What is loyalty?
"Getting straight into It I see" sero said.
Loyalty is earned through sacrifices. It takes time to earn loyalty.
But it can be stripped of in seconds.
"He is right. Loyalty takes time to earn. B u thing one move and its all gone" Aizawa explained to his class.
I lost that loyalty. I'm now hated by not one, but all the hero classes under mine. But there was others who said I was right. But it didn't matter. The news of what happend went international. The whole world knows of what I did.
"I wonder what he did to make us hate him" Mina said with everyone shrugging. Midoryia really wanted to know what he did aswell.
Midoryia was walking back to tbe dorms after school alone. When got to the dorms, he just sighed at the sight. The dorm was graffitied. Whoever did it, they wrote Murderer on the building in red letters.
Everyone was shocked at seeing the graffiti.
"That is highly inappropriate" iida said more worried about the graffiti.
"Muderer? But he wouldn't." Uraraka covered her mouth.
"I can tell you who he killed and spare the details" Dio said with everyone wanting that. But someone wanted to see it.
"No" everyone turned to Midoryia. "Dio, I want to see how it went down." Dio just shrugged.
Midoryia was standing in what looked liked a war zone. Buildings turned in rubble. Both Heros and civilians dead. Only one other person was standing.
They both heard a helicopter flying over them. They both knew it was the news. This was Shigaraki's big moments. Right when he raised his arms, Midoryia ran at him, putting him in a choke hold.
When Midoryia put him in the hold, he knew what shigaraki was doing. He was reaching someone still alive and conscious. He was going to kill someone on live TV. He was going to kill his lover, Uraraka.
Shigaraki still reached for her. Midoryia tried to pull him back, but their strength were equal.
"Stop it!" Midoryia yelled.
"Never" Shigaraki was just a mere inch away from uraraka's face. She had the look of pure fear in her eyes.
Midoryia yelled and it was done. Shigaraki fell to the floor, lifeless. He had snapped Shigaraki's neck.
Everyone was silent. But Nezu spoke up.
"The Hero codex clearly states that if the villain ranks as an A or and S, if it has come to total destruction, the Hero may legally end the villains life" Nezu explained. All the heroes knew this. But none of them hoped that they had to do it. But they just witness a third year student do it.
Midoryia walked into the dorm and immediately going into the kitchen. He opened the fridge to look for his snack he had waiting all day for to eat. But it wasn't there.
"Who ate my snack?" Midoryia asked but got no answer. He just sighed and went for the stairs.
"Murderers don't get snacks" He heard someone quietly say. But it was still audible to him.
"That was just uncalled for" Mina said angry.
"Totally. No one eats another person's snack!" Tokage yelled.
"So not manly" Kirishima said with the boys agreeing.
Midoryia was walking until he was grabbed by two people. He was pushed into a room. It was Kirishima's room. He was pushed in by Kirishima and Bakugou. Jiro was also there.
"What do you want? Want a chance to beat me aswell? Go ahead. I'm not going to fight back."
"I- what the fuck?!" Midnight.
"OH yeah. His classmates and other hero students punch or kick him when they get the chance. But he never fights back.
Midoryia was thinking about how this version went from being kicked and punched everyday in middle school to having friends he could count on, just go back to being beaten
It made him tear up a bit. He felt someone embraced him. It was jiro. She wanted to reassure him it would be alright.
"God damn it nerd" Bakugou pinched the bridge of his nose. "Let us speak first"
"Midoryia, were on yours side" Jiro said shocking Midoryia.
"We think you made the right call. I was with the others at first. But when they showed me the handbook and I realized everything he had done, you made the absolutely right choice" Kirishima explained.
Midoryia stared at the three blankly for a few moments before falling to his knees, crying.
"Great, the nerd is crying" Bakugou turned his back to him. Jiro bent down next to him and rubbed his back.
"T-thank you. You have no idea how long I've been waiting for someone to say those words." Midoryia cried
"Midoryia, you made the right call. So whatever they think about you, it doesn't matter. Because you saved their lives and that's all that matters. They're alive still and so many other people aswell. People in the the streets are calling you a hero. Kirishima turn on the news" Jiro ordered Kirishima. He Just nodded and turned his TV on.
"What do you think about this Izuku Midoryia kid?"
"You mean the one who took care of that psycho? The kid is a hero. He saved so many lives that day."
"What do you think about the comments calling him a murderer?"
"I apologize for this. But fuck them. Hey kid. If your watching this, you're a hero. You saved thousands of lives. Keep up the great work. I want to see you in the streets as a pro hero"
The video stopped. Midoryia just stared at the man who called him a hero.
"That went live about a week ago. Midoryia, you're a hero to them." Jiro said still rubbing his back.
"I'm just so happy" Midoryia said smiling at Jiro.
"He got the happy ending" Jiro cried out while hugging Midoryia. Midoryia just smiled.
Everyone was just happy to know he got the right ending to his story and for their Midoryia being happy.
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