice to have friends who back you up!"
His touch-
It was familiar yet it wasn't. You stared at Yugi, now that you think of it, he reminded you of someone...but who?
"Everyone get inside!" You heard a security guard call out and snapped you out of your thoughts.
"Ah, we should get going, come on!" Yugi ran forward into the boat. You stared at Yugi, then at Joey who was following him.
"Come on (y/n)!" Joey called out,
"Oh...coming." You walked with the 2 boys.
Turns out Joey wasn't exactly wanted to begin with. Many security guards tackled Joey when he complained about the rooms. You just sat there and watched Joey getting tackled, but it wasn't long until Joey's eyes averted to another place and lightened up,
"Weevil and Rex, the Dino Duelist!" Joey shrieked. You looked at his direction to see 2 boys. One of them had a blue bowl-cut hair with large, circle-shaped glasses. The other was a boy with long brown hair with a red beanie.
"You're wasting your time with those guys. The private rooms only go from the last championship, like us." The one with the brown hair said with a smug smile. You shifted, you aren't getting a friendly vibe from these guys. However, Yugi seemed oblivious to their nature and ran up to them with a smile,
"Congratulations on winning the regionals, Weevil!" Yugi congratulated the one with the bowl-cut. Weevil.
"It was nothing." Weevil spoke as if winning was nothing to him. How condescending.
"Yeah, I went easy on him that time." Rex huffed, and Weevil gave him a cold stare. These people with their condescending looks annoyed you.
"Well, yeah? Yugi and I are going to be in the tournament!" Joey broke off from security.
"To tell you all the truth, winning the last championship didn't feel that much of an achievement. I guess I can't really call myself the champion until I defeat the duelist who beat Kaiba. But I'm sure I'll end up battling you in the big tournament Yugi. And frankly, I am looking forward to it." Weevil said with a smug smile
"Well, I am looking forward to it as well," Yugi said with a sweet smile. You felt disgusted with how these people are treating Joey and Yugi. In fact, you felt disgusted to stay in the same room as those 2. All these people are too condescending and rude. You asked the nearest security guard where your room is, and left quietly the moment they told you where. You sat down on the couch in your room and took a deep breath. You were told by Papa that there would be spoiled brats but you never knew that almost everyone in the tournament is. You frowned at the thought of dueling these people, what if you lose to them? How would they react? Oh boy, will you get it big time. You took out your deck and stared at it for a while. You'll be using this deck in less than a day. You gave a small chuckle and held your deck against your chest. You got up and went over to the bed.
"Someone's outside the door." A familiar disoriented voice sprung from your head. You had no other choice but to hop out of the bed to see who was outside
When you opened the door, no one was there. But you had a feeling someone was there, right infront of you,
staring at you.
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