Chapter 32: Fluster Day

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Okay! An UPDATE? Woohoo!

But before you guys ask, my exams aren't over yet. But since these are more like short tests, it's the only reason I'm able to update.

Happy Reading :)

Thank you PikyPady for the cover <3

Chapter 32: Fluster Day

"Come on," Candy gestured me to follow him.

I hesitated.

The locker rooms were empty by now. Everyone had gone, including Sam who found Nate once Candy had pulled me aside.

The competitions of the day were almost over and now Candy was telling me that he wanted me to meet a few of his friends (not from the citrus group)

"You might want to change though, I really don't want people talking to your legs all the time."

I rolled my eyes. "No. I'm getting a bit comfortable wearing shorts and I won't remove them now."


I raised my eyebrow and folded my arms across my chest. "But...?"

"I-uh don't want people getting distracted in conversations."

"I don't think anyone is going to get distracted by my legs. And there are plenty of other girls who have much more tanned and long legs as compared to me. So they can stare at them all the time." I retorted.

I wasn't going to let this stupid protectiveness of Candy make me change into something else.

Before he could reply, my phone buzzed and I fished my pockets for it.

From: Sammy

Got a chance to get him flustered?"

Sent at 5:11 PM

I thought about it. I'd almost forgotten about the mission. But I didn't get how I was supposed to get him flustered.

What if the plan backfired or something? I'd sure be humiliated to the heights crossing Burj-Khalifa.

Dejected, I texted Sam.

To: Sammy

No :( I don't know how to do that.

Sent at 5:15 PM

"Who're you texting?" Candy asked, as we started walking towards the exit.

I rolled my eyes before muttering-

"My boyfriend."

He abruptly stopped, making me stumble. He looked at me with narrowed eyes. "You don't have a boyfriend."

I raised an eyebrow. "How would you know?"

"I'm your best friend. Why wouldn't I know?" He crossed his arms and looked at me.

I snorted. "Can't I hide things from you?"

"Nope," he said popping the 'p'.

I narrowed my eyes in return. "Cocky much?"

He smirked. "Can't help it Muffin. I just know everything about you. Hell, I even know the dates of when the Red Sea Tsunami hits you."

I turned Scarlett. "You don't need to remind about the 'info' mom oh-so graciously provided you with. And as a matter of fact, I may have a boyfriend."
I lied.

Not a good decision, though because as sad as it was, Candy did know pretty much everything about me.

But hey, I was going to stand my ground, no matter what. Even if I did end up loosing my dignity in a matter of few moments.

"Oh yeah?" Candy advanced towards me, taking small steps.

"Y-Yeah," I stuttered as he closed the distance between us. I couldn't go backwards since I already had a locker behind me.

Wasn't a girl supposed to have some space to back away before the guy cornered her?

I couldn't escape side-ways because if I did that, it would mean that I was finding a way out. That would mean that I was definitely lying.

"So what's his name?" He asked as he kept on taking baby steps towards me.

Well, shit.

"I-uh, Sam-Samuel." I answered, breathing a discreet sigh of relief. Bless Sam for saving my butt.

"Samuel, huh?"

Before I could answer, a message pinged through my phone. I glanced at the lock screen and read it.

From: Sammy

Make him look at your hot legs

Sent at 5:22 PM

Legs? How was I supposed to make him look at my legs? And how was it going to even help.

I couldn't possibly shove them into his face. Plus I wasn't even that tall.

"Whose text was that?" He asked smirking as if he knew that my boyfriend was fictional.

"My bf," I answered, looking into his eyes with confidence. Technically, I wasn't even lying since Sam was pretty much my best friend.

"Oh and what did your 'bf' say?"

"He loves my hot legs," I blurted out, without thinking.

Candy's eyes immediately snapped towards my legs as he advanced. His abrupt movement made me stumble and land on a bench with a 'thump'.

This made his jersey go a bit up, revealing the hem of my shorts.

I saw his eyes go a colour darker as his eyes mapped the length of my legs.

As he did so, I could feel the blush creeping up my cheeks. Why, oh why does it always have to be me?

I quickly composed myself. Speak you dumbo.

"Uhh, Candy? My eyes are up here," I said gesturing to my face.

His eyes widened as he snapped his head away. "I-uh we, you-I -um."

I squinted my eyes to see if I wasn't dreaming. Was he blushing?

I suppressed my giggle and composed my posture before sitting up straight.

"Aaron?" I called, making him look at me.

I slowly dragged my right leg on my left and crossed them, making his eyes involuntarily snap towards them once again.

I stifled my grin as I saw him mutter a few colourful words under his breath before clamping his hand over his face, letting out a groan.

I was loving seeing him get flustered.

This was awesome!

"Is something wrong Candy?" I traded him.

He removed his hand from his face before glaring at me. He took a few moments to shake his head vigorously before speaking.

"Come on. My friends must be waiting for us."

He held out his hand for me but was looking ahead.

I chuckled at his behaviour before taking his hand and getting up.

When I thought he was going to let it go, he entwined our fingers before starting to walk.

My eyes widened at this gesture.

Sure it wasn't like we hadn't held hands before. I mean he's been my best friend for seventeen years but why did this feel different?

It somehow didn't feel like that friendly holding of hands.

Or maybe it was just me.

We trudged through the empty school hallways to the parking lot. There were only two cars left.

I quickly spotted Candy's car near the ok banyan tree.

We walked towards it without making any sound. The silence was oddly comfortable. Maybe it was because nothing was awkward between us.

Once we reached the car, I quickly got into the passenger seat and that's when the realisation set in.

I was going to meet Candy's friends. I, the awkward, clumsy nerd, was going to meet the 'cool' guys of Gradient High.

What if they didn't like a 'nerd' hanging out with them?

Oh god!

"What're you thinking?" Candy's voice broke through the train of thoughts that were consuming my mind with negativity.

I turned to face him. "What if your friends don't like me?"

He smiled. "No one can not like you Muffin. Besides I wouldn't be taking you to meet them if they were bad guys."

"All guys?"

He chuckled. "Do you really think I'd be taking you into a den of hungry lions alone? Their girlfriends will also be there."

I slacked back in relief. Maybe it wasn't going to be that bad.

By the time we reached Candy's house, I was shivering like crazy.

This was because my oh-so sweet best friend decided that he was feeling hot and he turned in the AC in full blow.

And all of this because he was wearing a hoodie. I did ask him to remove it but he didn't budge.

It wasn't like I didn't turn it down, but he caught my hands with just one of his. And let me tell you that his grip is damn strong.

"Are you feeling cold, Muffin?" He asked, feigning innocence.

I glared at him while rubbing my arms and thighs frantically. "No Candy, I don't feel like I just buried myself in Antarctica at all." I replied with a sickly sweet smile.

"Don't worry Muffin, take these. They'll keep you warm," he said, pulling out my favourite black leggings from his bag.

I narrowed my eyes at him. That sly piece of crap.

"No. It's fine."

"Muffin, I really don't want you turning into a human Popsicle anytime soon. So please?"

I glared at him but grudgingly grabbed the leggings.

He looked happier than a kid on Christmas as he grinned at me. "Good girl. Now I'll be waiting out while you out these on."

I didn't stop glaring at him until he got out and turned the other way.

I groaned but pulled down my shorts, still keeping my modesty covered with Aaron's Jersey.

After that I quickly slid on my leggings and got out. Even though I hated to admit it, I was glad to be back them.

Getting out of the car, I turned to face Candy who was whistling, looking way too happy.

I narrowed my eyes at him. "Are we gonna move or what?"

He turned to me, quickly glancing at my legs before putting on a satisfied smirk. "Sure Cupcake, time to introduce you to my friends."

He slung his arm across my shoulder and pulled me along to the entrance of his house.

But the only thing I caught was: Cupcake?


Hey peeps! So, how was the chapter?

Okay so I'm planning a QOTD kind of a thing because I want to get to know you guys since I really can't chat with all of you.

I hope you all participate. I'll be answering the questions too. :)

1) what's your most embarrassing moment?

[Mine was when I accidentally slapped a lady while swimming laps in a public pool. Yeah, I was mortified]

PM me the answers if you want, too

And guys, please check out my other two books! To those who already did, thank you!

And I'm glad you like them. I saw your votes and comments <3

Vote and Comment!


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