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‼️The characters personality/traits may not be the same as personality/traits of the idols in real life! This is fictional! So enjoy!‼️

Third person pov

1 year and 6 months earlier...

"Haneul-ah, wake up you're going to be late!" Haneul's mother called from downstairs, Haneul jolted up and looked at the time.

"Seven... fifty five..." her eyes widen looking at her clock, "FUCK!"

Hanuel jumped out of her bed and grabbed her towel that was hanging on the door and ran to the bathroom turning on the shower.

She quickly showers and wraps her towel around her body.

Haneul slips on her uniform and lets her wet hair down, she grabs her backpack and hurries downstairs.

"Bye mom!" She says before putting her shoes on and not bothering to tie her shoelaces.

"Haneul! Eat before you leave-" Just as her mom made it to the door, she saw Haneul already taking off.

She sighed, "What am I going to do with this girl."

Haneul ran to the bus stop only to realize she missed the bus, "Today is the worst day ever." She whined.

"Gotta make a run for it-" She heard a car honking behind her.

She turned to see who it was, "Late again?" her older brother asked, sitting in his expensive Mercedes, Being an idol's sister was a pain in the ass at least to Haneul.

She rolled her eyes and flipped him off. He laughed, "I was going to offer you a ride to school since mom told me you woke up late again, but I guess I'm running late to work too, what a pity."

And just like that he took off. "Bitch." she muttered under her breath.

She sighed and started running to school, she looked at the watch on her wrist "eight fifteen."

Haneul was an athlete and the captain of the girls basketball team so running isn't a problem to her but one problem she had was the History teacher who was a Gym teacher until 2 years ago when he lost the position due to being too strict with the students, and he lost that spot due to Haneul.

He stood outside of the school gates every morning and made sure any students who came even one minute late after 8:30, had to run laps, the laps number choices were his too but it seemed like the number was getting larger each day.

Haneul was close to the gate. She had a big smile on her face until she saw the history teacher and the closed gate with some students on the outside begging for the doors to open. "Shitty Choi Min."

The gate opened and he stepped out, "Everyone stand in a line!" they all obeyed him right away, even Haneul.

His stick was hovering over everyone's heads, "You all need to learn to be on time! And what is up with your uniform hm!?" He pointed at a boy who was a freshman.

"Kim Dayhun! Where is your tie!?" He called her name making everyone flinched and looked down at their uniforms and started fixing their ties and buttoning up their shirts better.

Haneul looked over at her friend Kim Dayhun the vice president of the girls basketball team, Dayhun exchanged looks with Haneul signaling something to her, then she touched her own hair and Haneul realized her hair was down, but it was too late, Mr. Choi was already standing in front of her, "Xu Haneul, as expected, and what's with the open hair?!"

"Sorry Sir." she said looking down, "All of you can go, looks like Miss Xu will be running for everyone today, right?"

'What a fucking bastard' were everyones thoughts, nobody could dislike or even hate Haneul since she was the one making the school shine bright and less boring, but heck did anyone else want to run right now.

Everyone bowed to the teacher and quietly left giving her apologetic looks, she sighed and just accepted her fate as always.

Haneul was walking off to the running track field until Mr. Choi scoffed, "How pathetic both team captain's are late," Haneul didn't turn around, but she sure heard the soccer team's captain Hwang Hyunjin huffing.

"Looks like Hwang will be joining you!"

She sighed and ran to the field.

'What a nice start to this day,' She thought to herself.

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