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‼️The characters personality/traits may not be the same as personality/traits of the idols in real life! This is fictional! So enjoy!‼️

Third person pov

"CMON PICK UP YOUR SPEED HWANG! XU IS ALMOST DONE HER LAPS AND YOU STILL HAVE 5 LEFT" Mr. Choi yelled, the two captains probably have done 24 laps by now.

"Fucking bastard," Hyunjin groaned picking up his speed and jogging beside Haneul, most people say they are probably close since they both are the sport club president's and captains of the most popular sport team's in their school, but they only know how much they dislike each other.

"Today we are using the gym." Hyunjin said, trying not to run out of breath while talking.

Hanuel scoffed, "Isn't soccer an outside sport? You can play on the field." she said without breaking a sweat.

"It's..." he huffed and gulped, "It's raining today."

"Not my problem." Haneul said, speeding up and finishing her lap.

She grabbed her backpack and headed to her class, not looking at Choi at all.

Haneul opened the classroom door and sneaked into her seat as her teacher was writing on the board.

"Xu Haneul!" her teacher said out loud, "Please come and solve this question on the board."

Haneul stood up quickly, "Yes Miss!" She panicked and looked around, everyone in the classroom was holding their laughter back but Haneul wasn't embarrassed since she was always doing stupid stuff and making everyone laugh.

Haneul went up to the board and saw a math question, she felt like she would die from just looking at the question.

She remembered how to do it, thanks to Jeongyeon's notes that she always borrowed. Haneul would be a lower than average student if it weren't for Jeongyeon always tutoring her for hours. Haneul mostly focused on basketball since it was her dream to pursue a basketball career.

"Well done, you may take a seat." The teacher said quietly, Haneul glanced at Jeongyeon's seat and saw her smiling at her and giving her a thumbs up, she mouthed 'Good Job', Haneul felt proud of herself and gave herself a mental pat on the back.

Fast forward to lunch, Haneul walks beside Jeongyeon as she gets her lunch from the Cafeteria, "Choi was such a pain in the ass today."

Jeongyeon laughed at her best friend's words, "how many laps did you run today? Or was it a marathon" she laughed again. "It's whatever, I had to run for the others too, and Hyunjin had to run too."

Jeongyeon gets her food and they start walking to the table they usually sit at, "Who's Hyunjin?" Jeongyeon asked, Haneul hit her arm slightly, "Hush we just walked by him!" Haneul said, as Jeongyeon snapped her head back.

"Huh where?"

"Don't look back at him!' Haneul said, whispering to her. "Alright, alright calm down." Jeongyeon laughed.

"Aren't you going to eat?" Jeongyeon asked looking up at Haneul, "I forgot my lunch at home, i woke up-"

"Woke up late?" Jeongyeon sighed and pushed her lunch plate in the middle of the table, "now eat."

"Really?" Haneul looked at her best friend with puppy eyes and a smile, "Yes, now eat."

"I literally love you." Haneul said while digging in and eating, Jeongyeon chuckled and ate as well.

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