(Heres the Apology chapters. I teared up a bit while writing this. So enjoy)
The Rabbit and The Vigilante Final Part
Midoryia was currently watching over the city. Just a few days ago he had his fight with Rumi and well, he lost. He wasn't surprised he lost. It was Rumi afterall.
A part of him thinks she doesn't believe she really won since he went toe to toe with Endeavor multiple times and won each fight.
Midoryia thoughts were interrupted as there was an explosion in the distance. He was able to see fire and smoke in the night sky.
He jumped off the building, using black whip to gain momentum. When he got close, he landed on a roof top, running and jumping across them until he made to the explosions.
There were Heroes already there, just standing there. That includes Mirko. There was no sight of a villain yet. Maybe it was an accident.
Right when he was about to move, he was tackled off the building. How did he not sense it coming.
Midoryia pushed his attacker off him as they fell. He couldn't tell who it was since they were wearing a mask. But the two started to fight while falling.
"Look" a pro hero called out pointing at the two falling.
"Bunny" Mirko whispered.
When he saw that they both were about to hit the ground, Midoryia used black whip so swing them up, preventing them from becoming pancakes.
Midoryia safely landed on the road, along with his attacker. They both were surrounded by pro Heroes.
"Its over you two. You're surrounded" a voice boomed all around them. It was all too familiar to Midoryia. But he didn't take his eyes off his attacker who just laid in the streets, probably unconscious.
But that's where Midoryia's judgement was wrong. The attacker got up, leaping at him, ignoring the pro Heroes. Midoryia charged OFA and dodged the attack.
He took the opportunity to grab the villains arm and throwing him over his shoulder, slamming him to the ground, knocking the wind out of him.
Endeavor took a step towards the two fighting.
"Not a single step, Endeavor. I'm not going down until I finish this guy" Midoryia said going for the guys mask. The man grabbed Midoryias wrist, flipping and pinning him. At that moment, he released smokescreen, blinding him and the pro Heroes.
Rumi wanted to get in there and kick ass. But she knew she couldn't. A. She couldn't see jack shit. B. This was her Bunny's fight. Endeavor tried to step in, but instinctively, Rumi stopped him by grabbing his arm.
"This is his fight" she said as Endeavor just grunted at her.
Midoryia and the attacker were fighting tooth and nail in the smoke. This was Deku's, not Midoryia's, Domain. He was superior in the smoke.
When the smoke cleared, Midoryia had the villain pinned and the mask was broken. Who he saw behind the mask absolutely terrified him. The man just smiled at Midoryia.
"Long time no see, Izuku"
"Tomura?" Midoryia let his gaurd down, letting Shigaraki touch Midoryia's chest.
Evereything was now in slow motion for Midoryia now. He felt his chest decaying. He couldn't even move to stop him. He couldn't believe that this is how it ends for him. It was so cold now.
As Rumi ran for Midoryia, someone else swooped in and grabbed him. The person held Midoryia close as they rolled on the floor.
Seeing Midoryia out of the way, Rumi took the chance to knock out his attacker.
Midoryia started to feel warmer. But he knew it was the end. The damage was done. There's no coming back from a direct attack from shigaraki to the chest. Just maybe if this was the shigaraki from his first year he could. But he's one on a different level now.
"You damn nerd. Stay with me" his temporarly savior was none other than Katsuki Bakugou.
"Kacchan?" Midoryia asked as Bakugou propped his head up.
"You damn idiot. How can you let someone like him best you." Bakugou yelled in anger. But it quickly turned to sadness.
"Move" a voice called. It was Todoroki. He knelt down next to Bakugou. There was another person, Rumi.
"Kacchan... Shoto... Rumi" Midoryia smiled at his two old friends and his lover.
"Dont go anywhere. You're going to make it" Todoroki said trying his best to attend to his wound.
"Shoto, it won't work. Not even Katsuma's quirk would work on something like this." Midoryia said as he blankly stared at Todoroki.
"Damn it nerd" Bakugou looked down.
"You did it Kacchan" Midoryia smiled again.
"What are you talking about?" Bakugou asked.
"This is what you wanted right? To surpass me" Midoryia said.
"Not like this you bastard! You're supposed to fight me dumbass. I won't accept it like this." Bakugou yelled as he cried. Todoroki started to tear up.
Rumi slowly put her hand on Midoryia's cheek.
"Bunny" she called out.
"I'm here Rabbit." He grabbed her hand as it was on his cheek.
"You let me win on purpose, didn't you?" She asked looking down as tears ran down her cheeks.
"No... that was all you" He said as he rubbed her cheek with his thumb. Rumi placed her forehead on Midoryia's. They stared into each other's eyes. Rumi had a frown while Izuku had a smile.
Rumi placed her lips on Izuku's, giving him a sweet kiss. When they parted, Midoryia whispered.
"Its ok to be weak and scared... get stronger, for me. I love you Rumi. My bunny. This is my last train home"
Rumi looked into Midoryia's eyes to see there was no life in them. She didn't care if others were there, she didn't care if they thought she was weak, she cried into Midoryia's chest.
In his last moments, he was happy. He past away with a smile on his face.
Many of the pro Heroes got on their knees to show respect. Yes they chased him down for being a vigilante. But there's no denying the good he's done for all of Japan. He was highly respected among the Heros.
The only one who didn't get on his knee was Endeavor. This definitely upset many of the Heroes.
Even Katsuki Bakugou got on his knee for Midoryia.
Bakugou stood there with a flower in his hands. They were all given out as people arrived. He looked around to see his old classmates, some pro Heroes, and his mother.
"I'm going to get stronger and be the number one. Not because I want to surpass that firery prick or because I want to become stronger. But because out of the two of us, you were the better hero" Bakugou finally admitted. He bent down and placed the flower down.
After he walked away, Rumi walked over. She took a deep breath before speaking.
"Hey, Bunny. You know how bad I am with my feelings. So don't make fun of me ok?" She laughed a bit. "I miss you already. You were the only person who truly understood me. There isn't anyone else out there like you. You made me feel... stronger. Now I feel weak. I know you said it's ok to be weak and scared. But I don't know what to do anymore. I'm scared, Bunny. You always knew what to do. I don't. Now I have no one to tell me ever thing will be alright. I... I love you, Izuku" she couldnt go on any longer. So she just ended it there before she broke down. she placed down her flower and hesitantly walked away, taking a peek back to see two flowers.
They were places side by side. One was a Primrose, symbolizing that you can't live without your lover.
The other one was a red spider lily, symbolizing a final goodbye.
They were placed on a tombstone.
Izuku Midoryia
The Smile Hero, Deku
7/15/21** - 6/28/21**
"Giving Help That Isn't Asked For Is What Makes A True Hero"
This Marks The End Of The Rabbit And The Vigilante Story
(I had fun writing the three parts. So I might make a big one shot or a story about it. So if you'd like to see that, let me know in the comments)
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