Y/N awoke with a jolt. He opened his eyes and looked around. He was still in the testing room of the lab, alone. Everyone else was gone. The lab was casted in a dull, blue shade. Y/N sat up and looked around. He tried calling out to the people he was with moments ago.
Y/N: Judy? Cisco? Cait?
He got no reply.
Y/N: Hello? Anybody?
Looking around the room, Y/N could tell that he definitely had been transported somewhere. The open door beside him and general atmosphere of the lab gave that away. But where had he been transported to? The future? The past? Another Earth? Or did it actually work? Was he in...?
Y/N stood up and walked out of the room. He decided to follow the hall leading away from the testing room. The young man felt slightly disoriented. He could feel constant motion around him. The floor and walls almost seemed to be rolling without changing position, like he was standing on a moving train.
Y/N: Judy?
Still nothing. He was starting to become worried. Y/N continued to walk down the hall, looking over his shoulder in case anyone or anything was following him. As he walked, Y/N could hear faint whispers. They were voices he'd heard before, swimming around in a soft sea of fog that seemed to envelope his environment.
Wells: You are my greatest creation.
Judy: I just wanted to feel like I actually earned that pride.
Cisco: No. Not partners. Friends.
Joe: The hardest part about this job is knowing you can't save everyone.
Barry: You can't do this alone, Y/N.
Judy: Dad!
Joe: You need to focus on the things you can keep safe.
Caitlin: Will you stay with me until I fall asleep?
Y/N continued to walk through the hall. The voices were becoming more rampant, louder. But he couldn't figure out where any of them were coming from. Just then, one of the voices called out again. But it wasn't faint like the others. It was solid and vile. A sick rasp oozed out from it.
Zoom: You're pathetic.
Y/N's blood ran cold. He spun around and froze. Standing directly in front of him, situated inside one of the lab rooms, was Zoom. His mask was up and he appeared just as he had all those years ago. Black soulless eyes stared out through a black, monstrous mask and ripped jaw.
But what was worse than Zoom's appearance was what he was holding. Clutched in Zoom's extended arm was the neck of Harrison Wells. Wells gasped and looked at Y/N. He strained against the tight grip of the speed demon.
Y/N's jaw collapsed. His skin turned white. He knew what Zoom was doing. It had already been done. He couldn't go through it again.
Y/N: Please... don't.
A tear rolled down Y/N's eye. Zoom brought up his other hand. It vibrated quickly back and forth. Streams of both red and blue lightning zipped around it. Then, he plunged his hand through Wells' chest. Harrison jerked forward as the clawed hand went straight through him.
Zoom dropped Harrison. Y/N rushed over and grabbed Wells before he could hit the ground. Tears strained down his eyes. Y/N looked at the face of the man he had lost. Wells gasped as he struggled to breath. He looked at Y/N and wheezed.
Wells: Don't... don't let this change you.
Wells let out his final breath. Y/N closed his eyes and whimpered. He gently placed down the body and pulled his head down to his knees.
Zoom: We're not done yet, Flash.
Y/N's face changed. He glared up at Hunter. His crying eyes turned into red hot coals. He glared at Zoom with clenched fists and a tightened jaw. Y/N sprang forward towards him. Zoom took off and Y/N raced after him.
The two speedsters raced through the lab. While running, Y/N blinked and was shocked. The environment had changed around him. He was now out in the city. The night sky shined down stars above him. The city lights illuminated the streets.
Y/N refocused his attention on the racing Zoom. Zolomon was now much faster than him. Within seconds, he was able to outpace the Flash. Y/N shook his head and continued to chase after him. He followed the black racer into an apartment building.
Y/N stopped and panted. He felt winded. He could tell that his speed was now much slower than it had been before. As Y/N took a deep breath, he heard a voice call his name.
Frost: Y/N...
Y/N spun around. He now found Frost in a near identical situation to Wells. Looking around, Y/N realized what this was. He was back in his and Cait's shared apartment. He looked at Frost with wide eyes. Her white hair ran down her back and over Zoom's gloved hand. Her blue lips were quivering, her eyes trembling with fear.
Y/N: Don't do this.
Zoom: I am the one true figure who controls your fate.
Frost: Y/N, I love y-
Y/N shook his head in vain. He tried to sprint forward. His lightning came up around his wrists as he bent forward. However, he was too slow. Almost in slow motion, Zoom's fist pushed through Frost's heart. She let out a gasp as her body lurched forward. A gentle stream of cold air escaped her mouth.
Y/N bent down and caught Frost as she fell. He started to cry again. He looked at her beautiful face, her cold skin, now a distant chill in his arms. He brushed her white hair away from her eyes as he looked at her, taking in the vibrant blue and white pearls that made up her glossy eyes as they shut.
Y/N: No. No, please. Not again. Please...
Tears fell down Y/N's cheeks and dripped onto Frost's chest. The mistress of winter softly opened her eyes. She looked up at her boyfriend and gave a soft, meek grin. The cold woman brought up her hand and brushed it against his cheek.
Frost: Oh, hot stuff. Still crying over little old me?
Y/N brought up a shaky hand and held Frost's palm closer to his cheek. He allowed himself a mourning smile looking down at her. Even in death, she still had that snarky, flirtatious attitude.
As Y/N held onto Frost, her body began to fade. It dissipated as tiny blue particles. Then, like a ghost, she vanished. The blue particles floated up into the air and drifted away, like snowflakes giving one final kiss goodbye.
Y/N let his hands drop as Frost's body disappeared. He looked down and let himself stop. His cries were weaker now, but mournful all the same. As he did, Y/N thought about who he had lost. He thought his mind would go back after reliving that night. Instead, it went back to simpler, happier times.
Y/N remembered his and Cait's first date as well as a date he'd decided to give solely to Frost. He thought back to when they'd built a snowman on Mount Everest and had a snowball fight. He thought about Frost's more forward personality and risky, but often clumsy attempts at trying to impress him. For the first time in years, Y/N actually allowed himself to smile at the thought. Through all the pain, all he could remember was the good beforehand.
Zoom: You are who you are because of me.
Zoom took off again. Y/N looked up. He was tired, but still angry. Letting out an exhausted sigh, Y/N stood back up and chased after him. The two speedsters zipped out of the apartment and made it across town.
The two raced from the center of the city all the way through to the outer suburbs. Y/N was starting to lose it. His feet felt like they were going to fall off. He stopped to catch his breath. He panted, putting his head down between his legs.
Y/N took a moment to recompose himself. He had lost Zoom. Looking up, Y/N noticed a familiar street sign. He knew this intersection. He looked around him. The suburban homes, the red hanging light, the fresh scent of recently cut grass. He was back. Back to that night. He knew what was coming. He didn't have to wait long to confirm it.
The sound of tires screeching filled the air. They were followed by a loud crash and illuminated by sparks flying. Y/N turned around to see the source of the accident. Sitting nearby, a car had fallen off the road, into a ditch, and tipped over. The front canopy and hood had been crushed. The back taillights were barely operating. The only part that was safe was the back seats.
Looking further, Y/N spotted two other details. He would gasp if he had the energy, but he was not shocked by what he found. Laying in front of the car were two bodies. Both were covered in cuts and glass, having smashed through the front windshield when the car crashed.
Y/N sighed and jogged over to the accident site. Zoom was standing right beside it. He watched Y/N approach the wreck. Y/N stopped before the two bodies and bent down. He looked at his parents. His mother's arm was bent almost in half, most likely from when she'd outstretched her arm to protect him. It had been snapped when she went flying forward. Y/N looked at his father. A bruise was placed on the back of his neck, indicating where it had snapped when the airbag deployed with too much force. Blood covered both bodies.
Y/N sighed. There was nothing else he could do but observe. He slowly reached out a hand to see if any of this was real. He just wanted to feel his mother's grasp one last time. Y/N jolted when she moved. He looked down with wide eyes. Both of his parents' bodies stirred.
The two L/Ns pulled their heads up. They were weak and pale as ghosts. They looked down at themselves in shock, not fully taking in what just happened. Y/N didn't know what to do. He was afraid and in just as much shock as they were. The two parents looked over themselves before looking forward. They spotted the man before them. They seemed to look at him with a mixture of both confusion yet familiarity.
Dad: Who... who...?
Y/N looked down at both of them. He knelt down on his knees and thought. His lip trembled.
Y/N: I... I know you may find this difficult, but... It's me. I'm Y/N.
Both pale parents looked up at Y/N. He stared back at them with matching eyes. His mother then outstretched her hand. It was shaking and trembling terribly. However, Y/N could see what she was trying to do. He took her hand gently and softly placed it against his cheek. She began to rub small circles into it using her thumb. After a moment, her face lightened into a smile.
Mom: Oh... my sweet baby boy.
Y/N looked at her. Tears welled up in his eyes. He saw his father trying to reach out as well.
Dad: Son...
Y/N took his father's hand and held it. All three family members held onto one another. Y/N began to cry, but not out of sadness. It was joy. Joy that he got to speak to his parents one last time. When he spoke, his voice was hoarse, cracking at even the faintest of words.
Y/N: I-I'm sorry. I know this isn't real. And I know you're probably very confused as to why I'm-
Mom: Are you alright?
Y/N stopped. He looked at his mom, pondering her question. Out of everything that was happening, the first thing she wanted to know is if he was safe. Y/N sighed and gently smiled.
Y/N: Yes, I'm alright. A-after this, Joe takes me in. It's a lot, but... This night has always stuck with me, and I...
Dad: Are you happy?
Y/N looked at his dad. He nodded his head.
Y/N: Yes. Yes, I am very happy.
Dad: That's all we needed to hear.
Y/N smiled. Tears rolled down his cheeks, his mother wiping a few away.
Y/N: I've been through so much, but you guys, I...
Dad: We know, son. We know.
Mom: We've been watching over you every step of the way.
Y/N smiled, folding into his mother's grasp. He gently squeezed his father's hand.
Mom: We love you, Y/N.
Y/N: I love you, Mom. I love you, Dad.
His parent smiled. They both then fell drowsy. They put their heads back down and let out their final breaths. Y/N felt their hands fall limp and out of his grasp. He knelt his head down and cried. It was a tearful expression born out of not just sorrow but longing. But it was also born from happiness. He knew his folks were in a better place now and was glad that they were watching over him.
Y/N took a moment to compose himself. He looked down at his parents' bodies. He gently sighed and exhaled before deciding to speak.
Y/N: I really do miss you guys. Every day. But I am doing alright now. I've been on so many adventures, seen so many things. And all of it, I... I couldn't have done without the family I've made. There are so many people I wanted you to meet and who I wanted to meet you. There's this wonderful girl, the best there is. She's everything. She makes every day brighter than the day before. And she is so smart. I think you both would have liked her. But, if you're really up there, then I'm sure you've probably met her other half by now. Trust me, she is just as amazing, and funny, and.. impossible.
He let out a slight chuckle, thinking about how Frost may have interacted with his folks.
Y/N: You have a granddaughter. One who you will never get to meet and who will never get to meet you. But she is amazing. She is everything. I never knew how much love you guys truly gave to me until... until I met her. And I know I have that same feeling now myself. I need to find her, but I wanted you guys to know about her and to know that she is the best. She really takes after her old man. Maybe that's a good thing, maybe not. We have yet to see.
He chuckled again. Y/N looked down at his parents lying on the ground and gently sighed. His face no longer showed tears of frustration and sadness. He had a smile on his face as he finally got to let everything out.
Y/N: I am who I am because of you guys. I would not be here today without you. I love you guys. Goodbye.
Y/N sighed. He allowed a gentle exhale, coming to peace with everything. All the baggage, all that emotional pain. He still felt it, but it was now released. It could no longer burden him.
Zoom: They were weak. They were fools who raised just as big of a fool. I did this to you. I put you on this path. All of this, everything, is because of me. You can't lock up the darkness inside of you.
Y/N exhaled a steady breath. He stood back up on two feet. Then, Y/N did something he should have done long ago. He ignored Zolomon. He turned around and put his back to him. He put that moment in his life behind him. Then, with nowhere else to go, Y/N started to walk forward down the street.
Zoom: You are worthless. Without me, you would not be the Flash. You would not have the life you have. You would have nothing. Just as you will in the end.
Y/N simply ignored Hunter's taunts. The speed demon's voice shook, breaking from its dark and sinister tone to that of Hunter's normal voice. It became shaky, almost begging for Y/N to pay attention to him as he continued to walk away.
Hunter: You can't... I created you! Everything that makes you is because of me! I am your god! I... your... death... aaaagh!
Zoom began to flicker in and out of the environment. Then, like a TV screen being turned off, he blinked out of existence. His taunts fell on deaf ears and he vanished alongside them. The pain he brought was no more.
Y/N continued to walk down the street. He didn't know if he'd walked for hours or only a couple of minutes. All he knew is that he was leaving it all behind. He walked through the dark suburban neighborhood before coming to a stop. One of the houses had lights on. It was the only one on the block to do so.
Y/N looked at the house. It didn't recognize it. It didn't look like any house he'd been to before. In fact, the entire street looked different. He didn't recall any major events happening here.
Y/N walked towards the house. In the front lawn was placed a soccer goal. A garage was placed next to the house and connected to it. In front of the garage was placed a basketball hoop. The front mailbox in front of the yard gave an address Y/N had never seen before. However, it did contain a name. L/N.
Y/N approached the house and walked up to the front door. He gently turned the doorknob and entered inside. Y/N looked around the small suburban home. He was standing in a living room. On his left stood a bookcase containing photographs and a few albums. On the far right, towards the back of the room, was a hallway that led into what looked like a kitchen. Next to it, intersecting the two rooms was a staircase that led to the second floor.
Y/N looked around the living room. Scattered about on the ground were various toys. They looked like they varied in all ages. There were some blocks and a remote car as well as a baseball, trading cards, and a wind up robot.
On the back of the wall, across from the door was a television screen. It flickered with static white noise. Y/N stepped closer, taking in the unfamiliar room. He was startled by a voice suddenly calling out to him from behind. What was even more frightening was that it was a familiar voice.
?: About time you showed up.
Y/N spun around. Placed next to the door he'd just entered, sitting in front of a window, was a large sofa. Sitting on it was Judy. Her eyes were closed as she rested her head against a figure who had their arm wrapped around her. Y/N looked at the other man. He was shocked by who he saw.
Y/N: Harrison?
Holding onto Judy was the spectacle wearing Dr. Wells. He greeted Y/N with a sincere smile. However, the doctor shook his head.
?: No. Not Harrison Wells. He is out of either of ours reach, I'm afraid. No, we chose to appear in this form because we felt it was the best form for you to talk to.
Y/N nodded. He looked at the figure and took a hesitant step forward. He didn't like that he was holding onto Judy or that he was choosing to appear as his good friend.
Y/N: You said "we" as in more than one?
?: Yes and no. We use that pronoun because there is no solid name to describe us.
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