The Perfect Race

The Perfect Race

5 0 4

We all get together on Saturday morning once a month. We did this to replace the lunch or dinner like my mother did for years at our house or Maura's home. We meet at ten and have various races at our home. Some are inside when the weather is bad. If the weather is really bad and unsafe for people to come to our home, we have people video tape and they are to time themselves and submit to Maura and I. The top person wins five hundred dollars. Age doesn't matter. The more the merrier.…

gossip girl

gossip girl

16 0 8

Maura, myself and others who was writing about people in the Boston Globe daily paper. We met the owner and he just would tell Maura and I. The person was just writing the truth and people are buying his newspaper. He didn't want go have to offer his paper on line like many other papers. We hired investigators to find out who was writing this article. Each person returned to tell us they didn't know. Each one suggested us to let it go.…



11 0 11

My retired wife, Dr. Maura Dorthea Isles-Rizzoli was walking towards me, passing a construction site. She smiles when she sees, and we both hear men and women whistling at her. I looked at them eating their lufLou da nch.…

Precision Club

Precision Club

42 0 40

This is the third book of baby mamas and irrestible. Thomas Rizzoli Jr. men's dancing club opens tonight for just family and close friends. This story can be found under romance in my story lists. All of the rest of the Rizzoli and Isles stories will be there. Eventually, I will max that category out and won't be able to publish anymore. I enjoyed writing for you all.…



46 0 44

This is a sequel and last story following baby mamas. Emalina Roberts is with Olivia and could be Emma Roberts twin. She never knew her parents She and Olivia Fox dated, and Emalina is in advertising. People call her Emma, too. Emalina has no living relatives. Her two brothers, Rick and Garrett, died .Olivia met her when she and her equal business partner, Nicole Paget Rizzoli , wanted help to do ads for their accounting firm after Olivia parentage was found out. Gloria O'Reilly was a former Irish Donna. She died many years ago, but their competition looked into both of their backgrounds when they found out about Gloria O' Rielly. Olivia was not embarrassed that she had two mothers. Gloria was a hermaphrodite or intersex. She was able to get one of her employees, Isabella, aka Izzy, pregnant. Olivia sold her mother's businesses. She didn't want to be associated with the Irish mob. She told them she denounced her any association with the mob. She donated the funds in Venice,Italy, and in Boston, Massachusetts, to local shelters. The FBI didn't go after Olivia. She now changed her last name to Olivia Fox. This was Gloria's new last name. Only her wife and their only child, Olivia, knew of her vocal chords, and a plastic surgeon reconfigured her face to look different. She used acid to burn her fingerprints and got fake teeth so dental records couldn't use to identify her body. Gloria died of gunshot wounds protecting Olivia from being kidnapped while she he was coming home from a college party. Olivia and Emalina got married a few data after Elizabeth and Shelby in Lake Tahoe.…



1 0 9

Candace Davenport was born and raised in Davenport, in Cheshire, England. She is the owner of high end brothel in New Orleans on a cruise liner that goes between New Orleans and the Gulf of Mexico. She is an ex DEA. She got tired of arresting people who had deep pockets and would be released the same or the next day out of jail. The judicial system was eighty-five percent in their favor. Candace runs a clean business. No drugs were allowed. She had trained dogs on her ship that would sniff each customer before the client boards the ship. If you had drugs in your possession, you were not allowed onto the ship, no exceptions unless it was a legitimate prescription. Absolutely, no marijuana was allowed. She has a degree in business management.…

baby mamas

baby mamas

198 0 37

Detective Jane Rizzoli is a homicide detective with the Boston Police Department and is happily married to Dr. Maura Rizzoli - Isles but goes by Dr. Maura Isles. Maura is the chief forensics medical examiner for the common wealth of Boston, Massachusetts, who works out of the basement of the police department.…

Love at first site

Love at first site

29 0 31

My name is Julie Brown, and I am a chef on a weekly TV show with my colleague Mark Hughes. Mark is very attractive and knows it. We both are well-known chefs in New York and have our own restaurants. My restaurant is called JB'S. Mark's is called Hughes. We are both five-star seafood restaurant owners. Mark knows he is very handsome and knows he can get any gal he wants. I am very attractive and people often think I could be a professional model. Mark drives a charcoal Cabrera porshe. As for me, I drive my black audi. We grew up together and couldn't believe it when we moved in the same neighborhood, went to the same church and got a job on the same network of Fox to be hosts on a weekly TV show. We didn't know it until we showed up for our first day to meet with the producer and the director. His problem is that I come from a well-known influential family in New York, but don't flaunt my wealth. He did well on earning a basketball scholarship at Syracuse University. He was a communications major. He blew out his knee. I attended Syracuse University, too, and earned my degree in business management. We both went to culinary school in Italy.…



7 0 22

Melissa Duprey is a chef and owner of Duprey's restaurant in Sacramento and San Francisco, California. Her former husband, Lester Gruger, is the manager of it. These two restaurants are luxurious and require the men to wear a tie. The women are to wear dresses. No exceptions. There are not too many such restaurants in either city. Jeremiah is Melissa's long-time friend and lawyer who lives in Sacramento. He works for his brother, Regan McArthur, McArthur, and Associates in Sacramento. Jeremiah is a tax lawyer. Krista Lapierre is Jeremiah's wife. She is a cpa for Lapierre accounting firm with her cousin Pierre Lapierre. They are equal partners. Pierre is gay and his husband is Ricciardi Lapierre. Ricciardi owns three bars. One downtown in Sacramento. One in Florin and the other in Lincoln.…

Getting Ready for the Montreal Olympics

Getting Ready for the Montreal Olympics

20 0 7

My name is Jane Rizzoli. I am a daughter to a plumber and a housewife. I am the eldest sibling to two younger brothers who I love immensely. I work with my father on call at night when I am not working in the winter months competing for titles. My goal is to be a part of the skiing Olympic team representing Boston,Massachusetts, and the United States.…

Dr. Maura Isles

Dr. Maura Isles

39 0 47

Maura and Lauren are still together after twenty years but not married. They both purchased new furniture for their penthouses.This book covers the younger generation being in their careers now and what Maura and Lauren do in their retirement. This story has many twist and turns.…

Jane & Maura

Jane & Maura

36 0 29

Detective Jane Rizzoli and Dr. Maura Isles Rizzoli live in Boston, Massachusetts. They recently moved into their new home.…

Lost Love

Lost Love

79 0 12

Dr. Maura Isles is the chief forensic medical examiner of Boston, Massachusetts. Her lost love is Detective Jane Rizzoli. Jane is a homicide detective with the Boston Police department. They have dated many men, and both were engaged, but they never went through with their weddings. The two of them couldn't. They knew it would be wrong to marry men when their hearts weren't fully 100 percent in it.…

Chicago Bound

Chicago Bound

8 0 19

Lorenzo Lopez, 44, and Carla 42 Lopez long-time friends of Julia and Robert Cruz in Chicago, Alma and Cecily Murillo.Lorenzo is a carpenter who makes furniture and sell it online only. His wife , Carla of thirteen years, owns three subway sandwich franchises in Chicago. Julia Cruz was a marketing executive and now is a professor teaching business courses at the University of Chicago. Robert Cruz is the dean of the social work department. Julia, 43, and Robert Cruz,46, can not have children. Cecily and Alma murillo are lawyers in Chicago and have their own law firm, Murillo, and associates. They have two daughters, Angela 27 and Elsa 25, who are nurses in the Philippines who are single and only focused on work, friends, and enjoying life. None of them are interested in dating either gender. The Cecily went to a sperm bank to get inseminated, and it took three times for it to take twice. Alma worked while Cecily worked on a few cases until it got closer to the two due dates.…



134 0 35

Dr. Maura Isles is my biology professor at Sacramento State University. She speaks eloquently and wears tight-fitting designer clothing that accentuates her body beautifully. She has both genders drooling for her and probably having sex dreams about her. I am a senior retaking biology and must pass her class to graduate this semester. I am on a softball scholarship. This is my third time taking biology. She is a new professor. She used to teach in Boston, Massachusetts, per her online teachers' file.…



52 0 65

My name is Julia Jones. I am a 35-year bartender at a well-known club in NYC. A lot of ordinary people and celebrities come to the club to see the women and men dance on the stage.…



10 0 10

This is a second story of the Campus Caller series. Detective Sargeant Cameron Salas and Detective Sargeant Wendy Stark's are working on multiple cases dealing with people who are taking the laws in their own hands and killing people who were found innocent or haven't been caught yet. This story will dive into relationships of their own and their loved ones…

Campus Caller

Campus Caller

33 0 46

New York has always been known for a lot of criminal activities, a well known culture events, excellent education , exceptional arts, and so much more. Wendy Starks and Cameron Salas are detectives with the New York police department. They are working on a case involving women being killed.…

Hired Help

Hired Help

20 1 20

Mercenaries for hire... They will protect, steal, and possibly kill someone if it requires. The price has to be right for them to take the job. They are ex military, highly skilled, and highly sought after by their employer.Michael Madison Larry WilcoxPerry SternLibby HedgerMaria Ramos Kathleen KellyRay Homes Reyna Zamora…

White Silk

White Silk

18 0 23

White Silk is the fifth and final story of the mentor series. It will also be the last book with these characters. White Silk is the main horse Dr. Julia Leon rides. She rides her other horses but this is her first thorough bred she bought when she had and Cindy bought the property together to build their separate homes before they got married and had Julia's sons design a new one for them both to live in as a married couple. Julian and Liz purchased Cindy's home.…