6. His Romantic Side

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"Alright everyone. Now that you settle down, I think it's time to start the next one." The man said as everyone quieted down. I was now seated next to Uraraka, who was to my left, and Todoroki, who was to my right. "So have you ever wondered what would happen if Midoryia was born a few years earlier?"

Everyone just nodded and he pointed to the screen.

Older Deku

I was running down the hallways of UA with files in my hands. It was the very first day and I'm late. I looked at my All Might watch and saw I still had two minutes before class starts. Not a great way to start as a teachers aid.

I had decided to take a gap year in my hero career. It was something I was against at first. But someone convinced me to take it slow since I'm still young. That's when my old principal approached me and asked if I'd like a job.

Luckily when I arrived, there was a minute to spare. But I also knew the teacher I'd be working with isn't there. So, I decided to walk in to see what kind of class were working with.

When I walked in, I was hit by a bunch of yelling in my ears. It was pure chaos in here.

"Get your feet of the desk. It's disrespectful to the school"

"OH yeah, who cares?"

"You're the boy from the entrance exam aren't you?"

"Yes I am, what about it?"

The conversations went on until they heard the door close. Suddenly it was loud once again and I was swarmed by kids.

"You're the number 5 hero Deku"

"What are you doing here?"

"This is so cool"

"You're so close to the number four spot"

"Of course Deku would be in the top five. I mean look at all the things he's done already in one year" Uraraka said with everyone agreeing, including teachers and pro heros. But there was the typical tch from Bakugou.

"Enough. If you're here to make friends, then you can leave" I saw a yellow caterpillar rise from the floor. "Put these on and meet me in training ground A"

With that, the whole class was gone.

"Well, well, well. Look who decided to become a teacher" I said smirking at my old upperclassmen. He just stared at me and rolled away. "Things never do change"

I put the files down and made my way to Training ground A. I made it there before anyone. Well there was one person there. So I walked up to him and ruffled his hair a bit.

"How's your sister, Shoto?" I asked.

"You can literally ask her any time you want. You have her number" Shoto said in his typical monotone voice. I just laughed at the boy.

Soon everyone else, including Aizawa made there way to the training grounds.

"Alright. All of you know what the Quirk apprehension test is. So I won't go in full detail. But it'll be different than your middle school one. Deku, what's your typical throw distance?" He asked me.

"Without my Quirk, 135 meters sir" I answered.

"Show us with your quirk" He said with a menacing smirk. I knew what this meant. So I grabbed the ball, stepping right in the circle. I did a few quick stretches before activating full cowling. Green Lightning swarmed around me. I put most of my force into one area, my finger.

"Full Cowling, 5%" I yelled as I tossed the ball as Aizawa tried to scan for it's range.

"Hmm, too far to read. That's the first" Aizawa said with a bland look. I looked over to see the majority of the students shocked. Some were excited. Most likely due to seeing small amount of my power in person.

The sight just made me smile.

A few hours later the school day for teachers had ended. I was walking put with two fellow teachers.

"The looks on there precious faces were priceless" A black haired female squeeled.

"In surprised you haven't beat Present Mic yet with that voice" an older blonde said with a snicker. I did my best to hid my chuckle. The girl just started to pout.

"Hey, are you going to join us for dinner at the bar, Izuku?" The girl asked.

"Sorry, not tonight. I promised to have dinner with my girlfriend" I said scratching my cheek and apologizing.

"My baby boy has a girlfriend." My mother squeeled.

"He technically already had two" Her friend Mitsuki, Kacchans mom, added.

"Yeah, it was Jiro and then Kaminari" Mina said smirking at Kaminari making him uncomfortable.

"So he had a girlfriend and a boyfriend" Mitsuki said.

I unlocked the door to my apartment to see that the lights were on. I know I could live in a penthouse like Hawks easily. But this isn't just the ordinary apartment. It was the one I grew up in.

After my mother past away, I took the opportunity and took it for myself. There was no way I could just get rid of the place I grew up in.

"Thats so sweet of him" Midnight out of all people said.

"I'm home" I said putting the keys to the apartment on the counter. There was food already cooking. From a doorway, a female with glasses, white hair with red streaks in it, it was mostly shoulder length.

She was in a white dress shirt with a plain grayish peach colored cardigan. The sleeves were rolled up to her elbows. Probably so they would get in her to cook.

Before I even knew it, I was attacked by her with a hug, causing us to fall on the couch.

"I miss you, Zuku" she said nuzzling her head into my chest.

"Its only been a day. But to be fair, I missed you too, Fuyu" I said right before I planted my lips right onto hers.

The theater was silent. That was until Endeavor spoke up.

"I approve" He said, shocking literally everyone.

"Thats new" Hawks said rubbing the back of his neck. "You feeling ok?"

"They'll bring me strong grandkids" He said sitting down. Of course, the shock was now gone as this was expected.

But Fuyumi on the other hand, she was still in shock from what she witnessed on the screen.

The two of us were standing in the kitchen, cooking together. It was rare that we ate together because of our careers. Being hero meant that i wasn't able to be at home for a long time. But now that I'm taking a gap year and teaching, well a teachers aid, at UA, I should be able to return him more often.

This was something all the pro Heroes sympathized with. Getting a proper meal was really hard. Same thing with a good night's rest.

"Did I ever say thank you yet?" I asked I went for the plates.

"What for?" she asked back.

"For convincing me to take the gap year" I explained.

"I don't think so" she said smirking at me. I placed my hand on her chin and made her look up at me.

"Thank you" I said before slowly moving our faces together, causing our lips to crash. When we pulled away, she turned some music on as we cooked the remaining of our food.

As we did, I started to slowly dance. This caused her to giggle at me. I just smiled at her. I set the table for the two of us as she finished cooking. When it was done, we served ourselves.

That night, the dinner was filled with laughter. The two of is had a nice proper dinner with a heartfilled conversation. Not one of those typical ones that last only for a few minutes.

I volunteered to wash the dished. But she protested. But, we ended up doing the dishes together. As I was washing, I grabbed some bubbles made by the soap and put it on her chin.

She just looked at me and I couldbt help but laughter because of the bubbles on her face. I felt something placed on my chin. Now it was her turn to laugh. Apparently she put bubbles on me.

I started to laugh with her. After calming down, we went back to finishing up the dishes. Once we were done with that, I went to the living room and moved the coffee table.

"What are you doing?" She asked me.

"Come here" I said reaching my hand out to her. She slowly made her way over and grabbed my hand. When she did, I started to play a song and started to dance.

We both slowly moved around the room as the song played. She didn't even question it, she just put her head on my chest as we just held each other. We didn't say anything. We just listened to the song and moved around.

Everyone looked shocked once again

"Midoryia, I didn't know you were this Romantic" Youyorozu said. I didn't even know what to say. This is something I would do though. Was it really that Romantic.

"I-i" Is all I could say. This definitely got some laughs from people.

"Hey, Fuyu" I said as I held her close to me.

"Yeah?" She asked not taking her head off my chest.

"I really appreciate you sticking with me for this long. It means everything to me" I said rubbing her hair. She finally looked up at me.

"Hey" she put her hand on my cheek "its my pleasure" she smiled at me. I leaned in for another kiss.

The screen started to fade and lights turned on.

"That was just beautiful" Midnight said wiping a tear.

"Beautiful indeed" Mt. Lady said agreeing with her.

"I didn't know Midoryia had a side like that" Kirishima said scratching his head, most likely trying to figure things out.

"I knew my baby boy was perfect boyfriend material" my mom said squeezing me.

"When was the last time we danced?" Mitsuki asked her husband. Well it sound more like a threat.

"I told you this was going to be nice calm one." The man said happily "but It's time to move on" He said as the screen turned back on.

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