6.9 The End of the Flash

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Y/N was running as best as he could in the speed lab. Dr. Wells was below monitoring him. Y/N was still recovering from his battle with Zoom and was thus a little slower than before. His legs were doing fine enough to go fast now, but he wasn't completely at 100% recovery. 

Dr. Wells looked at the screen in front of him while timing Y/N. He furrowed his bro, trying to think. With the knowledge that Hunter was Zoom, there was no telling how much he knew about them. Y/N stopped and came back down. He put his hand on his sore calf and walked over to the good doctor.

Y/N: How was that?

Wells: How was it? Well, if you were hoping of getting anywhere close to your previous record, your about 200 mph off. 

Y/N took off his gloves, goggles, and helmet. He put them down and put his hands over his face. Dr. Wells could see the man thinking, the worry on his face.

Y/N: Great. How am I supposed to catch up to Zoom now?

Wells: By not doing what Hunter wanted you to do.

Y/N: I need to get faster.

Wells: What, because Zolomon said so? He was using you Y/N. He wanted you to get faster just so he would have more to take away.

Y/N: You think I don't know that?! But he was right. How the hell am I supposed to beat Zoom if I don't get faster?

Wells looked down. Y/N bent down and sat on one of the benches nearby. Wells eventually walked over to him. He sat down next to his friend and twiddled with his own fingers. After a moment of contemplative silence, he spoke.

Wells: Y/N, you can't let him get to you. You're not the only one who trusted him. You're not the only one who screwed up.

Y/N turned to him.

Y/N: Did you? Did you really screw up? You saw right through him. You looked further into him, not entirely trusting what he said. And you were right. What about the accelerator? We know it wasn't your fault it went off. Ronnie sabotaged it under orders from Eiling, who we have reason to believe was under orders or at least influence from Zoom. It was never your fault.

Wells exhaled. 

Wells: No. Not those. Y/N, I've made many mistakes. 

He took a moment to compose himself before speaking again.

Wells: I lost Tess in that car accident because I was too stupid to think maybe I'd had one too many drinks. To think that I was unstoppable. And the accelerator. Hunter may have influenced me, but it was still my idea to go through with it. I was an idiot who thought he could play God. Now others are paying the price for something I thought I could control. And then there's you.

Y/N looked over at him, unsure by what he meant.

Wells: When we first met, I said I wanted to protect you. But I kept you hidden and put you through tests just like Eiling would have done. You called me out on it. You were right. 

Y/N continued to look at him while Wells went on.

Wells: For years, I saw myself as someone who would be grand, furthering science, receiving awards. But you guys showed me my true calling. I'm now here fixing this city and making the world just a little bit better. Not by being out in the spotlight of fame, but by working in the shadows. I'm doing this not because of some feeling of grandeur or even regret. I'm doing it because I just feel like it's the right thing to do. Something I have to do. And I think the one who put that mindset into me was you.

Y/N lightly smiled. Wells turned his head to look directly at him.

Wells: You always go out there, no matter the cost. Despite the odds being ever stacked against you, the possibility of winning ever so miniscule, you always find a way to outsmart the bad guy and save the day. There is a reason that you are the Flash and not someone like Zoom. And I don't think it's because of your speed.

Y/N grinned and nodded his head. He needed to hear that.

Y/N: Thank you.

Wells nodded back with a smile of his own. All of a sudden, his expression changed. He just thought of something. He jumped up from his seat.

Wells: That's it. 

Y/N: What?

Wells: That's how we beat Zoom. How many metas and criminals have you gone up against? How many were stronger than you? How many were just as smart if not smarter? 

Y/N looked at him in confusion.

Y/N: What are you getting at?

Wells: You've faced an insurmountable amount of varying threats. And yet it was never your speed alone that allowed you to stop them. You stopped them because you outsmarted them. Your wit, your skills, and your familiarity with the city. 

Y/N saw where he was going. He stood up himself and rolled along with what he was planning.

Y/N: I don't have to be faster than Zoom. I just need to outsmart him. I know this city better than he does. So we just have to find a way to stop him that he won't expect.

Wells: Exactly. And what would be the thing he'd least suspect for us to do to capture him?

Y/N looked at Wells. He knew what he was implying. He snapped his fingers and smiled.

Y/N: Dr. Wells, I like your plan. 

Barry was sitting in the cortex chamber. Cisco and Caitlin were to the side in the med bay looking at Caitlin's foot further. Barry had his head down, lost in thought. Patty walked over to him and saw him.

Patty: Hey, nerd.

Barry: Hey.

Patty could see the troubled look on his face. She sat down next him.

Patty: What's wrong?

Barry: It's just... We finally found out who my mom's true killer was, and it was someone we trusted. And we came so close to having him confess, but... 

Patty put her hand on his back and rolled small circles into it.

Patty: I know. I'm sorry.

Barry: He's done so much to us. He seems to know more about us than we know about each other. He knows about you. And I can't do anything to protect you. I don't even have any powers to do anything to help. 

Patty looked at him.

Patty: Barry Allen, you don't need powers to protect me. And you don't need to anyway. I'm the one who can do the protecting. But I need you to hold me down, bring me back to reality. 

Barry looked at her in confusion. 

Patty: Do you remember when you talked me out of killing Sam Scudder, even after I'd told you he'd murdered my father?

Barry nodded. That was a rough arrest for both of them.

Patty: You saved me from making a terrible mistake, perhaps the worst in my life. That is who you are. When I am with you, all of my stress goes away. All my worries fly out the door 'cause I know I'm going to be having fun and spending quality time with my boyfriend. You are already my hero just by being you. You are my escape from the dark side of this city. And I try to thank you for being that every time I'm with you.

Barry smiled at hearing her say all that. Patty smiled back. She rested her head in the crook of his neck. Taking his hand in hers, she played with his fingers. After a moment of silence, she chuckled a bit.

Patty: Can you imagine what it would have been like, if you were the Flash like Zoom had said.

Barry smiled a bit.

Barry: I can, actually. 

It was now Patty's turn to look in confusion.

Barry: Last year, we met up with another version of me from another Earth. On that one, I was the Flash.

Patty: Wait, wait, wait. That other red speedster from last year was you?

Barry: Well, me from another reality, but yes.

Patty: Well, ain't that just a fun surprise. What about me, huh? What am I like on that other Earth? Are we together or am I off on some grand harrowing police adventure?

Barry: Well...

Thankfully, before he could answer her, Y/N and Harrison jogged into the room. They both had determined looks and seemed a bit happy with something.

Y/N: Guys, we think we know how to trap Zoom. 

Cisco and Caitlin walked in, hearing the two of them.

Barry: How?

Wells: By doing the one thing he wouldn't expect. We are going to repeat the trap from last time. We'll use his own plan against him.

Cisco: Right, but he escaped, remember? Emerged without breaking a sweat and went all Looper on our asses. 

Wells: Right, that was because he knew the frequency at which to vibrate. But if we were to generate the force field barrier at a different frequency...

Cisco: Oh. Oh! Snap! Yes, yes! That may actually work. He'd have no idea as to which precise frequency to vibrate at.

Caitlin: And then we could use the speed extrapolator to take away his speed for good!

Y/N: Precisely. 

Patty: So we're saying there's a chance we can actually get him, possibly force him to confess?

Wells: Well, the odds are stacked against us about 2001 to one, but we've worked with slimmer. 

Both Y/N and Harrison grinned at one another. The others nodded their heads.

Y/N: I'm gonna need your guys' help on this one, though.

Cisco: Alright. What are we all standing around for, people? Let's get to work!

Zoom stood outside of Barry's childhood home. It was dark outside and he stared at the place with interest and intrigue. Zoom brought up his own hand and looked at it. It vibrated for a moment, blue lightning crackling around his clawed glove. It then slowed down. Zoom could feel he was slowly losing himself. 

Zoom heard a woosh of something behind him. He already knew who it was.

Zoom: You knew you'd find me here, did you?

Y/N: This is where it all began, right?

Zoom: For you? Yes.

He turned around to face the silver helmeted hero.

Zoom: But not for me. 

The two glared at one another. Y/N got ready. He put his hands up in a mocking gesture.

Y/N: You claim to be the fastest man alive, right? Guess it's time I reclaim my title.

Zoom: It was never yours to begin with.

Y/N: Yeah, but I've got you to thank for my reclamation. You trained me, remember?

Y/N took off. Zoom raced after him. The two raced throughout the city. Zoom reached out to grab Y/N. Just as he was about to grab the back of his collar, Y/N jumped and pressed his feet against the side of a building. He ran up it and onto the roof.

Zoom turned and followed the Flash. He found Y/N running across the rooftops. Zoom started to run faster, close to reaching the red blur. Suddenly, as Y/N was jumping between buildings, a breach opened in front of him. He leaped through it and disappeared. The breach closed just before Zoom could reach it.

Zoom continued running. He stopped on one of the rooftops and looked around, trying to see if he could find where the Flash went. Suddenly, Y/N ran up the building he was on and punched Zoom in the back. 

As he was falling forward, Zoom spun around in mid air and corrected his feet onto the side of a water tower on the top of the building. He shot himself off of it and flung towards Y/N. The Flash ran off, dodging him by mere inches. Zoom spun around and landed on the ground. He once again gave chase after Y/N before losing him again as Y/N jumped through another breach. 

Y/N: That's it! We're making him angry! Keep it up, Cisco!

Vibe was on top of a particularly tall building. He kept opening and closing breaches, allowing Y/N to make a few quick escapes and luring Zoom on a wild goose chase. As the two made their way back down to the streets, Y/N took off, quickly accelerating. Zoom followed him.

Deciding he needed to cover more ground, Zoom began to vibrate his entire body while running. There was a sudden flash of light and out popped an identical Zoom. The two black racers nodded to one another as one kept running forward while the other rushed off down one of the side streets. 

Y/N kept running through various breaches. As he jumped out onto another street, he rushed past Frost. The white witch of winter brought up her hands and froze part of the ground where the Flash had just run on. Zoom rushed by and slipped on the ice. He continued flying forward, missing Y/N as he took a sharp turn.

Vibe opened a breach next to Frost. He hopped out next to her. The two looked back to see Zoom get up and rush towards them. Frost brought up her hands and focused. She shot forth a ginormous gust of chilled air. The entire alleyway was covered in frost, ice, and snow. 

Zoom started to slow down in the cold environment, but only just. Vibe brought up his hands and fired out a long beam of sonic waves at him. Zoom was pushed back. He tried to fight against the sonic waves. He had slowed down now and appearing to be running almost in place. However, his feet lost traction on the frozen ground. As one last act of setting him back, Frost shot out a horde of icicles. While some either missed or were shattered by Cisco's vibrations, one hit Zoom on the leg, slightly cutting his calf. Zoom was pushed back and thrown into a set of garbage cans behind him. 

Frost: How's it feel, bitch?

A red blur of lightning rushed in and grabbed Vibe and Frost, carrying them to safety. Cisco opened a breach back to the lab and Y/N tossed them through it. He turned and ran back towards the alleyway. We was about to reach back to Zoom when the black racer unexpectedly crashed into him. 

Y/N quickly recovered. Zoom tried to punch him, but Y/N backed up. He then took off down a long street. Zoom raced after him. The two speedsters continued their chase with Zoom gaining up on Y/N. A breach then opened before them. Zoom was not going to allow Y/N to escape through this one. He accelerated and reached a clawed hand out towards the Flash.

However, Y/N was planning on this. Just as they neared the breach, Y/N turned and jumped off of a parked car. He soared over and above the breach. Zoom meanwhile went straight through it. He merged out of the other end and was immediately met by a force field barrier slamming into his face. The breach closed, trapping Zoom inside the force field trap.

Frost and Vibe stood before him. Y/N ran into the lab and stopped, standing between the two of them. Dr. Wells stepped out from behind the computer station. He held up the Mathilda May gun and aimed it directly at Zoom in case he were to escape. The black racer glared at everyone. He tried to vibrate out of his cell only to find it nearly impossible.

Y/N: Nice try, but that's not happening again. You can take off that ghoulish mask as well. We know who you really are, Hunter.

Zoom stopped vibrating. He brought up his hand and took off his cowl. Hunter Zolomon looked around at everyone. He then chuckled, more to himself than anyone in the room.

Hunter: I was wondering how long it'd take for you to figure it out. It never really lasts long. Still, I'm surprised I managed to get this far.

Y/N glared at Hunter. He stepped towards him. Zolomon gave a cocky smile. 

Hunter: Surprised, Flash? Taken aback by all the lies?

Y/N: Actually, I'm more curious about how much of it was true. 

Hidden on the second level of the lab, Joe, Barry, and Patty were keeping watch. Joe pressed play on a tape recorder as the two speedsters continued their conversation.

Y/N: They say that it's actually more difficult than you'd believe to lie about an original story. Some say what we tell still contains parts of the truth.

Hunter: Very good. Astute observation.

Y/N: So how much of what you told us was true?

Hunter cocked his head to the side. He thought for a moment, wiping his hand over his jaw.

Hunter: Oh, some of it was quite true but under a different light. Yes, I am from another Earth. Yes, I have been to several Earths. And yes, I created Velocity-9.

Y/N: What about me? You said I was never intended to be the Flash, that it was meant for Barry. Is that true?

Hunter: Oh, yes. That is perhaps the most truthful of them all. 

Y/N: How so?

Hunter paced in his cell. He folded his hands behind his back as he recounted his story.

Hunter: Like I said, I've been to various Earths. All the same story. Terrorize a bit as Zoom, offer my help to the resident speedster, train them up, then strip away their speed before killing them. Rinse and repeat. I've done it so many times, I was starting to become sick of it. But I needed their speed. Then I came to this Earth. 

He paused, thinking back on it with a grin.

Hunter: This Earth was unlike any other I'd ever seen. There were no metahumans, no dangerous super powered crooks in Central City, no Flash. You, all of you, had completely different lives. I don't quite know all the details, just that you were happy. Well, I couldn't allow any of that. A world without a Flash? Where's the thrill in that? Where's the danger? Where's the excitement? I knew what I had to do. It was story common on many Earths. Barry Allen had to become the Flash. That would set things on the right, predictable course. I've killed hundreds of Barrys. This would be no different. 

Y/N was following along. He remembered Earth-1 Barry's story about how he had become the Flash.

Y/N: So you were there that night.

Hunter: Correct. I knew there was only one way he could become the Flash. I ran back in time to set things on my intended path. I killed Nora Allen and let his father take the fall. After that, I bided my time. With Allen on the correct path, I needed to make sure everything else lined up. I gave Dr. Wells the idea for the particle accelerator, influenced General Eiling to sabotage it and agreed that he would help drain the Flash's power. Of course, he thought it was for science, some grand containment of energy. I always intended to use it for myself. 

Joe stopped the tape recording. They had gotten their confession. Hunter paused before turning and glaring at Y/N.

Hunter: But there was one thing I did not account for. The lightning bolt chose you, not Allen. You were chosen to become the Flash. And after Eiling's abysmal defeat, I knew I had to change things up a bit and go back to how I'd always done things.

Y/N: You sent Grodd and then Rival to stop me. When both failed, you pretended to be our friend.

Hunter: Let's give a grand ol' applause to the Flash, ladies and gentlemen. He figured it out.


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