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‼️The characters personality/traits may not be the same as personality/traits of the idols in real life! This is fictional! So enjoy!‼️

(Play the song at 1:50 after reading the line 'I put on my headphones and looked outside, the bus started to move, when I saw someone running towards the bus. It was a girl, she was running really fast.' IF YOU WANT TO!!- a/n)

Kim Seungmin's pov

"Looks like Choi got you good today." Jeongin said laughing and patting Hyunjin's back, and regretting it right away, lord knows how much this guy sweats.

"You're telling me that he made you run for one whole period?" I asked, grabbing the worksheets, the teacher left on his desk for us to complete.

Hyunjin was chugging down my water bottle, then gasping right before speaking, "He's a bastard, really fuckin-"

Felix was glaring at Hyunjin, "Say it i dare you. You are in school, have some discipline, the teacher made you run because you were late." Hyunjin rolled his eyes.

"Why don't we all shut up and do the work?" I said looking down at my paper.

Hyunjin scoffed, "I don't need to do the wor-"

Yup he got a smack in the head, thank you Felix.

"Finals for this semester start soon, do your work." Felix said, honestly he is reckless outside of school but the class president duties really stick to him during school hours.

The class was now silent and only sounds of paper flipping and pencils dragging across the papers were echoing through the room, or at least that's what it sounded like to me.

Soon enough the bell rings and it is lunch time, we all get up and head to the cafeteria.

"No way, he let Haneul go first and you had to do extra laps?" Jeongin said pretty loud, I turned my head over to them to listen into the conversation.

"Who's Haneul?" I was confused, that name sounded familiar.

Hyunjin snapped his head over to me, "Some annoying girl, she just walked past us." I turned around to look but instead i see Jeongyeon, I immediately gagged.

"That's Yoo Jeongyeon, not some Haneul." I said annoyed.

Yoo Jeongyeon, my academic rival for as long as i could remember, always competing to be number one, she studies like a madman just to surpass me and stay in the spotlight as number one. me on the other hand didn't need to study as much, I just took notes, i remember stuff right away, and ace all tests just because of my strong memory.

"Huh? Yoo Jeongyeon? Where?" Hyunjin looked around like crazy, Felix and Jeongin were already gone ahead.

"Do you know her?" I asked.

"H..Huh? No, I don't know her, who is she?" He's terrible at lying.

I sighed and just patted his back which I regretted to pat, "Lets just go get some food, i'm starving."

I chuckled and wiped my hand on my pants right away.


I looked at my phone and saw my moms text.

'Sorry sweetheart mom won't be able to pick you up today!'

'I'll just take the bus ( > w <)'

My mom was a surgeon, she usually picked me up from school, on the days that she couldn't I took the bus. She was busy with her hospital duties, which I didn't mind.

I sighed and packed up my stuff heading out the classroom along with all the other students leaving. I walked to the sports club's room.

Will this be a good idea...?

I sighed and knocked on the door, "The presidents aren't going to be here today." someone from behind called out, making me startle.

I turned and saw a girl, I looked at her name tag, her name was Im Nayeon. "Oh, when will they be here?"

"Aren't you friends with one of them?" She asked me, "Hwang Hyunjin..?" she said his name slowly in a confused tone.

"Yeah, but he's not the one I want to meet, it's the female president." I said with an awkward smile.

"You mean Haneul?"

Haneul, the girl Hyunjin was talking about? But that's not where her name is familiar from. Why do I feel like I've heard that name from somewhere else?

"Ah yes, Haneul."

"She rarely comes in this room, if you want to meet her you have to catch her around the school, that girl is always running around." Nayeon kept going on and on about this Haneul girl, I stood there awkwardly, I looked at the time.

"I have to go, thank you" I bowed and left.

I let out a sigh then left to get on the bus, I got on and sat down in the window seat. Soon the bus was filled with many students and other people.

I put on my headphones and looked outside, the bus started to move, when I saw someone running towards the bus. It was a girl, she was running really fast.

How fast can a person be?

I chuckled, until I saw her face, her hair tie was barely holding on, her hair was going to be let down any moment with her speed, and her eyes, brown and round. My heart was beating fast, Why? I didn't know. Why did I get up and tell the bus driver to stop, why was I doing this..?

"Excuse me, someone is trying to get on!" I said loudly making the bus driver stop, the bus hitting brakes so hard, I looked outside the window and saw the girl get on, she had our school uniform on.

Her voice was muffled due to my headphones being on, but I could tell her voice was loud but it didn't sound annoying even if it was muffled. She had a look of relief on her face. "Thank you!" I read her lips, she was thanking the bus driver.

She held onto the bus handle and stood instead of sitting. Maybe her stop was close but wouldn't she want to sit after all that running, I looked at her nametag only to see it wasnt there. I sighed and looked away but I kept glancing at her.

Stop it Seungmin, you look like a freak.

I tried my best not to stare but I couldn't help it. My heart was fluttering, I've never felt like this before.


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