{Kindly go read chapter 32 incase you directly jumped to this post. I did update!!}
Hey guys! I know it's not an update but I have an activity for you guys.
I may or may not be able to update fast but meanwhile, I'm gonna give you an opportunity to get to know me and my characters more.
(I know you all might be a bit pissed off since I post these kind of activities a lot...😅
But all those who want to ask questions from:
1) Me (please try not to be way too personal. Some personal questions are allowed)
2) Alyssa
4) Sam
5) Nate
6) Zach (Against The Odds)
7) Adrianna (Against The Odds)
8) Daniel (The Cinderella's Bad Boy)
9) Skylar/Penny (TCBB)
All of the questions can be asked here but to be a bit specific, please follow this format:
Name of the character: question
Aaron: Why do......] Please do go for an inline comment :)
Please NOTE:
- Questions about things that are supposed to unravel in the further chapters won't be answered. Example-
Zach: why did you break your friendship with Adri? OR
Aaron- do you and Ali want to be a couple?
- These questions are supposed to tell you a bit more about the character's personalities.
- This is a friendly activity for you guys to enjoy since my next update will be TCBB (most probably) so NO HATE
- Go ahead and enjoy! And ask as many questions you want (even if you think they're stupid. No ones judging :)
Just one more thing.
"Am I in heaven?"
Mom: Get your lazy butt off the bed and go shower!
*Rolls eyes*
"Maybe not"
So much for being in heaven!
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