Date: July 2, 2036
The Flash Museum was one of Central City's biggest tourist attractions, bringing in visitors from all across the country who wanted to get a glimpse at the life and heroics of the fastest man alive that began over twenty years ago. Sure the city now had its new protectors, but it was always fun to look back at the original crimson comet. Connected to the city's traditional history museum, the location was no doubt a pride among locals who celebrated their history and enjoyed the revenues brought in by the glorified hall of fame.
In front of the large building with its marble pillars was displayed a golden statue of the Flash himself. He could be seen tipping his metal winged cap to everyone who passed by to enter. Along the bottom of the statue were three plaques, each giving the heroic name of the original team of heroes the city welcomed. From left to right they read "Frost", "The Flash", and "Vibe".
Making their way inside the museum, one could expect to see large tile walls pinned with news headlines documenting the history of the scarlet speedster. It showed photos of his first appearance, his team's fight against Gorilla Grodd's mechanical ape, the four founding members of the Justice League, and the Flash's fight against Zoom.
Walking further into the proper exhibit hall, one would be greeted by several artifacts, some replicas and some the genuine article. A row of mannequins showed the evolution of the Flash's iconic red suit. A section of the room labeled "Allies and Super Friends" displayed various costumes and gadgetry belonging to several superheroes associated with the red hero. Among them were Vibe's goggles, Killer Frost's blue and black dress, Firestorm's thermal suit, and Pied Piper's sonic gauntlets.
Another section of the room was labeled "Foes and Villains". Among the items here were various artifacts Central City residents once feared but now paid to see. There was the red fur suit and tommy gun belonging to the Trickster. The weather wand used to stop Weather Wizard glistened with minimal age. A piece of Gorilla Grodd's giant ape mech alongside a recovered but very much destroyed drone were put behind a glass case. A small petri dish full of cells belonging to the duplicating villain Multiplex sat on the edge near a special case.
One item amongst the rows of villainous collections was very different and stuck out for its appearance. Displayed on a mannequin in the room was the dark black suit of the speedster known as Zoom. The suit was stiff and lifeless on the mannequin, but continued to show the wicked speedster's monstrous grin. Parts of the suit remained torn and ripped from his encounter with the Flash. A plaque detailing the suit commented on its shredded appearance, stating, "Proof that even the darkest of creatures can be illuminated by the lightning".
The museum was closed for the day, allowing its head curator to walk through it. Although he enjoyed the exhibits, he found himself over the past few years finding it to be more of a side hustle compared to the work he was really passionate in. Sure he had to keep that part a secret to protect his friends, but he loved it nonetheless.
The curator whistled as he walked through the hall. He had a mop of dark tan hair that sat on his rigid head. His face showed some wrinkles, but was otherwise youthful. His eyes showed that of a young scientist eager to learn more about the world around him. His smile, which he displayed quite regularly, was said by friends to be the best part about him other than his mind. It showed warmth and comfort, pushing aside any dark times it had gone through.
Eobard Thawne walked through the hall of the Flash museum towards a crate set up by the storage bay door. He grabbed the crate and carried it over to a small table. It was small, about the size of an apartment heating unit. It contained a new item pulled out of the archives that they were hoping could soon be put on display. A large marker on the side of the crate labeled it as item E-27.
Thawne examined the crate. He took out a crowbar and pried it open. It took a bit of nudging, but he finally got the wooden box to pop its lid. He took off the wood top and looked inside.
Eobard smiled in adoration. He brought his hands down into the crate and pulled out a piece of what was inside. When he brought his hands up, he was holding onto a painted red metal chest plate. A yellow lightning bolt was plastered on the front.
Thawne admired the metal artifact. It hadn't been seen since 2017 and was believed to have been held at the Hall of Justice. It must have gotten moved to S.T.A.R. Labs at some point. As Thawne took in the chest plate, another item caught his attention. He looked back inside the crate and rummaged through other plates and leather straps. He picked up a red helmet with face plates and moved it to the side to find what he had spotted.
Finally, Thawne grabbed the shiny silver item. He pulled it out and looked at it. It was the old tachyon device once used by the Flash to travel between worlds alongside the pieces of the armor that had been used with it. A metal ring sat in the center of the device and was held by four extendable arms with suction cups to attach to the front of the suit.
Eobard smiled at the object. He was holding onto a grand piece of scientific achievement once used by his dear friend. Thawne then got an idea. He spotted the switch on the tachyon device. He decided to give it a flick.
The ring in the center of the device turned on. It lit up a dim shade of light blue. The device hummed with energy. Thawne smiled. This would make the perfect exhibit.
Thawne turned to place the device down. Looking around, he decided to take a step back to see if there was space in the hall to put the armored suit. As he was backing up, the back of his foot accidentally hit a back step near one of the exhibits behind him.
Eobard flailed his arms and fell back. He hit some of the glass cases, knocking over a few exhibits and smashing them open. Two in particular were exposed out to the open and landed next to one another. The now open petri dish of Multiplex's cells lied still on the ground next to the fallen over costume of the black speedster.
As Thawne fell back, the tachyon device slipped out of his hands. It clanged down to the floor with a thud. As Thawne fell, his foot hit the table in front of him, sending the red chest plate piece to fly off the chair and land near the speed device.
Thawne looked around. The room was a mess. He sighed and mentally face palmed himself. He'd have to clean this all up before opening the next day. But, as Eobard sat on the ground, he spotted something out of the corner of his eye. He looked up to see a few flicks of blue and red light.
With the tachyon device turned on and placed next to the red chest plate, some of the energy that had been stored inside for decades began to recharge. A small spark of red lightning popped. It gave a few clicks like a lightbulb about to burn out.
Suddenly, a few sparks leaped off the chest plate towards the tachyon device. They surged and were given new energy. Now pure red lightning bolts started to fire out of it. One hit the dish of regenerating cells nearby. It continued moving forward, eventually connecting the cells to the black suit.
Thawne looked at the display with wide eyes. Then something extraordinary started to happen. Something that made his stomach lurch. A few sparks of deep blue lightning began to pop around the Zoom suit. They flickered and spiraled around the black costume like lights on a Christmas tree.
Suddenly, Thawne started to see a new horrific sight. The suit began to move. Looking closely, Thawne looked at the open tears in the suit. The white skin of the mannequin underneath soon changed to a new peach color. No. It didn't just change color. It changed composition. Human skin started to form underneath the suit.
Thawne backed up on his hands and knees, trying to crawl away from the sight that befell him. The suit started to move. More skin started to form inside of it. It made its way up to the ripped mask. Thawne could see red muscles and blue veins forming. Teeth started to grow out of the skin, forming a mouth. As the face of the figure regenerated, so did the limbs.
The creature pulled itself up on its hands. It stumbled as it walked, like a zombie coming back to life. Clean skin then formed around the exposed muscles, creating a perfect human design. The figure pulled himself up and stood on his legs. The tears in his black suit started to heal and reform, putting him into a nice new clean suit.
Thawne looked with wide eyes of horror as the reanimated person returned from the dead and was given new life. He no longer resembled a zombie. He looked just as good as before the day he died. The monster brought his head up, his eyes filled with a milky black void like dark ink. He cackled and wheezed out a maniacal laugh. The blue lightning zipping across his body quickly changed to that of a blood red color. Thawne gulped and looked at the figure with pale skin.
Thawne: What have I done?
Date: March 12, 2018
Y/N L/N was sitting down at a small table in Joe West's suburban house. He was joined by Joe, Cisco, and Dr. Wells. With Y/N and Cait's wedding only a few days away, the boys were having a bachelor party at their place. Meanwhile Caitlin was having a girls night out with Patty as well as Joe's recent girlfriend, Cecile Horton.
Y/N and Cisco were playing their own specialized guessing game. Cisco had to try and guess how many fingers Y/N was holding behind his back while Y/N tried to counteract him. Joe saw the two playing and walked over to them.
Joe: Aren't you two a little old for something like this?
Cisco: Oh, no, no, my dear friend. This is much more complex than you may initially think. It's a game of whit and abstract thinking about your opponent's guessing patterns.
Joe: Right, but it just seems like a simple guessing game. I mean, I played this back when I was in kindergarten.
Cisco: A "simple guessing game"? Oh, no, dear sweet Joseph. This is on a higher playing field. It's no simple task and can only be played by those with the knowledge and fortitude to play it!
Ramon talked with grandeur like it was a large game of sorts. Y/N rolled his eyes and looked over at Joe.
Y/N: Basically, since Cisco can vibe, he can predict my next move and what number I'll choose to hold. However, since I have speed thinking, I'm trying to think faster and change more quickly than he can keep up. It's more competitive than you think.
Joe: Can't you guys ever play a simple board game?
Y/N: Only when we want come down to your level, old man.
Cisco: Ohhhh.
Both Y/N and Cisco laughed and high fived one another. Joe shook his head while the two got back to their game. He walked over to Harrison who was already pouring himself a drink.
Joe: I'll take it this is what they do when they're not bothering you.
Wells: Basically. A few of their games are alright. Abstract wordle is pretty fun.
Just then, the front door opened. Through it walked Barry Allen and his father Henry. The group of men already inside opened up their arms in cheers for the last two party guests.
Group: Heeeeeyyyy!
Barry and Henry smiled upon seeing everyone. Barry hung his jacket up and walked over to Y/N and Cisco.
Barry: Sorry we're late. Had to finish up a few things around the apartment. Dad's still trying to figure out the whole Netflix deal.
Henry: Hey, for 17 years I was fine with my reruns and old history books. You want to see someone who doesn't know a thing about technology? Try teaching Barry how to tune up a 1966 Volkswagen.
Barry: That was past my time! And it was one incident, alright? The instruction booklet was unclear and outdated.
Henry: Uh huh, sure. And yet you're able to radiocarbon date minerals back to the Mesozoic era. Isn't that past your time?
Barry smiled and rolled his eyes. Joe walked over to talk to Henry and welcome him in. Barry turned to see the game Y/N and Cisco were playing. Cisco made his guess.
Cisco: Three.
Y/N smiled. He brought up his hand and showed two fingers.
Y/N: Incorrect, Count von Count!
Cisco: Damnit.
The two laughed at their game.
Barry: Oh, is this "Vibe Check"? What's the score?
Cisco: 6 to 1.
Barry: How many has Y/N won?
Y/N: Counting that last round? One.
Henry and Joe finished up a conversation. They chuckled in unison at a joke and Henry bent down to grab something he'd brought in.
Henry: Oh, Y/N, I've brought you a little something.
Y/N stood up and walked over to Mr. Allen. Henry picked up a six pack of bottled beers. He presented one to the young, soon-to-be married man.
Henry: A little homemade recipe from my grandfather. It's a tradition for every male in the family to have a bottle of this special concoction before their wedding day. You want something that'll put some hair on your chest? This will surely do it for you.
Y/N smiled at the gesture, but had to pass on the offer.
Y/N: Thanks, Henry. It really means something. But I can't get drunk, no matter how strong that stuff is. My metabolism will just burn right through it. Guess I'll just have to stick with Cisco's traditional formula.
Cisco: Dude, did you really think I'd let you down on a night like this?
Cisco walked over to his friend. He reached into his jacket pocket and pulled out a vial containing a bright red liquid.
Cisco: A new concoction, guaranteed to let you feel that gentle pleasant buzz all night long. Much stronger than what you usually drink to give you that extra kick.
Y/N smiled and took the vial with the red liquid.
Y/N: Thanks, man.
Y/N unscrewed the cap and took a whiff of the concoction. It was strong and nearly made his eyes water. Cisco grabbed his own drink while Henry also grabbed a beer.
Cisco: To Y/N and Caitlin.
All: To Y/N and Caitlin.
They all had their own beers and clinked them with whoever was closest. Y/N examined the red drink in his hand closely. He brought it up to get a taste of what it was like, bringing his head back to drink. Henry was impressed with Cisco's creation.
Henry: That's impressive, Cisco. You made that? The alcoholic concentration has got to be through the roof in order to produce any inebriated effect in Y/N.
Cisco: It's just a little enhancement to the old batch. Matching it with our current records on alcohol concentration and total ethanol batch per milliliter, for Y/N to drink just half of this would be like downing an entire bottle of vodka for any normal person.
As he said this, Y/N finished up the entire drink. The glass vial was now completely empty. He looked down at the drink then back at Cisco.
Y/N: Sorry, what were you guys talking about?
Not even an hour later and Y/N was already wasted out of his mind. He was sloshing around, throwing his arms about like an inflatable tube man. Some of his friends tried to help him while others just laughed and went along for the ride. Music was already playing by now, filling the house with a loud song.
Y/N made his way over to Cisco and wrapped his arm over his shoulder. He spoke to his friend in a slurred speech pattern that flipped between being incredibly slow and hyper fast.
Y/N: Cisco, bud, have I ever told you that you're my best friend? 'Cause you are. You are da man. You hear me. The man.
Cisco: Alright, bud. You doing alright?
Y/N: I feel fine. I'm just perfect. I'm getting married, I'm having the time of my life. What's not to love?
As he talked, Barry walked over to him. Y/N brought up his other arm and wrapped it over Allen's shoulder as well.
Y/N: Bare, listen, man. You have always been like a brother to me. Now, don't tell Cisco this, 'cause he'll probably get mad, but you are my best friend. You are da man.
Barry patted Y/N's back with a grin. Y/N turned his head to see that he was still holding onto Cisco who had heard what he just said.
Y/N: Cisco? When did you get here, dude?
Barry looked at Cisco.
Barry: I think he may need to walk this one off.
Y/N: Pfft. Or run it off. 'Cause I'm the Flash! Whooh!
At that point, Y/N started to hear the song playing in the room.
Y/N: Oh, man. I love this song!
Y/N took off at fast speeds, running out of the room. He came back in and used his speed to propel himself and slide across the floor. He got up and started break dancing on the ground. Cisco and Barry laughed at his antics. Even Harrison cracked a smile. Joe and Henry had lost it by this point and were nearly on the floor with laughter themselves. Y/N picked himself up on the floor and spun around on his shoulders, twirling like a top.
Barry: Since when do you know how to break dance?
Y/N: Since I speed watched 17 videos on YouTube while bored one day at the lab, bruh!
Y/N continued to dance like a maniac on the floor. He eventually stood up and took a grand, slurred bow. The group of men all clapped and cheered for him. Y/N made his way over to the three older men and slung his arm over Wells.
Y/N: Harrison, man, have I ever told you you're my best friend? It's true.
Wells: Alright, alright. There you are,
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