4. Phantom Blood

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Jojo Part 1: Phantom Blood

A girl was being bullied by two boys. The girl looked to be around 12 while the two boys were 15. As she was being bullied, two young men showed up.

"Leave her alone" a boy with brown hair said.

"A true gentlemen never harms a lady" the boy with green hair said.

"Its the Joestar family" one of the boys said before running and the other running away after the first boy.

"The joestars?" The girl smiled at the two boys.

A boy with blonde hair was staring at a grave. The sky was cloudy. He was also holding a letter with the name Joestar on it.

"I'm glad you're dead father. You were nothing but a rat. You were always afraid take what you wanted. But I won't. I'll do what it takes to get what I want" the boy smiled before walking away from the grave.

The two boys were walking back to their mansion. The blonde boy was walking to a carriage.

This is a tale of three young men. Their destiny bound to intersect and the stone mask that change their fates forever.

"This is already interesting." Jiro said.

"Yes indeed. We get to see two points of view in this universe it seems" Momo added.

The two boys were waiting outside the mansion as a carriage slowly approached to a slow stop. A blonde boy jumped out the carriage. It was the boy from the grave.

"You must be Dio Brando. I'm Jonathan Joestar. Please call me JoJo. This is my brother Izuku Joestar" the brown haired boy approached the blonde boy. The green haired boy bowed to the blonde hair boy as he just scowled at the two.

"Please, let me take care of your things, Mr. Brando" izuku said with a smile, reaching for Dio's suit case. But as he did, he felt a tight grip on his wrist. It started to hurt. "W-what are you doing? I'm trying to help"

Dio struck his elbow into Izuku's chest, causing him to fall to the floor.

"What an asshole" Ms. Midnight yelled with most people agreeing.

"No one treats my son like that" my mom yelled.

"I may be a guest in your house. But no one touches my things." Dio said before walking into the mansion. The two boys stared at the boy walking. The two knew this is going to be a long bumpy ride.

As the years gone on, the two boys hadn't gone along with the house invader until an incident happened a few months within Dio showing up.

"Dio!" Jojo and Izuku yelled running up the stairs. Dio was reading a book in the study.

"How dare you kiss her." Izuku yelled at the boy.

"OH? I have no idea what you're talking about Izuku" Dio said with a smirk.

"You kissed both Erina and Kyouka" JoJo said raising his fist.

Erina and Kyoka were walking down the road with baskets of fruits. The two lived close by, so they decided to walk together to the joestar household.

"Hey, Jiro is in this one" Kaminari pointed out even though everyone can see that.

On their way to the Joestar Houshold, they ran into three young men. It was Dio and two of his lackeys. Without a second thought, Dio took the chance to kiss the both of the girls.

Everyone was staring at Jiro as she was turning a bright red.

"OH, that's what you mean?" Dio said putting down the book and standing up. He had a large smirk on his face.

Izuku balled up his fist and ran at Dio, punching him square in the jaw. He went flying down to the floor causing him to shed tears.

Everyone cheered as my alternate self punched the boy. Myself felt a sense of relief knowing he got what he deserved for what he did to Jiro.

Throughout the years, Dio slandered the name of the two Joestars, while gaining the trust of their father.

One night, the joestar mansion was lit on fire. Three boy were on the roof of the mansion JoJo looked a bit tired. Izuku on the other hand looked to be filled with life. Adrenaline was flowing through him.

But Dio, he wasn't human anymore. Just earlier he put on a stone mask and wiped blood over it, turning him into a vampire.

"JoJo, get out of here." Izuku yelled as he ran at Dio.

"All Your attempts will fail, Joestars" Dio said as he used his inhuman strength to toss Izuku near the edge of the roof, falling off.

"Izuku!" JoJo yelled standing up.

Everyone was on the edge of their seat after seeing me fall of the roof.

Dio was just laughing.

"I told you JoJo. It's useless" Dio said walking over to JoJo. JoJo was holding his broken arm.

"I won't give up" JoJo yelled while running at Dio, which caught him off gaurd. JoJo tackled him, the force of his tackle made the two fall back, breaking a skylight causing the two to fall nearly three stories.

On their way down, Dio stuck his hand in the wall slowing him down. JoJo hung onto Dios boot.

"Dio!" Both JoJo and Dio looked to see Izuku jumping from a third floor balcony with a spear in hand from on the many knight armor around the mansion.

"Izuku!" JoJo yelled with a smile. Izuku was flying in the air towards the two men hanging by limb.

Dio tried to block the spear by raising his hand. But it was no use, the spear went right through the hand, right into the forehead piercing the Skull going right into his brain.

The theater was cheering at what happened. But a hero doesn't kill people. But again, this is a different universe in the 1800 hundreds with vampires.

Dio's grip slowly loosened and the three of the boys fell the two remaining floors. Luckily the fall won't kill either of the two. JoJo fell onto his side, breaking his arm more. But Izuku wasn't as lucky as JoJo

The spear wasn't enough to kill Dio. During the fall, Dio grabbed Izuku, causing the two to struggle until the both of them landed on the spear of the angel statue, piercing the both of them as fire burned around them.

"Izuku!" JoJo yelled.

"Run JoJo!" Izuku yelled as Dio screamed in agony as the fire ate the both of them up.

Jojo hesitated at first. But he ran out of the mansion right before it started to collaps.

"Mr. Joestar" a man said running up to JoJo. "Where's your brother?" He asked.

"He, sacrificed himself so I could get get out" JoJo said.

"And what of Dio?" He asked. JoJo looked over at the burning collapsed mansion.

"Burning in Hell"

The theater was silent after witnessing what just happened.

"I know that was a little darker than you mightve expected" the man said.

"It may have been dark. But Midoryia died a hero. He died saving his brother's life" Kirishima said with other joining in and agreeing

"Well if you think this was dark, wait for the next one." The man said getting everyone's attention. "Dont worry. I promise the one after that it'll be a nice calm one." This got everyone to calm down. "So let's begin."

But knowing this one is also dark didn't calm me down. I was extremely worried about what it'll be about. The screen started to play another video.

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