6.11 The Flash Reborn

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Girder focused on Detective Spivot. He tried to throw several punches, but each time was knocked back by the laser gun in Patty's hands. Patty continued to lay round after round into him. She then pulled the trigger again and was met with a fearful response. The gun was jammed. Patty smacked the device, trying to get it to work.

Seeing his opening, Girder grabbed hold of the gun and yanked it out of Patty's hands. He ripped it in half and tossed it to the ground. Patty drew her pistol from her sleeve and fired at him. The bullets did nothing, bending and falling to the ground as they hit the villain's metal body. Girder eventually grabbed her wrist before using his other arm to pick up Patty by the waist.

Vibe was having his own match against Atom-Smasher. He would hit him with a sonic wave before breaching behind him and doing it all over again. Rothstein was becoming more angry, turning around trying to catch the long haired hero. However, before long, he began to notice the pattern. 

Cisco tried to leap out of a breach from behind him and throw another punch. However, he was met by Atom-Smasher back handing him. Vibe flew through the air and fell on the floor. He landed directly in front of the door into the lab room where the others were.

Inside the basement lab, the group could all hear the fight unfolding outside. Y/N was still unconscious, not showing any signs of recovering. Caitlin was trying to hold his head up and get him to breath. Tears were falling down hers, Joe's, and Barry's eyes.

Caitlin: Y/N, please. Come on. Wake up. 

Suddenly, the door to the room flew off its hinges. Wells ducked and rolled down to where the others were. Having been between the door and Atom-Smasher's foot, Cisco was sent flying back. He landed on the ground unconscious. 

Atom-Smasher and Girder walked into the room. Smasher was at least ten feet tall now and towering over everyone. Girder was holding onto an unconscious Patty. He tossed her aside where she fell to the ground. The two villains glared down at the group before them.

Caitlin stared at them. They were intruders, they had hurt her friends, and they would kill them all. She gritted her teeth, overcome with anger. Cait looked at them, staring daggers into the two strong brutes. Her hair turned white and Frost took over.

Frost yelled a battle cry and jumped into action. Bringing up her hands, she froze a thick sheet of ice over Girder, freezing him to the wall. She then focused all her attention on Atom-Smasher. Frost produced two ice blades for herself and charged. She swung, ducking under the giant brute's swinging fist and slicing a cut across his leg. Smasher growled and threw his fist down, trying to catch her while she cut into him. Her white glowing eyes glared like hot coals at her opponent.

So focused on Atom-Smasher, Frost failed to notice Girder breaking free from his icy prison. Just as she landed back in front of him, he broke free from the side. The metal villain brought his fist down and punched her in the gut. Frost felt the wind get knocked out of her. 

Atom-Smasher then proceeded to grab Frost with his large hands. He picked her up by the neck and started to squeeze. Frost started to choke and gage. After a bit, her hair went dark and she turned back into Caitlin. However, the pale color remained on her face. In fact, it was starting to turn blue as Smasher strangled her.

Wells: He's going to kill her!

Still on the ground, the body in front of the men almost seemed to react to those words. It was as if something had awoken. Y/N's eyes darted open. Orange energy and glowing lightning crackled around his iris. Suddenly, without warning, a large bolt of orange lightning fired down from the heavens and erupted out of Y/N's body. The lightning travelled up and almost seemed to instantly heal all his open cuts.

Barry, Joe, and Wells all shielded their eyes from the blinding light and backed up. Surprised by the sudden light display, Atom-Smasher released Caitlin from his grasp. He and Girder were mesmerized by the display in front of them.

Y/N was now standing up. Orange lightning crackled all around him. He was like a firing nerve or a live wire. Bringing up his clenched fists, Y/N absorbed some of the lightning into him. Other streams and sparkles remained around his body. 

The villains then noticed something that scared them. The Flash brought up his head and looked directly at them.  He was beyond angry. He was pissed. They were no longer looking into the eyes of a mortal. They were looking into the eyes of an angry, powerful being.

Just then, without a single word being said, Y/N took off. He didn't even look like a blur. Rather, he looked like a beam of orange and white light shooting out towards the brutish villains. It was as if a star had fallen from the sky and whizzed across the room. 

Y/N slammed his body into Atom-Smasher and released a strong pulse of lightning into him. Smasher toppled back and had to catch himself from falling. Y/N then turned and did the same thing to Tony. He then turned and went back to Rothstein. He proceeded to bounce between the two like an angry pinball. He was so fast that they didn't even have time to adjust themselves before being hot again. It felt like a strong hose of electrical currents being pounded into their chests.

As Y/N continued moving back and forth, the others slowly awoke. Cisco gasped before grinning with a wide smile, realizing what he was seeing. Patty was left in shock and needed Barry to help her up. Caitlin looked at the speeding Y/N in front of her. He was moving so fast that he was creating afterimages of himself, making it appear as if there were four or five hims between the streams of orange light. 

Y/N finally performed an uppercut on both villains and released an intense amount of energy into them. Two shockwaves were let out, almost like miniature explosions followed by a sonic boom. Atom-Smasher and Girder both flew to opposite ends of the room and smashed into the walls. They left indents and fell unconscious. Girder returned to his normal human form while Atom-Smasher shrank down to his standard size.

Y/N was left standing between his two punching bags. Lightning crackled from his body before dissipating. He turned around, breathing heavily but evenly. All of his friends stared at him in shock, their mouths hanging open. The young man breathed and relaxed. After a moment, a smile crept onto his face.

Y/N: What a rush. 

Caitlin smiled wildly and broke down into tears. She pulled herself up and threw herself into Y/N's arms. Her boyfriend hugged her back and held her tight. Barry ran over and joined in the hug followed by Cisco, then Joe, then Patty, then Wells. Everyone held onto one another and cried. They were so happy to have Y/N back and alive. They all separated and Y/N continued smiling at all of them.

Y/N: Looks like it worked.

Cisco: Are you alright? We thought we lost you, man?

Y/N: I feel great. Never felt better, actually.

Wells: We're just glad to see you back in action.

Y/N looked at Wells and pointed.

Y/N: Dr. Wells, are you crying? Is that a genuine tear I see?

Wells: Shut up, you fast fool.

Wells wrapped his arms around Y/N and brought him in for another hug. The two separated only for Joe and Barry to come back in and hold onto Y/N.

Joe: Glad to have you back, son.

Y/N: I'm okay, Dad. I'm okay.

The three then separated. Y/N turned to Caitlin who was still in disbelief at seeing him standing and moving better than ever before.

Caitlin: I just can't believe it.

Y/N: I had a promise to up keep. 

Caitlin: You really are the impossible.

Y/N shrugged with a grin. He then switched over and started talking quickly. He moved his hands about like a rambling mad man as he discussed his next move.

Y/N: Now, next on our itinerary: Zoom. He will have no doubt have seen our little light show in the sky. He probably also feels threatened now. If he in any way suspects I've survived he'll be sending an army after us as seen by Oompa and Loompa over here. Although, knowing his ego, he'll actually more likely come after us himself, me especially considering myspeedisbackandpossiblymorerevampedthanever...

He was speaking so fast that his voice actually started to move at super speed, becoming a garbled mess of words. He stopped himself when he saw the others staring at him oddly.

Y/N: Sorry. My bad.

Joe: Whoa. That's new. Someone's got a little energy.

Y/N: Yeah, it's like I've got a whole new coarse on life. Like I'm seeing things both more clearly and with more energy. Like my mind is running just as fast as my legs. Like I've just chugged a whole keg of Red Bull plus battery acid. Not that I've drinken either of those. Battery acid certainly not and Red Bull is, well, let's just say caffeine is the last thing a speedster needs.

He stopped again, catching himself from rambling off the rails. Cait giggled through her drying tears at his heightened energy. Y/N tried to think for a moment.

Patty: So is this just your new way of thinking or...?

Y/N: No, this is just temporary. It's like jumpstarting your car. I've got a whole bunch of new energy coursing through me, pouring through every vein. It should wear off overtime after I've run a few thousand miles. Now, what were we talking about again?

Wells: Zoom.

Y/N: Zoom! Right. Hunter Zolomon. Designation Earth-Dick. That's a pretty good one. Cisco, write that one down.

Caitlin: Babe.

Cait was now trying to keep from breaking down into laughter. Cisco was already giggling while wincing in pain from a sore side.

Y/N: Right, sorry. Okay, so Hunter will most likely be after us, which means we need to find a way to stop him here and now. He's already extremely fast...

Cisco muttered to Barry.

Cisco: Maybe not as much as someone else.

Y/N: ...so we'll need to find a way to outsmart him, use his skills against him. I was thinking a race. I know. "Who could have seen that coming?" But it just may play into his ego. So-

Cisco: Whoa, whoa, whoa. Slow down there, road runner. You can't go out like that.

Y/N looked down at himself. His suit was torn to shreds, parts of the red fabric hanging loose on his body. One of his boots was practically nonexistent and his white belt was cut in half.

Y/N: Right. Uh... Where's my prototype suit?

Cisco: Nah, man. I've got you one better.

Cisco brought everyone upstairs to his personal lab. He led them all over to a mannequin that was covered by a white tarp. He grinned and showed everyone what he had been working on for the last month.

Cisco: I present... the upgrade!

He tore off the tarp to unveil a brand new Flash suit. It was a bit more padded than the previous and was now a single piece suit instead of the jacket and pant parts of the previous one. It almost resembled a flight suit but slimed down to match Y/N's build. The lightning bolt emblem was smaller and now placed closer to the top of the chest. The white belt was larger and now laced with new buckles and pockets for holding items. The yellow gloves and boots now adapted a new tactical style as oppose to the electrical work of the previous suit. Yellow lines and patches adorned the red fabric, creating highlights around the build.

Cisco: I used a new polymer material using a mix of our own materials as well as some of that extra Kryptonian fabric Clark donated to us.

Y/N: You mean you begged him for?

Cisco: That's... The suit can sustain higher damage, more hits, less tear and scaring. The gloves and boots use new tactical functions better suited for combat. You have Bruce to thank for that one. Sharing notes with Earth-1 Cisco, or Ciscone as I like to call him, I added in a few of our updated censors and introduced a new filtering system to help your static discharge flow behind you, keeping your speed constant and your energy output stable. Plus, your goggle lenses now have a versatile HUD curtesy of the Cisco touch!

Barry: That is quite the upgrade.

Cisco: Yeah, well, when you're now friends with a multibillionaire, you can afford the fun toys.

Y/N walked over to the suit. He examined it closely. A grin spread across his face.

Cisco: So what do you think?

In the blink of an eye, Y/N grabbed the suit, put it on, and was now admiring it on his body.

Y/N: I like it.

Caitlin grinned seeing Y/N back and ready for action. She then remembered something.

Caitlin: Wait.

Caitlin turned around and grabbed an item she had carried with her into the room. She grabbed the silver winged helmet and brought it over to Y/N. She presented it neatly to him.

Caitlin: It needs this.

Y/N grinned, taking in his grandfather's helmet. It was a symbol of hope then and it had continued to serve that purpose now. The young man grabbed the helmet and placed it neatly on top of his head. The others took in his new attire. Y/N took one more moment to admire himself before nodding with a smirk.

Y/N: Let's get to work.

Cisco: Flash is back, baby!

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