The team was hit hard. Zolomon had tricked them, he caught them all off guard, and one of their own paid the price. Everyone mourned in their own way for the loss of Harrison Wells. Joe took to caring for the body, taking the once brilliant man down to the morgue in the lower levels. Patty went about trying to find anything related to a will or last testament. She had to stop every five minutes to give herself a break and cry.
Cisco walked into the main workshop lab. He flicked the light switch on and looked around. Scattered about were various tools, components, and half complete machines, some of which would now never be finished. Ramon walked through the lab with a dull expression. He was trying to keep from breaking down again.
While walking through the workshop, Cisco made his way over to one of the old pieces of equipment that had been awaiting its movement into storage. He stopped to look at it. It was about three feet high and two or so feet wide. It had a small kick plate for a person to place their legs. A remote steering stick was placed on the arm of the item.
Cisco took in the old wheelchair once used by his mentor so many years ago. He thought back on everything. Even before all of this, he remembered when he had first met Dr. Wells. While most just saw Cisco as an oddball inventor who was a little too passionate about his projects, Harrison saw him for what he really was. A genius. A genius with a mind that should be allowed to flourish. That was when he invited Cisco to join him at S.T.A.R. Labs.
And so Cisco joined and he stayed by his mentor's side. Others may have doubted his expertise, but Dr. Wells always supported him. And Cisco stayed loyal to him. Even when everything came crashing down, he made the conscious decision to go with him on the run for over nine months. And it all started with one meeting and an awkward handshake.
Barry walked into the workshop. He found Cisco staring down at the chair. His hand was running over the joystick for the device. Tears looked like they were about to burst from his eyes.
Allen walked over to his friend. Cisco saw him and turned. The two embraced each other in a tight hug. Cisco broke down once more. He allowed himself the moment to cry and let it all out. Barry started to cry as well, but he remained strong, comforting his friend by rubbing circles into his back.
Y/N, Caitlin, and Judy were all in the lab. Each were in their own silent bit of mourning. Caitlin had her head down and was twiddling her fingers. She thought back to the first time she had met Dr. Wells and everything that had transported since.
Y/N paced back and forth with his hands on his hips. His eyes were red, his cheeks flushed. In a bitter moment of anger, Y/N kicked the chair that was next to him. It went hurtling back and fell to the ground with a loud clang. Y/N pressed himself against the wall and slid down on his rear. He wiped his face and covered his eyes.
Seeing her father's act of aggression. Judy got up and walked out of the room. Caitlin saw her leave and followed. After a few minutes, she found her daughter sitting down in front of the port entry into the accelerator ring. Judy was crouched down on one of the steps leading to the circular hatch. Her hands were placed over her knees. A few tears ran down her face.
Caitlin sighed. She walked over and sat down next to the teenage girl. Both women sat there for a bit, taking in the silence of it all. After a moment, Judy spoke. Her voice was hoarse and trembling.
Judy: This is all my fault.
Caitlin: No. No, it's not, sweetie.
Judy: If I hadn't come back here, if I hadn't led him to us...
She broke down. Caitlin turned and placed a loving hand on her little girl's shoulder. She rubbed small circles into her side and scooted a bit closer. After a moment, Judy calmed down. Caitlin put her own head down for a moment, not exactly sure what she should be doing. She brought her head up again after a second and faced her crying girl.
Caitlin: You are just like your father. Always blaming things that are out of your control on yourself. None of this was your fault, Judy. You couldn't have prevented this. Hunter is just... He's a very wicked man. People like that only ever want to hurt you, and there's nothing you can do to change that.
Judy: Maybe if I never had my speed none of this would have happened. Maybe if I had never been...
She stopped, unable to say the last part. Caitlin fully turned and brought both of her hands up onto Judy's shoulders. She got her to face her and looked at her with a serious, but loving face.
Caitlin: Don't you ever say that. I don't want to ever hear you say such a thing. You are a gift. You're brilliant. Your life matters much more than even you realize. And everything you touch turns just as bright and shining as you are.
She paused for a moment before continuing.
Caitlin: I know I'm probably not the greatest mother in the future, but I will always love you and will always try to protect you.
Judy looked at her with eyes of surprise.
Judy: What are you talking about? You're the best mom.
Caitlin was caught a bit off guard by what she meant. Judy wiped her nose before placing her hand into her breast pocket. She pulled out a small photograph and unfolded it. She handed it to her mother to look at.
Caitlin took the photograph and looked at the image. It was a near identical photo to the one of her and her parents, only now it contained Judy standing in the center between Y/N and herself. The little girl looked like she had to be no more than eight years old in the photo. All three were smiling brightly.
Judy: Dad didn't officially retire from being the Flash until I was at least twelve. He tried to be home as often as he could, always being there in the mornings and evenings and weekends when he could. But I was always with you during the day.
Caitlin looked up from the photo and at her daughter.
Judy: You told me you continued to help Dad for a bit. But during the last stages of your pregnancy and especially after I was born, you wanted to try and stay home with me. It helped once we found Eobard. He was more than happy to help Dad in the lab while you stayed home with me.
Judy sighed for a moment, thinking back to those days.
Judy: And you were always there for me. We watched movies together, went to the park, you taught me how to bake. It was great. For someone who came from a not so normal lineage, I truly felt like I had a great and normal home life.
Caitlin smiled. She was glad that she would pull through and would give her daughter the life she deserved, the life she herself rarely got to enjoy. Judy looked at her mom and smiled a grin that nearly perfectly matched hers.
Judy: Dad was the one there when I ran for the first time, when I first discovered my speed, when I defeated my first villain, and even when I was given that goofy hat. But you were there when I took my first steps. You were the person I went to. You were there when I lost my first tooth and won my first soccer game. Dad was there when he could be, but I always found myself going to you first.
She paused for a moment, her smile fading a bit.
Judy: Out of all the heroes I've met, from Firestorm to Batman to Superman to the Flash, I wanted to be like you, Mom. I wanted to try and live up to you and what you accomplished. And I know I can never reach that high. I just...
Caitlin saw her expression. She brought her arm up and rapped it around Judy's shoulder. She pulled her close to her chest.
Caitlin: Judy, you already are that kind of girl. I am the one who is currently looking up to you. The things you can do, they're amazing. Not just your speed. Your smarts, your bravery, your commitment, your willingness to do the right thing. I could not ask for a more perfect daughter.
Judy looked up at her mother with a smile. She leaned into her a bit more as she brought her head down. As she did, her mind went back to all that had transpired. She thought about Harrison again and what had happened. She began to cry.
Judy: It hurts, Mom. It hurts.
Caitlin: I know, baby. I know.
Caitlin wrapped both of her arms around her precious girl. She held her close and began to rock back and forth. The two held onto one another, the proud mother trying to comfort her sobbing child.
Y/N was standing back up, pacing around in the lab. He had a lot going through his head. He had never felt the way he did before. All that pain, all that fear, all that anger. And now Harrison. It felt like it was becoming too much. Y/N felt like he couldn't bottle it in anymore. At any moment he may just explode with all that he's been keeping in. Then it was what he'd unleash is what he feared most.
As Y/N stood there in thought, Caitlin and Judy walked over to the lab. Caitlin stood by the door and motioned for the younger girl to go to her father. Judy walked forward, her face showing how upset she was.
Y/N saw the look on Judy's face. His heart broke. All the thoughts in his mind faded away as she made her way over to him.
Judy: Dad... Wells...
Y/N: I know. It's not your fault.
Judy: Now I guess I know why you guys rarely spoke about him. Just like Aunt Frost.
Y/N felt his heart shatter with hers. He stepped closer, bringing his hands up to her elbows and rubbing them along her arms.
Judy: Maybe if I can regain my speed, if I can go back further in time, I can fix all this. I can save Wells. I can fix everything. I can...
Y/N: Judy, no.
Y/N looked into her eyes and spoke with a clear, comforting voice.
Y/N: We would be no better than him if we did that. We are not gods, Judy. We are normal people who, for whatever reason, have been given extraordinary abilities. It is not within our right to meddle with time like that. This isn't your fault. It's mine.
Judy looked at him in surprise.
Y/N: I shouldn't have tried to do this in my own. I shouldn't have shut you guys out. Now more than ever is when we need to be open to one another. Maybe if I had been, none of this would have...
Judy: Dad, no. It's Hunter. It's always been him and him alone. He'll do anything to break us apart. To make us like him.
Y/N: You're right.
Judy: We need to work together on this. None of us can face death alone.
Y/N brought his hand up and cupped Judy's cheek. He gently brushed his thumb against it. Judy sighed and leaned into her father's touch.
Y/N: Oh, my baby girl. When did you become so wise?
Judy: I learned it from you, Dad.
Y/N looked down at her. Judy put her head down as she leaned closer. She seemed troubled.
Judy: You and Mom have always been so proud of me. You raised me up on a pedestal and said how great I was at everything I tried. Even when I failed, you said you were proud of me for trying. And when I first started running, I could see the pride in your eyes. I just wanted to feel like I actually earned that pride, Dad. Like I could really be the daughter you thought I was. I wanted to earn it myself.
Y/N looked at her. Her put his finger under her chin and raised her head up to his. The fast man looked down with a bright smile at his fast daughter.
Y/N: Judy, I will always be proud of you. No matter what. Your mother and I will always be proud of everything you do. And the reason we are is because you give us reason to. You don't have to prove or earn anything because you already have. You are my daughter. There's nothing you could do that would make me stop feeling pride in you..
A tear fell down Judy's eye. She smiled with a trembling lip and a great sigh. It felt like a huge burden had been lifted off of her shoulders.
Judy: I love you, Dad.
Y/N: I love you too, my purple comet.
The two embraced one another in a loving hug. Judy smiled as she cried into Y/N's chest. She grinned at hearing the nickname he'd called her. Little did Y/N know, that was a nickname he would give her in the future. And it was one she had always cherished.
Caitlin smiled at the two's loving embrace. She walked over and joined them, wrapping her own arms around the two. Judy was placed between her parents as the family all held one another close. It didn't matter what they were going through. In this moment, all they needed was each other.
The team all gathered back up in the cortex chamber. Everyone was pacing around, trying to think of what to do next. Cisco and Caitlin looked at the new readings from the two speedsters and sighed.
Cisco: Zoom really did a number on you guys.
Caitlin: The presence of Speed Force in your bodies is down to twelve percent for both of you. I'm not sure that'd even be enough to run up a building.
Y/N: So we first find out what Zolomon is up to. We find a way to regain our speed from him and stop him here and now.
Joe: Better said than done. The guy's currently a ghost.
Cisco: Our satellites can't pinpoint his location. And most of our other servers were destroyed during the fight.
Snart: Bad time for you all to loose your toys. But if I know a cunning plan when I see one, he's going to strike soon. He struck you where it hurt and is betting on you being both physically and emotionally weak. That's when he'll reveal his trump card.
Mick: And I guess it's not just a Royal Flush.
Cisco: With your guys' speed, there's no way you can face him like this.
Patty: Well what about the city? Last time he tried to take over the entire island with a meta human army.
Barry: I doubt many of his "colleagues" would be willing to follow him again, though, after a humiliating defeat like last time. Still, whatever he's planning has got to be big.
Joe: I'll call Captain Singh, tell him we need evac teams on standby.
Snart: Whatever you need us to do, go right ahead and tell us. I don't normally like working with cops, but... if we can help in any way, we'll oblige.
Y/N turned and looked at Snart. He was surprised by his desire to stay and help. The young man shook his head.
Y/N: Snart, you don't have to do that. You already repaid your debt to me. We're even.
Snart: This is about more than just settling a mere score, speedy.
Y/N looked at him as Snart paused for a moment.
Snart: We worked with you, even if it was for a short time. And though we often don't see eye-to-eye, we cannot deny that you have a fabulous crew here. But you lost one, a good one. And no one messes with the crew. You take down one, and the pack strikes.
Mick: Listen, Red, we don't like you. But when you have a crew like this, you stand by it and look out for everyone.
Snart and Mick looked between one another and nodded. Y/N looked at the two men and smiled. Maybe there was some hope for them after all. The red speedster clapped his hands together and took charge.
Y/N: Alright. So we still have a speed issue to deal with. Our main issue has been restraint on ourselves. We need to think outside the box.
Barry: What are you getting at?
Y/N: I'm saying, maybe to match Zoom, we need to play dirty like him. Find some way to temporarily juice ourselves up, at least for a short while until we can get our natural speed back.
Patty: What about Velocity-9?
Y/N: Bad idea. It would only make things worse in the long run.
Joe: Well, what if we reboot the accelerator again? That seemed to get you going last time.
Y/N: Again, too risky. It's too dangerous to do at this stage. Plus with two of us, we're gonna need a lot more than just that.
Barry: A lot more than the accelerator? How much input we talking about?
Cisco: With how much both of them have lost, we'd need a collective juice of about 8.62 billion joules of energy to even come close to matching what Zolomon could achieve.
Caitlin: That's more than twelve entire lightning bolts shooting through their veins.
Barry: No accelerator on the planet could even reach those levels.
Cisco: So unless we can pull some "nuking the fridge" bullshit on us, our current tech can't provide what we need.
Judy thought for a moment. An idea occurred to her, but she was hesitant to say it, fearful she just may make things worse again.
Judy: Well, there's...
She paused. Y/N turned to her. Caitlin turned as well. She brought her hand out and grabbed Judy's wrist. She began to rub it while Y/N offered a sincere and warm smile.
Caitlin: It's okay. You can say it.
Y/N: Whatever you've got, Judy, we trust you. It just may be what we need.
Judy: Or it could make things worse.
Y/N: You never know until you suggest it.
Judy looked between her parents. When Caitlin smiled back at her, it forced Judy to smile herself. She turned to her father and suggested her idea.
Judy: We could try and... go into the Speed Force.
Y/N raised his brow at the suggestion. That sounded crazy, but also reasonable to some extent. Judy stepped forward and clarified her idea.
Judy: If we can go into the Speed Force, we can borrow the excess speed we need to stop Zoom. We can juice ourselves up and come back new. But it may be dangerous. I'm not quite sure how the Speed Force itself will react.
Y/N paused for a moment, thinking.
Joe: Can you do that? Just go into the Speed Force? How dangerous of a mission are we talking about here?
Y/N: Barry from Earth-1 told me a bit about the Speed Force. If things are true there as they are on most if not all Earths, then going into the Speed Force
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