8. Villain prank Call

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"Alright. I'll give you a choice. We could either have a nice funny one or a dark one again. But know that whatever you choose, the other will play after"

Everyone nodded as they started to talk with each other. It didn't take long to answer.

"Funny please." Someone said.

The screen turned on.

Today my friend Deku tells me "Toga, yknow what. Shigaraki messes with us. Why don't you mess with him?"

I go "what should I do?"

He says "why don't you Prank Call him"

I go "dude, that's a good idea" I'm like a little kid right now. And I picked up the phone and I was like "beep boop boop... heheheh"

And there's dabi just staring at us going "I'm too tired for this"

"We're so stupid"

So shigaraki pick and he breaths in. "Hello?"

I'm like "Hello sir. Hi this is the front desk. Listen we're having a lot of reports about a loud noise coming from your room. Do you think you could please keep the noise down?"

"I'm sorry, fool. I didn't know I'm making noise"

"Thank you sir. Just keep it down"


Ten minutes later. Call them back.

While we're laughing as the phone ring Deku is like "shut up dude shut up"


"Sir! Hi front desk again. Listen obviously you didn't understand what I said earlier about the noise. You need to keep the noise down"

"But I'm not making nois-"

"Sir listen! You either keep down the noise or we're going to call the authorities"

And on the other line it's just heavy breathing. "Ok. I'm sorry"

"Thank you" and before I hung up the phone I said this "damn hands"

Deku just sat there with a hand over his mouth. Dabi was in the other room just sleeping as this went down.

"You swore to God the Mexican revolution started all over again. He was mad. He came running right over to the room pounding on the door

"Open the door!"

The two of us just laughing our asses off

"We got him. We got him. We got him."

He just like "shut up shut up. Shut up"

"Shut up!"

He came in and here we were. Siting on the couch. I was hitting a sexy pose and deku over here was reading a book upside down. He didn't suspect a thing.

"Wassup dude?"

"Fool, you're not gonna believe it. This hotel is racist"


"Why do you say that?"

"Fool, lady at the front desk, she doesn't like Mexicans."

"But what are you going to do about it?"

"Fool, imma go shoot her"

"No shooting anybody. Maybe you just need to go talk to her. Deku, tell him"

"Yeah, you just gotta go talk to her"

"Fool, that's what imma do"

So he starts walking away and I'm like "deku we gotta see this" so we start following him towards the lobby right. But Shigaraki gets mad halfway and starts running.

I'm like "dude don't run mi amado. Hercule Hercules Hercules" Tryna run, shigaraki makes it to the front desk thirty seconds before we do right.

And keep in mind, the girls at the counter, the don't know what's going on. They're doing their job. They're checking people in. They're giving out keys, right?

They're like "Ok thanks have a nice stay. Alright here's your keys." And here comes shigaraki

"Ok! Which one of you bitches said Mexicans"

And they started freaking out. "OH my God. There's an angry Latino. Ok look it's not my fault the raiders lost the game. Don't take it out on me please ok"

So he keeps yelling at them going back and forth. Finally me and Deku make it to the lobby all winded right. "Shigaraki, shigaraki. Don't do it. No don't do it."

"Fool shut up. You don't know what's going on"

"Shigaraki I can explain everything"

"Fool, shut the hell up"

All of a sudden a security gaurd comes and grabs Shigaraki abd starts to try putting him down. I'm like oh shit I leg this get out of hand. I gotta break this up.

"Shigaraki, let me explain."

"Fool shut the hell up"

So I grabbed his ear and I said "Sir. You're gonna need to keep the noise down" Deku's dumb ass is behind me just dying of laughter.

"Fool, was that you?"

"Yes sir"

"You're an asshole fool"

"I know sir, but it was funny huh"


The entire theater was laughing. Even people like Aizawa and Endeavor had a quick laugh at this universes L.O.V. it's nothing like all the others.

"I forgot these are the villains were supposed to be fighting" Sero said holding hid side from all the laughing.

"Eckuding Midoryia that is. But yeah. It's so weird to see them act like that" Momo laughed.

"In their universe, that's normal for them. In their universe, there not actual villains. They just do stuff like this to each other all the time"

"If they're not actual villains. Then why is Deku there?" Uraraka asked.

"In this universe Deku is born quirkless and was casted aside. The L.O.V of this universe took him in and treated him like family.

Many thought were going through out the theater. Especially Midoryia and Inkos head.

Midoryia was thinking about how if they knew he was quirkless and the secret for OFA got out.

Inko was thinking about how herself from that universe just casted away her son. It was terrible.

"Before you all die from laughter. Let's move on"

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