7.4 Contingency Plans

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realized something was wrong, it was too late. An EMP blast went off inside his body. The screens around the room flickered. Victor's mechanical parts sparked, electricity flying through them as some parts of him were shut off. 

Victor: Aaaagh!

Cyborg toppled to the ground and passed out. Bruce and Alfred immediately shot out of their seats and bent down to him.

Bruce: His entire system's down! We need to get his life support back online. Get me the electroshock resuscitator!

Alfred nodded. He rushed over to one of the locked cabinets in the room and opened it up. Inside were a pair of gloves as well as a set of cables. Alfred handed Bruce the gloves and grabbed the cables. He attached one to Victor's mechanical foot, one to his shoulder, and one to his hand. He then hooked the other ends of the wires to a generator and flicked it on.

On the other side of the Hall, Flash and Quick were continuing their duel. Each time one threw a punch, the other would dodge it. The matched speedsters were quick in their movements and swift with their blows. Y/N finally managed to get the drop on Johnny by tripping him and pinning him against a wall. 

Y/N: Time's up, bud.

Johnny: Why, Flash, the race has only started. The ref has blown his gun and signaled the beginning of the end. Unfortunately for you, I bribed the ref.

Y/N: What?

Unbeknownst to Y/N, sitting in the rafters above them, Owlman was crouched down holding up a specialized sniper rifle. He aimed at the back of the silver caped speedster who was turned away from him. With a sinister and calm grin, he pulled the trigger and fired.

The specialized bullet travelled at immense speeds, faster than any bullet known to man. Even if Y/N had heard it pop off, he would already be too late. Y/N suddenly felt something pinch his back. The bullet travelled into the Flash and lodged itself near his heart.

Y/N let go of Johnny. He almost immediately felt weak. It was if everything had stopped, but in the wrong way. It felt like his heart had stopped. It started again only to stop again. Y/N clenched his chest. He toppled down on weak knees. He gasped and groaned, trying to catch some air. Johnny cackled above him.

Johnny: Love to stay and chat, Flash, but I've got to run. 

Quick ran off down the hall. Owlman nodded at his work and followed his teammate away from the Flash's writhing body. Y/N laid on the ground, shaking as he experienced a set of repeated seizures. 

Inside S.T.A.R. Labs, the team were minding their business. That was until a set of alarms started going off. All three of the employees rushed over to the monitors to see what was happening. They looked at a display of the Flash suit which was giving Y/N's vitals and readouts. Cisco saw the readouts and his eyes grew wide.

Cisco: Oh, my God.

Caitlin: What?! What's happening?!

Cisco: Something punctured the suit from behind. Picking up abnormal readings near the heart.

Caitlin looked at the readouts and grew worried. Her eyes were filled with panic.

Caitlin: His pulmonary artery has been punctured! Vitals are weak and falling! 

Cisco: The damage is spreading.

Wells: His self healing's been compromised. Whatever it is, it's killing him faster than he can regenerate lost tissue.

Caitlin: Y/N!

Back in the secure room, Bruce brought the gloves he was wearing down on Cyborg's body. He turned to Alfred who was standing by a generator.

Bruce: Give me 600 Volts.

Alfred nodded. He turned on the generator and flicked the dial to the setting. Some of cables started to hum. A thin pair of wires led to the gloves attached to Bruce's hands. Wayne brought steady hands above Victor's chest.

Bruce: Clear!

Bruce released a set of shocks from his gloves. Victor's body twitched but still nothing.

Bruce: 900 Volts.

Alfred dialed up the setting on the generator. Bruce pressed his gloves again, sending out another static shock. Still nothing.

Bruce: 1,500!

Alfred set the dial even higher. Bruce gave a valiant push down onto Victor's chest, releasing electricity into his body. Suddenly, Victor gasped. The blue light on his forehead switched on. The red emblem on his chest lit up. The cyborg was still passed out, but breathing now. 

Bruce fell down and took off his gloves. Alfred gave Victor a steady supply of energy, keeping him charging in hopes his entire system would eventually come back online. Bruce panted after the exertion. He looked over at the screen to find the others. That was when he saw his doppelganger. Owlman was busy working at one of the control panels in the main room. He was hidden just in the camera's blind spot, but Bruce was able to make out the tiniest sliver of a gray cape.

Bruce: Alfred, prepare the jet. We need to evacuate to the safe point. Load Stone onboard with you.

Alfred: Right you are, sir. 

Alfred set to work on getting things in order. Bruce walked over to a side corner of the room. Pressing on a part of the wall, a small display opened up. Inside it was Bruce's suit. He put on his black armored gear and prepared for another fight. 

Y/N: Aaaaaaaagh!

Y/N continued to flinch and writhe on the ground. His team had finally identified the problem with him. On the screens in front of them, a small silver object could be seen.

Wells: There.

Cisco: Is that a bullet?

Wells: A vibrating bullet. It's cutting into him, blocking off his arteries as quickly as he can heal them. Even if he were to try and phase it out of him, it'd just remain lodged.

Y/N shouted on the ground. Sweat dripped profusely from his body. His skin was turning pale.

Caitlin: What do we do?!

Wells: We could try breaching it out of him.

Cisco: Excuse me?! I've never made a breach that small. Plus, opening one up in his body may end up doing more harm than good. His organs may fall through and spill out all over the floor or I could end up going all Temple of Doom and tear his heart out.

Caitlin: There's got to be some way.

The group all thought for a moment. Wells was then struck by a sudden idea.

Wells: We could try phasing. 

Cisco: What?! But you just said that wouldn't work.

Wells: Yes. The faster Y/N moves, the faster the bullet vibrates. But that's not what I'm getting at. We would treat it like how Y/N normally phases through objects, only this time, he is the object.

The others caught on to what he was saying.

Caitlin: The bullet would continue vibrating and go right through him and fall out of his body.

Wells leaned forward. He pressed on the microphone in front of him and talked to Y/N over his comms system.

Wells: Listen to me, Y/N, you need to calm down. Let the bullet pass through you.

Y/N continued to shake in pain. He couldn't bear it any longer. He felt like he was going to die. Caitlin leaned forward and took over the mic.

Caitlin: Listen to me, Y/N. It's Cait. You know this voice. You've helped me take things one step at a time. Now it's my turn. Listen to my voice. I need you to do something for me. For once, I need you to slow down. Don't be the Flash. Be Y/N L/N. Be the man who spends his free time watching television shows and making chemical cocktails with compounds half the world doesn't even know the name of. Be the man who likes to sit lazily on the couch after a long day of work. Be the man who I expect to smile at when I walk down the aisle. 

Y/N's panting slowed. He closed his eyes and tried to focus on her voice, anchoring himself to her.

Caitlin: Slow down and listen to my voice. Be at peace.

Y/N took what breath he could and exhaled gently. He slowed himself down. He thought about relaxing nights with Cait, movie theater experiences with Cisco, and pizza nights with Joe and Barry. He slowed himself down, living as a normal human being. 

As Y/N slowed down, the vibrating bullet slowly phased through his body. It fell from his heart and down through his chest. The small pellet phased through his body and suit before falling to the floor. It stopped vibrating and made a small clink as it hit the tile floor.

The team inside the lab all smiled and breathed a sigh of relief. Y/N's vitals were going back to normal. Y/N spit up a bit of blood before rolling over on his back and breathing heavily. His legs felt incredibly weak. His skin was still pale but slowly turning back to its natural color. Y/N laid there on the ground, needing a moment to heal but grateful to be alive.

Near one of the various control panels inside the main room of the Hall, Owlman was busy collecting data, preparing for the Syndicate's plans. Suddenly, a batarang flew out of nowhere and lodged into the data screen, smashing it. Owlman turned around just as Batman glided down into the room. Batman flew in and kicked his counterpart down to the side. 

Owlman rolled and very quickly got back up on his feet. The two creatures of the night eyed one another. The predator of the skies nodded and was impressed by the hero of Gotham's skills.

Owlman: Impressive. Your cunningness knows no bounds.

Bruce: I am your equal, I presume. 

Owlman: All in but one factor. You refuse to take a life anymore. I, on the other hand, have no such qualms about my prey.

The two charged at one another. They engaged in combat. However, both were predictive in their move set. Each punch one threw, the other dodged. Bruce eventually managed to lured his counterpart to the side. Owlman threw a punch which Batman dodged, causing the fowl villain to crush a computer screen. 

Batman came up from the side and grabbed Owlman. He slammed him against a nearby guardrail, bending it. Owlman brought up his gloves and unsheathed a set of sharp claws. Bruce spotted them and jumped back. A small bit of claws hit the front of his chest plate, causing small sparks to fly. 

 Owlman spun and tried to deliver a flying kick to Bruce. Batman caught it and tried to throw his leg down. However, while spinning, Owlman grabbed his grapple gun from his belt and fired it around Batman's wait. As he finished spinning, he pulled him in close and turned him around. 

Owlman grabbed Batman in a chokehold. He brought his hands up and tried to snap his neck. Batman pulled out a batarang and tossed it across the room. The metal blade hit a high beam and bounced back. Owlman brought up his hand and caught it before it could hit him, but gave Batman the opening to escape in the process. Batman pushed forward and spun back with a roundhouse kick, hitting Owlman in the chest. 

Owlman pulled out an object from his belt. What would normally be a smoke bomb for Bruce was actually a grenade for the other Earth counterpart. Bruce noticed the bomb and jumped back as Owlman tossed it to the ground. A tiny explosion went off. Bruce was flung back but caught himself by extending his cape, falling back down to the ground and sliding on his feet.

Owlman: Bruce, isn't it? It was a little too easy to kill you on my world. Too vulnerable. This one is a pleasure.

Bruce: And which world would that be?

Owlman: You're the detective. Figure it out. 

Diana continued to fight inside the projection room, tiring herself out. She had pushed all she had, falling on her knees, about to pass out from exhaustion. In the room beside her, John was down on the ground. He was convinced he was blind. He was hopeless. Without his vision, he could not use his ring. 

Suddenly, a metal chair was smashed against the lock keypad on the outside of the training room. The program turned off and the door opened. Alfred rushed through the door and found Diana sitting down. Sweat dripped down her body. She had pushed herself too hard. The old man bent down to help her up.

Alfred: Miss Prince, are you alright?

Diana looked around, taking in the room. She was confused by the sudden change in scenery but too tired to question any of it. She was happy to see a familiar face, though, and nodded. After making sure she was alright, Alfred walked over and unlocked the other door. He found John kneeling on the ground, staring off into space.

Alfred: Mr. Stewart, are you alright?

John: Alfred? Is that you?

Alfred: I am here, Mr. Stewart.

John: I can't see. I'm blind, Alfred.

Alfred: It's alright, sir. You'll see through even the darkest night soon enough.

Alfred had seen this type of drug effect before. Reaching into his waistcoat pocket, the butler pulled out an antidote for Crane's formula. He brought up John's arm and injected it. John fell dizzy and passed out. Alfred soon got to work loading both tired and exhausted League members onto the jet. 

Batman and Owlman continued their duel in the main meeting room of the Hall. The two moved in sync with one another, pulling out their throwing weapons. Batarangs and owlerangs flew through the air and hit each other, bouncing off one another and flying back to their owners. Batman turned to doge his own weapon.

With Batman turned to the side, Owlman was able to locate his doppelganger's weak point in his suit. He pulled out a throwing knife and tossed it. Bruce felt the sharp blade enter his side. He grunted and fell back. He kneeled on the ground and pulled the blade out. 

Looking back up, Batman saw Owlman charging straight at him. His claws were sharp and quickly approaching. Bruce rolled to the side and flipped back over. As he did so, while his black cape momentarily covered the floor, he tossed down a cutting knife of his own and pocketed Owlman's knife. 

Batman got back up and stood in a fighting pose. Owlman kneeled down and picked up the dropped knife. He immediately noticed the different weight to the tool and how it was not his own. However, before he could question the Bat, Bruce threw down a specialized gas pellet. 

Owlman stepped back as the area filled with smoke. Pressing a button on the side of his helmet, the villain lowered a set of special lenses over his eyes. He tried to pear through the smoke to find his opponent. However, the smoke continued to fog his vision.

Owlman touched a few buttons on his gauntlet and scanned through various settings and frequencies on his lenses. After flipping through a few settings, he found the right one. However, by that time it was too late. Batman was gone.

While the smoke was still up, Bruce took the time to input a small flash drive into the main computer. He downloaded a few items in mere seconds then grabbed the drive and left. Batman rushed down the hall towards where Superman was being held. Punching a small corner of the wall revealed a concealed flap. A small screen and number pad were placed inside. Bruce inserted the flash drive to override the system and activated a voice command.

Bruce: System override. Authorization: Batman. 

The screen displayed a green light. The red kryptonite inside the room was put back into its lead case, contained from the rest of the room. Clark was down on his knees, tired and weakened. Batman attempted to make his way inside, but found a large chunk of wall blocking the door. He placed a small bomb on it and backed up.

The bomb detonated, blowing up the chunk of debris and sending smoke and concrete into the air. Bruce made his way inside and grabbed Clark. Superman was exhausted and tried to speak only to find his voice to be hoarse. Batman slung him over his shoulder and dragged him out.

Clark: What... What happened?

Bruce: We're leaving. We've been compromised. 

Owlman stood in front of the main computer of the Hall. He noticed a few files had been downloaded. Above him, he could hear the sound of turbine engines. Owlman looked up at the skylight window above him. He spotted the Javelin Jet flying away. Superwoman walked over to him, hearing the Justice

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