7.4 Contingency Plans

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The team were all gathered inside of a secure room inside the Hall of Justice. The room was cut off from the rest of the system in the Hall, giving them a safe space in case the place was overrun. Everyone was pacing around, thinking about the doppelgangers they had just encountered.

John: They appear to be our equals in every way except morals. 

Diana: Whoever they are, they had to come from somewhere.

Clark: They mentioned this Earth as if it were a different planet.

Victor: I did a biometric scan on the Lantern and speedster. Both are human, just enhanced in their abilities. Their structure reveals they are just as mortal as some of us.

Clark: So they're from Earth?

Bruce: Maybe not our Earth.

John: What do you mean?

Y/N: Bruce is right. They could be from a different Earth. I've encountered a few alternate dimension speedsters and beings before.

John: Wait? Another dimension?

Y/N: Yeah. It's like another reality. Here.

Y/N walked over to one of the white boards in the room. He quickly drew up two circles with one labeled '1' and the other labeled '2'. 

Y/N: This is our Earth. It's our reality. Now, over here is another reality with an identical Earth to ours, only with slight or sometimes even major differences. On this other Earth, Firefly may be a good guy or another Green Lantern other than John is part of the team or maybe even Superman looks like an entirely different guy but with the same powers, backstory, etc. 

John: And you've encountered these other realities before?

Y/N: Yeah. I actually went to Earth-1. On that Earth, Barry Allen was the Flash, I was a normal guy who got with Patty Spivot, and I met a version of Clark's cousin from Earth-38. I even met your doppelganger, John.

John looked at him with surprise.

John: Really?

Y/N: Yeah. Best I can tell, on Earth-1, your grandmother married a different man, taking on his name instead of Stewart. You were actually known as Spartan on that Earth.

John: Huh. That explains the confused look you gave when we first met. So, wait, you called this other reality Earth-1. What Earth are we then? Earth-2?

Y/N: Uh, no. We're Earth-62612. 

The rest of the team all gave him a confused look.

Y/N: Hey, I'm not the one who made the Earth designations, alright?

Bruce: Regardless, these doppelgangers are most likely from another Earth.

Y/N: Yeah. One where the difference between good and evil is flipped. 

Victor: The question is which one?

The group were all about to ponder that very question when a tiny alert popped up on the screen. A problem had occurred in one of the power rooms. The lights above them flickered. Bruce looked at the map where the alert had popped up.

Diana: I'll fix it.

Clark: Be careful.

Bruce: Take John with you.

The two clad heroes nodded. Diana and John left the room to check on the power room. The two talked about their foes while walking down the hall.

John: I don't like this. Versions of us or at least our equivalents from other worlds? That doesn't sound abnormal to you? Even for what we deal with?

Diana: The universe is filled with many surprises, some good some bad. It's our job to manage the threats so that good ones such as the Guardians and Amazons may show it the best it has to offer.

John: Still.

Diana: Relax. Y/N seems to be pretty versed in these affairs. I'm sure he can answer any question you may have. 

The two walked down the hall towards the power room. They stepped inside the room and found one of the computers acting up. Diana looked to the side next to the computer. There was a small compartment on the back wall, about the size of a broom closet. In it was situated some of the steam and pressure valves for the place. A small bit of light was coming from it.

John: I'll investigate. 

John walked towards the backroom while Diana walked over to the computer station. In the main hall, Bruce looked at the map in front of him. Something appeared off about it. John walked inside the storage room. He spotted a few pipes leaking gas. A low bit of steam was let out and blew into his face.

John held up his ring and generated a small plate to put over the leak. Stewart considered it all a job well done. He patted his hands together and turned around to walk out of the room. However, something felt off. John suddenly felt a wave of dizziness rush through his head. He held his hand up to his head and coughed.

John: Oh, man. What is going on?

Diana: John?

Diana heard him coughing. She walked over to check on him. However, she was met by an odd and unsettling sight. The door John had just stepped through was gone. 

Diana: John? John!?

John continued to feel dizzy. Unbeknownst to him, the room around him almost appeared to glitch, like a computer screen momentarily going out. As it did so, the real contents of the gas' origin were revealed. It was not a leaky valve. Instead, there was a small jar of chemicals with a nozzle attached. The jar read one name. "Crane". 

Diana: John?! John!

Everyone heard Diana panicking over the comms. Bruce looked at the screen. He realized why it was off. The room was mislabeled. But he knew what it really was. 

Bruce: Diana, get out of there! Now!

Diana turned around, continuing to search for John. Suddenly, the ground beneath her shook. The computer terminals nearby broke apart. The ground cracked. A large pit opened up and spewed forth flames. From out of the pit stepped a large brute of a being. He had a dark clad helmet that resembled one used during the middle ages. He had a long blue cape and black armor. Diana looked into his dark, shaded face and red eyes. She knew that look.

Diana: No. Ares. 

Ares: Diana of Themyscira, you are a disgrace to your people. You abandon them during their time of need. You come to the world of man to do what? Conjure hope where it does not remain? You have failed in your mission and your duty, both the one given to you and the one given by you. Now your sisters have paid the price.

Ares motioned down to his belt. Diana turned pale white, her mouth open in abject horror. Latched onto Ares' belt were the decapitated heads of her Amazon sisters. Their mouths and eyes were open in terror, the last look they would ever give.

Ares: The world of man has no protector. In the end, all shall fall under my jurisdiction.

Diana: No. I won't let you.

Ares: Then you shall fall with them. 

Ares brought up his axe and slammed the hilt of it down onto the ground. The room ignited in flames. The walls broke open. Diana looked around in horror. She was too late. The world around her was burning. Ares' minions swarmed the land. They all turned their attention towards her. Diana looked back at Ares and gulped.

Diana: As long is there is life in my breast, your reign will not endure.

Ares: Then I shall have to extinguish it.

Diana cried out and charged towards Ares. The tyrannical god and his minions all set out to attack her and engaged in a heated battle. Inside the secure room, the others looked at the screen in shock.

Clark: What's going on?

Bruce: She's inside the hologram training room! What she's seeing isn't real!

Y/N: Can't you get her out?

Bruce: I'm trying. Even this room has been compromised.

Clark: How long will she last in there?

Bruce: It's set to level twenty.

Victor: That's not possible. The highest setting is fifteen.

Bruce didn't respond. The others looked at him, curios. They felt uneasy with his silence. 

Clark: What about John? Where is he?

Bruce: The room next door. John!

John felt another wave of dizziness hit him. He held his head in pain. The room around him seemed to spin. It moved like a ripple. John fell down on his knees as the room was engulfed by darkness. John felt uneasy. All he could hear was the panting of his own breath. 

Then he began to hear another sound. It sounded like a faint heart monitor. John looked around as his environment changed again. He was sitting in a chair in a doctor's office. The head doctor approached. He was wearing a white coat and had a dour look on his face. John felt anxious, although he didn't know why. He soon got his answer.

Doctor: I'm sorry, Mr. Stewart. We were unable to save her. 

John felt a kick to his gut, as if all the wind had been knocked out of him. He knew who they were talking about. She'd been struggling for some time now.

Doctor: She was a good woman, your mother. 

John knelt down, feeling immense sadness. His mother was gone. All his powers, anything he could imagine right at his fingertips, and he could do nothing. The scenery changed again. John looked around before he found himself looking up. He was no longer in the doctor's office. He was on Oa. 

The Guardians of the Universe sat in tall chairs high above John. They looked down with bright blue heads full of intergalactic knowledge and judgement. John remembered this event. It was when he had been inducted. 

Guardians: Johnathan Stewart, for your acts of bravery, your desire for peace and for the upkeep of freedom, for your strong will, you have been chosen to wield the green lantern of willpower. With its power, it shall become your duty, your oath, to protect the universe wherever darkness lies. We call you, John Stewart, to become a member of the Green Lantern Corps. 

As they spoke, a green ring floated down to John. It was his ring, the one he'd use to fight for Earth and for the freedom of many. The Green Lantern emblem was emblazoned on the front of it. John held out his hand to receive the ring. 

However, as the ring floated closer to John, something started to change. The ring's green color started to fade and was replaced with a bright yellow. John looked on in realization and shock. The insignia changed to that of the fear loathing Yellow Lanterns.

The ring stopped moving towards John. A yellow light was emitted from it and formed into a humanoid shape. When the light dimmed, John saw he was to face to face with perhaps the Yellow Lanterns' most devious and powerful wielder. His pink head and black hair looked down at Stewart with a sinister smile. 

John: No...

Sinestro: Hello, John. Lights out.

Sinestro held up the ring on his finger and generated a large needle. He brought it forward and jabbed it into John's eye. He then did the same to the other out. John cried out in pain and horror. His eyes had just been gauged out. Even with his strong will, he was nothing now, blind to the world. If John could not see, he could not concentrate, and he could not use his ring.

In the room over from John, Wonder Woman was busy still fighting off Ares and his minions. They were strong, very strong. She used all she had, pushing herself to her limits to fight them. Inside the secure room, the rest of the team watched as she continued fighting in the projection room while John had fallen on his knees in the room over.

Bruce: She's not going to last long. She's pushing herself too much. She'll tire and give out eventually. 

Clark turned to Y/N.

Clark: Get them out of there.

Y/N nodded and ran off. He raced through the halls towards the training room. However, before he could reach the door, he was knocked to the side by another speedster. Y/N rolled on the ground and looked up. Johnny Quick stood above him gloating.

Johnny: Hello, Flash. Ready for round two?

Y/N: Any other time but now, asshole.

The two speedsters charged at one another and engaged in a fight. Seeing the two blurs going at one another, Clark knew he needed to do something. He rushed out of the room and started to run towards the training room himself. 

Clark made it about halfway down the hall before a green barrier came down and blocked him. On the other side, Power Ring hovered in the air. He looked at Superman and tried to put on a brave face.

Power Ring: Uh, halt, do gooder. Y-You can't get past us. 

Superman brought his fists up and clanged against the green construct. It shook, vibrating some. Power Ring tried to focus more. However, it was no use. Clark smashed through the green barrier. Power Ring fell down to the ground from the blast. 

Clark left the man lying down and rushed towards the door where Diana was. However, just before he could reach it, Superwoman jumped in with a flying kick. She knocked Clark down to the ground. Before Clark could get up, she rolled him over and pressed her knee down into his back. 

Superwoman grabbed her lasso and wrapped it around Clark's wrists. She held his hands behind his back while continuing to press down into him.

Superwoman: Keep down if you know what's best for you.

Clark grunted and squirmed, trying to break free from the lasso's powerful effects. He clamped his hands together and forced himself up, pushing Superwoman off of him. He then spun around, swinging the evil woman using her own lasso. He let go and the lasso was released from his hands. 

Superwoman went flying back and hit the side of the wall, smashing some of it. Clark turned and tried to make it to the door. However, Superwoman jumped back up. She grabbed him and flew down the hall. Clark punched her in the face, causing her to drop him. He hit the ground and rolled. Kent picked himself back up and look at his opponent.

Superwoman: Shame on you, hitting a woman.

Clark: My mother taught me to never punch a lady, but you madame are no lady.

Superwoman brought up her leg and tried to roundhouse kick him in the chest. Clark quickly dodged her blow. However, Superwoman was quick and brought her fist up when she spun. She hit Superman in the face, knocking him back. She then fired a set of heat beams into his chest.

Clark bent over and held his chest. The vile woman took the opportunity to charge towards him with flight. She rammed into his chest, sending Clark falling back through the wall behind him. He crashed through the wall while Superwoman stood on the other side. Clark picked himself up and looked around. He'd never seen this room before. He hadn't even known it existed. Looking at the crumbled wall told him why. It was made out of lead.

While Clark was still gathering his bearings, Superwoman walked over to a control panel that was hidden inside the room. It looked like a normal thermostat. Sliding it up, though, revealed an intricate set of dials. 

Superwoman: Now, let's have some fun, sweetie. 

Superwoman pressed a button on the panel. A cage of iron bars fell down around Superman. Looking at his feet, Clark could see that he had fallen on top of a glass floor that made the shape of his iconic emblem. He picked himself up and looked around. The bars had fallen down around him, encasing Clark in a metal cage of steel.

Superwoman: Sorry, handsome, but I've got to go before it gets a little... noisy for me. 

Clark was surprised by her action. She was leaving him in a metal cage he could easily break out of. Superwoman walked back out the door that had been crashed open. She Picked up a large chunk of the floor and sealed it over the door, leaving Clark in darkness. However, the room was not dark for very long.

Clark began to notice a faint red glow coming from the emblem under his feet. He went to bend the metal bars only to find he couldn't. He was starting to feel weak. He was beginning to understand. He at first assumed the red glow to be a red sun generator made to block his powers. However, a more terrifying change made him realize it was much, much worse. 

Clark felt a pain in his stomach. He keeled down and held it. That was when he started to fell a tingling sensation in his hands. Clark brought his hands up and was met by an appalling sight. Slowly, his skin was becoming translucent. He could see through his own skin, the outer layer becoming invisible. Looking down at the rest of his body, Clark began to freak out. He could see his muscles, nerve fibers, and so much more. He realized what was causing that red glow. It wasn't a red sun generator. It was red kryptonite. 

Clark nearly threw up looking at himself. However, the worse was yet to come. A set of speakers had been set up around the room. Suddenly, they all blared out a high pitched wine, higher than a dog whistle. Clark bent down, his ears pounding in pain. All his senses were being overwhelmed. His ears started to bleed. Clark howled out in pain an agony. 

In the control room, Victor, Bruce, and Alfred saw everything unfolding. The Flash and Johnny Quick were still racing each other through the halls. Wonder Woman was still tiring herself out in the virtual room. She was becoming weak and exhausted.

Victor closed his eyes. He tried to hack back into the mainframe of the system to shut everything down. However, that was when something went off. It was a string of code that had been perceived as a normal part of his mechanical half's programing. It had gone unnoticed but had been placed inside of Victor for ages, ever since he met a particular black cloaked individual. 

Suddenly, the code went off. By the time Victor

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