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What if James was in love with Regulus as well as Lily? After Sirius left for Hogwart he left his younger brother, Regulus Black behind to deal with their parent alone. Now, Sirius has made new friends and left his family in the past. Regulus knew things were different the moment Sirius didn't come home for the holidays in his first year.Now, Regulus is at Hogwarts, although his and his Gryffindor brother's relationship is completely different.Eventually, Regulus starts getting dragged along to the Marauderers hangouts and develops feelings for his brother's best friend.(Bare with me, the first 10 or so chapters are probably crap but it gets better)Tw: Please be aware of the fact that there may be intended mention of child abuse at certain points throughout the fic but I never directly write it.Oh, uh and they eat waffles at some point?~Wolfstar as a background ship~~Don't correct any of my spelling mistakes, i didn't ask you to peer read my writing. ~~If I write something different than canon that's because it's fanfic and I can do what I want~~Don't like, don't read~…