FOUR | 5/14/15

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FOUR | 5/14/15

I'M USUALLY NOT disappointed when my dad is busy with work. It's a normal occurrence. It's just that tonight is a Thursday night, the only day we really get to spend time with each other. When my dad said that he can't dine with me tonight, my heart sank. I just expected that he'd make time for me, even if it wasn't for long.

Feeling upset, I end up going to Target, hoping to keep myself occupied with something.

I roam through the aisles, picking up random trinkets that probably won't be of any use. I accidentally bump into a stand, making it topple over.

"Shit," I swear, kneeling down to pick up the fallen objects.

"Good job, Banks."

I look up, recognizing that slow and particular voice, "Harrison?"

"Hey, Arden," he says with a smirk, "Looks like you're having trouble."

"How about you stop being an ass and help me?"

"Feisty," Harrison comments before helping me out.

After we're done, I ask, "How are you? I haven't see you for a month."

He indifferently shrugs, "I've been on a good streak. You?"

"I've been better, I guess," I glance around, spotting his cart, "Uh, why do you have so much toilet paper?"

Harrison smiles, seemingly pleased with himself, "This is all for a grand scheme."

"You're ruining your good streak?" I question, "Should I be scared?"

"It's just toilet paper," he rolls his eyes, "Nothing huge."

I start pushing my cart to the checkout, and Harrison follows, "What are you planning to do with it?"

"Why? So you can tell your dad when you have dinner with him?"

I shake my head, "No, uh, he's busy with something."

He seems to understand, dropping the topic all together, "Then how about you help me out tonight?"

"What? I-I don't want to get in trouble."

"Arden, I won't let that happen. Trust me."

He expects me to decline, and part of me wants to. However, when I look into his mischievous blue eyes, I want to understand. I want to understand why he finds so much enjoyment in going against the rules. I want to understand his motivation, the thrill of life.

So, I firmly say, "I'll do it."

He grins before placing his items on the conveyor belt. The cashier gives the two of us a strange look, but I don't blame him. With all of Harrison's toilet paper and my random things, it's bound to look weird.

"What are y'all folks gonna do with all them Scotts?"

I shrug, looking towards Harrison for an answer. He evilly smirks and nudges me with his elbow, "This chick here has diaherra."

I roll my eyes but decide to go along with it, "Yeah, and these other things make me feel better about myself."

Harrison laughs, concealing it as a cough.

I continue on after taking a deep breath, "Sir, can you please hurry it up? I need to use the restroom again, and I'm sure you don't want me ruining the--"

"Okay, ma'am, hurrying it along."

In record time, we make it out of Target. The moment I step out, I start dying of laughter. Everytime I manage to calm down, I remember the cashier's expression and start laughing all over again.

"That was gold, Arden," Harrison praises, giving me a high five, "Pure gold."

Finally, I stop giggling like a maniac and ask, "What's the plan?"

"We're taking your car. I'll pick mine up later," Harrison says, sticking his hand out for my car keys.

"I'm not letting you drive my car."

He raises an eyebrow, not taking no for an answer, "C'mon, hand them over."

I dangle the keys in his face before retracting my hand, "I'm driving. You'll just have to give me directions."

Harrison stares before begrudgingly agreeing, "Fine."


I STARE AT the large house, suddenly feeling unsure of myself, "Whose house is this, Harrison?"

"Some business people my parents are acquainted with."

"Why are we doing this again?" I nervously ask, tightly holding onto the roll.

"It's a long story," he says, "Are you ready?"

"I don't know if I can do this."

He faces me, "Arden, let yourself have fun."

I contemplate his words before taking a deep breath. Closing my eyes, I pull my arm back before chucking the toilet roll over the house. I open my eyes again to see a stream of white dangling off the roof. A feeling of exhilaration runs through my veins, and I look at Harrison with wide eyes. He winks and throws his own roll of toilet paper.

We soon start joking around and throwing the toilet paper on each other. As time goes on, we circulate the house, covering the house, trees, and bushes. It's a strangely magnificent sight. Eventually, we step back and admire our work.

"Damn, I'd hate to clean this up," I comment.

"Exactly," Harrison says, checking the time on his phone, "Arden, you should go now."


"The neighbors will be here soon. They'll definitely call the police when they see this," he explains, "You need to go now if you don't wanna get into trouble."

"And you're just gonna stay here?" I ask, "I can't let you take the blame. I took part in it, too."

"I did this to get caught. I can't let you get punished," he unexpectedly hugs me, pulling me close, "Thank you for helping me. I'll meet you at the station, yeah?"

After we let go, I back up to my car, watching Harrison reassuringly smile at me. Once I start the engine, I glance at him one last time before driving down the street.


I STOP AT Burger King before heading to the station. I needed an excuse to go there, so I decided to get some food for my dad. Knowing him, he'd probably neglect eating.

"Hi, Carly," I greet when I go inside, "Where's my dad?"

"There was a call about vandalism."

"Oh," I say, "Well, I brought food for my dad. I didn't want him to starve to death."

I go into his office, waiting for Harrison and my dad to show up. A few minutes later, Harrison is sitting in his cell with a glint in his eyes. When my dad directs his attention to something else, he smirks with triumph and sends a wink my way.






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