6.12 Challenge of the Speedsters

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Y/N and his team were getting things in order, trying to come up with a plan to defeat Zoom. With all they were doing, they were surprised he had yet to show up. It was almost as if he had disappeared after Y/N's speed was reignited. The group all sat around in the lab trying to think of their next plan of action.

Patty: Y/N's got his speed back, plus a little more. Can't we just find him and grab him? I'm sure Y/N is faster now,

Wells: Which means that he is all the more appetizing for Zolomon. With Y/N's new surge of power, it seems logical to assume Zoom is trying to think of his own way to extract it for himself. 

Cisco: Plus, we have no idea of knowing where Sonic the Devilhog is. We need to lure him out somehow.

Y/N: What about a race? Like I said, it'd lure him out. His ego is too big to let him sit back on such a challenge.

Wells: Yes, but then what? We just beat him to a pulp? You may be fast, Y/N, but Zoom will find a way to get faster. There's no way of telling if your current speed will be able to match his.

While they were talking, Caitlin's eyes wandered around the room. They stopped and landed on the vial of blue Velocity-9. Cait pondered for a moment. She got an idea.

Caitlin: Maybe we don't have to. 

Cisco: What do you mean?

Cait walked over to the blue vial. She picked it up and proposed her idea aloud.

Caitlin: The Velocity-9 in Zoom's body is causing his cells to rapidly degenerate. The more he consumes, the quicker his body deteriorates. 

Y/N caught on to what she was saying.

Y/N: So if we can get him to take more than he needs, inject a large dosage into his system...

Caitlin: ...it could actually cause his body to completely disintegrate

The others all looked around. Joe exhaled and looked over at Y/N.

Joe: That would involve killing him. Are you sure you want to do that?

Y/N thought for a moment. With a heavy heart he shook his head.

Y/N: No. But he's already proven that there's no light in him. This is the only way to keep this city safe. To keep everyone safe. We need to do this. 

Everyone nodded in agreement. This was something that had to be done both for their own safety as well as the world's. With that, the team got to work. They put together the formulas that they needed and mixed all the necessary chemicals. After getting everything in order, Y/N delivered his message.

The streets of Central City were still overrun with metahuman criminals. Street corners burned, tops of roofs were destroyed, scared civilians hid wherever they could. The criminals all laughed and chuckled in their new playground. That was until all the television screens throughout the city were taken over. A familiar face appeared on all of them, one sporting a pair of goggles and a silver winged cap.

Y/N: Attention Central City, I deliver this message to one person and one person only. Zoom. Your reign over this city is over. You claim to be the fastest man alive. I'd like to see how true that is or if you're just another crying poser. I challenge you to a race. S.T.A.R. Labs. You know where to find me. This ends now.

With that, the video feed ended. All the criminals looked around. Their confidence was shaken. The Flash was back. Some of them argued they should attack him now since they know where he is. Others were intimidated by the recent storm over S.T.A.R. Labs as well as the speedster's tone in the video. He didn't resemble the typical calm or friendly demeanor they had learned to associate with him. He sounded pissed, like nothing was going to stand in his way.

In the end, no one responded to the call. Not even Zoom. The team waited for nearly two hours seeing if he would show up. Nothing. Y/N eventually ran around the city searching for him. He even put out a few fires and locked up several meta criminals, hoping to draw out Zoom's attention. He still got no response. 

Y/N made his way back into the lab. Everyone was waiting in the port chamber that led into the once again vacant particle accelerator. Y/N took off his headwear and shook his head. Zoom was a no show.

Joe: Evil bastard's run scared.

Barry: He's probably planning something. Something big.

Cisco: Just where is he?

They all shook their heads. They had no idea. Suddenly, they all heard a loud spark and a flash of light as something opened behind them. They turned around and looked back down the hall. In front of them was a swirling white vortex. It almost resembled a breach, but had a more transparent appearance.

Y/N: Cisco...?

Cisco: That isn't mine, man.

They all looked at the vortex with intrigue. Suddenly, something leaped out of it, or someone to be exact. It was a figure dressed in red and yellow. His body was shaky, vibrating back and forth, creating a blurry image. Y/N looked at the image with wide eyes. It was difficult to make out every detail. However, he did make out one. On top of the figure's head sat a silver round plate of sorts.

In the figure's hand, he was holding tightly onto the black figure of Zoom. He let go and dropped the speed demon to the floor. Everyone looked at Zolomon is shock. Parts of his suit were torn. One of his eye sockets was missing, revealing the man underneath the mask. His cowl's mouth was now completely ripped off, showing Hunter's bloody jaw underneath.

Without saying a word, the still vibrating figure turned around and ran off back through the vortex. The spinning portal closed with a pop. Everyone was too stunned to say anything. Hunter was trying to pull himself up off the floor. He spit blood onto the ground and grinned. His white teeth were coated in red from the cut on his lip. His leg had a limp as he held himself up with his hands. Y/N was the first to approach him. 

Y/N: Hunter?

Zolomon laughed. He turned his head and looked up at the Flash in his new suit.

Hunter: Hello, Flash.

Y/N: What... what was that?

Hunter: Soon, Flash. Soon.

Hunter groaned, still maintaining his smile as he tried to pick himself up. Cuts adorned his suit which displayed ripped fabric. 

Y/N: I... I'll take it you got my message.

Hunter: Oh, yes. A race to see who really is the "fastest man alive."

Y/N: Do you accept?

Zolomon took off his cowl, showing his other black eye and a cut across his cheek. He motioned down to his body.

Hunter: Hardly seems fair with my current state and your new take on life.

Y/N: I thought the great Zoom didn't need an upper hand? That he was already better than the rest?

Hunter chuckled a bit.

Hunter: What's the catch?

Y/N walked over to Caitlin and grabbed two items. He turned back around and held them up. Two blue vials of Velocity-9.

Y/N: We both take this. No trying to outsmart each other. No trying to beat one another to a pulp. Just a good old fashioned race. 

Hunter: You want to take Velocity-9?

Y/N: Seems to put us on even playing field. We both would have our natural speed plus a little hit of extra. 

Zoom looked at the vials carefully. After thinking it over for a minute, he nodded his head.

Hunter: Alright. I accept.

Y/N: Then may the fastest man win.

Y/N presented him with an empty hand. Hunter looked at it. He had a grin on his face as he shook it. He soon started to laugh into a cackle.

Y/N: What's so funny?

Hunter: I've already won, Flash. You just don't know it yet. 

Y/N eyed Hunter with a narrow gaze. He presented him with one of the vials of the serum. Hunter continued to grin while he took it from him. Both men brought up the needle to their arms and prepared to inject themselves.

Hunter: 3... 2... 1.

Both pressed down on the plungers. The blue serum entered into their bodies. Immediately, Zoom felt a rush go through him. His healing factor was doubled. His scars and wounds healed quickly. His twisted leg was set straight.

However, unbeknownst to Hunter, the contents in the vials had been altered. Y/N's vial only contained a sedative with food coloring, which his body would burn through almost instantly. Zolomon, meanwhile, had received double the dosage that was required. It was already starting to have an effect on his cells. 

Hunter grinned and nodded to Y/N. The Flash nodded back. He grabbed his goggles and helmet and put them on. Caitlin looked at him and kissed him on the cheek.

Caitlin: Good luck.

Y/N nodded back. Everyone else stood by Y/N and wished him luck. They all acted as if this were life or death. Wells then brought his hand over to the control console. He pressed on it and the vault doors into the interior ring opened up. Y/N and Zoom got down in a running pose. Hunter brought the remains of his cowl up to cover his face. Blue lightning crackled around him while orange streaks flowed around Y/N.

Hunter: 3...

Y/N: 2...

Hunter: 1...

The two speedsters took off. They raced down into the corridor and began their race. Two blurs, one orange, one blue, sped around the ring of the accelerator. They were neck and neck, keeping up with one another. 

Looking to the side, Y/N could see Hunter staying up with him. The Flash decided to accelerate a bit more. He raced around. This forced Zoom to tap into more of his speed and accelerate to catch up. The two glided on their feet across the metal floor. To everyone else, they appeared like two streaming lights. Both accelerated more, now becoming full rings of light that had no clear point of an end or beginning.

Lightning was firing out of Y/N's body. He focused. He had to get faster. He had to trick Zoom into going faster. Y/N closed his eyes. He thought about his friends and family. He thought about what he was running for.

The Flash started gaining speed. He was now quite a few meters in front of Zoom. Zolomon's confident face now switched to anger. He couldn't be beaten, he wouldn't be beaten. He was the fastest man alive.

Zoom decided to give it all he had. He pushed ahead, tapping into more of his speed. He soared ahead, running faster than the Flash. Hunter grinned and laughed in victory. However, that confidence was almost immediately replaced by worry. Hunter felt something was off, something terribly wrong. His body was becoming weaker. His legs felt like they would give out.

Hunter knew what was happening. His cells were disintegrating. It was all too much. If he kept going he would die. But it was too late. He was moving too fast to stop now. Hunter felt like his back was on fire. A blue mist surrounded his body. He screamed, feeling every part of him falling apart into ashes which themselves disintegrated further into particles. Zoom kept running. With one final howl, Hunter Zolomon disintegrated into dust. His now empty costume fell to the floor in a heap.

Y/N slowed down and stopped just in front of the costume. He looked at it and sighed. The torn cowl and lightning bolt emblem, the figure he had feared and saw that evening when everything changed, was reduced to a mannequin prop. Y/N looked at the crumpled suit before turning his head and looking out towards the direction the two had been running.

Y/N: Goodbye, Hunter. 

Y/N grabbed the crumpled black suit and raced back to the others. He stopped, standing victorious in front of them.

Cisco: Did it work?

Y/N presented them with the black suit. Everyone stared at the now vacant costume, it's owner having vanished inside. Barry took the suit. He was left speechless. The thing that he had seen murder his mother was now in his hands and would be used as evidence. After a long silence, Cisco spoke.

Cisco: We did it.

Patty: Yeah... We really did.

Everyone looked around at one another. They all erupted into cheers. Y/N took off his helmet and embraced Cait in a hug. He then went over and hugged Barry and Joe. Cisco and Wells high fived one another and Patty and Caitlin shook hands. It was finally over. Y/N then turned to everyone and put his cap back on.

Y/N: Come on, guys. We have a city to clean. 

Over the course of the next three days, Central City found itself being slowly cleaned up by the combined efforts of the Flash, Vibe, Frost, and the now freed police department. It took some time, but the group of heroes were able to bring back all the escaped meta criminals to Iron Heights. Some tried to hide only to be found and arrested a week later. The city was safe. Now it was time for the rebuilding process.

About two weeks after Zoom's defeat, one particular individual found himself instead being released from Iron Heights. Henry Allen was escorted by two guards out from the penitentiary towards the freedom of the outside world. For the first time in years, Henry was able to come out of his orange prison uniform and wear civilian clothes. With the confession from Zoom as well as the new abundance of evidence, all charges were dropped and he was declared a free man.

Henry signed the documents for his release and was led through the gate outside. The prison lock opened and Henry stepped foot out of its iron clad walls. He found three people waiting for him. Barry, Y/N, and Joe all stood outside awaiting Henry's release.

Henry smiled seeing all three men waiting for him. The other three smiled back with uncontrollable grins. Barry was the first to approach his father. He walked over with outstretched arms.

Barry: Dad.

Henry: Son.

The two enveloped one another in a tight hug. They held onto each other for a long while, finally being able to touch each other after so long. When they separated, Henry brought his hand up to his son's cheek.

Henry: Look at you. I finally get to appreciate the strong young man you have become without a piece of glass separating us. Your mother would be proud. 

Barry smiled with his father. Henry then turned his attention towards the other two men approaching him. He saw Y/N who was offering out his hand. Instead, Henry shook it before bringing him too into a hug.

Y/N: It's great to see you, Henry.

Henry: You too, Y/N. Guess you've been busy lately collecting the lock up.

Y/N thought he knew what Allen was implying, but tried to play it off. He tried to act innocent as if he were mistaken.

Y/N: What? Me? I mean, I've been helping S.T.A.R. Labs some, but I-

Henry: Please. You really think I didn't notice my own son's best friend out there running around? Plus that winged helmet from your folks' old place sitting on the Flash's head?

Y/N exhaled with a smile. He chuckled a bit at the revelation. Henry brought his hand up onto Y/N's shoulder and gave him a firm but reassuring grip.

Henry: Your parents would be so proud of you, Y/N.

Y/N was starting to get teary eyed hearing that come from him.

Y/N: Thank you, sir. 

Henry then made his way over to Joe. Both men were laughing with glee as they shook hands before coming in for a friendly embrace.

Joe: It's great to see you on the outside, bud.

Henry: Thank you Joe, for everything. 

Joe: Hey, it's my pleasure. 

Barry: So, Dad, what's the first thing you want to do now that you're out?

Henry: Oh, I'd say to get a fresh burger, finally stop eating the slop they serve here.

Everyone chuckled and got into the car to go to Big Belly Burger.

Joe: I think we know the place. Although, don't be surprised if someone here eats more than an elephant.

Y/N: Right. I don't think I've told you about my hypermetabolism...

After getting something to eat, the group made their way back to Joe's place. Henry was a bit confused as to why the other three men had grins on their faces. He got his answer when they opened the door and he walked inside.

Group: Surprise!

Patty, Cisco, Caitlin, and Dr. Wells were all standing in the living room holding up champagne glasses. A cake and 'Welcome Home' banner had been set up to celebrate Henry's release. The older Allen looked around and laughed. Everyone came in to shake hands and give their congratulations. Henry finally got to shake hands with Patty after having talked with her before and Barry telling him about her.

Patty: It's great to formally meet you, Mr. Allen. 

Henry: Please, call me Henry. 

The two came into a nice hug which Patty saw as Henry embracing her as if she were his own daughter. 

Henry: Barry's lucky to have you, Patty.

Patty: I feel like I'm the lucky one. Thank you.

Henry: Anytime. And if you ever need any help, just give me a call.

The two smiled at one another. A little later on, Henry saw Y/N sitting on the couch with his arm wrapped around Caitlin. The two were joking around with Cait slightly inebriated from the wine. However, despite how drunk she may have appeared to be, the two found themselves flirting by talking about science and recent studies. Henry grinned seeing them like that. It reminded him of himself and Nora. Y/N noticed his grin.

Y/N: What?

Henry: Nothing. Nothing at all. You two seem lucky to have one another.

Caitlin: Thank you, Mr. Allen.

Henry: Henry,

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