7. You Cant Outrun Death

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"I would like to warn that ther will be a lot of pain in this one"

Before anyone could say anything, it started.

The Flash

"And you're fine already? With his death"

"Dark already." Todoroki said in his monotone voice.

"I've dealt with a lot of Death in my life"

"OH no. I wish I could give him a hug" uraraka said and all the girls agreeing.

"Yes you have. Your mother, Toshinori, T
Bakugo, Mirio, Sir. Nighteye, and now Todorok"


"Katsuki Bakugou. Not the time" his mom slapped him on the back of his.

All Might looked at the back of his successors head wondering what's going through his mind right now. He hasn't spoke much unless he's been spoken too since our arrival.

It was night, there were two people in the middle of the park. It was Izuku Midoryia holding who looks to be Rieko He was holding her closely to him and tightly, not wanting to let go.

All of a sudden she opened her eyes, gasping for air.


"Izuku" she said putting a device to her neck and she slowly changed into a boy with half red and half white hair.


"Izuku" The boy smiled up at Him

"Shoto, why?" He asked as tears ran down the boys face.

"Because, this world needs you. This world needs your smile. So keep smiling" shoto said as he started to close his eyes.

"No, no, no. Shoto. Open you're eyes. Open them dammit" Midoryia said as he shaked Shoto. But two boys pulled him off of the half and half boy.

"Deku, he's gone" the red he said trying to comfort Midoryia aswell holding him back.

"Get a grip damn nerd"

The theater was silent. No one knew exactly what to say. They just saw a kid get killed. This boy was close to so many people in this theater.

Right now, Midoryia was standing up, clenching his fist as tear went down his face.

I should check in on Young Midoryia after this All Might thought to himself.

"Izuku, where are you going?"

"I need to speak to him, Reiko"

"But why. You went through all the trouble to put him in there. Why take him out?"

"Because I need to set things right."

"I wonder who he's talking about" Kaminari said getting almost everyone's attention

"Having a bad day, Izu?" A man said as Midoryia stumbled into a warehouse. "OH, isn't it the future Mrs. Midoryia" Reiko just stared at the man.

Everyone was basically congratulating or making fun of the local ghost girl. Her face was bright red. A very noticeable contrast to her pale skin

Izu told me not to listen to anything you say" she said holding her fiance close to her

"Thats just bad advice. Because I'm the answer man. I am the answer to all your prayers. All you have to do is ask me, Izuku"

"How come we haven't seen the man yet?" Kaminari asked while getting shushed.

"I need to go back in time" Izuku sighed.

"What?!" Literally almost everyone yell in unison.

"He can travel through time?!" Kaminari yelled, earning a slap to the back of the head.

"To that night"

"To do what?" The man asked.

"You know what I need you to do" Izuku said looking away

"Yeah... but I want to hear you say it"

Izuku looked up at the man doing his best to hold in tears. He just stared at the man for a bit.

"I need you to kill my mom" Izuku said with a choke. The man he was speaking to was non other than Shigaraki.

Everyone was visibly shocked at what the hero had requested villain to do.

"Did he just-"

"Yeah, he did" Sero finished Kirishima's sentence.

Inko, Midoryia's mom was visibly crying. A bunch of thoughts went through her mind about this world's Inko.

"With pleasure." Shigaraki said scratching his neck

"I hate you" Midoryia's voice was full of hatred

"And I hate" Shigaraki's voice was the opposite. He sounded happy. "sometimes I wonder which one of us it right"

Izuku stood up, pulling out key for the door. He slowly opened the door as Shigaraki stood there with a smile.

"Dont do it Midori" Mina called out.

Many thoughts were going through Midoryia's head. Why was he letting Shigaraki go? Why did he want him to kill his mom? Why was he held capture in a warehouse instead of turning him in?

As Shigaraki stepped out, he grabbed a ring out of Izuku's hands. Izuku just stared at the ground knowing what he's doing. Reiko just walked over to Izuku

"Good luck" she said putting her hand on Izukus cheek. Izuku just smiled as he walked away from Rieko.

"This is going to be fun" Shigaraki laughed as Izuku grabbed the collar if Shigaraki's shirt before running at the speed of light.

"Woah, he has super speed" Kaminari exclaimed.

"He's way faster than All Might" Mina yelled with All Migh just chuckling.

"I could use a guy like that" Mirko said with smirk. Midnight just nodded in agreement.

Midoryia started to write something down in his notebook about how he could increase his speed.

Within seconds, they were in a dinning room with a women on the floor while two men were fighting. All of sudden, the two who were fighting were gone.

"Do I really look like that?" Shigaraki asked.

"Nust shut and do it" Izuku said pushing Shigaraki forward. What they just saw was non other than their past selve from when Izuku tried traveling back in time to save his mother from her murderer.

"So that's what happens. It's great to know that Izu doesn't want you dead" Mitzuki said to her friend, as Inko sighed.

"But why does he want to kill me?" Inko asked.

Shigaraki walked up to Midoryia's mother as she pleaded with him. But he didn't listen at all.

"You can blame your son" is all he said before putting his hand on Inko, decaying her to dust. Izuku looked away as a tear went down his cheek. "Well, that was fun. The timeline is saved. Now bring me home."

"OH, You're not going home" Izuku said sitting down on the stairs.

"What is that supposed to mean?" Shigaraki asked "you said if I kill your mom, I can go home"

Izuku just stared at Shigaraki for a few minutes. A moment later there was loud broken shriek.

"You didnt" Shigaraki backed to wall.

"Did you forget. Only speedsters can access the speed force. You have a quirk. Not speedforce. Now they're not happy" Izuku smirked.

The door flew off its hinges. Izuku kept staring at Shigaraki, who was filled with fear. There was another broken shriek. In the door was death itself.

"What the hell is that thing?" Kaminari cried out holding onto Jiro. Jiro just pushed Kaminari.

"Weren't you listening. It's death itself"

Izuku didn't look phased at all. He had many encounters with death. No, not almost dying. But with him as a person. This was just another one of those times.

"I couldn't imagine being faced with death" Hawks said.

"Thats cause your not strong as bunny over there" Mirko winked at Midoryia, making him red again.

"You're crazy. He's going to kill us both." Shigaraki yelled out.

"No, he's here for you. My death is still looking for me"

The black figure slowly approached Shigaraki. It placed his hand on Shigaraki's head, slowly stealing the life force of him away. Making his body slowly decay.

"How ironic"

Shoto, I'm coming back. You're going be alive again.

The screen faded to black.

"Well, that got dark right off the bat" Ryukyu commented.

"There was a big change in his personality towards the end" Hound Dog pointed out.

"I'm glad I wasn't the only one who realized that" Midnight said as she engaged in a conversation with Hound Dog about this universes Midoryia

"So why did he ask Shigaraki to kill his mother exactly?" Momo asked.

"Each multiverse has its own anchor point. Which the biggest one is Midoryia. But there's always that one moment where everything could change if you slightly move a lady bug. In this universe, that moment was the death of Inko Midoryia. Izuku went back in time to stop the murder, changing the entire timeline. Things started to go wrong in that timelime. So he asked him to kill his mother. But the reason why he even went back in time was for shoto. He was his breaking point."

"So it was all for Shoto?" Jiro asked

"I guess so" the man shrugged.

Midoryia and Todoroki just stared at each other.

"Alright, next"

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