7.3 Super Invasion

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The imposter Superman hovered in the air. He knew the cameras were on him. The sneering dark figure put on a bravado grin. He held up his hands and began to speak like a pastor giving a sermon. He talked down to the citizens of Metropolis.

Ultraman: People of Earth, I come to you in your greatest time of need. Your countries are divided even within themselves. Your world hangs in the balance between corruption and annihilation. You call those beneath you criminals while those who perform just as ill and unwise actions you call leaders. I am here to fix all of that. I am your super man.

The citizens of Metropolis all looked up at the figure. Despite his similar appearance, the people were smarter than Ultraman gave them credit for. They were quick to realize he was not who he claimed to be. One citizen shouted up at him.

Man: Hey! You're not Superman!

Ultraman: I never claimed to be. Only that I am a super man, one who will bring order to a world that so desperately craves it. I will show you the way.

Man: We've heard a couple of wackjobs say that before, freak! You may claim to be a super man, but you will never be Superman! People like you-

The man was cut off mid sentence. Ultraman glared down at him and fired a heat beam. The man was instantly incinerated, reduced to a charred mark on the ground. Citizens who had been near him all turned around and fled, screaming in terror. Superman looked down with wide eyes of horror, unable to act in time. Ultraman continued his speech.

Ultraman: I mean you no harm, honestly. I just require your attention and your worship. Those who step out of line will meet a similar fate to the worm you have just witnessed the death of.

Inside the Hall of Justice, Bruce was working at the monitor. Suddenly, the video was taken over by un unknown controller. Bruce looked at the screen with wide eyes. He was met by a logo, one familiar to him. It was a silver circle made to resemble a bird with a small beak. Two bright blue eyes were positioned on the bird, glowing brightly.

Victor: The Court of Owls? I thought they were flushed out of Gotham in the 2000s.

Bruce: They were. It was a long campaign, one of the hardest in my life. This is different.

Alfred: Master Bruce is right. The last member of the court died with it. Whatever this is, it's new.

Bruce: And it may be worse.

Bruce's suspicions were confirmed when another figure sitting at a desk appeared on the screen. The figure was dressed in a grey and silver bodysuit. He wore a cowl that mimicked the logo that had just been shown, the same logo emblazoned on his chest. He wore a silver cape that lead down to sharp, jagged cut ends. The man spoke and the team were taken aback. It was a voice that was familiar to them, albeit deeper. It sounded like Batman.

Owlman: Citizens and insulant pests of Earth, you are about to hear from our grand leader and your new overlord, Ultraman. Heed his call and listen with intent. Your new way of life orders you to do so.

As he spoke, all the television screens in the Hall switched to the same feed. At the Houston stadium, Y/N watched the video come over the jumbotron. In S.T.A.R. Labs, the team all watched as their screens were taken over. All across the globe, the same image was being broadcast to every television, tablet, phone, and computer screen. It all showed Ultraman hovering in front of the Daily Planet. The golden globe spun around him as he spoke with intent.

Ultraman: Designated citizens of this world, your planet is doomed. We have come to fix it. You wish for peace and unity. Unity is what I deliver. But unity cannot coexist with freedom. Freedom is slavery. How can we expect the world to band together if everyone is entitled to their own desires and opinions? It is human nature to conflict with one another. No more. We shall grant you freedom by eradicating it. No more will you have to rely on systems based on lies and deceit. Systems that find every possible way to upset your way of life and to keep you under the thumb of those who only wish ill tidings upon you. What I give may not be pretty, but it is always the truth. No longer will you bend to so called truth, justice, and the American way. We the Syndicate will forge a new way. 

Just then, a voice interrupted Ultraman.

Clark: Call me old fashioned, but I for one still believe in upholding the American way of life.

Superman flew up to Ultraman. He did not wish to engage him, not yet.

Clark: We don't have to fight. I hope we can come to a reasonable understanding of one another. 

Ultraman: I highly doubt that. I am sorry to say that you are the one who cannot understand. The American way of life? You mean the same country that has funded conflict and destruction across the globe in territories where it should not belong? The same country that implants its foot into the bodies of countries that would be better off alone? A country full of power hungry individuals who divide its people using propaganda and false promises all to sway them to a side that only benefits those who lead it?

Clark: That's not how I see it.

Ultraman: Then you are blind.

Clark: No, I simply have a different view. What you are describing is politics. The American life I am talking about is one that looks for peace in the small things in life. One in which people help one another without needing to ask and in which a helping hand is graciously offered. One in which people live in harmony of the now instead of fear of tomorrow. An ideology, not a country or political propaganda. A promise for a better tomorrow.

Ultraman: Small town dreams, Superman. Ones that are impractical. Humans are the very reason the dreams they conjure can never be fulfilled. That is why they need guidance, need me. You are the same. You have so much power, so much potential. And yet you squander it by not acting in ways that you should. You are above them, Superman. They look up to the sky and see a man of immense strength and power flying above. Do you know what I call that? A god. You can do more than show them the way. You can answer their prayers, even those they did not know they had.

Clark: It's not our place to interfere with day-to-day lives. I choose to live by example.

Ultraman: Which is why I and my team have come to this Earth, to do what you and your friends refuse to do. You have the power to lead this world, you just don't act upon it.

Clark: Is that a threat?

Ultraman: It's a promise. My promise. 

Seeing he was getting nowhere with the man of steel, Ultraman brought up his fist and uppercut Superman. Clark was sent up. He tried to dodge the next blow, but found Ultraman to be just as fast and strong as he was. Clark was hit again and sent falling down into the city. He stood back up and prepared for the oncoming super being.

Ultraman charged down towards Superman. Clark brought up his hands. The two clashed their fists against one another and pushed against each other with their palms. Ultraman broke the lock by headbutting Superman. Clark was flung back far across the street. 

Seeing the fight break out on the screen, Y/N decided to chase after the other speedster. The fast villain was running away from the scene fast. However, the Flash was quickly catching up. This man may have been fast, but Y/N was faster. The two raced around the stadium before shooting off into the city.

The racing speedsters quickly covered the distance of the city and traveled far, far out into the dessert. The narrow pointed speedster looked over his shoulder and saw the silver caped Flash quickly approaching. On a dime, he stopped, put out his leg, and tripped the Flash.

Y/N rolled across the ground, some of his lightning superheating the sand and turning it to glass. He stopped and pulled himself up off the ground. 

Johnny: My, my. You really are a fast one. For a moment there I thought you were about to pass me.

Y/N: Afraid you'll lose?

Johnny: I never lose. Ever hear the story of the tortoise and the hare? I'm the hare, the faster one who won the race while the tortoise minded his own damn business.

Y/N paused to think about that for a moment. That sounded backwards from the story he knew. He shook his head and looked at the speedster. 

Y/N: Who are you supposed to be? What diabolical and/or dumb named villain am I up against now?

Johnny: The name's Quick, Johnny Quick. I am the fastest man alive.

Y/N: Yeah, I've heard that one before.

Johnny: Only mine is true. And you know why? Because I'm unstoppable, a god. You can be too, you know. You just have to-

Y/N: Heard that one before as well. Got any new material? 

Johnny: Only this.

Quick started to run around in circles very quickly. He then stopped and brought his hand up, throwing a bolt of lightning straight at the Flash. Y/N rushed towards the bolt. He leaped into the air and grabbed it. Spinning in the air, Y/N tossed the bolt back. Johnny was hit by his own lightning and sent flying back into a cactus.

Y/N: Ooh! That's got to sting. Good thing you're a quick healer. 

Johnny got back up and rushed towards the Flash. Y/N took off and ran with him. The two continued their fight through the desert, slamming into one another and throwing each other into hard objects.

In Metropolis, Ultraman and Superman continued their fight. Ultraman fell to the ground from a punch. People around the area screamed and ran off in fright. Ultraman stood up and glared at Superman. He fired his heat vision. The two's beams locked. However, Ultraman appeared to be losing strength. Superman's heat beam overpowered his and he was sent falling back onto the road.

Superman hovered in the air above his foe. He crossed his arms and stood with triumph. He knew he had his doppelganger pinned down. Ultraman looked up at him. He used his hand to cover the blinding sunlight from the setting sun. An orange and pink stew of lights adorned the sky.

Clark: Given up?

As he spoke, Ultraman noticed the sun set. Darkness soon covered the sky. He grinned with a sneer and pulled himself up.

Ultraman: Not even close. 

Ultraman turned to the side and grabbed a metal telephone pole. He ripped it out from the ground and tore off the cables on top of it. Swinging the pole, Ultraman wacked it like a baseball bat and hit Superman. Clark was sent back like a ball. He managed to stop himself just before he could crash into a building.

Suddenly, as Superman was steadying himself, he felt a set of cables wrap around his body. Ultraman was holding onto the end of a telephone wire. He swung it around, spinning Superman fast in circles. He let go, sending Superman crashing down onto the street below.

Clark groaned in the pavement. Concerned citizens looked around at him. Ultraman landed nearby. He saw Superman pick himself up. Sneering, Ultraman turned and picked up a bus full of screaming citizens. Superman's eyes wend wide, concern filling his voice.

Clark: No! The people!

Ultraman tossed the bus directly at Superman. Clark brought up his hands. He was careful with where he grabbed vehicle flying towards him. Superman grabbed the bus. He gently and carefully held it up and put it back down. Ultraman was caught off guard. Why was this man not throwing it back at him? He then saw what was happening when Superman opened the bus door and helped everyone to safety.

Ultraman: People. That's your weakness. 

Superman finished getting the last of the scared citizens off the bus. Ultraman proceeded to fly up into the sky and look around. He spotted a tall skyscraper nearby. Ultraman fired a red heat beam at the building. The side of the building crumbled, blocks and bricks falling down to the street below. Several citizens screamed and ran away on the ground. Inside the building, the trapped residents yelled. The building shifted and leaned.

The skyscraper started to collapse. It buckled and started sliding down. Superman acted quickly. He flew up to the skyscraper and grabbed it. Pressing his back against the falling structure, Superman heaved it up back into place. Ultraman grinned. He had the man of steel right where he wanted him.

The Flash and Johnny Quick continued to race one another through the desert. Y/N paused for a moment and tossed his helmet. Johnny caught it. He threw it back at Y/N and hit him in the chest. Y/N was pushed back and slid on his golden boots. Johnny then started to run around him, kicking up sand.

Y/N squinted. He turned on the HUD display in his goggles. It allowed his vision to clear. The screen was tracking Johnny, giving readouts about his speed and vibrations. Y/N looked at the vibration frequency readout and noted something.

Suddenly, just as the dust almost seemed like it was about to dissipate, Y/N's HUD indicated another figure approaching. The Flash ran forward but was quickly met by a green dome being encased around him. He wacked his head on the side of the dome and rubbed his forehead in pain. The young man brought his hands up and tried to vibrate through the dome. However, he was met by a green spark of energy shocking him. Y/N shook his hand and looked up to see a light skinned man in a green suit and mask flying down to him. What looked like green vines wrapped around the man's arm where his ring was all the way up to his shoulder.

Power Ring: I, uh, yeah. Take that, super speedster! We've got you! Yes. All in the nick of time. Yeah.

Back in Metropolis, Superman was trying to push back the falling skyscraper. Ultraman knew he had him in a vulnerable position. He fired a heat beam at his chest. Clark hollered out in pain. He couldn't move or else he'd drop the building. He was forced to take the hit.

Inside the Hall, the other members of the League watched the fight ensue. Seeing Superman pinned in a precarious position, they knew they needed to help. Bruce tried to start up the protection protocols and ready the jet. However, something was blocking the system from doing so.

Diana: We need to help him.

Bruce: I'm trying. Something's compromised our system. 

Victor closed his eyes and focused. He tried to dive deep into the League's main computer system to locate the problem.

Diana: I don't get it. Why start the fires in those particular patterns?

John: They're calling us out. Make the enemy know they know more than they let on. 

Bruce: Yeah, well, hopefully not too much. Victor?

Cyborg focused on what he was doing. He was in the system. However, things were different. The blue strings of code around him slowly started to become overrun by green code. In his mind, Victor was standing in front of the Hall of Justice. As he looked at it, the place started to break down. The glass windows shattered. The walls cracked. 

Then, up in the sky, Victor saw something. Something that made him tremble. It was a face he recognized. Two glowing eyes staring right back at him. It was a face he had seen before back on Brainiac's ship.

Victor gasped as he came back to reality. His human eye was wide and his jaw had dropped open. Diana put her hand on his shoulder and helped him to stand back up straight.

Diana: Vic, what is it? 

Victor looked back at her.

Victor: Grid.

Victor put his hand on the back of Bruce's seat to recompose himself. Seeing how they were currently locked out of their usual methods, Diana ran down the hall towards one of the spare rooms. She rushed in and up to a locker labeled "S.T.A.R. Labs". She reached inside and pulled out a few small disks supplied by Cisco. They were temporary breach points, able to open a small breach for them to leap through. Diana rushed back into the room and handed one of the disks to Victor. 

Diana: We need to get them both out now. 

John: Yeah, that sounds like a smart move. 

Bruce turned to his partner.

Bruce: Alfred, prepare the lockdown room in case of a potential attack.

Alfred: Right on, sir.

The two older gentlemen got to work at the computer station. Alfred prepared the secure room cut off from the rest of the system while Bruce worked on trying to save as much data as possible. The others nodded and ran off. Diana opened a breach for her and John to leap through while Cyborg opened one for himself. 

Superman continued holding up the falling building. He groaned as Ultraman continued to fire heat beams into his chest. Ultraman then flew directly towards Clark as quick as a blur. He punched him across the jaw then chest. Clark was sent falling down to the ground. He crashed and broke open the road on his descent. He tried to stand back up only for Ultraman to come in and pin him down.

Up above, the building started to fall once more. The people inside screamed as the building toppled on its side. It then stopped. Suddenly, the building started to be pulled back upright. 

Wonder Woman levitated above the building. Her golden lasso was wrapped around the top spire of the building. She pulled with all her strength, getting the building back upright. Looking up, the people cheered her name. 

Green Lantern flew in to fix

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