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CHAPTER 22: Trauma

"Lady Chinua, are you alright?" I asked with a concerned tone. I was truly worried after witnessing the brutal attack by the monster.

"It would take that monster a hundred years to injure me. An attack like that means nothing," she replied with a touch of arrogance, displaying her remarkable self-confidence.

I was taken aback. Who exactly was Lady Chinua? Her agile and skilled movements, as well as the way she fought the monster, clearly showed that she was a highly skilled martial artist. My curiosity was piqued.

However, my eyes were drawn to a glittering stone in her hand. The stone seemed to be the source of power for the monster we had just defeated. I couldn't resist asking about it.

"What is that thing?" I inquired, full of curiosity.

"Are you joking? This is the monster's core crystal. Even the bracelet you're wearing is made from it," she replied, raising her eyebrows, appearing puzzled by my lack of knowledge.

I was surprised. "Is that so? I had no idea about that."

Lady Chinua simply facepalmed, looking annoyed. "Think about it, how can you survive in this world if you don't know the basics about monsters and their powers?"

She was right. I really needed to learn more about this world, about magic, monsters, and the logic that governs everything. My guess was correct - the stone was the source of the monster's power.

"Anyway, don't think about it too much. The important thing now is to help these soldiers," she said, looking around with a concerned gaze.

I followed her line of sight. The scene around us was bleak. Injured soldiers lay scattered, some barely moving. Their wounds ranged from minor to horrific. A sense of despair began to set in.

"Isn't there a quick way to heal them?" I asked, still searching for a solution.

"There is a quick way, but only certain people have that ability. Usually, it's the healers who work under the cathedral. They have effective healing expertise. But... they're not cheap. Healers like that usually charge high fees, and not everyone can afford it," Chinua explained with a hesitant tone.

Her explanation made me angry. How morality in this world seemed to have vanished, even in the matter of saving lives. Perhaps one of the reasons I was in this world was to change this chaotic system.

"Can you do something with your magic?" I asked, hoping she had a solution.

"I can, but there are limits. Besides, my techniques are different from most people in this country. I can only heal one person, and my brother is always the priority," she replied, her voice filled with care.

Her explanation made me realize that healing magic was not something that could be learned casually. Perhaps it required natural talent and great dedication to master.

Suddenly, Lord Leonard descended from the wagon with a face full of concern. Syira followed him carefully, her eyes sweeping the surrounding scene. She appeared shaken by the sight of the fallen soldiers.

"How could this happen?" Lord Leonard asked in a desperate voice.

"Unfortunate things are difficult to avoid, Lord Leonard. Let's face this with our heads held high," I said, trying to restore his spirit.

He nodded, though he still looked burdened. "Yes, you're right. Let's do our best to care for them."

Suddenly, Syira ran towards me with a worried expression. "Master Yudha, I'm so glad you're safe!" she exclaimed before hugging me tightly.

I smiled slightly, gently patting her shoulder. "I told you, I'd be fine," I replied, trying to calm her.

I just realized something interesting about Syira. Even though we had just met, she was already so familiar and comfortable around me. There was something indescribable in our relationship, a bond that felt so natural, as if we had known each other for years.

However, this understanding brought a difficult dilemma for me. If I handed Syira over to Lady Chinua to protect her, I knew Syira would be emotionally hurt. She had become too comfortable with me. On the other hand, I did not want to involve her in the dangers that continued to loom. My simple desire was to protect her from all threats.

These thoughts swirled in my head, even as I was busy tending to the wounds of the helpless soldiers lying around us. Their bodies were covered in injuries, blood flowing, and their gazes filled with pain. The sight was truly heartbreaking.

The healing potions became our last hope. However, the supply was very limited. We had to divide them carefully, ensuring that everyone received a small portion. I knew these potions were not enough to fully heal them, but at least they could alleviate the pain they were suffering.

The soldiers' eyes shone with hope as they received the potions. They did not complain, only grateful for what little they got. This moment gave me a sense of relief, a small happiness amidst the great difficulties.

In another corner, I saw Lady Chinua sitting and shivering, focusing all her energy on the unconscious Chengiz. With her hands outstretched, she tried to channel her healing energy into her fellow disciple's body. A gentle light enveloped Chengiz, radiating warmth and hope.

"Hang in there, Chen'er! I won't let you go so easily!" she cried out, her voice trembling. Her eyes glistened, as if holding back tears. The sincerity in her voice echoed in my heart. She was exerting all the power she had, even though I knew her condition was not the best either.

I could only stand, feeling responsible for providing support, even if it was just to strengthen the spirit in the midst of this suffering. The world I was standing in was indeed full of chaos and despair, but I was certain that there was still a small light remaining within it.

Today, I made a promise to myself: I will be a part of that light. I will help those in need, not only with potions or physical support, but also with my presence that brings hope. If there is something I can do to improve the morality of this world, I will do it, even if the steps are small and gradual.


All the soldiers had been treated, but there were still a few who remained unconscious. Unfortunately, this monster attack had claimed some lives.

Three out of the nine soldiers had met their demise due to blood loss from the terrible lacerations caused by the T-Rex's tail. With heavy hearts and full of respect, we buried their bodies, hoping their souls could rest in peace.

"May their spirits rest in peace," Lord Leonard said.

Earlier, I was puzzled by the way Lord Leonard used his magic with such skill. He even easily created a grave using the power of his sorcery. It was no wonder that a nobleman like him was assigned to this mission. I was certain that Lord Leonard was once a highly talented soldier. I had many curious questions I wanted to ask him.

However, it felt strange to me, given his impressive magical abilities. He should have been able to face the monster and prevent the inevitable loss of life.

"Lord Leonard, I'm truly impressed by your extraordinary magical abilities. From fire magic to earth magic, you command them all with perfection. You also seem to be a master of the sword arts. I wonder, who are you exactly?" I asked with a mix of feelings.

"Ah, I see... I was once a respected army general. But at the age of 50, I decided to retire to focus on guarding my own territory," Lord Leonard said with a warm smile.

"However, fate had other plans. Five years later, I received a call from the country to replace our late foreign minister. That is why I am now a minister," he explained.

My guess was correct - this man had a truly illustrious background. In addition to being a former general, Lord Leonard is now a foreign minister. But I was still confused as to why he was reluctant to help us when the monster attacked.

"Forgive me if I'm being presumptuous, but why did you not intervene to assist the soldiers who were escorting you?" I asked, my confusion clearly evident.

"How dare you speak to Lord Leonard in that way? Where are your manners, Lord Yudha?" the Captain Knight rebuked me with anger, clearly offended by my words that may have sounded disrespectful to Lord Leonard.

"It's alright, Paul. Let me speak. This is my fault for not helping and only being a burden to you. Yudha said is true. I was too afraid to face the Dolagos Dragon because of the trauma from my past," Lord Leonard explained with a sorrowful voice.

"In the past, when I was still a young man, I was escorting a noblewoman named Elaina, along with other guards. On the way back, we were attacked by this Dolagos Dragon. My comrades sacrificed themselves to protect the Lady. Since then, I have been haunted by that trauma."

"Then how did you manage to survive?" I asked, my curiosity piqued.

"At the time of the incident, a very powerful Elf sorceress happened to appear and saved us. Thanks to her, the life of the Princess Elaina and myself were spared, and she then handed us over to the local authorities in the kingdom. But she disappeared without a trace, and to this day I have never been able to meet her again to express my gratitude," Lord Leonard concluded, his voice filled with emotion.

From Lord Leonard's story, I finally concluded that he had a very traumatic experience with this monster. The terrible memory still lingered in his mind, making him reluctant to face the monster directly.

Meanwhile, his relationship with the Elf sorceress who saved him remains an unsolved mystery. After so many years, there was a strong possibility that the Elf sorceress was still alive. In fantasy stories, the Elf race can live for hundreds or even thousands of years. I was certain that she was somewhere out there.



Meanwhile, deep within the Fluoran Forest, there was a large treehouse inhabited by an Elf woman. At the moment, she was relaxing, enjoying a cup of herbal tea while studying a magic tome with great serenity.

"Achoo... hmm, it seems someone is talking about me," she suddenly sneezed, rubbing her nose with her right index finger.

After feeling calm, the Elf woman resumed her focused reading.

Also read the story about this Elf in
Echoes of Eternity: The Journey of Friena (Translation COMING SOON)

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