5. The Sinister Six

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Tomura Shigaraki, Kai Chisaki, Muscular, Wolfram, Nine, Lect Turn. All villains Izuku Midoryia, more known as The Hero Deku had fought. The hero who saves everyone with a smile. Has fought

The six of these men have different views, different ideologies, and different goals. But that won't stop them from teaming up and taking down their biggest hero threats. Their target now Izuku Midoryia.

It was his third year at UA. He was more than ready to become a hero. Over the years, he has refined his skills with Full Cowling.

"Wait, so if this is his third year at UA, should all six them either be in jail or quirkless?" A pro Heroe asked. I couldn't tell which one it is since it was dark and I didn't recognize the voice.

"Yes but no. Here they are. But in his universe, every outcome of each fight ended differently. Muscular escaped prison with help of the Leaque of Villains, Shigaraki never fought Deku, Wolfram escaped after losing David and the briefcase, Shigaraki didn't show up on the island to kill Nine, and Flect Turn wasn't at the base waiting for Midoryia and the others." The man explained.

But shigaraki was on the island?

So, shigaraki was with the team who invaded the island with Nine?" I asked.

"No, he showed up after you and bakugou defeated Nine to kill him. Moving on." The man said. I still had many questions. But I didn't say anything.

"Midoryia. You're with Kirishima today" Fatgum said as he was pairing us up in teams. I was previously with the Endeavor agency. But Todoroki left to join a different agency and Kirishima recommended Fat Gum's agency.

Fat Gum was more than happy to accept me into his agency. He was part of the Shie Hassaikai raid with me and he heard of what I did during the world heroes mission in my first year.

"Alright" Kirishima put his hand in the air and I returned the gesture.

"Midoryia. You and I gotta team up soon" Kirishima said.

"Yes of course" I nodded in agreement with a smile.

"Let's go" Midoryia said excitedly. So far the patrol was nice and quiet. We waved to everyone who said hi. Even though we technically weren't supposed to, we both gave a few autographs.

There was an audible sigh from Mr. Aizawa

"So, how's Eri doing?" Kirishima asked

"She and Mirio are doing very well. I went to see them the other day. She's doing well in school" Midoryia said with a smile.

"Thats great man. She's like your own kid, isn't it" Kirishima said before greeting a citizen with a wave.

"Yeah" his smile grew bigger. "Everything I do is to make sure she has a future to look forward to" our talk was interrupted by what sounded like an explosion. Without any hesitation, the two of them ran towards it. "Kirishima. Start with evacuations"

"Right" Kirishima said as he head towards the left while Midoryia activated 2% and sprinted as fast as he could to the right where ground zero was. The moment I got there, he knew exactly what caused the explosion.

"Muscular" He said putting his hood up.

"There you are. I heard you were in the area. It's time for our rematch" Muscular said pounding his fist together before rushing me.

The main goal right now was to get Muscular to a secluded area. Activating 5% of full cowling, he ran the other way, having Muscular follow him.

"Red Riot, it was Muscular who created the explosion. I'm taking him towards the city limits" I said to my partner in the comms

"Ryukyu and her side kicks arrived. So did Fat Gum and rest of the agency. I'm on my way to assist" Kirishima explained.

"Right" I sent him my GPS location so he could track me. I even sent to everyone in my agency and everyone I knew in Ryukyu's agency.

"You can't run forever" Muscular yelled as he gained more muscle fibers. Almost there Midoryia thought to himself. 

It didn't take long to reach the Forrest edge. I took my stand against Muscular. Knowing how it ended in the past. I activated 20% right away.

But he didn't attack me. He just stood there with a menacing smile. Soon I knew why. Behind him a familiar portal showed up with a figure emerging.

"Hello, Izuku Midoryia" He said greeting me with a sinister laugh.

"So, you brought a friend." I said trying to keep calm.

"OH I brought more than one" Muscular said as four more showed up from the portal.

"W-wolfram, Nine, C-Chisaki, L-Lect Turn?" I said now basically freaking out. Chisaki hates the LOV though. So did Nine.

"Thats our names kid" Wolfram said with a smirk. Muscular I could handle on my own. Muscular with shigaraki would've been a challenge. But I would've manage. But all six of them

"Enough" Lect Turn said as Nine shot one of his quirks at him and reflected twice as fast at me. It was a close one, but I ended up dodging it. Wolfram shot a bunch of metal pillars at me, while chisaki did the same with his spikes.

I was able to dodge all of Wolframs pillers. But I wasn't able to dodge one of chisaki's it was too fast for me, so it grazed my left shoulder.

Right when I landed, thanks to my danger sense, I was able to dodge one of Shigarakis hands. 

"Wait, Midoryia. You can sense danger" Mina asked

"Sort of. I've been around danger all my life. So it's kind of natural. I call it danger sense." I lied to my classmates about my Quirk.

But right when I dodged shigaraki, even though I sense it, I was hit by Muscular. At the same time I was hit by one of nines lasers in the left arm.

The pain of both Muscular and Nine made me scream in pain. I laid on the floor as I was pinned by Wolfram's metal.

"I thought this would be harder." Shigaraki complained. "OH well time to see you die" He reached down for my face as the five of them just watched. They all had smiles on their face. I did my best to get free.

Right when he was about to reach for my face, shigaraki went flying. Where shigaraki was standing was Kirishima and Todoroki.

"You stealing all the fun?" Kirishima asked sarcastically. Todoroki freed me from the metal with his fire.

"Thanks guys. I got Nine and Lect Turn. You two get the rest." The two nodded at my instructions as we ran towards our separate foes.

As I ran towards Nine and Lect Turn, I noticed a helicopter in the sky. Most likely either police or media.

I went for Nine first activating 50% in my right arm. Nine would be easier to go for since Lect Turns was more defensive while Nine was offensive and defensive.

But he activated his shield. It felt stronger than before. Last time it took all of 1A to stop him. Now it's just me and two others.

"I'll never forget what you did to Katsuma and Mahoro and everyone else on the island" I yelled putting more into my arm causing the shield to start cracking.

This just made Nine chuckle. He just shot another bolt at Lect Turn and it shot at me, hitting my side.

"Midoryia!" I heard Todoroki yell. I flew do to the side, colliding with a tree.

"I'm fine todoroki.' I said as I looked at my hand to see blood. I charged up nearly 100% in my right. This is definitely going to break my arm. But I have to. But there's still ther five.

I don't have time to worry about that now. I sprinted at the speed of light towards Nine and putting all I got into breaking the shield.

"DETROIT SMASH" I yelled at the top of my lungs. When my fist collided with the shield, it cracked even more, surprising Nine this time.

"I will defeat you all" I said breaking the shield and hitting Nine in the face, causing him to fly backwards and slam into the ground. I looked at Flect turn. "Your quirk is reflect isn't it."

"Yes it is" He said.

"Then I'll just have to go hard as I can" I said with a smile. Lect Turn was visibly confused and he had every right to be. I shot myself into the air using airforce and winded my leg back, focusing all of full cowling I can into the leg "ST. LOUISE SMASH" I slammed my leg into the side of Flect Turn.

This created a huge gust of wind to propel everyone else fighting back. The only oneswho were stand was me and Flect Turn. He didn't even looked phased by my attack. Me, well my leg was for sure broken.

But that wasn't going to stop me, wether my arm and leg were broken. That's it. I have an idea.

"FAUX 100 PERCENT" I yelled as I back up and grabbed Lect Turn with black whip. I propelled myself at him by using 45% of Fa Jin to propel me forward towards Lect Turn ar imaginable speeds. But I missed.

"Ha, he missed" Muscular said. But I just smiled.

"FAUX 100 PERCENT: MANCESTER SMASH" I repeated the same movement as before. But when I go in close range to his blind spot, I threw my leg forward, connecting it with his back. All my strength I had went into it.

I could tell this was it. I felt Lect Turn's Quirk started to give up.

"DETROIT SMASH" I threw my other arm at Lect Turn, having it connect with his back. I put everything into the one punch just like I did with my leg.

A one in a million chance miracle happened. The punch and kick broke through, sending him flying. I laid on the ground smiling at everyone's disbeliefed faces.

Both my arms and legs were broken. But there was four left. I can't quit yet. I did my best to stand up. I didn't realize it at first. I felt a sudden surge of pain going through out my body. Especially my mid section.

I was lifted up in the air, making another surge of pain go through my body. I looked down at my midsection to see a metal spike piercing me. I was stabbed by Wolfram. I should've expected.

"Well, it's a shame what happened. I'll admit, they were one of our strongest here. But oh well." Shigaraki turned to Wolfram. "Well done. I'll make sure you get paid very well" He turned back to me. "This game has been fun, but it's game over for you"

"Wait" chisaki said as he approached Shigaraki. "I deserved to kill him. He took everything from me"

As the two began to argue, I noticed that kirishima and todoroki were unconscious. Seeing the two hurt sent more adrenaline throughout my body.

I slowly pulled myself of the spike. Slowly but surely I pulled myself off the spike, falling too the ground. I didn't feel it, but I will later. I landed on my arm. This drew the attention of the four left standing.

"I won't... let you... win" I said slowly standing up. there was a loud noise and sharp pain in my chest. I saw that Wolfram had a gun.

The theater was silent. I didn't notice, but I was standing up.

Though I was just shot at, stabbed, and had four broken limbs, I stood right up. Energy was flowing through my body. The air pressure around us changed. Lightning was surrounding me.

Hair started to change to a light blue and started to float simular to how Mr. Aizawa's would when he used his Quirk. Even my eyes were pure white, losing the pupils and irises.

Everyone around the city was watching from a screen wether it be in their house, a shop window, or a big screen on a busy street.

Everyone was seeing the peer determination coming from their hero. He was completely broken and he was still standing. The city was almost quiet.

"I-I... won't let you win." The Hero yelled. The city streets were filled with cheering. Everyone was rooting for their hero.

I ran around the villains in a circle in a speed that people could only imagine. Lightning was everywhere in the sky. It was mostly reacting to how fast I was going.

Everything looked frozen. Now was the perfect chance.

"THIS IS FOR ERI!" I jumped up in the air above the four remaining villains. "ONE MILLION DELAWARE DETROIT SMASH!"

Everyone in the theater was cheering on. Everyone was also standing up.

Everything was dark. I couldn't feel anything. Everything was numb. Did i win? If I failed, my time is up isn't it?

"He's over here" a voice, It sounds familiar to me.

"Young Midoryia" only one person calls me that.

"Al..." I tried calling out. But I couldn't. "All..." I tried calling out again.

"Young Midoryia, it's alright. Please, gets some rest. You did it. You won"

And it was over. I was full of relief knowing he won. I fell back into the chair with a sigh. The theater was quiet again.

"Well, what you think?" The man asked.

"Midoryia, he was so manly" Kirishima said with tears.

"He did all that for Eri and everyone else watching. There's nothing more heroic" Uraraka said.

"That action makes him worthy of being called a hero." All Might said standing up. Soon all the pro Heroes, except Endeavor, stood up unison.

"I agree" Ms. Midnight said agreeing with All Might. The rest of the pro Heroes nodded in agreement.

"Thats something Midoryia would exactly do. He never gives up." Jiro said with a bright smile.

"She's right. That's why he's a model student" Iida said basically agreeing.

"You're right" the man entered the conversation. "Every Izuku Midoryia have one thing in common. The sheer determination to protect everyone just exactly like you saw. How about a little break."

This got everyone excited as the lights suddenly turned brighter so we all could see. Everyone was now scattered around the room. Before I could go talk to anyone I felt someone hug me.

"M-mom?" I recognized the hug.

"I'm so proud of you. I know it's not you out there. But I know you'll do the exact same thing." My mother said with tears. I just hugged her back.

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