Suddenly, Y/N found himself joined by some other entity. His orange lightning was accompanied by strands of purple lightning. Confused, Y/N looked around. That was when he spotted another figure across from him. They were blurry, but very clearly another speedster. They ran around with Y/N, helping him to create a vortex.
Y/N soon felt his legs become solid once more. The tingling sensation left him. Blight glowed brighter and brighter. He screamed in anger and frustration. He ultimately released a large shockwave of green radioactive energy.
The orange and purple lightning left and scattered as the two speedsters ran off in opposite directions to avoid the energy blast. The green shockwave smashed through the building behind it, breaking windows and causing some of the bricks in the structure to fly out. Blight looked around him. The ground where he was standing had turned into a large black scorch mark. His green skin was dimmer than before.
Cisco leaped out of a breach. Just as Blight was attempting to recharge himself, Vibe hit him with a set of powerful sonic beams. The green light surrounding the meta criminal's body blinked before fading out like a candle.
Blight went soaring back and crashed into the side of the building behind him. Before he could even stand up, the Flash ran over and placed bio-dampening cuffs on him. Blight's skin was left completely translucent now with only his skeletal figure showing any signs of his transformation.
Y/N panted looking down at Blight. Vibe walked over to him. He brought his hand up to his ear and spoke to the others back in the lab.
Cisco: Guys, call the EPA, tell them to set up a protective perimeter around the block just to be on the safe side.
The team nodded in their accomplishment. Vibe looked over at the Flash. He noticed him spacing out, not really paying either him or Blight any attention.
Cisco: Hey, man. You alright?
Y/N: Yeah. I just thought I...
Suddenly, the two heard a creaking sound. They looked up and spotted the crane across from them. The support had melted and it was staring to lean. The crane threatened to fall down onto the street below. Standing nearby where still several workers who had yet to get out.
The crane gave in and began to fall. Y/N was about to take off. Before he could, a flash of purple lightning zipped onto the scene. It grabbed the workers and carried them to safety just before the crane could hit the ground.
Y/N and Cisco looked at the scene in confusion. Y/N took off, trying to chase down the purple lightning. He followed it across the street, down the block, and into an alley. Y/N stopped, seeing the other speedster had come to a halt as well. He could only see the back of her, but could make out dark brown hair that extended past the shoulders. The feminine speedster was seen taking something off her head and putting it down.
Y/N: Uh, excuse me.
The other speedster spun around and nearly jumped out of her suit. Y/N could now clearly make out the figure. She was clearly a young woman, maybe in her mid to late teen years. She wore a vibrant indigo suit with yellow highlights on it. On her chest was displayed a lightning bolt emblem similar to his own. On her face, the young girl wore an eye mask with tinted lenses covering her eyes. Whatever object she'd been holding she was now trying to hide behind her back.
The young lady was startled upon seeing the Flash. She bent down a bit, putting the item she was holding onto in a leather bag. Y/N held up his hands and gave her a nice smile.
Y/N: Sorry, sorry. I didn't mean to scare you.
Girl: No, no. Of course you didn't. Why would you? I was just... yeah.
Y/N: So, you're a speedster.
Girl: Uh, yeah. Yep. I'm a speedster. Super fast. That's me.
The two stood there for a moment, a bit awkward in silence. The purple speedster bobbed on her feet, staying with her hands behind her back.
Y/N: And you are...?
Girl: Oh, I'm Judy. Wait! Oh, you meant our codenames. Secret identity and all that. Um, I'm the Boom.
Y/N: The Boom? Alright. I'm-
Judy: The Flash. I know who you are. I mean, of course I do. Who doesn't? It's just, I didn't really expect to bump into you, especially like this. But I guess there's no running out of it now. Not literally, of course. That would just be ridiculous and frankly quite rude.
Y/N chuckled, seeing her awkward nature. The woman giggled at seeing him laugh. She straightened up and looked at him for a moment.
Judy: Uh, listen, what I'm about to say may sound really weird. Like super weird. It's alright if you don't believe me at first.
Y/N: Weird's just an everyday term for me at this point. What is it?
Judy brought her hands up and lifted up her mask. Y/N looked at her noticing a pair of brown eyes that seemed somewhat familiar to him.
Judy: I'm from the future and I kinda need your help to get back.
The group were all gathered in S.T.A.R. Labs. Y/N had his shirt off and was being tended to by Caitlin. There were small burns over his body from where he'd been hit. Cait was applying ointment to his wounds and cleaning him up. Y/N winced at the sting of the ointment on his body.
Y/N: Ow.
Caitlin: If you were more careful, you wouldn't have to deal with these types of injuries.
The group all listened to Judy, asking her questions about her story. The young girl was now in civilian attire with her super suit packed in her satchel bag which was sitting on a nearby table. With her mask and suit off, the team were able to take her in fully. She was a young teenage girl, probably around sixteen or seventeen years old. She had long brown hair that went past her shoulders and a set of bangs that covered her forehead. Her lips and mouth were small and her eyes were slightly wide, giving her a youthful look of innocence and curiosity. She wore a jeans jacket over a black short with a gold chain necklace. On her bottom half she wore light grey pants and tennis shoes.
Cisco: No way. You're from the future?
Judy: 2036 to be exact.
Cisco: Awesome. Are there flying cars in the future? Do we have automated teleporters or instant food delivery? What's television like? Is it any good? What Star Wars movie are we on?
Wells put up his hand, telling Ramon to calm down. Y/N turned to the young girl and inquired about her speed.
Y/N: You were pretty good out there. I've never met a purple speedster before.
Judy: I expect you haven't. Its a unique trait developed from an early age, indicating a biological connection to the Speed Force rather than an acquisition later in life.
Y/N: Biological? You were given a connection to the Speed Force?
Judy: Born with it. Although my parents had me wear a dampening necklace until I was at an age where they felt it was safe for me to run. Don't really want a toddler running the speed of a bus, now do ya?
Y/N nodded. He noticed Judy's expression as she finished her sentence. She was biting her lower lip in a habit that looked very familiar to Y/N. Caitlin looked at the girl and noticed another trait. Her eyebrows were scrunched down in a way that looked familiar to her. Wells broke the odd silence, asking his own question.
Wells: You said you were having trouble with your speed?
Judy: Yes. I used a tachyon device to help me get here. I'm still not quite fast enough to break the barrier through time and create a vortex. But after using the device, I've noticed that I'm slightly slower. It's not by much, but it is noticeable enough that I can feel it. Like skimming the top portion off a layer of icing. And when I came through, the device kinda... broke.
Y/N: So you can't run back to your own time.
Judy: Yeah. So, until I can find a way back home, I'm kinda stuck here.
Cisco: Well, I'm sure we can think of something to get your speed back and get you back to the future.
Judy: Will we need roads?
Cisco snapped his fingers and pointed at Judy.
Cisco: I like this girl.
The others chuckled and shook their heads at him.
Wells: What about your tachyon device? Can I take a look at that?
Judy: Yeah, sure.
Judy reached into her bag and pulled out her tachyon device. It appeared similar to the one Y/N had used to travel to Earth-27. Parts of it appeared black and scorched with burn marks. Wells took hold of the ring device and held it up, examining it. As he looked at it, Y/N flinched again at Caitlin applying ointment to his chest.
Y/N: Ah, geez.
Caitlin: Your levels show adequate signs of acceptable radiation levels. You're lucky more of your body wasn't hit.
Y/N: Lucky for who exactly? Me or you?
Caitlin: At work, you are my patient. At home you are... something else.
Y/N: And in both cases you're still the one bossing me around.
The two grinned at one another, teasing the other. Wells and Cisco rolled their eyes with Cisco making a gagging motion. Judy rolled her eyes as well at the two lovebirds' interaction.
Judy: Please, Mom, Dad, get a room.
Everyone stopped what they were doing and stared at the young girl. Judy's eyes went wide as she realized what she just said. She turned to face everyone who all retained looks of shock.
Y/N: What did you just say?
Judy: I mean... I, uh...
The brunette girl sighed. She knew she'd messed up and there was no backing out of it. She turned to her bag and reached inside. She pulled something out of it and turned around to face everyone. Y/N nearly gasped at seeing what she was holding. It was a silver metal cap. Gold wings adorned the sides of it. A yellow band ran around the rim and a purple stripe raced across the top.
The group looked at the metal winged cap then back at the young girl. Judy brought her head up and looked between Y/N and Caitlin. She exhaled and showed a small crack of a smile.
Judy: My name is Judy L/N. I'm your daughter.
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