Loki explained to Frigga how he searched the whole palace, finding that Cassie had disappeared. She could see the worry on his face. On the one hand, she was furious about this, already guessing who was probably behind this. On the other hand, she was so happy that Loki had finally found someone to care about. After all this time, he was finally opening his heart.
Frigga stood up as Loki put his head in his hands. "I will be right back, darling. You wait here."
She left her room with a determined look on her face. She hurried through the hallways into her husband's throne room. She pushed open the doors, not bothering to knock.
"Frigga?" Odin looked away from his guard that he had been talking with to Frigga. "Is something wrong, my dear?"
"Yes, something is wrong," she said, continuing walking, only stopping when she had climbed the steps up to his throne and stood next to him. "Our son is in my room, worried out of his mind for his sjelevenn(soulmate), who has gone missing."
Odin gasped at the name she used to refer to Cassie with. "How could you use that name? There hasn't been even so much as a rumor about one in millennia."
"Do not doubt my knowledge," Frigga glared at him. "Now, where is she?"
"Gone," Odin snapped. "She's dead."
Frigga looked him dead in the eyes, and after a few moments he flinched and looked away. She turned to the guard next to him. "What happened to her?"
The guard looked nervously to Odin and stuttered out, "Uh...she's um...dead."
Frigga sighed. "You asked for this." She raised her hand and the guard started levitating off the floor, but pulled from his neck so he couldn't breathe. Frigga held him there for a few seconds, enough so that it was becoming painful but not close to dying, before setting him down calmly.
The guard fell to the ground, panting heavily and looked scared at her. "What? You think I was chosen for Queen because of my looks? I will ask this again: Where is she?"
"I- I don't know," the guard admitted and Odin sighed, putting his fingers to his forehead.
"You don't know?" Frigga asked. "Elaborate."
"We were ordered to capture and kill her but she escaped into the woods, your majesty," the guard spoke quickly and looked scared at Odin.
"Now, was that so hard?" She smiled sweetly. "Thank you." Frigga turned around and walked out of the room. She sent a message to Loki to come meet with her and teleported away.
She materialized in front of Heimdall, who didn't look surprised to see her. A moment later, Loki appeared as well.
"Mother? Have you found anything out?" Loki asked worriedly.
Frigga only looked to Heimdall, who shook his head sadly. "The moment she escaped the guards I lost sight of her."
Frigga frowned. "I'm sorry, my son."
"She's alive. I'll find her," Loki said determinedly. "I...I need to."
Frigga smiled kindly at him. "That's what love does." Loki tried stuttering out protests, that it wasn't like that, but Frigga only chuckled knowingly and left. "Good luck."
Heimdall didn't look at Loki, but Loki could see a small smile forming on Heimdall's face.
Loki walked out, determined to find Cassie.
For the next 6 days he went to the village market square and just sat by a bar. All day and night. He refused any drink for fear that he might miss her. He stared at every person that walked by, noticing any small detail on them that reminded him of Cassie. He kept telling himself that she would show up.
His mother mentally checked in on him every day, which he did appreciate, but he wouldn't to let her visit him. He had to stay focused on the crowd. If she was using magic to hide herself he would find her.
He almost felt he was going insane watching the same thing all day. He could smell the scents coming from all the different stores. The tang of spices. The sweetness of the fruits. He could hear the children beg their parents for candy.
On the 7th day of being at the bar Loki heard screams. People ran away from something on one side of the market with fear, while the brave—or stupid depending on your view—men went towards it to prove their strength.
Loki quickly made his way to the cause of the commotion and almost couldn't believe who he saw. He would recognize that white pelt and red eyes anywhere.
As if a string tugged him forwards, he told the men to leave and transformed into his usual black wolf and approached her.
As if she didn't even recognize him, Cassie bared her fangs at him aggressively. He kept trying to take a step closer to her but she would only snarl. She growled any time he took a step closer, but she didn't run away either, so he took that as a good sign.
When he felt the real danger had passed, and it was now when she would be able to calm down, he noticed the energy pulsing from her. It was visible magic pulsing. It was then that he realized why she was acting this way.
Cassie hadn't used magic in so long that it had built up so much that she couldn't control herself. If he could get close enough to her he could siphon some of the buildup away. The problem was actually being close enough to touch her.
"Cassie," he said softly, and she paused her snarling at his voice. "Please."
Cassie didn't speak, she only shook her head as if trying to get rid of a voice in her head. Loki slowly stepped towards her, carful not to make any additional noises.
In a moment, he was close enough to her to touch her, he waited for her to look him in the eyes before he touched her nose with his own.
She quickly pulled away, but not before he siphoned some magic. He noticed she could feel the difference and after some hesitation, she let him touch her again, and she sighed as he siphoned some more magic. Not enough to really hurt her, or even boost his magic much, but the magic pulsing from her slowly stopped and she visibly calmed down.
"Loki...what...," Cassie muttered out, looking at their surroundings. "What happened?"
Loki turned back into his Asgardian form, and Cassie followed suit transforming out of her wolf form. "I'm sorry, this was my fault letting Odin do this to you." Loki held Cassie's face in his hands.
"Loki..." Cassie put her hands on his wrists.
"Min kjære, kyss meg (my love, kiss me)," Loki blurted out, slipping into a Asgardian.
Cassie didn't even hesitate before crashing her lips against his, though. "You don't need to ask."
A/n: Just want to clarify that Asgardian was actually based on Norwegian, so if you try and translate the words they would translate normally in Norwegian :)
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