(A/N: I will go back and forth between calling him Zoom and Hunter. Zoom will be used to tell when he is using the voice and has his mask on. Hunter will be used to indicate that the mask is off and he's speaking in his normal voice)
At Iron Heights Penitentiary, the guards kept constant watch over their metahuman ward. Tens if not hundreds of criminals the Flash, Vibe, and Frost had helped to put away were kept under lock and key. Some had changed their ways while others were just as sick and twisted as the day they'd arrived.
The night shift guard lazily switched through the camera feed. Everyone was accounted for and in their cells. The halls were as quiet as ever. Even the criminals who normally liked to shout were quiet this evening.
Suddenly, the guard saw a blue blur of lightning rush by one of the cameras. As it did so, a whole six cameras were knocked out followed shortly by others. The guard quickly picked up his radio and called out to his colleagues.
Guard: We have a containment breach. I repeat, a meta is in the facility.
All the guards rushed over to their lockers and armory to grab the weapons supplied by S.T.A.R. Labs. However, just as they were about to reach them, the blue blur whizzed by and took every single weapon and piece of armor away. The guards all looked around in confusion before the blur returned. Some of the guards instantly found themselves tied up. Others were killed where they stood, not even having time to register what happened.
Zoom made his way into the control center. The guard there heard something approaching and reached for his gun. He turned around and fired at the approaching blur. That was when he felt something pierce his heart. Zoom has caught the bullet and turned it around, redirecting it towards the man. The guard fell dead on his knees and slumped to the floor.
Zoom: Central City's finest.
Zolomon pressed a set of keys on the keyboard in front of him. Alarms started to ring out throughout the facility. The metahuman criminals looked around in confusion. The bio-dampeners in their cells turned off. The cell doors were unlocked and thrust open.
Cautious, the criminals all stepped out into the hall of the penitentiary. There were no guards present. Everyone was confused as to what was going on. Their questions were answered by Zoom running into the room. The black racer stood in front of everyone and spoke in a deep, demonic voice.
Zoom: My brothers and sisters, many of you do not know me, but you have me to thank for your extraordinary abilities. Your gifts given to you by me and the course I have directed us on. Now I come to you in the hour of rapture. This city can be ours. All you have to do is follow me. Know this, you are all where you stand because of me. I am not your leader. I am not your king. I am your god. All I ask is for you to be my disciples. Will you join me in setting this city straight and banding against our common enemy: the Flash?
The group was silent for a moment. Realizing what Zoom was getting at, a round of applause slowly started up. It soon exploded into cheering and chanting. Everyone was ready to make Central City pay.
In one of the other wings of the prison, Leonard Snart looked at his unlocked cell door. However, instead of getting up, he decided to stay put. He would not be joining in on their insanity. Close by was a prisoner in another cell. He had a tangled beard and worried expression on his face. Henry Allen looked between the barred window of his cell and spotted him. Zoom. He was real. Barry was right. The black demon was real.
At CCPD, the police had just gotten an alert from Iron Heights. Captain Singh was directing everyone, barking orders as all available cops prepared for a breakout.
Singh: Tell all units, we need cops at Iron Heights. I want all available men armed! Where's Allen? I need contact with S.T.A.R. Labs!
Everyone was just about to leave when Zoom rushed in front of the offices. Singh and other officers drew their guns and pointed them directly at him. Zoom remained motionless, undeterred by the armed forces.
Zoom: You tried your guns on me once, remember? It did nothing.
Singh: What do you want?
Zoom: Tell everyone that this city is now under my control.
Singh: Yeah? A one man army prepared to have us all cower down in fear?
At that moment, the elevator doors opened. Out stepped an army of metahuman criminals, all who had formerly been locked up by the collective forces of the Flash and CCPD. Girder, Weather Wizard, Livewire, Euphoria, Black Siren, King Shark, Sand Demon, Dr. Light, Atom-Smasher. They and many others were all there.
Zoom: How's this for an army?
Captain Singh looked around. They stood no chance against these guys. He motioned for his men to stand down. There was nothing they could do.
Zoom: Know this, Central City is mine. And don't even think about escaping. We've already barred the path.
Across town, metahuman criminals began wreaking havoc. Atom-Smash threw over several cars. Livewire shot through several buildings, destroying their lights and absorbing the electrical energy. The Mist flew around, choking people on his poisonous gas. Everyman shapeshifted to look like a cop, earning people's trust before robbing and beating them. Weather Wizard shot bolts of lightning and tossed balls of hail around, damaging cars and forcing citizens to find cover. But the worst of them was a blue bolt of lightning that ran across the city, instantly starting fires quicker than they could be extinguished.
Zoom ran around the city, doing more than just setting fires. He rushed over to one of the overpasses above Main Street. The black racer zoomed back and forth quickly between each end of the bridge. He was creating too much friction. The road began to crack. People screamed as they felt their cars bend and fall with the asphalt. Then, with one last run across, the bridge collapsed. Cars still with people inside fell down onto the road below, crushing more innocent vehicles. Rubble fell and blocked the road, not allowing anyone to escape.
Zoom then took off to the boarders of the city. He ran across the river surrounding the metropolitan section of town. He went around to each bridge and planted sets of bombs. When he was finished, he ran back into town. From a tall construction site, the Trickster looked out at the blue blur moving. In front of him was placed a cartoonish plunger box.
Trickster: Ooh, hoo, hoo. Thank you, Speedy Gonzales. Now it's my time to play. Everyone thinks they're getting out, are they? Well, it's time to play another trick on them.
Trickster brought his hands over the plunger box. He held onto the handle and pushed down. The bombs far away on the bridges all went off. Cars exploded and the bridges swayed. The roads exploded as if a great fire had consumed them. The bridges all collapsed, trapping people on the island full of metahuman criminals.
Trickster: And the rockets' red glare, the bombs bursting in air... Ha, ha, ha!
Inside of S.T.A.R. Labs, the team were all going about in a panic. Alarms and alerts were popping up everywhere, showing the destruction unfolding in the city. The team were all trying to make sense of everything and get things in order.
Joe: He's holding out at CCPD. The department's been compromised.
Y/N: That must be where he's holding Caitlin. We have to get her back.
Wells: We will. But right now, we have bigger fish to fry.
Cisco: All bridges are down. They're trapped.
Patty: What about Zoom?
Barry: He's nowhere and everywhere all at the same time. With so many metas about the place and the speed at which he's going, it's hard for the sensors to locate him.
Y/N: Alright, so our main priority needs to be getting the citizens to safety. Have we got anything on that?
As they were talking, Wells tossed a clip magnet at Y/N. It hit him directly on the cheek. The young man rubbed his cheek and looked over in surprise.
Y/N: Ow! What was that for?
Wells: Sorry.
The others continued with their conversation with Y/N eyeing Harrison while coming back to the task at hand.
Joe: Some of the buildings were constructed during the '60s. They have bomb and flood shelters that can be used to at least get people off the streets.
Patty: What about the vaults at the Central City National Bank?
Cisco: Wouldn't that be target number one for these guys? We'd be putting them directly into the line of fire.
Patty: But the vaults were lined with bio-dampeners to avoid further robberies after Martin and Black's return.
Y/N: Right and those ones are controlled from here, not the bank.
Barry: So any meta wanting to turn them off would have to come here first.
Cisco: Which I doubt few would be willing to do with our tools and updated security. Yeah, that's right. I updated it yet again! Zoom isn't getting through this time.
Joe: Plus those vaults are lined with two inch thick doors of metal.
Barry: So the people would be safe in there.
Patty: We just need to direct them there and clear the streets.
Joe: But there are no cops available. All are either trapped or being held at CCPD.
Y/N looked around. His eyes landed on Cisco.
Y/N: You need to go.
Cisco looked back at him with wide eyes.
Cisco: What?
Y/N: Caitlin's gone and I'm off deck. This city needs you. It needs Vibe.
Cisco: Are you sure? I mean, a whole army of meta criminals ready to pulverize me like some Ark of the Covenant type shit.
Y/N walked over to his friend. He grabbed the Vibe goggles and handed them to him. The young man put a hand on Ramon's shoulder.
Y/N: I believe in you, Cisco. You're a real hero. I'm not going to force you to do this. I'm merely asking you to.
Cisco looked at him and nodded. He took a deep breath and exhaled.
Cisco: Alright. You owe me for this one.
Y/N: The next Star Wars and popcorn are on me.
Cisco: Right.
The two clapped their hands together. Cisco grabbed his suit and started putting it on. Y/N walked over to the computer station.
Y/N: I can direct you from here. I know the layout of this city. I'll alert you to any attacks or dangers.
Cisco: Alright.
Patty: Cisco, are you sure about this?
Cisco: Not really, nope. But I have to try.
Cisco nodded to everyone and put on his goggles. He opened a breach and took a running start.
Cisco: Let's do this!
Vibe jumped through the breach and traveled into the city. He landed on one of the center streets. Cisco looked around and gasped. It was so much worse than he imagined. Fires were bursting out of skyscraper windows. Lightning and hail littered the sky. Several cars and buses were either flipped over or burned to a crisp. Meta criminals were everywhere, running about like an angry mob.
Y/N: What's it like out there?
Cisco: Like Escape From New York, only worse.
Y/N: Alright. You've got trapped civilians in the east parking garage near where you're standing. Looks like they're pinned down by Peek-a-Boo.
Cisco: I'm on it.
Y/N: Good luck, Vibe.
Inside of CCPD, Hunter Zolomon looked out over the city. He had a great sneering grin on his face. The whole city was coming down around him. To the side nearby, Caitlin was handcuffed to a table leg on one of the desks. Heaters were placed all around her, preventing Frost from coming out. Her still injured leg made it hard to stand as well, leaving her lying on the floor. She looked over at Hunter with a furrowed brow.
Caitlin: Is this what you wanted? An entire city just for you?
Hunter spun around. He walked over to her, still grinning. He knelt down and got close to her face.
Hunter: No. What I want is for Y/N to lose hope, just as everyone else has.
Caitlin: So why me? Why take me when you could have taken him?
Hunter: To give him hope. Hope that he can get you back and save the day. Hope that I will snatch away at the last minute. You are just the spark of hope he needs before it's extinguished.
Caitlin gritted her teeth.
Caitlin: Do whatever you want to me. Leave. Him. Alone.
Hunter chuckled. He stood up and looked down at her.
Hunter: You know, seeing you like this, and him without his powers... It really reminds me of how special I truly am. How fragile people really are. You're all mortals, vulnerable. But I am a god. I've cheated death more times than one can imagine. I've conquered whole worlds and left nothing but dust and ashes. I am death incarnate.
He cocked his head to the side while still looking down at her.
Hunter: You could be a god as well. Not you, yourself. I'm talking about your other half. You started out with promise, but became twisted by the lies of heroism and justice. You have potential. What has this life ever given you in return for your gracious acts, putting others above yourself?
Inside her head, Caitlin could hear Frost trying to talk back. It was weak and trembling, but defiant all the same. She heard her voice echo through her head, "A sister and a home." Hunter began to walk away to see to other business.
Hunter: I'll leave you to make your decision.
Cisco: Alright. Let's go! Let's go! Get inside!
Vibe was inside the parking garage, directing everyone to the bank across the street. He had just been through a fight with Peek-a-Boo before she vanished. He was now cautious, constantly looking over his shoulders in case she tried to sneak up on him. Y/N watched the two dots on the radar screen. He suddenly saw one come nearby and approach Ramon.
Y/N: On your left! 120 degrees. She's there!
Wells took note of Y/N's quick reaction time. On the other end of the line, Vibe spun around. He brought up his hand and fired a sonic beam. Peek-a-Boo appeared directly in front of him and was caught in his waves, held in place by the vibrations.
Cisco: Not today, Satan!
While still holding her up, Cisco used his free hand to grab a pair of cuffs out of his pocket. He tossed them onto the meta criminal where they snapped into place over her wrists. Opening a breach, he tossed her in it and sent her back to Iron Heights.
Y/N: Barry!
Barry and Dr. Wells were busy trying to hack back into Iron Heights' facility. Using a few of their backdoor protocols, they managed to gain access to the facility's power grid. They switched it back on.
Barry: Got it!
Inside her cell, Peek-a-Boo watched as the bio-dampeners turned back on. The cell door shut and locked tight, trapping her back in her prison cell.
Y/N: Great work. Keep 'em moving.
Vibe nodded. He ran off to his next location. As he was running, he heard an ear piercing scream.
Cisco: Oh, no.
Cisco turned to the side. He saw a lady in a black dress and suit leap down from a lamp post. Black Siren brought her head up. She chuckled and gave a devilish smile towards Vibe.
Laurel: Hey, Vibey.
Cisco: You don't have to do this. Helping Zoom won't bring back your father or your fiancé.
Laurel: Oh, I know. But all that time spent locked up gave me a lot of time to process my feelings. And you know what? Sometimes I feel like I just need to let it all out and scream.
Laurel Lance opened her mouth wide and let out a sonic screech. Car windows and glass on bus stops shattered. Vibe brought up his hands and fired his own sonic beams. The two beams locked. Vibe tried to push against Black Siren. Laurel continued to scream, adding more pitch to her beam.
Suddenly, Cisco was knocked to the side by a bolt of electricity hitting him in the side. Livewire stood not too far behind him. She twirled her fingers. Blue electricity crackled between her palm and the ground beneath her.
Cisco: Why am I the one who always has girl trouble?
Livewire cackled in a high pitched, ecstatic voice. Suddenly, a green beam of sonic energy came out of nowhere and hit her down and to the side. An identical beam flew out and hit Black Siren, pushing her down. Cisco looked around in confusion, trying to find the source of the beams. He didn't have to look long. The person who'd fired them walked over to him and offered a hand. Cisco found himself looking up at a brown haired man with pale skin and a pair of glasses. He was wearing a green and black hood jacket over his body as well as a set of modified gloves.
Hartley: Hey, Cisco. Need a hand?
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