John Stewart awoke with a jolt. Everything still looked dark. It took him a moment to realize that he was no longer blind. Instead, the room he was in was just dimly lit. Dark walls made of rock surrounded him. Stalactites hung from the ceiling. Despite the cave appearance, the room was warm and well suited for a living space.
John sat up and looked around. He was lying on a leather couch in the cave room. A Persian rug covered the grey metal floor. John squinted, letting his eyes adjust to his environment. As he squinted, he noticed someone else nearby. Cyborg was sitting up on a table near a work bench. A generator and lights were hooked up to him, helping him to regain his strength.
Victor: Hey.
John: Hey. W-What happened?
Victor: We were attacked.
John: The Syndicate?
Victor: Taken over the Hall.
John: Shit. Where are we now?
Victor: The one place Ultraman can't find us.
Victor motioned over to a metal sign above him. John followed his gaze and looked up at the sign. The rusty metal plaque read "Sommerset Lead Mines".
Parts of the old mine had been set up by Bruce as a contingency hideout set a few miles out from Gotham. Cables and tubing lined the walls, leading to several overhanging lights and generators. A few computer stations had been set up alongside some of Wayne's spare Bat equipment. Some of the walls of the mine had been carved out to host as storage or possibly safe rooms. Security camera feeds lined every room with an accessible monitor.
At one of the computer stations, the Flash was sitting down in a chair talking with his friends at S.T.A.R. Labs. Caitlin and Dr. Wells were on the screen giving him the latest updates. Wells was finishing up his sentence while Caitlin sat prominently before Y/N's vision.
Wells: Mrs. Kent and the baby are here with us, so you can let Clark know that they're safe. All security protocols and lockdown procedures have been put in place. The CCPD are under constant surveillance so they'll keep us informed as to the Syndicate's movements.
Y/N: Good. Make sure all bio-dampening systems as well as metahuman trackers are kept online. Tell Cisco not to open any breaches, no matter how small. If they have a feeling we're trying to get to another Earth, they'll come running for us.
Wells nodded and walked off, leaving the two engaged lovers alone. Caitlin squirmed a bit in her chair and looked at her fiancé on the screen in front of her.
Caitlin: How are you feeling?
Y/N: I'm alright. Better than before. Thank you for before, honestly. I needed to hear all that from you.
Caitlin: Well, I needed to find some of way of slowing down both your metabolic rate as well as your heart beat. Studies show that focusing on key emotional memories correlated with tranquil or calming prescences can help to keep one calm. It's quite similar to listening to a SoundSleep to rest or smelling flowers to release dopamine to trigger a less stressful stimulus.
Y/N chuckled and shook his head. He loved it when she got all sciencey with her explanations. It always kept him on his toes and guaranteed no day was a boring day.
Y/N: No, I mean... I needed to hear all of that. About slowing down and just being me.
Caitlin paused and smiled back at him.
Y/N: I've just been so wrapped up in the last few months. Between planning the wedding and rounding up metas and stopping Zo-
Y/N paused. He didn't want to mention that last one. He didn't want to give him the pleasure of citing his name. Caitlin saw what he was getting at and nodded.
Caitlin: I know.
Y/N: I just want your special day to be perfect. No distractions, no superheroing, just the day you deserve.
Caitlin: Our special day, Mr. L/N. You deserve it just as much as I do.
The two of them lightly chuckled at their exchange.
Caitlin: Just do your best out there. Whatever these guys are up to, they've never faced you before. You've got this.
Y/N: Thanks, dear.
Suddenly, Y/N heard a baby fussing off screen. Lois Lane walked over holding her one-year-old child Jon. He had jet black hair just like his father and appeared to be growing strong for his age.
Lois: Dr. Snow, I think Jon may be getting a fever.
She handed the baby to the brunette. Cait held onto Jon in her arms. She cradled him and pulled out a thermometer to check his temperature.
Caitlin: He does seem to be running a slightly higher temp. I can give him some acetaminophen and we can use one of the spare carts we have as a bed for him.
Lois: Thanks. I appreciate it, dear. This little stinker is strong, just like his papa, but he does seem to get more sick than him.
Caitlin: That's most likely the human side of his biology trying to balance out with the Kryptonian side. We can set up a yellow sun generator to help. I can also give you a bio-dampening bracelet if it'll help you with his strength when Clark isn't around.
Lois: Thank you. I'll have to talk with Clark about that one. When he's older, I'm sure he'll be fine, but being so young... I just don't know sometimes.
Y/N continued to watch Caitlin cradle the baby Jon. A light grin appeared in his face. She looked natural with what she was doing. Cait noticed his odd gaze.
Caitlin: Y/N. Earth to Y/N. Hello?
Y/N snapped out of his gaze and looked back at his fiancé.
Caitlin: What is it?
Y/N: Nothing.
Caitlin: Well, you better do something about that imposter league soon, mister. Otherwise Cisco is going to put on ANOTHER Star Trek movie.
Y/N: I thought you liked those.
Caitlin: You know I only watch them when you're around.
Y/N: Well, put on Princess Bride. There's a movie you both love.
Caitlin shrugged at that, indicating it wasn't a bad idea. Off screen, Y/N could hear Cisco shouting back.
Cisco: Inconceivable! The man who nearly died is making movie suggestions.
Caitlin: Well, technically, he was almost mostly-dead and not quite dead-dead yet.
Cisco: Oh, girl, you did NOT just out Princess Bride me!
Y/N laughed at his friends' exchange. He gave one final send off to Cait before cutting off the video feed.
Y/N: I'll get this done quick and then I'm gonna come running home to you.
Caitlin: Keep running, speedy. Good luck.
Y/N waved goodbye and turned off the video monitor. In the room beside him, Bruce and Clark were sitting at a larger computer station. On screen were Jefferson Jackson and Martin Stein. The two members of Firestorm were talking with the Bat and the man of steel about the lockdown around the country.
Stein: No word from the president yet, although it's not a drastic jump to conclusions that he'll be monitored by the Syndicate and could possibly be their next target. Other heroes are in standby awaiting your command, Bruce.
Bruce: Keep everyone under lock and key until we can get a proper readout on these guys. No one needs to die for this particular cause.
Jackson: Raven's put up a protective spell around the tower to keep anyone out. Hartley's jammed all communication signals apart from this secure line as well as put up a protective firewall using some of the data acquired from Wayne Tech.
Stein: Yes. For as much as I am oppose to Mr. Rathaway's more... immoral means of acquiring data, I am not one argue that he is a brilliant mind to be challenged.
Clark: Just make sure everyone is safe and secure. Keep your eyes on Jump City for the time being. Alert us to anything unnatural occurring there.
The two Titans nodded. Suddenly, the group heard someone shouting off screen. Jackson and Stein turned around to see their teammate, Robotman, clanging down the hall. His bronze feet clanged against the floor as he shouted out to someone else in anger.
Cliff: Gar, where the fuck are you?! I swear if this was your pigeon shit on my shoulder, I'm going to shove my metal fist up your ass! And don't try to deny it, either. There are no other damn birds in this house!
The leather jacket wearing robot stormed off to find one of the other Titans he was mad at. Martin and Jefferson shrugged with unease and looked back at the screen.
Clark: Sheesh. Looks like Sara's got her work cut out for her there.
Stein: Yes, Miss Lance is doing what she can to keep this team from killing one another.
Jackson: Mostly by turning to Jack Daniels.
Bruce: Just keep us posted. Monitor your calls.
The Titans nodded and ended the call. As they did, the other members of the League entered the room. Bruce turned around in his chair and leaned forward. He pressed his thumbs to his chin and was lost in thought. Y/N looked around at his teammates and rubbed his shoulder. He walked over to help Victor with unhooking the power cables still attached to him.
Y/N: How are you feeling?
Victor: Better. Those guys really got the jump on us.
Bruce: They hacked into our system. Used our own contingencies to trap us all and keep us pinned down.
Clark: What gets me is Ultraman. He wasn't there with the others. So where is he? For a man who appears to talk highly about himself and his team, he doesn't seem like the one to run away from a battle.
Diana: Whatever he's doing I can guess only he can do. The rest of his team are reconnaissance. Soldiers preparing for the arrival of their general.
Victor: So why not just use all of our systems against us now? If Grid can access the network just as I can, they can launch any nuclear weapon at us in an instant.
Bruce: Before we left, I downloaded some of our personal files onto a hardwire. At the same time, I uploaded an encryption network. Any and all high ranking agencies they try to access will be met and redirected to ignore all requests. It isn't perfect, but it should buy us some time.
John: They seemed to really know what they were doing. My question is how they knew where to find everything. All the rooms seemed set up to particularly target us.
Clark: The room I was in was lined with lead. Whoever constructed it did so knowing I wouldn't be able to see what they were doing.
Y/N: Yeah. And all the tech seemed well prepared. Almost as if...
Everyone turned their heads to look at one person in particular. Bruce had his head down, still thinking. He brought it up to look at everyone. His face looked weary and tired.
Diana: Bruce...?
Wayne exhaled, sighing.
Bruce: I made the contingencies.
Everyone stopped. They looked at Bruce with wide eyes of shock. Victor stepped forward, his mouth open in shock.
Victor: Excuse me?
Bruce: You heard me. I made the contingencies. They were designed to target all of you in case things got out of hand.
Y/N: Bruce? B-But the Injustice Protocols were already made for that scenario.
Bruce: The Injustice Protocols are not enough. Those were made to detain or in some cases depower individuals. But I needed something more.
John: You needed something to kill us. In case anyone went rogue.
Everyone looked at Bruce, hoping he'd deny the claim. He did not. Bruce shook his head in defeat.
Bruce: They must have acquired it from our data files.
Clark: Why? Why didn't you tell us?
Bruce continued to sit for a moment. He then sat up and started to pace around his computer. The greying man wiped his lips and paced with one hand in his pocket.
Diana: Bruce, why?
John: I'll you why. Big man likes to have the upper hand at all times. He doesn't trust his teammates enough to share things that could put them at harm's risk.
Bruce chuckled. He turned to face Stewart.
Bruce: Funny. And do you think those grand Guardians of the Universe you work for tell you everything there is to know? Do they you think they tell you everything that could endanger you and your Corps, or do you think they like to keep some cards up their sleeves?
Diana: Bruce...
Bruce: The Babel Contingency plans were made in case any one of us or someone like us were to go rogue. A man who can lift the world with a pinkie finger, a woman who can force all politicians to tell the truth, a man who can snap an entire conference room's necks before one body hit the floor, and a cybernetically enhanced being who can topple governments in minutes. How scared do you think mere mortals are to power such as that? We can't compete. We can't engage with that conflict.
Diana: We protect the world. That is our oath. We do not put it at risk of annihilation.
Bruce: But others like us have. Zodd, Nuclear Man, Amazo, Ares, Sinestro, Zoom, and now the Syndicate! The contingency was made in case any single one of us decided, for whatever reason, to go against our oath. That is why they were needed and why only one of us could be trusted with them. A general who withholds information from his army is not doing so to lie to them. He is doing so to keep them safe, to keep them from ever losing hope. Because if any one of them knew every plan going forward, then it's only a matter of time before rumors spread and the cards are revealed to the enemy.
Diana: Lack of information brews distrust.
Bruce: And too much information runs risk of producing questions, questions we do not have time to answer and orders we need to follow down to the last tee.
Clark: We're not soldiers, Bruce. We're a team. A team makes sacrifices, but it trusts one another to hold onto our secrets and our mission.
John: That isn't his mission. He's never the one to lay down his life for one of us. Instead, he'd rather put one of us out there first because it's the best "strategic move" or some shit. What about you? I didn't see any contingency plan for you specifically. Are we supposed to assume that you only ever planned for us and never yourself.
Bruce sat down and slouched in his chair.
Bruce: Of course I did. It was a card I held close to my chest.
The group all looked at him. Some had disgusted looks of disapproval. Some such as Y/N and Clark had their heads down in contemplative thought. Clark eventually spoke up.
Clark: The League was the contingency against you, wasn't it?
Bruce nodded, confirming his suspicion.
Bruce: I knew that if I were to ever falter in my crusade, it would take all of you to stop me. Even if some of you would never admit it, I know some of you would have the strength to kill me if you ever needed to.
The group fell silent. Everyone looked around. Bruce's greatest plan wasn't a way to take them down, it was a plan to take himself down. Y/N pressed his thumbs together white sitting down on top of a locked box. After a solid moment of silence, he nodded his head in agreement.
Y/N: You're right.
The others looked over at him in surprise. Y/N looked at both Bruce and Diana.
Y/N: You're both right. The League has sworn to protect the world. But there are others like us who we know don't give a damn about it. When I encountered Zo... Hunter, we set up a plan together. But he tricked us. He used what we had to steal everything. We stopped him, but at a high cost.
Y/N sat there, trying desperately not to think about that night that Zoom changed everything.
Y/N: Someone with my abilities can do irreparable damage to lives and how they play out. Both our own as well as others who may not even be involved. They can change how things were supposed to be for everyone.
Diana: Y/N, what do you mean by that?
Y/N paused. He realized he'd said too much.
Y/N: I shouldn't tell you guys.
Victor: Tell us what?
Y/N: It doesn't matter now.
John: Y/N...
Y/N continued to press his fingers together, contemplating whether he should unveil everything.
Y/N: Zoom went back in time to make sure that the Flash existed on this world. But, when a speedster time travels, it isn't as simple as changing one effect. It sends ripples across the time stream, fracturing events that may not even seem related.
Clark: Y/N, what are you getting at?
Y/N exhaled and let out a low breath.
Y/N: After we finished with Hunter, we searched his place for further evidence. We found a few things we could use to get Henry out of prison. But looking in a concealed drawer, we found a notebook kept by Zolomon. It was a journal. As far as we could tell, he was documenting all the changes to the timeline. Changes that did not only include me becoming the Flash.
Victor: What other changes?
Y/N: In the original timeline, Brainiac didn't come to Earth for another twenty to thirty years. The Justice League never formed. Superman remained captured before giving up his life in one final battle against Brainiac's ship. The Batman continued to move in Gotham, but was more cruel. More violent and vicious with his methods.
John: What?
Y/N looked up at his friends.
Y/N: In the original timeline, you were never chosen by the Lantern Corps, John. Instead, some other guy from Baltimore was. But you had a family, John. A wife and a daughter.
John looked at the his teammate. He gasped with disbelief. He took a step back, needing to process everything.
John: I... I had a daughter, Y/N?
L/N nodded.
John: And it was just taken away without me ever realizing it?
Y/N sighed. Diana looked at him with curiosity.
Diana: What about the Amazons?
Y/N: Myths. You become no more than a legend, Diana, showing up every century or so before disappearing.
Victor: What about me?
Y/N looked at his friend. He had to hold himself back from breaking down.
Y/N: Vic, you died.
Victor gasped. He looked at his friend in shock.
Y/N: Your father never discovered Brainiac's pod. He never found a way to save you. He tried, but... it took him in the end.
Cyborg stepped back. He placed his hand on the table behind him, trying to steady his balance. Diana placed a hand in his shoulder. Y/N sat there in despair.
Y/N: I'm sorry. I shouldn't have told you guys. But I can now see why Bruce never told us about his plans. It was never to lie. It was to protect us.
Clark: What about yourself? In this other timeline?
Y/N shook his head.
Y/N: I never could bring myself to look. At what was or what could have been.
Diana: You're afraid it would have been bad?
Y/N: I'm afraid it would have been good. I'm afraid at seeing what was lost.
Everyone looked on. They all had their
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