6.10 Central City Under Siege

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Cisco: You son of a bitch.

Cisco took Hartley's hand. He was pulled up and the two former enemies grinned at one another.

Cisco: Where the hell did you come from?

Hartley: When we saw what was going on, Professor Stein and your cyborg friend asked me to come see if I could help.

Cisco: Nice. Y/N, are you getting this?

Y/N could hear everything. He chuckled and shook his head in disbelief. 

Y/N: Hartley Rathaway. I'll be damned. Tell Vic I said hi. I'll have to give him a gift basket at the next team meeting. 

Hartley grinned as he tuned into the channel frequency on the comms. 

Cisco: How has life been treating you, man?

Hartley: It's becoming as about as hectic as yours. Listen, I can't stay long. I'm trying this whole "being part of a team" thing. We're currently busy trying to stop a tyrannical demon who wants to return to our world to conquer it, yada yada yada. The whole shebang. 

Cisco: That... sounds like another Tuesday for us. You get used to it. 

As the two were talking, they both got hit by a sonic scream. Hartley covered his ears to protect his super hearing. Both hit the hard pavement and fell on their backs. They looked up to see Laurel coming back towards them.

Cisco: Right. Her.

Hartley: Great. I came here to help the Flash, but now it looks like I'm going to have to help blondie sort out her sibling rivalry.

Laurel: Oh, you've met my sister? How is she?

Hartley: Stubborn, stern, illogical, and an ass. 

Laurel: Sounds about right. Although I guess she was also too morally strong for a life of crime. 

Both Cisco and Hartley picked themselves up while Cisco tried to quip back.

Cisco: Yeah, well, at least she's doing something with her life more than screaming at all her problems and-

Hartley hit him on the shoulder.

Hartley: Dude, cut the quips. Fight now, talk later.

Laurel unleashed another sonic scream. Cisco and Hartley brought up their own hands, Cisco firing blue sonic beams and Hartley firing green ones. The three beams clashed. Cisco and Hartley held their ground, both trying to push back Laurel's strong song. The two decided to merge their beams together. Their blast became stronger. 

The sonic beams were enough to force Laurel to stop screaming. Black Siren went flying back from where she had been standing. As she fell towards the ground, Vibe opened a breach. She fell through it and back into her prison cell. 

Cisco: Whoo! Yeah! Crossing the streams, baby!

Cisco held up his hand for a high five. Hartley merely looked at him and shook his head. Cisco brought his hand down in disappointment.

Cisco: I'm beginning to remember why I hate you so much.

Hartley: The feeling's mutual. 

As the two stood by victorious, Livewire got up behind them. She decided on taking a different approach to fight them, one a bit more drastic. She brought her hand up to a nearby telephone wire. Her entire body was sucked up in an array of blue sparks. 

Cisco: Alright, Pied Piper, let's go.

Cisco slapped his shoulder and started to run off. Hartley rolled his eyes before following.

Hartley: You know I hate that name.

Cisco: I know, but the tabloids and I love it. 

Caitlin looked around. She wanted to make sure Zoom was gone for now. She prayed Y/N and the others were okay. The brunette girl took deep breaths. The heat was becoming unbearable. Sweat dripped down and soaked her shirt. Focusing, she decided she needed to talk to her other half. The two couldn't see one another, but they always knew where to find each other. In her mind, Caitlin found her own voice talking to Frost about what should be done.

Caitlin: Are you okay?

Frost: Yeah. Just a little tired.

Caitlin: You heard what he said, right?

Frost: About being a god? Yes. 

Caitlin: And...?

Frost: Not really my type of thing.

Caitlin: Well what about you? What do you want?

Frost: What do you mean?

Caitlin: I mean that, sometimes, it feels like we've been so focused on what I want that I never really consider what you want. So what is it? What do you want in life?

Frost thought for a moment. She then started chuckling.

Caitlin: What? What is it? 

Frost: You really are daft sometimes, Caity. I never speak up about what I want because I already have it. 

Caitlin was confused for a moment by what she meant.

Frost: When I emerged, I was only ever just a part of you. That bitter, angry, restless part. But all I ever wanted was to be free, to have my own identity. But now... I do. I've found that I am my own individual and that you are a part of me just as much as I am a part of you. And through our shared life, I think we've both found what we both want. I fun life, our own identities, the right husky guy.

Caitlin chuckled at that last part.

Frost: Best of all, I found my sister. This is our life and I wouldn't change anything about it. Now let's get out of this hell hole and find that geek man of ours. 

Caitlin smiled and nodded. She looked out the window to check once more. She could see something far off in the distance. It was a blue streak travelling back and forth between the city skyline. Good. Zoom was over there and far from here.

Caitlin looked around. Her eyes rested on one of the heaters in front of her. She got an idea. Caitlin took the boot she was wearing over her injured foot and started to kick at it using her other leg. She kept kicking until she got the bottom plate off. 

Using her free hand, Caitlin grabbed the plate and brought it close to her. She then stretched out her leg. Her toes grabbed hold of one of the legs of the heater. She dragged it over to her and got to work. Using the plate, she smacked it against the heater and broke off its back part.

Caitlin looked inside the now exposed heater. She remembered when Y/N showed her parts of a similar heater they owned. He had to fight it to work last Christmas and was forced to tear it open, deciding to fix it himself rather than just call a repairman. 

Caitlin found the switches and wires she was looking for. She poked around a bit before breaking one of the parts. It sparked and she shook her hand in pain. As soon as the heater sparked, the lights inside the room went out. She had caused it to pull on too much energy, causing the breakers to go out. All the heaters were off now. 

Reaching inside the heater once more, Caitlin found a small piece that resembled a hairpin. She yanked it out and brought it over to the cuff that was on her other wrist. She worked at it a bit before unlocking her restraints. Caitlin rubbed her sore wrist, glad to be free. She was now glad Cisco had insisted on going to that extreme escape room.

Caitlin took a deep breath. Her body was starting to cool down. She closed her eyes and let herself concentrate. When she reopened them, her eyes had turned a glowing white. Her hair turned white and her lips darkened to blue, forming a big smirk. 

A little while later, Hunter came back into the room. He found all the lights out. Looking around, he instantly spotted Caitlin's absence and the presence of a new broken heater. A bit of ice covered the floor. He grunted and tightened his fist. He was done taking chances. The next time he saw her, he'd kill her.

Hunter: So be it. 

On a nearby parking garage, Trickster giggled and tossed a wind up bomb at a woman.

Trickster: Where're you going? The fun part has yet to happen.

The woman backed up against the railing of the top floor of the garage. The bomb moved closer on its little feet. It then stopped. It blinked for a moment. Then its fuse went out. The bomb stood motionless. The terrified woman stopped screaming. It looked like it was defective. Then, a recorded Trickster voice came out from the bomb.

Trickster: "Just kidding!"

The bomb went off. The woman was thrown off the edge of the building. She started plummeting down several stories.

Trickster: Oh, I so do love that trick.

Just then, a breach opened up right behind Trickster. Vibe's hand came out and grabbed him, dragging him back to Iron Heights. The woman who had been caught in the blast continued to fall. She screamed and hollered. Before she caught hit the ground, a green beam of steady vibrations pushed against her back. It held her up and brought her down gently to the ground. Pied Piper focused on bringing the woman down to safety. He stopped and she was allowed to land safely on her feet. The woman turned around to her hero. 

Woman: Thank you!

Hartley: Yeah, no problem. Now get to somewhere safer. 

The woman ran off to find safety. A breach opened nearby and Cisco leaped out of it. He bent down and panted, putting his hands on his knees. He'd just had to fight Trickster and two other metas to get them into their cells. After opening so many breaches, he was starting to get tired.

Cisco: Oh, God. I need to work out more. 

The two reconvened heroes nodded towards one another and started to jog off together. They made it someway down the street before a large bolt of electricity shot out between two street lights above them. They ducked and rushed under it. Turning around, both saw the most disturbing sight of the evening.

A sparkling face started to merge from the white and blue electricity. More and more electricity surrounded it, forming a body. The creature emerged as a monstrous, twelve foot tall entity made entirely out of electricity. It cackled a familiar cackle and spoke in Livewire's distinct high pitched voice. 

Livewire: Now it's time to rock and roll 'cause the show has just begun.

Cisco: Oh, man. She's really upped her game.

Hartley: Run!

The two turned around and rushed off. Livewire in her monstrous form started to take off after them. The creature took long strides and large steps, racing after both men. 

Hartley: Flash, you better be seeing this!

Y/N: A tall monster made out of electricity walking through the streets. Got it. 

Cisco: Well we need something to get rid of it and we need it now!

Y/N thought for a moment. He then turned to Dr. Wells.

Y/N: Have we still got the Weather Wizard wand?

Harrison rushed over to Cisco's desk. He flung open the drawer and scattered through it. He found the metallic wand.

Y/N: Good. We could use that to absorb the electricity just like we did with Mardon's lightning.

Wells: That'll be too much. The wand is made to take on a few quick bolts. Something like that with that high voltage may be able to be held, but you'd need to get close to do it. The static shock back could kill you.

Y/N thought for a moment. He looked over at his suit, particularly his gloves. He got an idea.

Y/N: Patty, take command. Give me the wand.

Patty walked over and took post at the command center. Y/N took the wand from Wells and brought it over to his lab. He took the gloves from his suit and started to rip them apart.

Joe: What are you doing?

Y/N: My suit's gloves are made to withstand static discharge, concentrate my lightning towards my back so I don't accidentally burn through the front of the suit or shock someone while shaking their hand. It uses a polymer material similar to rubber. With it I can...

Barry: ...create an insulator that would protect the handle of the wand without killing whoever's holding it. 

Y/N: That way it can take the higher voltage for a longer period of time. 

Y/N began cutting up his gloves and wrapping their pieces around the handle of the wand. Back on the streets, Cisco and Hartley were still running from Livewire. They turned the corner but were forced to stop. Standing in front of them was a cloud of green gas. The gas came together and formed into a man.

Cisco: Oh, shit.

Hartley: Well that's just great.

Cisco: Guys, we've now got Mist on our tail!

Mist looked over at the two heroes. He took on his gas form and flew towards them. Cisco opened a breach and both men leaped through. It closed just before either the poisonous gas or electrifying monster could reach them. Cisco and Hartley made it out. They panted and looked around. That was when they stopped. Livewire and Mist were nearby. Worse, they had been spotted. The two began to run again.

Hartley: Where did you think you were taking us?!

Cisco: I was panicking, alright?! Anywhere but there!

Hartley: Oh, fantastic! You took us a whole block away!

In the lab, Y/N had just finished up with the wand when they got the call about Mist. 

Patty: Cisco, take the next left then a right. It's a narrow path. That should buy you some time to get away.

Barry: Alright. So how do we deal with him?

Y/N: I don't know. Let me think.

Both men tried to wrap their heads around the situation. Barry then got an idea.

Barry: What about your frozen formula? The one you told me about and that you showed Caitlin?

Y/N: I don't see how that would help. Besides, I used my speed to kick off that reaction. I don't know how we'd do it here.

Barry: We don't need speed. We just need an excessive amount of thermal energy. Livewire has that. Now if we throw the batch at the right moment, it could be set off while Nimbus is in his gaseous form. The concoction of ice would...

Y/N snapped his fingers, seeing where Barry was going with this. 

Y/N: Slow down the atoms in his state, forcing him back into a solid form!

Both boys were smiling. They turned around and rushed over to the chemical lab to get to work. As they made their way over, Wells threw a pencil at Y/N. It hit him in the shoulder. Y/N looked over at him while still walking.

Y/N: Dude, what the hell?

Wells: Just testing something. 

Y/N and Barry made their way over to the lab. They grabbed the chemicals they needed and got to work. The two mixed several vials and batches together. They were careful about what they needed to add and when. 

Back on the streets, Vibe and Pied Piper were running out from the path Patty had told them to go down. They made it to another turn before being forced to stop. A pile of tipped over cars blocked their way. The two turned around. Livewire and Mist were fast approaching. 

Cisco: Y/N, you better have those things ready. Otherwise I'm gonna breach us out of here.

Y/N: Hang on. We're almost done. Just keep them there a bit longer.

Hartley: Oh, yeah. Like that's the easy and smart thing to do.

The two heroes stood by. The villains chasing them were now fast approaching. Livewire stood tall and brought up her monstrous hands.

Livewire: Now it's time for you two to fry! Ha, ha, ha!

The monster brought down its hands. Bolts of electricity soared through the metal scrap trash nearby. Sparks flew and white light flashed. Cisco and Hartley ducked to avoid the spray of hot sparks. 

In the lab, Y/N and Barry finished with the solution. Barry put a cap on the vial and screwed on an electrode on top of it. Y/N rushed over and grabbed the weather wand.

Y/N: Okay. Now, Cisco!

Cisco threw his hand to the side and opened a breach. The other end opened in the lab. Y/N and Barry rushed through it and jumped out on the other side. They were immediately met by a green gas fast approaching as well as a large electrical monster.

Barry tossed the vial with the chemical inside it. It flew through the air close to Mist. As it approached a spot between the two villains, a small bolt of electricity flew from Livewire's body and hit the electrode. The chemicals inside the vial shook before exploding in the green mist. Almost instantly, the mist started to subside. It all got sucked up and reformed Nimbus' solid body. A thin layer of ice covered his pale skin.

As Nimbus reformed, Y/N ducked and rushed towards Livewire. He brought up the wand and turned it on. By the time the monster found out what was happening, it was too late. The electricity all started to surge into the wand. Some sparks flew out, but Y/N was kept safe by the rubber addition. 

Livewire: No, no, no!

Before long, the entire monster had been sucked up. With a pop, the energy was absorbed. Livewire's flesh body reformed as the sparks left. She fell to the ground and landed hard on her back. Cisco got to work and opened up two breaches, sending both meta criminals back to their cells.

Cisco: Whoo. Don't... ever make me wait

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