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[Wings of fire - Evolution AU] What if Darkstalker listened to Fathom? The dragonets of destiny never had a destiny. They were hatched just like every other dragon, on the rim of war, ready to fight for their tribes and die for their world. Except, they aren't the exact same dragonets that you know, having never lived under the mountain, never growing up together.Though they may still be the dragonets that you remember. -Daily updates- From chapter 2:Uhar woke, blinking in confusion at the light. He'd never seen anything this bright in his life. Looking out over the cliff, he saw the source, like a blinding flame that was thousands of times more powerful than any spark. It was round and it rested in the sky far above him, illuminating the ground below. It was strange in more ways than that. Since it seemed as if the sky itself was broken. The whiteness that had completely covered it before had moved. Revealing a bright endless blue behind. There were still patches of that whiteness far above, but they seemed fluffy now, no longer a blanket of dread covering the world. They were all different shapes and sizes, but they had none of the previously uniform aesthetic. The sky was turning bright colors as he watched, reds and oranges, reflecting off those white things into pinks and purples as well, it was the most wonderful thing that Uhar had ever seen, colors he'd never even imagined were in that sky. He watched the world in awe, feeling his ears rise with excitement. If this was the world his ancestors had left behind, he couldn't imagine why they'd ever wanted to leave.โฆ