"Just so I can bring your spirits back up, I'll wait for one more to do another fight. I'll show you a date." Dio said before spinning the wheel.
Mina Ashido
Mina was bouncing in her seat waiting for it to start.
Midoryia was currently sitting in his office finishing up his paper work for the day. But that was cut by an energetic pro hero walking into his office.
"I'm so sorry sir. I tried to stop her" a secretary said apologizing.
"Its quiet alright. There's no need to apologize. I knew if I didn't answer her this would happen." Midoryia laughed as his secretary left the room.
"Ooh, Midoryia has a secretary" Uraraka said.
"Kinda hot too" Kaminari said getting a slapped to his head.
"Why didn't you answer if you knew I would just come in here anyways" Mina pouted.
"Because I thought this would be better" Midoryia winked at the girl. His confidence in flirting has definitely grown a lot since his time in UA. He can thank people like Mina for that.
"Hurry up and do that in this universe" Mina pouted once again.
Midoryia looked at Jiro and shrugged with an awkward smile.
"So, you planned for me to come here huh" she asked leaning on Midoryia's desk. Over the years, Minas costume had evolved into something like Midnights.
"Atta girl" Midnight said proud of one of her students.
"Ohh, I see" Mina smirked.
"And what do you see?" Midoryia asked as he put some papers away.
"I saw how you just looked at me" Mina leaned forward a bit.
"And how did look at you?" Midoryia asked leaning forward towards Mina.
"You were checking me out weren't you?" Mina asked with a smug look on her face. Midoryia just smiled and leaned forward and kissed her.
"What? I can't check out my girlfriend?" Midoryia asked.
Everyone's jaws were dropped.
"Foreplay. Even for a kiss. Couldbt have done it better than myself." Midnight complemented Mina.
Mina just smiled as she gave Midoryia a quick kiss.
"You can check me out how much you want" Mina said running her hand down Midoryia's face.
"Ahem" the turned to see man standing at his door.
"Uh. Todoroki. I apologize you had to see that" Midoryia Apologized.
"I'd Todoroki isn't scarred, then I'm god" Kaminari joked. Dio just chuckled.
"But I am scarred. See" Todoroki pointed to his scar on his face.
"Shoto..." Natsu face planted while Dabi just chuckled.
"I think you know why I'm here" Todoroki approached his desk.
"Yes. You need me to sign the approval I'm guessing" Todoroki nodded as Midoryia took the paper from Todoroki.
Midoryia gave them back to Todoroki.
"Thank you Midoryia" Todoroki bowed before leaving.
"What was that about?" Mina asked.
"One if his sidekicks wanted to transfer to my agency and one of mine wanted to transfer to his. So we did a trade" Midoryia explained.
"Well..." Mina went to lock his office door. Midoryia just looked confused. Mina walked back to Midoryia, standing behind him. She wrapped her arms around Midoryia and press her breast against the back of his head.
This definitely sent the message to Midoryia. So he grabbed his remote and turned his TV on to watch the news.
"Is he doing what I think they're about to do?" Sero asked as Dio just shrugged.
Midoryia spun his chair around and Mina got ontop his lap.
"Yknow what, I think this is a good place to stop" Dio said as the screen went black. Many others agreed with him. Especially Midoryia.
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