Leo Valdez - the Android
An unwanted marriage with being constantly cheated on with different lovers every time, the god of fire was unhappy after trying to maintain and go along with it for so long.But when Hephaestus met Esperanza Valdez, everything changed. For the first time, he was happy. Truly and unconditionally loved, it was like heaven for him to be with someone who actually appreciated his presence. But even gods had boundaries. So when his time with the mortal was coming to an end, he was determined to cheat for the first time in his marriage and leave her with what would be his first demigod born by his seed.And that's when the unfortunate woman broke it to him. An accident took away what could be the greatest joy a mother could bear, the joy of having a child. But Hephaestus was determined. This woman changed him, and brought out what he truly was and made him learn that sometimes being selfish and being ignorant of others was good for himself. He was not leaving her behind alone. So, after consulting her, he made her a boy. Using his powers and his intelligence, he artificially brought together dead mortal bodies and created a single child. With a lot of electricity, Olympian Silver and both his ichor and Esperanza's blood, for the first time in the history of universe a child was brought to life in what could be an unnatural way, indicating that Phanes was not the only one who could bear the gift of life.This is the child's story, born a demigod that was so powerful that he could rival even the Olympians. This is the story of the first artificially born human, the first Android to exist between Gods and mortals.This is the story of Leo Valdez.…