8.9 Grief and Healing

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itself would be like trying to walk through a hurricane to reach the eye of the storm. It's like another plane of existence, a realm placed over our reality.

Judy: But it could work. Dad's gone there before and even taught me how to do it.

Y/N paused and looked at her.

Y/N: I what?

Judy: You... You told me you'd been there before when you were around 26. Have you not?

Y/N shook his head. Judy paused and bit her lip.

Judy: Huh? And you were so specific on the age you were as well. Why would you...?

Both Y/N and Judy thought for a moment. Suddenly, both Y/N and Cisco came to the same realization. They snapped their fingers in unison and pointed towards one another.

Y/N / Cisco: Bootstrap paradox.

Everyone else looked between the two of them in confusion. Judy and Barry seemed to be the only ones with the faintest idea as to what they were referring to.

Joe: Bootstrap what now?

Cisco: It's the bootstrap paradox. Future Y/N was so precise about the age at which he learned how to get into the Speed Force because he learns how to do that at this exact moment. Future Y/N told Judy how to get in knowing she would tell his past self.

Joe: I'm still not following.

Snart: English, nerd brains. Some of our more simple minded friends are a bit slow to catch up.

Mick: Oh, I'm following... I think.

Y/N: It's a closed loop. Future me only knows how to get into the Speed Force because past me gets told to do so by Judy who learned how to do it from future me. It has no true original beginning, thus a paradox.

Judy: So by telling you how to do it now, I'm ensuring future you knows how in order to tell past me?

Y/N: Precisely.

Mick: Nope. I didn't follow any of that.

Y/N: Judy, I need you to teach me. How do we get into the Speed Force?

Judy looked up at her father and smiled. He was the one actually asking her to teach him for once. It was exhilarating. She thought for a moment before explaining. She began pacing and rambling as she spoke, mirroring what Y/N would do as he explained solutions.

Judy: You told me we have to go into some sort of meditative trance. That we just focus on different things and reach out. Let go of our minds and our holding in this plane and allow ourselves to be transported into there. You described it like scuba diving. We have tethers to that world and can reach it by pulling on the tether and going under the surface. Cisco can vibe us into it, but we need to be the guides.

Caitlin: But Cisco can't vibe right now. His hands are still healing.

Cisco thought for a moment.

Cisco: I may have something that can help with that.

The group looked between one another. After a moment, Y/N and Judy nodded.

Y/N: Alright. Let's do this.

Y/N and Judy were sitting down cross legged in one of the testing rooms. The others stood behind them, watching for vitals and disturbances. A display board showed their connection to the Speed Force, both reading twelve percent.

Snart: Are we sure about this?

Caitlin: Not entirely, no. But when has that ever stopped them before?

Patty: I just hope Y/N knows what he's doing.

Joe: You want to be the one to try and talk him out of it?

Barry: I actually think Judy would be the harder one to talk out.

Cait smirked at the comment about her daughter. 

Caitlin: That's my girl.

The team continued to look through the glass observation window as Cisco walked in. He was wearing a specialized pair of metallic gloves he'd made. They connected via wires to a small chest plate and armor placed over his body. Cisco flexed his fingers while adjusting the gloves.

Cisco: What do you think of my new toy? I call it Mecha-Vibe.

Y/N: Dude, that thing is sick.

Judy: It's so cool.

Cisco: Glad you like it, speedy sister. It was made to enhance by vibing abilities in case we came across anyone with Brainiac level intelligence. It may just be the thing to enhance my weak state up to acceptable levels to get you two into the Speed Force. Just a little juice and, bada-bing bada-boomb, an ethereal realm of energy for you. 

He adjusted the straps on his gauntlets and bounced in place.

Cisco: Alright. We ready?

Y/N: I am. Are you?

Judy: Ready as I'll ever be.

Cisco: Cool, cool, cool.

Caitlin spoke over the intercom into the room.

Caitlin: Good luck, guys.

Judy: Thanks, Mom.

Y/N: We'll be back in a flash.

Y/N winked at Cait who grinned at his expression. Cisco steadied himself. He brought his hands up and placed each hand on either of the speedsters' shoulders. Y/N and Judy brought their own hands up and pressed their palms together.

Judy: Okay, focus.

The three closed their eyes. Y/N took a deep breath and exhaled gently. He let himself relax. Cisco locked in and tried to vibe. He strained and pushed. He could feel something, but it felt weak. The signal wasn't strong enough.

Y/N opened one eye and saw Judy's face. It was scrunched up. She looked like she was putting too much strain on herself. She was forcing it when it needed to come naturally. Y/N gently tapped his index finger against hers while still pressing against her palms. Her spoke soft words of encouragement and guidance.

Y/N: Breath. Think about running. Remember that sensation. Remember that feeling. Feel the wind on your face. Feel how the ground moves beneath your feet like an endless runway. Feel the lightning pushing you forward. Feel its power. Feel the electricity traveling through every nerve of your body. You're not just you, now. You're part of the Speed Force. Breathe and feel it.

Judy's face lightened. She took a deep breath and focused. Both her and Y/N thought about their connection while running. After a moment, both felt the continued connection. It felt like floating in a bottomless pool. Like there was nothing between them but the air. No pain, no sorrow, no strong emotions. Just peace.

Cisco grunted. He sensed something. He reached out to it. As he did, the wind started to pick up in the room. Small strings of orange and purple lightning flickered between Y/N and Judy's connected hands. The wind picked up, blowing around the room.

The wind soon turned into a whirlwind. The room was filled with a white and blue tornado, almost like a spinning vortex. The team in the other side of the glass couldn't see anything. All they saw were small flashes of multicolored lightning within the storm.

Eventually, the winds subsided. The tornado stopped. The winds died down and finished. Cisco was left as the only one standing in the middle of the room. On the ground, directly where Y/N and Judy had been sitting, small flickers of their respective lightning colors sparked before dying out. Both were gone.

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