6.11 The Flash Reborn

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Y/N: What do you mean we have to recreate the particle accelerator?

Joe: Are you crazy?

Wells: The accelerator is what gave Y/N his connection to the Speed Force in the first place. If we can recreate what happened the night he got his speed we could possibly jumpstart his system and recharge him back to full force.

Cisco: Even if we could do that, the odds are stacked against us. Y/N was hit by a bolt of lightning generated by the particles entering the atmosphere.

Wells: Which is why we'll need that.

Harrison pointed over to the weather wand sitting on the desk beside them.

Wells: That thing already has metahuman physiology and power collected from Livewire surging through it. We can use it to generate a lightning storm and redirect it down to the lab.

Joe: Last time your machine went off it covered the entire city. What makes you think it won't just create more metahumans for Zoom to use?

Wells: It won't.

Barry: How do you know?

Wells: Because this time we're gonna direct the energy directly into Y/N.

Caitlin: That's too much power. When he was hit that night he received a small dosage of what the accelerator produced. Shoving the full force of the accelerator into his body could kill him. 

Wells: It is the only chance we have. 

Joe: Last time this happened, we thought we nearly lost him. Y/N was sent into a coma we didn't even know he'd wake up from. Now you're not only wanting us to do it again but with more power?

Wells: This may be our only shot at doing this.

Joe and Wells continued to argue and bicker. Caitlin and Cisco both turned to Y/N. He had his head down as if he were contemplating the plan. He wasn't really thinking of going through with this, was he? The two of them walked over to him. Caitlin put her hand over his, gaining Y/N's attention.

Caitlin: Y/N...?

Cisco: This is serious, man.

Y/N: I know. It's... it's big, but it may be a plan.

Both of his friends were shocked by what he was indicating.

Caitlin: Y/N, you weren't here last time. Your body was stuck in a constant flux of healing and changing. You went into cardiac arrest three times during then.

Cisco: There were times where we almost lost you. The last time this happened, you were in a coma for months. But if something like this were to-

Y/N: I know. I know.

Caitlin: You told us that you are more than your speed. That alone is not what defines you.

Y/N: I know. But right now, with all this city is going through, it needs the Flash. 

The three friends all looked at one another. They stood together, weighing their options. They lasted like that for hours. Wells and Joe took a break only to go right back to arguing. 

Joe: You're asking us to kill him.

Wells: I'm asking you to take a chance.

Joe: On what?! Y/N can do more good here without his speed than he can in the grave!

Wells: We're all going to be in the grave if we don't do something about this!

To the side, Y/N was looking over the latest news reports. A few trapped news reporters decided the best thing they could do was to broadcast live from the island. Carnage and destruction surrounded them. Every few minutes, they'd read off another list of updated casualties. The young man sighed at the list of names.

Wells: Y/N can do this. There is a possibility that he will survive.

Joe: A possibility? You're laying his life on the line on the chance of a possibility?

Wells: In science, that is what we rely on.

Joe: This is not science. It's a prayer.

Y/N: I want to do it. 

Everyone stopped what they were doing. They looked at Y/N with wide eyes of disbelief. 

Y/N: I want to give it a try. There are people dying out there. There are kids who will now have to grow up without their parents just like us.

Y/N looked at Barry as he said this. Allen looked at his foster brother, torn between his sympathy and desire to keep Y/N safe.

Y/N: This city needs the Flash. It needs me to be more than just a command post.

Joe: Y/N...

Y/N: Zoom is already going to kill me. I'm a dead man either way. At least this could give us a chance at stopping him.

Y/N stood up and brought his shoulders back, standing tall.

Y/N: This is about more than just speed. Zoom thinks we are all weak, pathetic. He thinks our lives are all in his control, that we're under some false destiny crafted by him. This is us showing him that isn't true. This is us making our own choice to stand. 

Everyone was silent. After a bit, Cisco nodded. He walked over and put his hand on Y/N's shoulder.

Cisco: You are my friend. And I will stand by you and your decision till the very end. I trust you.

Caitlin walked over on his other side. She grabbed his hand and held it tight.

Caitlin: So are we. 

Barry walked over and put his hand on Y/N's other shoulder.

Barry: So am I. 

Everyone in the room nodded. It was settled. They were going to recreate the particle accelerator.

It took nearly a full day to get the accelerator into a state where it could function once again. A new system was created to hold Y/N in front of the venting unit so that the particles could be directed into his body. The team spent hours working on broken components and shotty equipment. Eventually, everything was in order and ready to go.

Y/N put on his suit minus his goggles and helmet. Everything was ready to begin. Wells and Cisco made their way over to the computer stations. Y/N was talking with Caitlin, preparing to be locked in.

Y/N: I'll be okay. I'll get this done and come back to you. I promise.

Caitlin: You don't have to do this, you know. We can just find a way to escape, get away. Cisco can breach us to another Earth where we'll be safe.

Y/N: I know. But you know me. I've never been one to run away from a fight.

Caitlin: I know. It's one of the things I both love and hate about you.

A few tears rolled down her face. Y/N brought his hand up and brushed it away. The two weakly smiled at one another. They shared a quick kiss before separating. Y/N then reached down and brought up his silver helmet. He handed it to her. Caitlin took it with shaky hands.

Y/N: Keep it warm for me until I need it again. Or cool, if you prefer that.

Cait lightly chuckled through tears at his joke. She then backed up to join the others at the command station. Barry and Joe walked over to Y/N. The young man approached his family with a weak smile.

Y/N: I want you both to know that I am thankful for the life you have given me. Even in my darkest hours, I knew that I had a brother and a father to rely on. I want to thank you guys for so many years of happiness.

Joe: Y/N, I could not be more proud of the man you have become. Seeing you grow from a little kid to a confident young man... No matter what anyone says, you are my son.

Y/N: I know, Dad. 

Barry: And I'm glad to have you in my life as well. Growing up, I didn't just get a best friend. I got a brother. I wouldn't change anything that happened to us.

Y/N: Me neither.

The three all got together in a group hug. The three men had tears rolling down their eyes, fearing this could be the end for Y/N. The young man held his family tight in a loving embrace.

Y/N: I love you guys. 

After a moment of taking everything in, the three separated. Barry and Joe backed up and Y/N nodded to them. The young hero walked back into the placement chamber. Walking up onto a platform, he brought up his arms and locked them inside of two identical holding tubes. Pairs of metal clamps closed around his wrists and legs, keeping him locked into place. Barry and Joe backed up and a glass seal door closed between them and Y/N. Caitlin tried to keep herself composed seeing Y/N locked into what was essentially a makeshift prison.

Wells: You ready Y/N?

Y/N looked over at his friend. With a tearful eye full of fear, anxiety, and hope, he nodded his head.

Wells: Alright. Good luck. 

When Y/N was locked into place, Barry left the room. With the weather wand in his hand he walked up the stairs and onto the roof. Allen calibrated the device and awaited further instruction.

Cisco: Magnet chargers are in place. Directors flipped from standby to active. 

Wells: Beginning the chemical injection process.

Wells exhaled deeply and pressed a button on his control console. On the machine locking Y/N into place was a set of various colored chemicals. The chemicals all started to be drained from their vials through a set of tubes. They traveled up into the clamps holding onto Y/N's body. Y/N flinched as he felt them puncture his skin. He could feel the liquid substances entering his body. 

Patty: What are you doing?

Wells: The night Y/N was struck by lightning, he was experimenting with ways to convert hardwater into purified water without the use of radiation. His body was exposed to the chemicals he was working with.

Patty: So you're injecting them into him?!

Wells: We need to recreate what happened that night.

Y/N flinched and strained. The chemicals felt like burning acid and hot magma pouring through his veins. He could barely contain himself anymore and started to shout and scream in pain.

Caitlin: Y/N!

Y/N grunted and recomposed himself.

Y/N: I can do this. I'm okay.

The others all looked at one another. If he said to continue then they would continue. Caitlin looked down at his vitals on the screen.

Caitlin: He's going hydrostatic. 

Wells: We need to start the accelerator now. Allen!

On top of the roof, Barry pulled out the weather wand. He held it up to the sky and prepared to ignite the system.

Barry: God, I don't ask for much. Just please let this work. 

Barry took the wand and pressed the power button. The top of the emitter began to light up. It gave a dull whir before sparks started to fly out of it. Livewire's lightning started to fly out, shooting high into the sky. The clouds above lit up, creating an ominous sight. Across town, Zoom saw the lightning storm brewing above S.T.A.R. Labs.

Hunter: No. NO!

Zoom turned and ran off. He decided to prepare himself for another fight. In the meantime, he'd send two of his strongest men to deal with the pests of S.T.A.R. Labs. 

Barry held onto the weather wand and turned it to the side, redirecting all the power from the storm clouds into the antennae placed atop the lab. White lightning crackled and flew throughout the building. Some of the windows smashed while sparks flew between exposed metal beams.

Inside the lab, everyone heard the motors of the accelerator shudder and start up. The entire building shook with a metallic clank. Lightning entered the accelerator ring and mixed with the particles inside. It didn't take long for the energy to rise in strength, perhaps too much.

Cisco: The rings are becoming unstable! It can't hold it for much longer!

Joe: How much longer?

Cisco: I'd say about fifteen seconds!

Wells: We need to inject the collision particles now!

Caitlin rushed over to a throw switch placed nearby. She brought her hand up to it before pausing hesitantly.

Cisco: Caitlin! Come on!

Wells: Snow, now!

Y/N: Cait!

Caitlin turned around to face her boyfriend. Y/N could see the conflict in her heavy eyes. Even through his immense pain, he tried to put on a weak comforting smile for her.

Y/N: Cait, it's okay.

Caitlin shook her head.

Caitlin: I already lost someone I thought I cared about in this building. I cannot lose you. 

Y/N: Cait, I trust you. 

Caitlin looked back at Y/N. She forced herself to bring her hands up to the switch in front of her. She never turned her head, always facing Y/N who was still offering her a gentle smile.

Y/N: I love you.

Caitlin: I love you, too. 

Caitlin grabbed hold of the switch and pulled it down. The accelerator whirred and shook, sparks flying inside. Orange lightning crackled around Y/N's restraints. His somewhat calm face was immediately replaced with screams and shouting. Hot bolts travelled between his body, stunning every muscle fiber and igniting every nerve end. 

A set of particles were injected into the ring. They travelled on either side of the accelerator before finally colliding. Upon collision, the particles ignited a fiery reaction that consumed the entire accelerator. The produced energy was then vented through the accelerator ring through a tube that led directly into the chamber Y/N was concealed in.

Orange fires and a raging mass of energy consumed Y/N. He screamed and hollered. His body felt like it was being torn apart and put back together over and over again. Sparks flew from the control panels near everyone, forcing everyone to back up and duck down. Piping and metal beams inside the room fell off their hinges and crashed down to the floor.

Suddenly, an explosive mass of particles was released. Lightning crackled all around Y/N. His metal restraints bent before giving out. The glass of his chamber exploded outwards. In the ensuing explosion, Y/N's body was flung out violently. It hit the ground and slid on his side across the floor. A few trickles of lightning flew from him before dissipating.

Caitlin: Y/N!

Caitlin quickly rushed over to Y/N's unconscious body. Joe was quickly at her side. Y/N had cuts and burn marks all over his body. Blood trickled from several scrapes and open wounds. Over half of his suit had been shredded and torn apart, exposing his bare body underneath. 

Caitlin: His pulse is weak! 

Joe rolled Y/N over and started performing CPR. When he got tired, Caitlin took over. Everyone else stared in horror. Y/N remained motionless and unconscious. Barry soon entered the room in a hurry.

Barry: Did it work? Is he...? Oh, God.

Seeing Y/N's physical state, Barry rushed over to help the others. Everyone else continued to stand there, starring. Cisco and Patty's eyes welled up. Harrison's mouth went dry. He didn't dare to speak a word, afraid his voice would crack if he did so. 

Caitlin: Please, please wake up, Y/N. Stay with us. Please! You asshole!

The group didn't have long to take in Y/N's injured state. The alarms inside the facility started to blare. Looking at a barely operating screen, Cisco spotted an intruder.

Cisco: Shit. Girder.

Girder could be seen on the camera feed forcibly making his way inside the facility. His metal body crushed open the doors and walked with loud thuds down the halls. Cisco turned to Wells.

Cisco: What now?

Wells didn't know what to say. He was left too stunned from what just transpired. Cisco didn't wait around for orders. He grabbed his suit, put on his goggles, and went out into the halls to fight the steel villain. Patty followed behind. Making her way into one of the storage rooms, she grabbed a weaponized gun and cocked it. 

Girder walked through the halls with a sneer. He was ready to get his long awaited revenge on the Flash. However, he quickly discovered he'd have to deal with a different foe first. Girder was hit in the side by a sonic wave and found himself falling down the hall. He hit the ground with a metallic clang, scraping against the tile floor. Turning his head, Girder found Vibe standing down the hall with his hands up.

Cisco: Where do you think you're going, Colossus? 

Girder picked himself up. He sneered and charged at Ramon. Cisco opened a breach beneath his feet and jumped through it. He reappeared behind Girder, standing where the metavillian had just gotten up from.

Cisco: This is my home turf, amigo. Leave before I give you an eviction notice. 

Girder grabbed a nearby heavy barrel and tossed it. Cisco hit it back with a sonic wave. The barrel flew into Girder and bent when it his him. The metal villain didn't even flinch. That was until something hit him from behind. Girder turned around to see Patty standing in front of him. In her hands she was holding onto a plasma powered gun.

Patty: You heard him. Leave.

Girder sneered and charged at her. Patty shot at his chest. A blue bolt fired from the gun and hit him, forcing the criminal back. Just as he was falling backward, he was flung forward by Vibe's sonic beam.

Cisco: Scram, Tony. It's two against one.

Cisco's confidence was immediately shattered by a large thud approaching from behind. The dark haired man slowly turned around and was met by a tall force. In front of him down the hall stood Atom-Smasher. The bucket masked villain growled upon seeing Vibe again.

Cisco: Hi, big fella.

Atom-Smasher charged at Ramon. He threw a large fist which Cisco dodged by pinning himself to the wall. He brought his own fist up in a punching motion but opened up his palm, releasing a maddening sonic wave up into the large criminal. Enraged, Atom-Smasher grew taller. His build started to hit the ceiling and crack the tiles above

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