7. Ships

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"I have decided to take a break from actual stories from other universes"

This confused everyone.

"Instead of showing you what's happening, I'm only showing you pictures"

"OH OK, so you're going to show us pictures and we'll react to them" Kaminari said

"Wow, you actually managed to figure that out?" Jiro asked shocked. This made everyone laugh.

"Ahem, example. What do you think about this couple."

"I approve" Uraraka yelled.

"Uh, Uraraka. That's you" Momo pointed out.

"And?" She asked raising an eyebrow.

Midoryia was busy having his face go all red to notice anything going.

"I also indeed approve" All Might said raising a finger.

"Alright, and what about this?"

Midoryia's face went even redder. Melissa's face was also getting red. She didn't want to admit it just yet, but she had fallen for the boy during his time on the island.

Her dad on the other hand was just broken.

Uraraka had a scary aura around her.

"Uh, next" the man had a big smirk on his face

"Get some big boy" Midnight yelled.

Uraraka's aura grew worse. But luckily Tsu kept her calm.

"That brings making babies to a new level. But I also approve very much" Mei said with her signature smile.

"OH, my. I hope your-"

"Iknowuseprotectionandalwaysbecareful" Midoryia rambled on, cutting off his mother.

"There are kids here" All Might spoke up.

"Dont worry. They can't see something like that. But they can see this." The man said switching the image.


or the first time, Kirishima felt jealous.

"He'll yeah, now that is awesome" Mina said with high confidence. This didn't help Urarakas aura.

"How? Their personalities are complete opposites" Jiro asked

"Well there is the saying opposites do attract" Momo answered Jiros questions.

"I-i wouldn't mind it" Midoryia said quietly.

"What?!" Many people yelled throughout the theater.

"Moving on" the man switched images.

"I mean I do like Midoryia. But it's not like that. Kero" Tsu said with her finger on her chin.

"I have to agree" Midoryia said.

"I don't see it at all" Uraraka said crossing her arms.

"I don't either" Jiro said twirling one of her ear Jack's.

"I mean, she's pretty and all. But we haven't really spoken too much" Midoryia explained

"You think I'm pretty?" Jiro asked.

"Of course I do. I think you're beautiful" Midoryia said with a smile and his face red as Kirishima's hair.

"Ahh, young love" Midnight said

"OH my. I didn't see this' Momo said a bit shocked.

"Hey, we saw Midori with Jiro. Why wouldn't he be with you?" Mina asked her friend.

"You have a fair point" momo answered.

"I don't know if I should feel attacked or not" Jiro said.

"Momo and I haven't talk much either. But everytime we do, we get along very well. Even in hero work we work extremely well together." Midoryia said to himself.

"Again, Midoribro getting some" Kirishima said trying to hype everyone up.

Midoryia was glowing red at this point. Same with Kendo.


"I know mom. Protection" Midoryia once interrupted his mom.

"Believe it or not, but these two are deeply in love in their universe" then man said.

"Yes" is all Yui said.

"What do you mean yes?" Kando asked

"Yes" Yui said again.

"Uh, moving on"

"They do look cute" Kendo commented.

"Dont know him well enough. But he is cute" Komori said

"Why does it look like she has him at gun point?" Kaminari asked making people laugh. Pony and Midoryia on the other hand were red. Pony had gather some feelings for the boy. But didn't know if they were real or not. So for now, she decided to keep to herself.


he caption itself and the look of Midoryia got a few laughs

"Mama likey" Tokage said with a smirk.

"That literally has two different meanings" Mina said

"Getting in there early" Midnight whistled

"I mean, from what I saw a while ago. I wouldn't even mind it at all. In fact. I like it" Fuyumi smiled. Many of thhe girls couldn't help but agree with her about Midoryia's actions in the previous universe.

"I wouldn't mind getting a piece. Did you see him when he fought The sinister six" Mirko said with a smirk.

"Of course you would" Hawks sighed.

"Is there anyone he can't get?" Kaminari asked slightly disappointed

"I think the two of you look cute" Mirio said with his signature smile and beady eyes.

"He is indeed cute" Nejire said with a smile. Just like many of the other girls, she indeed harbored feelingd for the boy.


ll the boys screamed internally as they saw Izuku dress as a pussy cats. The girls on the other hand were drooling.

"Now, that I can get on" Midnight smirked as Aizawa squirted water at her.

"Hey, why does she get him. She's not worthy of his strength" Mirko complained.

"I'm down to sharing." Midnight offered.

"Deal" mirko agreed.

Ryukyu was all red. Finding a lover was something hard for her to do. Seeing her in a bath with someone basically broke her.

"I think you broke her?" Mt. Lady said poking the dragon girl next to her getting no responses.

"Oops. Moving on"

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