~ twenty three ~

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"Cut! Alrighty you two," Harry sighs with the clipboard in hand as he walks over to Louis and I.
"I know you are young, and I know neither of you are A list celebrities, or have much acting experience, but I need to start seeing chemistry between your characters."

Me and Louis were both in costume and sitting on the small trailer behind an automobile, filled with hay and sheep.

Yes, sheep.

After Harry heard about my ankle, he gave the day off to try and let me heal it. But now we're back exactly where we started. On set.

I feel my cheeks slightly turn pink when Harry talks about the chemistry between me and Louis.

"So, we're gonna try this scene again from the top, and when you're leaving Enola, Louis I want you to look at her as if you wish you just run off and stay with her. Okay? Tewksbury doesn't want to leave Enola and I need you to portray that."
Louis glances at me for a second and then quickly looks down.
"Got it," he nods.

"As far as you Ms Downey," Harry turns to me, "Enola is worried about Tewksbury. She feels like he needs her. I need you to show that worry right now okay? You both don't want the other to go. Understood?"!Harry asks me, slipping a pen out from under his ear and writes some things down on some lined paper.

"I want you guys to get together tonight and practice some things that could help the romance come alive on stage. You can practice eye contact, emotions, I'd even suggest beginning to practice that kiss at the end."


"Alright let's start again, from the top!" He calls out to the rest of the crew. Louis and I were both quiet. Neither of us have said anything to one another since his birthday. And now we're supposed to practice kissing? Me and him aren't even on talking terms right now. And I know that if I try to fix it, something will happen between us and I'll be starting at base one again.

Meaning I have to pretend everything is alright, for we made that agreement to acting as if everything is fine in front of the crew.

When we're on set, let's make an agreement to act as if we don't have any history.

Somehow I still remember the exact words he texted me that day.

"We're rolling in three, two, one, action!"

The automobile started moving, scene beginning.

"Well you would say that," I chuckle a bit as I recite my first line. Louis looks down and laughs under his breath, his arm hung over the wooden plank across us. I look over at the boy and his smile.

He doesn't need the wig anymore, and boy was he happy about that. I overheard him talking to Willow about how insanely itchy it made his hair.

Once the ride made it down to "London" and the rest of the scene was about to take place, I hop off the automobile and brush off the hay stuck on my costume.
"Oh, so this is where we part," Louis says, looking over to me.

"It is," I subtly sigh and look back into his chocolate eyes. The boy nods and looks down, taking Harry's advice and making sure he looks somewhat as if he doesn't want to leave me.

"Well then thank you, Enola Holmes, for helping me here," he shows a tiny smile.

I smile back.

"You were supposed to have forgotten that name," I say to the boy.

I know this is acting, but the whole eye contact thing is causing my stomach to flip.
"Then you'll have to find another..." he smiles as the trailer cart begins to move again, and Louis finishes his last scene that will take place for almost three weeks.

Enola is worried about Tewksbury. She feels like he needs her. I need you to show that worry right now okay?

I hold the eye contact between Louis and I, and suddenly it feels as if there's no acting anymore. I'm actually feeling like I don't want him to go.

Snap out of it y/n, and finish the scene.

"He'll be fine," I assure, turning back to the camera with a slight smile.
Luckily my ankle hasn't been hurting for much this scene, but then again I'm wearing Amara's brace. However I have a feeling that will change, because now I have to actually walk.

One step at a time, I begin walking down the road, filled with extra actors that were called to make the scene come alive.

With each step I mumble shit under my breath, for it does still slightly hurt.

That is until we finally finish, "And scene! Y/n is that ankle okay?" Harry asks, stepping out from behind the camera.

"Yeah I think I'm alright," I shrug, trying my hardest not to limp as I walk off set, along with many extras, and Louis who has hopped off the trailer cart.

"Alright well I don't want you to hurt it anymore so that's the only scene we're doing today, but I need you and Louis to get together sometime today and practice things you could do to improve chemistry alright? Louis has about two weeks so when he comes back I wanna see improvement. Got it?"

By this point I felt a shadow lurking behind me and turned to see Louis.
"We can work on it," Louis nods with a small smile.

Harry seemed to nod a few times and then rubbed his forehead in stress. I'm sure being a director is overwhelming as hell. I mean I'm acting like a bitch for saying I'm worried, yet he has a whole Netflix film in the palm of his hand.

"Thank you guys. You're free to go and Louis we'll see you in a few weeks!" He waves, turning back around to the camera men and other crew members.

Me and Louis were simply left with nothing to talk about except the two things we didn't want to: his birthday, and practicing our character's chemistry.

"So... you wanna come to my trailer later to work on what Harry said?" I ask, breaking the silence as we began to walk side by side.

He nods a few times and smiles a little bit, "Yeah sure. What time?"




"I just know I'm gonna be bored if I have to spend two hours waiting," he shrugs and hides his hands in the pockets of his costume.
I chuckle a bit and feel my arm gently brush against his.
"I get that. So three?"



Yet another silent moment passes between us. I said I'd fix things but how? What am I supposed to say?
"I'm really sorry about what happened yesterday," I start off, "I feel horrible and I don't know what I was thinking I just-"

"Y/n," he softly giggles.


"It's okay. I'm not mad at you," he shrugs and looks back down at the ground, still holding that tiny grin.
This boy is too good sometimes. I don't deserve to be forgiven quite yet.

"Why?" Was all my shocked self could spit out.
"Because I understand that you had a hard morning and your mind just wasn't thinking straight. Really y/n, it's alright."

God I feel guilty. I feel so insanely guilty. But somehow he forgives me. Like always.

"Th-Thank you..." I say, cheeks turning crimson as I immediately look down as well.


Once we had made it back, and finished changing in Willow and Amara's trailer, we once more walked to our places together. Slowly taking the progress of making more and more conversation, along with getting more and more comfortable.

"So this is where we part?" He says, speaking one of his lines from the scene we had filmed today.

He knows I hate it when he does that.

"Louis you know that annoys me," I roll my eyes.
"So why do you do it?"
"Because your cute when you're annoyed."

Woah. Hold up.

"Wait what?" I ask, my heart beat going wild, as the boy starts walking over to his trailer.

"You heard me," he shrugs.

Oh shit.


"And then he was like: you look cute when you're annoyed," I rant to Jessica through FaceTime as I clean my trailer up.
Louis cleaned his when I came over, might as well return the favor.

"He did not," she smiles as she slaps a hand across her mouth, "Girl he's into you period. I don't wanna hear you say he isn't."

I sit on my bed, picking up the clothes that were scattered everywhere, and folding them so it looks neat.
"Jess he doesn't like me that way. I'm sure he was just trying to fluster me. He likes it when he has that power."

There's no way he likes me. No possible way. I mean sure we've warmed up to each other but we're still pretending.

Pretending to be friends. Pretending to get along. Pretending as we act.

In fact I'm worried that... maybe he does still hate being around me. Maybe it's all fake.

"I don't wanna hear you say that," she shrugs, popping some goldfish into her mouth, "this isn't the first time he's been flirty, right?"


"Oh please he's falling in love."

"Jess!" I give up on folding my clothes and just tuck them under my bed, "Enough with the shit talk! He doesn't like me!"

"Exactly, because he loves you."

"Shut the fuck up Jess or I will not hesitate to leave the FaceTime call."

Just as I say that there's a knock on the door. But I'm not done getting things cleaned up. Well damn.
Jess smirks through the phone screen and shrugs.
"Looks like you'll have to anyways. Have fun with your lover boy," she says, not letting me say anything else before hanging up.

"Je- oh you little piece of-"

"Y/n I'm here!" Louis calls out from behind the door.

Forget about what Jess has been saying. They're both trying to get to my head.

"Coming!" I call out and hop off my bed, scurrying to the door.

Once I open it, there stands a slightly messy haired, tall, pretty, and brown eyed boy, giving me that same old smile.
"Hi..." I stutter, clearing my throat and dusting off my leggings.

"Hey," he giggles, walking in. He had a carhartt black crew neck on, along with some joggers and a few rings on his fingers.
"Sorry about the mess I-"

"What mess? Your place looks good y/n don't worry," he laughs and walks over to my bed, which I had made, before flopping back onto it.
"I like your bed more than mine. Yours is really comfy."

I smile a little and close the door that he had left open.
"Thanks I guess," I shrug.

The boy let's out a sigh and sits back up.
"Alrighty so what kind of "chemistry" does Harry want us to work on?" He asks and I join him on my bed, sitting cross cross on the edge.

"I have no clue. He just told us to work on stuff."

He told us to work on the kiss.

"Ah isn't he just so helpful. Working on stuff is so specific," he teases sarcastically and runs a hand through his hair.

I nervously laugh a bit and nod, "Yeah he wasn't very specific."


More silence.

I got a weird sensation that Louis and I are thinking the same thing. The one example Harry said he wants us to work on.

"We could... practice the kiss?" Louis sheepishly suggests which immediately jumpstarts my heart.
"What? No! Why would we do that?" I shake my head, even though I know exactly why he asked.

"Well Harry told us we should!" He shrugs, slightly defensive as his cheeks turn a little pink.

I know. I know Harry wants us to fix this. He also seemed as if he was a little disappointed with the connection we were giving. I'm just so fucking anxious.

"I... I guess he did say that..." I mumbled, feeling the heat under my cheeks arise.
A moment of silence passes.

"So... should we?" He asks quietly as the tension in the room went up a hundred times.

This is part of the job y/n. If you want to be successful, you'll do it for the movie.

"I mean it's just a kiss right? It means nothing. And it's for a movie so it doesn't even count?" I awkwardly chuckle and nod, my heart beat pounding out of my chest.
"No yeah totally. Just a kiss. No meaning what-so-ever."

Is this actually happening? Am I about to kiss the one boy I thought I'd rather kill than kiss? Shit.

I felt myself leaning a little forward, pausing to make sure he was going for it too. Luckily, the boy was. Leaning closer and closer to me. A haze covered his eyes, as they lowered down to my lips.
This won't be my first kiss, but it definitely feels like one.

It's for the movie. Harry wants us to fix this.

I take my right hand and travel it up his arm, until I'm at his shoulder, and I relax it there.
"Just a kiss..." I whisper until our lips are only inches apart.
Louis nods and a small smile crosses his face.
"Right... just a kiss."

Next thing I know he closes his eyes, moving a hand to the side of my face, and holding it. I closed my eyes. His lips were right there. Just barely skimming the surface of mine.

Here goes nothing.

But something stops us.

A ringtone. Coming from my phone. I quickly pull away in fright from the sudden noise, looking away from Louis and down at my phone on the bed beside me.

My hand drops from Louis' shoulder, draping down his chest, his hand pulling back from the side of my face. Both of us were embarrassed.

"Who the hell is calling me right now?" I grumble, for some reason feeling annoyed at what just interrupted us.

However I didn't have time to focus on the fact that Louis and I almost kissed. My focus switched to the caller ID.

I thought I got rid of him. I thought I'd never have to worry about this person anymore. I thought I could focus on the movie. But I guess not. He's back?

Incoming Call


Ily you guys sm and I'm so sorry babes๐Ÿ˜ช

I'll update ASAP

Ps I'm sorry this chapter is a little rushed, I had to hurry so I could post before the flight lol

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