Henry: Cisco, how long is this supposed to last?
Cisco: No idea. He drank more than I predicted.
Joe: Well let's just let him ride it out. He looks like he's having the time of his life.
Henry: You want me to get my camera?
Joe: Do I even need to ask?
The two fathers laughed as Henry went to get his camcorder. Y/N continued to lean into Harrison. Wells just patted his back and grinned.
Wells: Alright, buddy. You're doing good. You've got a lot of... energy.
Y/N: Yeah, 'cause I'm the Flash! I'm the speediest thing around. I'm like the freaking Road Runner. Meep meep!
Y/N took off again. He ran all about the room, creating after images of himself and performing various tasks all at once. He knocked over a few items only for them to immediately be put back up and knocked down again. When he was done, he stood in the middle of the living room and was now wearing a lampshade on his head.
Y/N: Whoo-hoo! Yeah! I'm the Flash!
Barry shook his head before shrugging his shoulders.
Barry: You know what? I'm joining him.
Barry grabbed his own cup and took a swig of liquid courage. Before long, he too was intoxicated and dancing around with his brother. The two put their arms together and did a little wave. Y/N flicked his wrist and sent a spark of orange lightning over his shoulders. It danced over Barry's arms before disappearing in his palm. The rest of the group laughed and laughed at the two drunk idiots.
Henry: Was it always like this growing up in this house?
Joe: Believe it or not, it was less chaotic then.
Y/N now started to run circles around Barry, switching him into various costumes. With each one, the two would do a goofy pose and Cisco would take a picture. Barry was dressed up as a cowboy, a noir detective, a black cloak to represent Batman, and even Y/N's Flash suit at one point.
With that, the two continued to dance long into the night. They even formed their own kick line which a still sober Cisco joined in on. The three laughed and clapped at their own drunk antics.
Joe: I wonder if the ladies are being just as chaotic as we are.
Wells: Oh, I'm sure they're a bit more subdued.
Caitlin, Patty, and Cecile all found themselves at a karaoke bar for their night on the town. The three were all slightly intoxicated with Caitlin clearing showing to be the one who could least hold her liquor. The three gals were all up on the stage singing together.
All: I got my mind set on you. I got my mind set on you. I got my mind set on you. Got my mind set on you.
Caitlin: But it's gonna take money.
Patty: A whole lotta spending money.
Caitlin: It's gonna take plenty of money.
Cecile: To do it right, child.
All: It's gonna take time.
Y/N was dropped off at his apartment by Cisco. He didn't have to wait long before there was a knock at the door. He opened it up and Caitlin immediately fell forward into his arms. She dragged her legs behind her as Y/N, still intoxicated himself, dragged her through the doorway. Cecile and Patty were on the other side and waved bye to make sure Cait had gotten home safely.
Cecile: Well, I see you two are alright here. Have fun with the boys?
Y/N: Oh, yeah. You should have seen their faces. It was priceless. I was here, then there, then everywhere. Then Barry... and I got... and Harrison really...
They could tell by his slurred speech that he was still incredibly wacked out of it. Caitlin pulled herself up and separated a bit from Y/N to wave goodbye to her girlfriends.
Caitlin: You should have seen us. We brought the house down.
Patty: Alright. We'll just leave you two to be. Get plenty of rest and drink lots of water.
Caitlin gave a salute and spoke in a higher pitched voice. She snorted a bit as she spoke.
Caitlin: Alright. Bye-bye.
The two girls waved goodbye and shut the door on their way out. Y/N and Cait both stumbled together into their bedroom, ready to call it a night. Cait stopped for a moment and stood before the bed.
Caitlin: Can you get my night gown on for me?
Y/N made a motion like he was going to speed off and do it, but didn't actually move. He simply made a motion with his mouth.
Y/N: There. Done.
Caitlin: Good. Much better.
Caitlin then proceeded to lift her arms up into the air and outstretch them like she was waiting for a hug.
Caitlin: Flash, save me.
She began to fall forward a bit. Y/N caught her in his arms, his eyes struggling to stay open alongside hers. She tried to wrap her arms around his neck only for her to miss and wrap them around his chest instead.
Y/N: Come her, you sexy thing.
Caitlin: No, you're the sexy one.
Y/N: No, you are.
Caitlin: No, you.
Y/N: Alright, we both are.
Caitlin: That's it. Let's fly away together.
Y/N picked up his fiancΓ© and leaned back. The two lovebirds crashed down onto the bed together with Cait lying on Y/N's chest. The two almost immediately fell asleep afterwards, both snuggled up and keeping their clothes on. They slept peacefully in each other's arms, drifting off into dreamland.
By the time Y/N and Caitlin woke up the next morning, it was already nearing 10:30. Both groaned and rubbed their heads with serious headaches. Caitlin picked herself up off of Y/N's chest, seeing she had drooled a bit on his shirt. Y/N found that he must have punched the alarm clock a few hours ago because the whole thing was cracked with signs of static discharge.
Caitlin: Oh, boy. Not fun. Not fun.
Y/N: I'll never drink again if I have to wake up like this.
Caitlin looked down at her and Y/N, seeing they were both still wearing their clothes from last night. She found herself squinting her eyes, the smallest bit of light irritating her.
Caitlin: I need a shower.
She picked herself up and rolled off of Y/N. The young man continued to lie down in bed, squinting his own irritated eyes. Cait called out to him as she opened the bathroom door.
Caitlin: You're coming with me. I need you to guide my hands. I can't see very well.
Y/N: What makes you think I'm any better?
Caitlin: Your corneas have become more accustomed to the lightning you... You know what? Just get in here.
Y/N rubbed his forehead and took a deep breath. Normally he'd love to partake in their morning rituals, but he was not feeling it this morning. After a moment, he pulled himself up off the bed and rubbed his eyes. As soon as Y/N sat up, he felt Caitlin's bra get thrown on his face.
The elevator down to the lower levels of S.T.A.R. Labs opened up. Out of it stepped both Y/N and Caitlin. They were both wearing sunglasses and rubbing their foreheads. Caitlin held up a cup of coffee in her hands while Y/N drank from a water bottle, his fifth one that morning. He finished it up and rubbed his temples.
Y/N: Oh, my head.
Caitlin: Will you quit your whining? Your metabolism and synaptic neurons should already be flushing it out of your system. I'm the one who still has to deal with this for several hours.
Y/N: Still hurts, though.
The two walked into the cortex chamber. They were met by two voices calling out to them.
Wells: Good morning.
Cisco: There's our party people.
Both Y/N and Cait froze and scrunched their faces. The other two's normal voices sounded booming to them. The couple sighed and got to work. Caitlin sat down next to Wells at the computer station while Y/N walked over to the side lab to work with Cisco.
Cisco: How are you feeling?
Y/N: Like my junior year of college.
Cisco: Yeah, that's expected. How much do you remember from last night?
Y/N: Too much. I just want to have a nice quiet day to recharge my synapses.
At that moment, the alerts inside the room started to go off. Y/N groaned at the loud noise.
Y/N: Oh, God damnit!
The group all hustled around the computer station, checking out the alert.
Cisco: What have we got?
Wells: Looks like an attack on the steel works down by the docks.
Y/N: Metahuman?
Wells: It appears so. I'm getting high traces of radioactive fallout and isotopic decay. It all appears to be spreading and originating from a moving object.
Cisco: A radioactive man. Sounds like another Tuesday.
Y/N: Alright, well, we need to find a way to stop it. But I can't go out there in this state.
Caitlin: Do you have to talk so loud?
Wells walked over to one of the lab drawers and began rummaging through things. He was searching for a specific compound.
Wells: Your body's already burning through the hangover. We just need something to speed up the process. Dr. Snow, you mind me borrowing from your supply of IV and ASA?
Caitlin: Sure, just, whatever will get him to stop talking.
Y/N gave her a scrunched up face. Harrison pulled out an IV bag and as well as a small tablet. He handed Y/N the tablet and he popped it in his mouth, swallowing. Y/N then took off his sunglasses and pulled up his sleeve.
Y/N: So you're just going to put an IV drip in? That won't go through my veins in time.
Wells took the IV bag and poured the contents inside of a needle. He added in a few more chemicals labeled "adrenaline" and held up the shot.
Wells: No, but this will.
Wells shoved the needle into Y/N's arm and pressed down on the plunger. Y/N gritted his teeth and immediately felt the chemicals wash out the remaining remnants of his hangover. As quick as a blur, he grabbed his suit and sped out of the lab. Caitlin groaned at the sound he made whooshing out in a gust of wind. Cisco put on his gear and readied up.
Cisco: I'm going to help him.
Wells: Alright. Go!
Vibe put on his goggles and opened a breach. Across town, the old steel mill was in a panic. An unstoppable entity had entered the place and was wreaking havoc. Workers and businessmen ran out onto the streets and away from the chaos unfolding inside. One older gentleman in a nice suit ran out of the building and tripped, falling to the ground.
As the man turned around, he spotted a disturbing sight. The metal door he had just come through started to melt. A green glowing light surrounded it as the metal turned into a viscous liquid.
From out of the melted doorway stepped a tall, angry figure. He wore a black jacket and pants over his deformed body. His skin and organs were all translucent, allowing one to see the bones underneath his skin. Surrounding his body was a pulsing green light.
The man in the suit crawled back, afraid. The metahuman stepped forward, showing anger despite his lack of eyebrows. The suited pedestrian held up his hand, pleading for his life.
Man: Please, Mr. Powers. We can fix this.
The glowing green man held out his hand, stretching it to the side. A blast of green radioactive energy leaped out of it. It hit a nearby crate, causing it to explode. Any parts left behind were either melted or currently on fire.
Man: Please. I told you the gas was untested.
Blight: So now it's my fault?! No! I'm the victim of your moronic failings as a scientist.
Man: We just needed more time.
Blight: I gave you plenty of time and this is how you repay me?! No more! You're all out of time!
The glowing man held up his hand before the downed worker. The pedestrian closed his eyes, prepared for the worst. Suddenly, just as the metahuman released a green bolt of energy, the pedestrian was carried away by a flash of orange lightning. The metahuman's skin dimmed a bit as he spun around, trying to locate the red hero.
Y/N stopped and released the pedestrian. He got him to run off and find cover.
Y/N: Alright, go! Get to safety!
The worker ran off. Y/N turned back to the glowing skeletal figure.
Blight: This isn't your fight, Flash.
Y/N: And it doesn't have to be. Let us help you. We can find a way to fix whatever happened to you.
Blight: What? Just so you can lock me up like all those other metahuman criminals? I don't think so!
Blight's skin began to glow again. He released a beam of green energy towards the Flash. Y/N took off and began to run around. He tried to approach Blight, but immediately felt both warm and fuzzy. He backed off, realizing what it meant.
Wells: Y/N, don't get too close to him. His body is pouring out radioactive fallout.
Y/N: Noted.
Y/N began to run around and throw various objects at the criminal. Blight hit them all and caused them to either explode or melt. Nothing was working.
Y/N: Guys, have we got anything? I can't get close enough to cuff him. He just burns through everything.
Blight continued to spin around and try to hit the Flash. Suddenly, he himself was hit by a sonic blast from behind. Blight went flying forward and crashed down into a crate. Vibe stood to the side with his arms outstretched.
Vibe: Not today, Human Glowstick.
Blight turned around and grew angry. Before he could make his next move, Cisco hit him with another stream of sonic vibrations. Blight held his ground and pushed through the waves of energy. As he did, Ramon noticed something. His green light began to dim a little.
Blight growled and grabbed a nearby oil drum. He tossed it with one hand towards Ramon. Vibe wasn't quick enough and was knocked to the ground. Blight sneered, his green light becoming vibrant once more. He held up his fingers and fired out several small green bolts, each about the size of a bullet.
The bolts all threatened to hit Vibe. Cisco ducked, trying to dodge as many as he could. He was saved by Y/N running between him and the green pellets. The green radioactive material all hit Y/N in the chest, burning him.
Y/N: Aaagh!
Y/N knelt down. The pellets left small holes on the front of his suit and burned his skin. Thankfully, his healing factor kept him upright and alive. Cisco pulled himself up and tried to help the hunched over Flash.
Cisco: Hey, dude!
Y/N: I'm alright. I'm alright.
Blight brought both of his hands up in anger. He growled, his body glowing brighter than before. He brought his hands out, prepared to fire a green energy beam at the two heroes.
Cisco opened a breach and pulled Y/N through it. The breach closed just before either could get hit by the beams. Blight scowled and howled in anger. His body dimmed again after the release of energy.
On top of the roof of the building behind him, Y/N and Cisco looked down at the raging metahuman. Y/N took a moment to catch his breath and clench his chest. As he did, he noticed his suit began to repair itself.
Y/N: What the...?
Cisco: It's your suit's self repairing feature made for scrapes and small cuts.
Y/N: I've never seen it do that before.
Cisco: You never paid attention to it before.
Y/N: Alright. How do we deal with Skeletor over there?
Cisco: I may have just thought of something.
Y/N: Alright. Let's hear it.
Cisco: His body's like a nuclear reactor, right? Now, when I hit him with my beams, his skin momentarily dimmed. It might be possible to extinguish him by bombarding his body with enough energy to stabilize his condition.
Y/N: You'd be bombarding the extra neutrons surrounding his body with enough force to knock them off their uneven balance and restabilize them into a fixed position.
The two nodded and looked back down. Blight was starting to glow bright again.
Y/N: What about his energy output? We'd need a lot of your energy to sucker punch his atoms back into submission.
In the lab, Wells and Caitlin looked at the screen and Blight's attacks. Wells noticed something and pointed to it.
Wells: Look at that.
Caitlin: What? What is it?
Wells: His body. The light around him dims anytime he has to release an excessive amount of energy. He's not a permanent reactor. He needs to recharge.
Caitlin: Of course! He's like one of those controlled fusion reactor devices. A, um...
She waved her hand around trying to think of the word she was searching for.
Wells: Tokamak.
Caitlin: Right. Meaning they don't have to hit him at his most unstable. They just need him to release his energy again and send him back to his vulnerable recharge state.
Wells: And that way Ramon can hit him with a concussive wave to douse the flames.
Caitlin: Yes! Y/N, make him angry and he'll blow his fuse!
The Flash and Vibe heard the plan their colleagues had come up with. They nodded to one another and got ready for action. Y/N ran down the building to confront Blight.
Y/N: Hey, you, the guy in the dopey Scooby-Doo monster cosplay. You want me?
Blight turned around and sneered at the Flash. He threw an energy bolt at him. It missed and hit a nearby crane, causing part of the steel structure to melt and bend. Y/N smirked and started to run in circles around the glowing green man. Blight tried to hit him with a punch or even an energy blast and got nothing. He became angry. His skin started to glow brighter.
Wells: It's working. He's becoming unstable.
As Blight brought in more energy, the area around him started to become radioactive. Y/N coughed and began to wheeze. He felt a tingling sensation in his legs. His speed slowed down a bit. Caitlin looked at the vitals in his suit.
Caitlin: He's too close. Too much of the radiation is near him.
Wells: What if he were to go faster? He'd create a vortex and shoot the radiation away from him.
Caitlin: He can't. He's overwhelmed.
Y/N tried to keep running. His legs felt off, like they had little feeling in them. He pushed himself. He had to keep going. Blight continued to glow brighter and brighter. The more he glowed, the more radiation he brought up. Y/N was
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