Turns out,Officer Bailey's idea required Sam to be bait.
Tara didn't like the idea of Sam being alone so she insisted on joining her sister.
It took Tara quite a long time to convince you to allow them to do this,but once you finally did,she set out to the park with Sam.
They walk down a pathway.People surround them.Mothers with kids running around, enjoying the nice day.Tara admires them.She wishes she could be carefree like they are.
"You should have stayed with the others.I know Y/N didn't want you to go with me".Sam suddenly says making Tara look up at her.
"That's not gonna happen.I came with you because this involves both of us".Tara tells Sam.
"There's no point in both of us putting ourselves at risk".
"I'm not.I'm your backup".
Tara offers her sister a smile.
Inside the van,you're sat in there with your friends and Kirby who's typing away furiously at a laptop,trying to work the tracking program.You're sat next to Mindy,nervously biting your nails.You're starting to regret letting Tara go and do this and you're really going to hate yourself if she gets hurt.
Mindy puts her hand on your arm to stop you biting your nails. "Y/N/N,relax.Tara's going to be fine.Think positively".
"I hope your right.Who knows what this sick fuck has got planned?".You say.
Mindy looks over to Kirby. "So we're really doing the phone tracing thing that never works in movies.I'll be all,'Keep him talking,Sam.Two more minutes.I've almost got him'.And then he hangs up just before we can get a lock".
"I can trace a call in under fifteen seconds".Kirby says confidently.
"Bullshit".You say skeptically.
Mindy sits up. "Well,you've got them out there as bait".
"Because the killer usually calls from somewhere nearby".Kirby tells her.
"And you think they're safe because it's broad daylight in a public place?".Mindy questions.
"Look,I'm here,ok?And so is Bailey".Kirby says.
"This is exactly how our Uncle Randy died.Board daylight.Public place.Yanked into a van.Stab,stab,stab.No more Randy".Mindy says and Kirby looks at her weirdly.
"Wait,is there a chance we'll be attacked?".Ethan says with a gulp.
"I hope this isn't going to be like that scence in Psycho.But instead of it being in a shower,it'll be a van".You say,playing around with one of the lamps on Kirby's desk.She swats your hand away.
"Way to be positive,Y/N".Mindy glares at you.
Tara can feel the adrenaline rushing through her blood as she tries to scout of her surroundings while not looking suspicious at the same time.Just trying to casually walk with Sam and pretending not to see Officer Bailey behind a bush.There's a million people out here and Tara feels like there's someone watching them.
She's not even startled when Sam's phone rings.
Her sister takes it out of her pocket and on the phone screen pops up the caller ID of 'Richie Kirsch'.Tara gets flashbacks of that Halloween night when her and Sam got attacked.
Tara and Sam glance at each other before looking around and Sam finally picks up the phone.
"You're gonna die you know".Sam says into the phone.
"No,you're gonna die,Samantha.Choking on your own blood while I hack up your sister".The killer on the phone spits out.
"Unless we find you first".
"For a mastermind,you're not very bright.Waiting for me to call desperately hoping I'm nearby so the police can grab me?But I'm not nearby.I'm a step ahead.Be seeing you,Samantha".
The killer hangs up the phone and Sam takes it away from her ear.
"Did you get it?".Sam says to Kirby over her earpeice.
"Yep.Geolocation coming through right now".Kirby tells her.Tara can barely hear it but she does. "He's on the Upper West Side.He's inside an apartment building halfway across the city".
"On West 96th?".Tara says,connecting the dots.
"How did you know that?".Kirby hears her.
"Gale".Sam says.
The two sister straight away take off down the pathway,Officer Bailey running after them.
"Y/N's brother Danny works on the Upper West Side.He can get there quicker".Sam says,taking her phone out.
"Or he could finish her off.Is it possible he's the killer?".Officer Bailey says from behind Tara and Sam.
"Fuck.We have to get there now".
Tara knows that there's absolutley no way your brother could be the killer.That is just impossible.
"It's fifty blocks away.We don't even know if it's true.Sam,wait,take a minute".Officer Bailey reasons.
"We don't have a minute".Sam stops running and whips around.
"Sam.You have to trust me,we got to make the right call".Officer Bailey says.
"He's already-".Sam begins but she is cutt off by Tara shouting her name.
She turns around to see Tara sat in Officer Bailey's car.Instead of fighting,Tara decided to take things into her own hands and take the cops car.
"Get in".Tara tells Sam.
"What's she doing?".Officer Bailey looks at Sam as she sprints over to the car. "Hey!Hey!Get out of my car!".
Sam gets inside the police car while Officer Bailey continues shouting at her.Tara looks at her sister.
"Should we use the sirens?".Sam asks as Tara rolls the windows up.
"Did you really think we were going to steal a police car and not use the sirens?".Tara replies.
She presses the sirens button.The sirens begin blarring loudly and Tara drives the car away into the distance.
Finally,the two sisters arrive at the Upper West Side.It's dark by the time they get there and they nearly got into a car crash several times,but Tara is proud of herself that she somehow got them here in one peice.
She stops the car and turns the key,turning the car off.Sam instantly runs out the car and sprints into the apartment building,Tara runs straight after her.
By the time they get to Gale's apartment,the woman is on the floor while the killer sits ontop of her,trying to stab her with a knife.
"Hey,fuckface!".Sam shouts.
The killer looks up,suprised at the sound of Sam's voice.Sam thinks quickly and Tara watches as she picks a gun up from the floor,points it and shoots at the killer who runs away.
Sam pushes Tara back to stop her running after the Ghostface and Sam runs over to continue shooting but the killer is gone.
Tara looks over at Gale who's laying on the floor with stab wounds.
Tara runs over to the injured woman.
"Oh shit.Gale?".Sam says as she runs over too,throwing the gun on the floor.
Tara watches as Sam presses her hand onto Gale's stab wound to stop the bleeding.
"Sorry.I'm sorry.I should have known that he was gonna come after you.I'm so sorry".Sam says to Gale.
"He didn't get me".Gale tells her.
The sound of the ambulance and police can be heard in the distance.
"Tell Sidney he never got me".Gale says before she closes her eyes.
"Gale".Sam says. "Gale.Please".
Tara looks up as she hears a ding and paramedics walk out of the elevator.They run over to the two sisters and wounded Gale.
"Out of the way!".One of the paramedics shouts at them.
Tara begins to pull her sister away but she resists. "Move.You got to move.Move!".
Tara watches as Sam begins to cry,tears falling out her eyes as she screams.The girl moves her sister away so the paramedics can do their job,so they can save Gale.
One of the paramedics puts her fingers on Gale's neck and checks for a pulse. "Got a weak pulse.Get the backboard.We need to move now".
Sam continues sobbing while Tara is glad that Gale is still hanging on.
The important thing right now is for the paramedics to get Gale to the hospital so they can help her.
After you and your friends plus Kirby learnt that Tara and Sam stole Officer Bailey's police car and drove to Gale's apartment,you headed there straight away.
Stopping outside the apartment building,you shoot out of the car and run into the lobby where you see Tara and Sam sitting on a couch.Tara's face brightens up when she see's you and you run straight to her,pulling her into a hug.
"Are you ok?Are you hurt?".You ask after a solid minute,pulling away to check any signs of Tara being injured.
"No.I'm fine".Tara replies.Her face falls when she remembers what happened to Gale. "But,Gale....The ambulance is taking her to the hospital".
"Is she going to be ok?".You say.
"Hopefully".Tara tells you.
You look over to Sam who's sat frozen still,clearly blaming herself for all of this.You walk away from Tara and you walk up to Sam.
"Hey,I'm really sorry about Gale.Danny should be here any minute now.He's stuck in traffic".You tell her.
Sam doesn't respond.She doesn't even look at your or nod,she just carries on looking down and being in her head.
Tara grabs a hold of your hand,pulling you to sit down next to her.
Just then,after everyone's settle down into silence,Danny runs into the lobby,panting.He obviously sprinted into the building.
"Hey.Hey.I got here as fast as I could".Danny says out of breath and you watch as Sam gives him a look.A look that you can't describe but she definetly didn't trust him anymore.
"Did you?".Tara looks at him and you turn your head her way,your eyes meeting.
You pull away from Tara.You realise that she suspects Danny.It's unbelivable.Your brother could not be the killer,there is just no way and you know it.Just like Tara won't let anyone speak badly about Sam,you won't let anyone speak badly about Danny.Even if it's Tara.
"I'm scared,you guys".Mindy speaks up. "I really don't want to get hurt again".
"Neither do I".Chad says.
"I don't want you getting hurt again either".
"I know.I know".
Chad puts his head on Mindy's shoulder and so does Tara.
"So what do we do now?".Chad asks.
"Maybe he gets to win this time".Sam replies and all of you look at her as she stands up. "He wants to punish me.Me.So maybe I let him.I'll just give myself up.If this is what I have to do to keep you safe it's worth it".
Tara stands up and looks at her sister who's crying. "No,we're not doing that,Sam. You went back to Woodsboro to protect me.Every single day you make the decision to protect me.None of us would even be alive if it weren't for you.You have to let us protect you this time".
Sam shakes her head. "No".
"Yes.We're a team,remember?".
"Actually,we're a family".Mindy speaks up.
Chad smiles and stands up,putting the back of his hand out and Mindy puts her's on the top of his. "Let's go!Core four!".
Tara puts her hand on top of theres.
"Core what?".Danny asks.
"It's an us thing".Chad replies.
"He's gonna keep coming after us".Sam looks at Tara.
"Isn't there somewhere safe we could just hole
up in?".Ethan says.
"No,he's just gonna keep finding us".Tara says.You look at her and you can tell an idea pops up in her head. "We could use that though".
"I'm getting my ass chewed out for not dropping the case and now you want me to do what?".Officer Bailey says through the phone.
You sit with your arms crossed over your chest while the others gather round Sam's phone,talking to Officer Bailey about Tara's idea.
"We cant to lure him to a secure location and trap him inside".Tara says.
"And then what?".Officer Bailey asks.
"We execute him".Tara replies,looking at all of you.Officer Bailey goes silent. "Are you going to help us?".
"Let's kill the son of a bitch.Now,I'm stuck here but Gale gave us the keycards to theater.It's got heavy surveillance and security cameras but we can use that against him.I'll tell Kirby to meet you there and I'll join you as soon as I can".
"Got it".
"And remember,travel in public.The more people around you the less chance he has to take a shot at you before you get there".
After Officer Bailey hangs up the phone, everyone begins to walk towards the front door of the lobby.
You stand up and Tara holds onto your arm but you snatch it away.She looks at you and your face is cold.
"What's wrong?".Tara asks.
You spin around to face her before replying. "What's wrong?Are we just gonna ignore the fact you just suspected my brother of being the killer?".
"Y/N,like Anika said,everyone's a suspect.It's a little suspicious that he got here after Gale was attacked".Tara points out and you want to smack her in the face.
She has no right of accusing your brother like that,why would he do something like this?
"He was stuck in traffic".You tell her,starting to get more frustrated. "Do you really think he would be able to do something like this?He's my brother.He loves Sam and he would never do anything to hurt her".
"We thought Richie loved Sam too but then it turned out he was behind the attacks".Tara says.
"Yeah,because he was a psycho!".You exclaim.
"I'm just being cautious".Tara looks at you.
Your jaw clenches."I thought I could trust you,Tara.I guess not".
With that,you turn around and walk away,desperately trying to cry.Leaving Tara standing there alone.
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