I stared at the phone in complete shock. Connor. Why the fuck is Connor calling me.
"Wait you're still talking to him?" Louis asks, his voice slightly worried.
"No I-I'm not," I say, only giving him half my attention.
"But he called you?"
"Yes and I don't know why?"
"How come you didn't block him?"
"I don't know Louis okay?" I say as my voice slightly raises.
My hand falls from his chest, and the both of us listen to the ringtone, feeling frozen as if neither of us could move.
"Ar-Are you gonna answer?" He asks, leaning over my shoulder to look at the phone.
"No... I want him to think my phone's not on me."
It rings a few more times before stopping. But me and Louis remain still.
Why did that irritate me so much?
Why was I upset when something interrupted my kiss with Louis?
"Y/n please say you aren't lying to me," Louis asks once more with that same concern in his voice. I know I shouldn't be getting annoyed with him but I am and I don't know why.
"Just shut up Louis," I say with a stern force as the boy leans away and lays himself on my bed.
That's when my phone dings. That one loud one that sounds like you're hitting a triangle instrument.
And it dings again. Louis roughly sighs behind me.
"Please don't tell me he's texting you no-"
"He is! Okay? Just- Louis maybe you should go."
"But I don't want him to hurt you again!"
"Just leave Louis! He won't!"
The boy sighs and sits up off my bed, then walks towards the door but pauses to look back at me.
"I'm sorry..." he mumbles, opening my door and leaving.
We'll just have to practice chemistry another time.
I look down at my texts, more rolling in. My phone is already exploding with dm's and texts that I haven't had the time to open.
And he keeps texting me.
Y/n I need to talk to you
It's an emergency
Y/n please
What the fuck do you want
You really thought I'd want to talk to you after the things you said to me?
I know and I get that you think I'm a dick but can you please just answer the call.
Please y/n
Omfg fine
Two minutes
I've never been more annoyed in my life. He stopped my kiss with Louis, won't stop texting, and now he wants to talk. I swear he'll drive me off a cliff one day.
My phone starts ringing again, Connor's contact popping up.
I should've blocked that name the second I saw it.
Before answering the phone however, I let it ring a few times. I don't want to answer.
But even through all this hatred and annoyance, a microscopic part of me is wondering what he has to say.
Like what if he says
"I'm sorry y/n, I promise I'm different now."
"I have a new girlfriend who loves me more than you ever did."
"I told the entire school about our fight."
"I didn't get to finish what I wanted to say last time we talked."
I answer the call.
"Y/n? You there?" He asks through the cell, sounding slightly tired and sad.
"Yup. The whore is here," I roll my eyes just at the sound of his voice.
"Y/n you know I didn't mean it when I called you that..." he sighs.
"Oh sure you didn't. You said girls are sluts, you called me a cunt, and told me I should go fuck Louis because I'm a whore. You totally didn't mean any of that."
"Oh and don't forget that you said it's fine that you spiked two girls drinks and god knows what you did to them later that nigh-"
I stop talking. As much as I want to go off and I wish I could punch him through the phone screen, I have to let him talk.
"I know how horrible I sounded okay? I know. And I'm sorry. I was a dick and I don't have any excuse to why."
I roll my eyes and lay down on my bed, feeling something sharp press against my back.
"You got that right," I say to Connor through the phone, reaching under me to pull out whatever thing I laid on.
It was round, and smooth. I pulled it out from behind my back, and see one of Louis' rings. It probably fell off.
Even with how annoyed I am with Connor right now, a small smile forms on my lips when I see his ring, and I put it on my finger.
"So can you do that?" Connor asks. Oh shit he's still talking.
"Do what? I wasn't listening," I say through the phone, playing with Louis' ring, and warming it up slightly.
"You didn't hear any of that?" Connor asks through the device.
He sighs and I hear some shuffling through the phone.
"Listen this time. Please."
This is so annoying. This is so insanely annoying.
"Ever since our fight, I realized how I sound. I was a complete bitch. Don't worry, I know."
"Again, you got that one right."
"But I just- I've been missing talking to you. Because as much as I know I was terrible, you made me feel happy. And I just miss that. So I'm not asking for us to get together yet, I just wanna start talking. Like friends or something."
Does this boy really think I wanna talk to him? Ha. Good joke Connor.
"Yeah, no that isn't happening."
"Please y/n," he begs. And he sounds hurt, "I just wanna talk with you again. And I promise I'll put in more effort. I just miss us."
He sounds upset.
No. He hurt you remember?
Maybe he's changed.
He hasn't. He's just gonna do it again.
Y/n maybe you should give him another shot.
"No," I say through the phone, "I'm not letting you hop back into my life that easily."
I hear a sigh come through the phone and then it was quiet for a moment.
"I'm sorry..." he mumbled, sounding seemingly disappointed.
"It's fine if you don't wanna talk, but is it alright if I just text you when I need someone to talk to? You might not still be into me but I'm into you..."
I don't get this. I don't get him.
"Fine. You can text me. But I might now respond every time because I'm busy."
Why am I doing this?
"Thank you so much y/n. I'm really sorry and I promise I'll fix things with us."
Yeah we'll see about that.
"Whatever. Bye Connor."
"Bye y/n."
What the hell did I just get myself into.
A/N: Not a very long chapter but a lot of you wanted an update asap so here you goooo
Do you think y/n will forgive Connor or will she keep hating him?
More importantly... will she tell Louis?
Oooooh okay sorry I'm done
Y'all better prepare yourself for some DRAMA
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