Judy: (narrating) My name is Judy L/N and I am the fastest woman alive. I am a speedster and the hero of Central City, just like my father. You know him better as the Flash. Things are not always the easiest, but with help from my friends at S.T.A.R. Labs, I know I can be the hero this city deserves and live up to my father's legacy. But something has happened. A new danger has emerged, threatening my family. To save them, I traveled back in time to the year 2018. But my powers are fading. Now, stuck in a time before I was born, I need help from my parents to save the day. With their help, I know I can make things right and save us all. I am the Boom.
Y/N, Cisco, and Wells were in the speed lab. On the track above them, Judy was running laps, circling the room. Her purple lightning soared around the track, speeding around and running at incredible speeds. Y/N looked up in awe of the moving bolt above him. Harrison looked at the monitor in front of him, checking Judy's vitals and speed readings.
Wells: Well, she's not wrong. Her speed is equivalent to Y/N's around the time Mr. Wayne asked for his assistance. But there does seem to be a noticeable drag. It's like part of her connection to the Speed Force has been drained.
Cisco looked over at Y/N. The young man was looking up at the track in awe. He had a wide open hanging mouth and was mesmerized by the purple lights.
Cisco: You alright, man?
Y/N: Yeah, I mean... She's my daughter. My daughter is up there running around at the speed of light.
Wells: We won't fully know she's yours until Dr. Snow comes back with the blood tests.
Y/N: Yeah, but... I mean look at that form. That smooth curvature of the lightning, like she's feeding off of her own bolts. And her phenotypic appearance is... I mean it's what you'd expect from a mixture between Cait and I.
Cisco: Sounds like someone's already feeling a bit prideful.
As Judy continued to run around the track, Caitlin walked over to the rest of the group holding a piece of paper. She had just done a blood test comparing her's and Y/N's DNA to Judy's. In her hands she held onto the test results. The rest looked at her. She was biting her lip and looking at them with innocent eyes. Y/N's heart was racing with anxiety.
Y/N: Well...?
Caitlin continued to bit her lip. She presented the paper to Y/N. Her own face showed a bit of a smile but also a complex mix of emotions.
Caitlin: Congratulations, papa.
Y/N looked at the results with wide eyes. He covered his mouth in shock. Judy was telling the truth. She was a perfect match for Y/N and Caitlin's daughter. The couple stood in shock, not saying anything and letting it all sink in.
Judy finished running around the track. She raced down and stopped in front of everyone. The group turned to her, all wide eyed and silent.
Judy: So, how was that?
The group stood motionless for a hot minute. Y/N then walked over to the young teen girl. His face looked like it was about to break. He wrapped his arms around her and brought her in for a hug. Judy was caught off guard a bit, but patted his back before sinking a bit into the hug. Tears of joy were streaming down Y/N's face. He spoke as if to anchor himself to this moment.
Y/N: I have a daughter.
Judy tightened her grip on him, hugging her father back. Her face relaxed, glad that he knew and was comfortable with what she had told them. Y/N eventually pulled out from the hug but continued to rest one hand on her shoulder. He brought his other hand up, cupping her cheek. Judy smiled brilliantly, nearly just as happy as her father.
Y/N: I don't know whether to be scared or happy or both.
Judy: I'm sorry. I thought you'd be mad by me appearing here. Messing with the space-time continuum and all that.
Y/N: No. No. I'm just... so happy to meet you. I mean, this is extraordinary. It shouldn't even be real. It's...
Judy: Impossible?
Y/N looked at her with a gentle smile.
Judy: You always told me that things are only impossible now because science has yet to explain them.
Y/N smiled even wider. Judy's own smile mirrored his.
Y/N: So, you're a superhero.
Judy: Yes. They call me the Boom.
Cisco: "The Boom?" Clearly not my doing.
Judy: No, it wasn't, Uncle Cisco. It was self chosen. Mom always liked to say that Dad was the flash of lightning and I was the boom of thunder from the storm that changed her life.
Caitlin shifted a little, cocking her head at the statement.
Y/N: That's... wow.
Cisco: I'm sorry. Can we back pedal for a moment? "Uncle Cisco"? I'm updated to uncle status? Yes!
Judy smile and giggled at his response. She then quickly changed into a ramble, realizing something and getting several ideas.
Judy: Oh, man. There's so much I want to tell you. I know, I know. No big spoilers about the future. But there's just so much I want you to see. At least take a glimpse at it. I promise nothing major. Here, let me get my camera.
She rushed over to her backpack excitedly. Cisco bent over to Harrison and mumbled to him.
Cisco: Are we sure we even needed a blood test to tell these two are related?
As Judy rummaged around in her bag, Y/N continued to smile and watch her. He turned around to see Caitlin's reaction. Instead of a large smile like he had, she looked like she was more in shock. Her mouth was trembling and she was scrunching her hands.
Y/N: Cait?
Caitlin paused, still looking ahead at the young woman before her. She turned and began to walk out of the room.
Caitlin: I need a minute.
The rest watched her leave out of the speed lab. Y/N motioned he'd talk to her. He walked out into the hall and found Caitlin had paused. Her hand was on the wall like she was having a difficult time taking everything in at once. Y/N slowly approached her.
Y/N: Honey? What's wrong?
Caitlin paused for a moment. She spun around to face Y/N. Her eyes were wide, showing she was overthinking. Her hands were brought up and moved about in a panicked motion.
Caitlin: What's wrong? This... this shouldn't be real. I mean, I can't be a mother. I can barely take care of myself. I have too much work. I don't even know the first thing about being a parent. And now I'm talking to a sixteen year old girl who claims to be my daughter from the future? It's all just...
Y/N walked over to Caitlin and put his hands over her shoulders. He rubbed small circles into them, getting her to calm down and speak properly.
Y/N: Hey, hey, it's okay. It's alright. This is a lot to take in.
Caitlin: I just don't know if I'm even capable of being a good mother, Y/N. I don't have the best relationship with my own mother to begin with. And between work and the lab and science and... You are a good man. I know you will make an awesome father. And growing up, you always had Joe and Barry to lean on and have fun with. But me? After my father passed, I had nothing. My mother was barley there. I was left to fend for myself. How can I expect myself to be a good parent when I don't even know what a proper childhood is fully like? I don't know if I can even relate to her. I don't even know where to begin. What if I do something wrong in the future? What if we're not on good speaking terms right now? What if things turn out far worse than we realize?
Y/N: Hey, hey, hey. Calm down. It's alright. Everything's going to be okay.
Y/N looked at the brunette woman in front of him, meeting her eyes, the ones that looked very similar to the woman's outside.
Y/N: You will be an excellent mother. I'm sure of it. You are better and more capable than you realize. And I'm sure that the future is brighter than we imagine.
Caitlin: How do you know?
Y/N: Because that young girl out there is proof. She is proof of our everlasting love and is the result of that love. And if she is anything like her mother, she will be smart, courageous, a little bit of an overthinker...
Caitlin softly giggled at his comment, wiping some of the redness and worried expression from her face.
Y/N: ... and most importantly of all, she will be spectacular. You are going to be an awesome mother.
Caitlin: You really think so?
Y/N: I know so. Besides, you take care of me enough fine. Plus your medical qualifications kinda guarantee we won't have to spend a fortune in medical bills for whatever our child gets up to.
Caitlin laughed a bit. Y/N brought his hand around her shoulder and the two walked out to join the others. They found them all grouped up in the cortex chamber. Judy was showing a few photos on a hologram projector. The small projector stand was made to look like a small purple cat whose eyes lit up and shined the images up into the air. Judy showed off the next photo on her deck.
Judy: And this is when Dad and Uncle Cisco took me Bigfoot hunting with them. We spent a whole three days tracking down the beast through the Appalachians. Dad did it as a treat and a way to get out of the lab after he and Mom worked for months and discovered a cure for ca-
She stopped herself, not wanting to say too much.
Judy: Right, spoilers.
She clicked to show the next image. This one showed an older Y/N and Cisco alongside a young Judy who looked to be about twelve years old. Behind them, hanging up in a net, was a large hairy creature of sorts. Cisco was trying to poke it with a stick while Y/N was holding his daughter back from getting too close.
Judy: Oops. Forgot that one was in there. Um, this is when we eventually caught it.
Cisco: Wait, I catch Bigfoot? I'm the Matt Moneymaker of the future?! Holy... Dude, this is awesome!
Cisco was squirming in his seat, giddy about what he just learned. Judy chuckled. She always enjoyed Ramon's eagerness and child-like attitude. It was for this reason she found him to be the main one of her parents' friends she had grown the closest to.
Judy switched the picture to another image. This one showed a group of people standing in the exact same cortex chamber they were all in right now. The main difference was an upgraded set of monitors and Judy's Boom suit sitting on the mannequin where her father's Flash suit currently was.
Judy looked at the image and smiled with a grin. Caitlin looked at the image of friends on the screen. She gave a hint of a smile and showed genuine curiosity. In the image were five people. In the center was Judy, most obviously, as well as a young man who appeared to be about her age. He wore a puffy blue coat with a fur lined color over a black shirt and gold chain. On the other side of Judy stood two twin black girls who appeared to be slightly older than her. They were both giving a piece sign with one of them sticking her tongue out and making a goofy face. In front of everyone, sitting at the control console, was an adult male. He had dark tan hair and wore a white lab coat over casual attire.
Judy: This is, uh, my team back home. Well, back in my time, I mean. I guess this place technically is still home just a different fourth dimensional existence of it.
She cleared her throat and started with the young teen man standing beside her.
Judy: This is Lucas Snart. He's our tactician and strategy expert. Also known as Citizen Cold.
Cisco: Snart? As in Leonard Snart?
Judy: Yes. He's Leonard's nephew.
Cisco: Great. One of our greatest adversary's family members is in cahoots with future Team Flash. Fantastic.
As Judy mentioned Lucas Snart and talked about him, Caitlin noticed a slight change in body posture. Judy's voice seemed to become softer and her cheeks reddened. Caitlin got a small grin on her face seeing her daughter act this way. Judy cleared her throat and pointed to the twin girls on the other side of her in the image.
Judy: Uh, this is Martina and Mary Jackson. They're our mechanic and particle physics experts respectively.
Y/N: Jackson? Any relation to Jefferson Jackson?
Judy: They're his daughters. They both inherited the F.I.R.E.S.T.O.R.M. Matrix from their father and can join into the new Firestorm for heavy assaults.
Y/N: Sweet.
Cisco: Yeah. Wait till Jackson learns he's having twins. That'll really light his head up.
Judy finished by pointing to the older gentleman in the photo.
Judy: And this is Eobard Thawne. He's our equivalent to Dr. Wells. A brilliant scientist and has intense knowledge about the Speed Force thanks to him and Dad working together. He told us once that he almost went down a completely different and much darker path until Dad-
Wells: Alright, alright. I think that's enough as is. We don't want to have too much knowledge about our own futures.
Judy: Right, right. Just a little sneak peak is all I wanted to give you. Yep.
She popped her lips and swayed a bit in place before awkwardly coming back to reality and switching off the projector. Caitlin walked over to the young girl. She crouched down and examined her arms and face closely. Judy turned and spotted her mother studying her.
Judy: What are you doing?
Caitlin: Oh, um, checking for pigment clarification and transition between the-
Judy: Hair follicles and and cheek bones, indicating a subtle yet clear sign of relation among species in a similar family structure.
Caitlin was surprised at her guessing exactly what she was going to say. Both woman stared at one another with curious gazes. There were slight differences, but Caitlin could make out small details that matched her own, including the lip shape, iris hue, and even dimples close to the ears. Judy looked at her mother in a similarly curious gaze. It was odd, seeing the face she had always grown up with now appearing nearly twenty years younger.
Both brunettes awkwardly chuckled and stepped back, still taking one another in. Caitlin was slightly caught off guard by the young girls' laugh. It had a very similar pattern to her own, including the small snort. But its power was a bit louder and haughtier, similar to Y/N's.
Y/N walked over to the two women. He smiled at them before turning to the helmet Judy had placed down. Y/N took in the redesigned metal cap, noting its gold band and purple stripe. He held it up, looking carefully at it. It looked shiner and more polished than his own cap, but also had a small dint in the exact same location as his near the top of the head.
Y/N: Your hat. Is it a replica or...?
Judy: Nope. It's the same hat great grandpa used to wear, just painted a bit differently to match my flare. You actually gave it to me after my first battle with a metahuman. Called it a "good luck charm".
Y/N whistled in astonishment.
Y/N: Amazing. Nearly a hundred years old and it's still in use.
While the group were all gathering things together, two more people walked down the hallway to join them. Patty and Barry walked hand in hand into the cortex chamber to greet their friends. Judy turned and noticed them enter. The already wide smile on her face somehow grew even bigger.
Barry: Hey, guys.
Judy: Uncle Barry! Aunt Patty!
As quick as a blur, Judy darted across the room and grabbed onto Patty and Barry, hugging them and holding them close to her.
Judy: It's so good to see you guys!
Both adults caught in the embrace looked down at the brunette teen in confusion. Barry made a questioning, puzzled look and looked over at Y/N. Y/N scratched the back of his neck and explained the whole situation.
Y/N: She's our... daughter... from the future.
Barry looked back down at Judy. Patty's eyes went wide in understanding and looked down with him.
Patty: So you're...?
Judy: Judy L/N in the flesh and holding onto the Allens, Aunt Patty.
The others all looked at her, their eyes now also going a bit wider. Patty looked at Judy, taking in what she just said.
Patty: "Aunt" Patty?
Judy ended the hug and winced. She twiddled her fingers and pressed her thumbs together.
Judy: Oops. Sorry.
Cisco: Did you just call them the "Allens"?
Both Barry and Patty laughed a bit while scratching their own necks.
Barry: Well, actually, that's why we came here. We have something we want to...
Patty smiled and held up her hand. On her finger sat a glowing diamond ring. Everyone in the room clapped and cheered. Y/N made his way over to Barry and wrapped his arm around his shoulder. Caitlin hugged Patty, congratulating the happy couple.
Caitlin: Congratulations.
Patty: Thank you.
Y/N: Well done, man. Does Joe know?
Barry: Yeah. He was the first one we told. He said he was going to drop by as well.
Y/N: Congrats, you two.
Patty: Thanks. Although, we feel like we should be congratulating you two as well.
She motioned over to Judy. The young girl smiled and nodded. Y/N walked over to her and put his arm around her shoulder, holding her close to him.
Barry: So, you're Y/N's future daughter? Looks like he finally got around to doing something with his life other than running.
Y/N slapped Barry on the arm while Judy stifled a laugh.
Patty: Looks like you inherited his speed as well.
Judy: Well, I certainly am fast, but I'm still getting used to controlling my speed. I'm really nowhere near Dad's speed right now.
Barry: How long have you been acting as a superhero?
Judy: About a year. It's a lot more difficult than what you guys all made it look like.
Dr. Wells stood up and made a motion with his hands.
Wells: So we've established you're from the future. By why are you here? What brought you to this particular moment in time?
Judy started to pace, pressing her thumbs together. She bit her lip before motioning to her parents.
Judy: I came back to save you guys.
Y/N and Caitlin looked at her with puzzled looks.
Caitlin: To save us?
Judy nodded.
Judy: In my time, Eobard told us that some great force had awoken. He was a little vague on the details, but told us that it had gone back in time to kill my parents a few days before their wedding. I knew I had to do something. So we suggested I run back to now to stop it from happening. I hadn't planned on running into Dad out on the field but... things happened.
The group were all silent for a moment, letting things sink in. Y/N and Caitlin looked at one another, both sighing with deep breaths. Whatever was out to get them, it was out with a vengeance. But despite it all, both could only think of one thing. Judy was
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