The three scientists were all gathered in the main room of their warehouse laboratory. No one had said a single word since Y/N turned himself in to Eiling. They were all silent, lost in thought. Not a single eye was clear, all bloodshot and full of both anger and sadness.
Caitlin looked down at the engagement ring on her finger. After a moment, she grunted and pulled it off forcefully. The angry woman threw the ring down to the ground, shouting at it. After that, she reached into her pocket and pulled out the vial containing the ice sculpture.
She was about to throw it down as well but stopped herself. She couldn't do it. Even though it was meant to represent her and Ronnie, she couldn't bring herself to break it. It was something made by Y/N, a man just trying to cheer her up with an act of kindness. To her, it no longer represented Ronnie's "love" but rather Y/N's kindness.
Staring at the vial, Caitlin broke down and crouched down to the floor. Cisco walked over to her, putting his hand on her shoulder. A tear ran down his own eye.
Ramon thought about Ronnie, about someone he thought was his closest friend. He then thought about Y/N as well, about the fast man who shared in his excitement for science and fun games. Despite knowing him for a short time, he already felt like they had grown close. It felt real, unlike Raymond's facade.
Harrison was lost in thought. He was carefully taking everything in, blaming himself for their situation. After a moment, he took a deep breath and broke the silence.
Wells: This is my fault. All of it. I trusted Ronnie. I let my hubris get the better of me. I gave Eiling exactly what he wanted.
Cisco turned to him, giving a sympathetic look.
Cisco: Dr. Wells, you couldn't have known. None of us knew. We all trusted Ronnie. The accelerator would have worked if he hadn't sabotaged it.
Wells: We don't know that, Cisco. I was too blindsided by my work and the rewards from it that I didn't see the dangers I was putting us all in.
He was silent for a moment before looking over at something on the floor.
Wells: The one good thing that came from it, and I let that slip away as well.
The others turned to see what he was looking at. It was the metal helmet with wings on it. The cap was lying on the floor nearby. Caitlin pulled herself up and walked over to it. She gently picked up the object and put it neatly onto a small table in front of her.
The brunette leaned against the table, staring at the helmet. After a bit, she sniffled and turned around.
Caitlin: We have to get him back.
The other two looked at her with sunken eyes, both in despair. They weren't quite sure what to do.
Caitlin: Y/N stuck his neck out for all of us. He gave himself up to spare our lives. And while he was here, Y/N did not hesitate to go out there and help others. While we all hid behind our lab sheets and monitors for months, he rushed out to save people he didn't even know from monsters we created. And he brought back Ronnie knowing how much we cared about him. He put himself at risk to help everyone but himself.
Cisco looked up at her. His face grew brave as he thought about their friend.
Cisco: For nine months, I've been hiding out here, wondering what to do with my life after the... incident. But in just two weeks, Y/N has shown me what I need to do. Even if this isn't our mistake as we initially believed, I still want to make things right. I want to help my friends.
Caitlin shared a light smile with her colleague. The two then turned to their boss. Dr. Wells thought for a moment before giving his response.
Wells: When you two came to help me, I was confused as to why you would risk your safety to save a man you didn't even know. You looked up to me and I let you down the first time. But I think I should be the one who looks up to you. Now I think I need to be more like you. All three of you.
He smiled at his two workers, his friends. The three friends all grinned at each other, ready for the next step.
Wells: Now, let's get our Y/N back.
The three all jumped into their work spaces, each trying to come up with a way to rescue Y/N.
Caitlin: Where are they keeping him?
Cisco: I think it's pretty obvious. S.T.A.R. Labs. He was held there before and I'm sure the general has turned that place into his own little funhouse.
Caitlin: I mean where specifically.
Wells: Dr. Snow is right. The facility is big. Eiling has made that place into his fortress. One false move and we're done-zo.
Caitlin: I can try hacking into the security footage, but even then I'm unsure if I'd be able to find him.
Wells: It'd be no use. The place is probably using military-grade surveillance alongside the security systems we already have in place.
While the other two were talking, Cisco looked over at the metal helmet sitting on the side table. He steadily approached it. An idea came into his head. He wasn't sure if it would work, but it was worth a go.
Caitlin: Cisco, what are you doing?
Ramon turned around to face them. He exhaled and spoke with a slightly shaky voice.
Cisco: It's about time I told you guys.
Caitlin: Tell us what?
Cisco swallowed hard before continuing.
Cisco: Sometimes... I get these... vibes.
The other two looked at him in confusion.
Cisco: It's like I'm... seeing the future or some place or something. I got it once when I was with Y/N. I had it again when I touched Ronnie.
Wells looked at him, realizing what was going on.
Wells: Cisco, you're...
Cisco nodded.
Cisco: A meta-human.
Caitlin looked at her friend with wide eyes. She then asked him to elaborate.
Caitlin: What did you see in these... vibes?
Cisco: It's like I'm in a dark room. I can make out a few things. When I touched Ronnie, I saw him fighting Y/N.
Cisco's two friends looked at him, still unsure by what he was getting at. Cisco gestured over to the metal cap.
Cisco: But I only get them whenever I touch something of relevance. Something pertaining to that person.
Caitlin understood what he was implying.
Caitlin: Can you find Y/N?
Cisco: I don't know. Maybe.
Wells: Cisco, if what you're implying is true, then you are reaching your vision across space and time. If we are to find Y/N, you need to concentrate on him.
Cisco: I know.
Cisco walked over to the hat. He carefully put his hand over it. After a moment, he placed his hand down on the cap and closed his eyes. Waiting for a bit, he reopened them.
Cisco: It's not working. I'm seeing nothing.
Caitlin: How did you do it before?
Cisco: I don't know. It just sorta happened.
Caitlin: Can you make it happen again?
Cisco: I don't know, Caitlin! This isn't like a TV remote that I can switch on and off!
Wells: Cisco, you need to concentrate. You can do this. I believe in you. Think about Y/N. Focus only on finding him.
Cisco took a deep breath and concentrated. He held up the helmet with both hands now. He thought about Y/N, about the man he now considered his friend. He thought back on the memories he had, ones of testing Y/N's speed and playing card games with him.
Suddenly, Cisco felt the world spinning. The lights flashed and he found himself in a dim, blue environment. He looked directly in front of him. What he saw made his stomach turn.
Y/N was hooked up to a metal case that enclosed his feet and arms. It resembled a medieval torture rack, only covered in metal clamps and tubing. The man inside looked tired and exhausted. A scientist nearby pressed a button. Y/N suddenly cried out in pain. The machine he was in dug into his skin, extracting elements from his cells and hitting him with surges of electricity. Some of Y/N's own lightning was captured and stored in a tube with a metal coil inside it.
Eiling watched the whole thing from the sideline, grinning to himself. Cisco glared at Eiling before looking towards the door. He found the room number.
Then, just as soon as it started, everything ended. Cisco found himself standing back in the warehouse lab. He dropped the helmet where it clanged as it hit the ground. Cisco was in shock with wide eyes.
Caitlin: Cisco... What did you see?
Cisco: It was awful. They're hurting him.
Wells: They're testing on him.
Cisco: No, this looked more like torture than testing. It's inhumane.
Caitlin swallowed hard, hating to hear Y/N was currently in that predicament. Wells looked over at Cisco and asked what they were after.
Wells: Did you see where he was being held?
Cisco nodded, looking at them.
Cisco: Lab 52. The East wing.
The other two nodded, Wells showing a slight grin.
Wells: Now we know where to find our fast friend.
Caitlin: That still doesn't help us get inside. The place is probably guarded and the security doors are probably down.
Cisco: Not to mention our flame-headed friend.
Caitlin stared at Cisco, showing an angry expression at the mention of her former fiancé. Wells thought for a moment before showing another grin and looking over at his assistant.
Wells: Mr. Ramon, I think it's time we dust off some old plans.
Eiling continued to stare at his prize who was currently screaming at the top of his lungs. Y/N was in immense pain, feeling like the very essence of his core was being torn apart and put back together again. Eiling grinned as Y/N settled down from the latest hit of the machine he was trapped in.
Eiling: I'm normally not the type to take pleasure in all this science buzz. But torture... now that's something else. The war taught me many things. How to get into a man, both his psyche and flesh. It also taught me that no matter how many men you have, how many friends you lose, it's never enough. You've always got to be one Manhattan Project ahead. That's why we have you.
Y/N could barely focus on what the general was saying. His eyes were heavy and he felt weak. He needed rest, but had already been denied it for a full day. Eiling turned to one of the scientists working at a table next to him.
Eiling: How's the next load coming in?
Scientist: We're processing it now, sir.
In a clear tube connected to the machine Y/N was strapped into, an orange course of energy and lightning traveled into a processing station. The scientists got to work and a loading screen appeared on the monitor, processing the energy that was just extracted from Y/N.
Eiling smiled at seeing the work continue. They'd been filling vials and boxes full of this same energy for hours now, along with a few other things.
Just then, alarms began to blare throughout the facility. Eiling's face grew stern and he spoke into the radio situated on a table next to him.
Eiling: Sergeant, what the hell is going on out there?
Sergeant: We aren't sure, sir! There's been a perimeter breach!
Eiling: How?! Aren't those men out there protecting it?
Sergeant: That's the thing, sir. Several of the men are running away! The tanks and vehicles have been... frozen. We aren't sure what's happening!
The sergeant then saw someone approaching him. He let out a scream that was followed by static over the radio.
Sergeant: Oh, God! Aagh-
Eiling slammed down the static radio. He looked over to one of the men in the room.
Eiling: Get me visuals!
The scientists tried to pull up the security feed. They were met with an odd sight. Many of the cameras had frost covering their lenses, blocking visuals. The men switched between different cameras before landing on one that had yet to be compromised.
Eiling stared at the image. He gritted his teeth and a frown appeared. His normally sunken eyes were laser focused on the three people in the image.
Cisco, Caitlin, and Dr. Wells had made their way into the S.T.A.R. Labs facility. They walked through the hallways with confidence. In his hand, Cisco was holding a strange device in his hands. The long haired man then pointed the device straight at the camera. It fired a white flame that caused the lens to freeze over, distorting the image. Eiling growled and turned to another soldier.
Eiling: Get me Captain Raymond. I want him to end those three once and for all!
The three former employees of the facility stepped out of the elevator and made their way along their desired floor. In his hands, Cisco was holding onto a new piece of hardware he and Dr. Wells had thought up a while back. He insisted on calling it a "cold gun", the large blaster held up like a sniper rifle. It looked like something straight out of a science-fiction movie.
Cisco had used the cold gun to freeze the fence around the facility, allowing them to break an opening in the chains and make their way in. He then started to freeze the soldier's vehicles and weapons. Before the troops could reach for their guns, he froze the crates containing them.
Seeing the range and power of the weapon, the soldiers fled in terror. Cisco made care not to hit anyone. He didn't want to kill any of the soldiers.
In her own hand, Caitlin was holding onto the quantum splicer. She walked with a mixture of confidence and concern, constantly checking over her shoulder. Between the two young scientists, Dr. Wells rolled on his wheelchair. He was typing a set of commands into a screen placed over his lap, trying to hack back into the building's systems using his old codes.
Cisco: Just a bit further this way is where they should be holding Y/N. Any luck on getting past their systems?
Wells: I'm trying, but they've accessed everything. I'm needing to use some old methods. I haven't done this since freshman year.
As they walked down the hall, the three stopped when a single figure approached them. Standing just a few yards in front of them was Firestorm. Ronnie looked at them all, grinning.
Ronnie: Nice to see you all again. I have been asked to escort you off the premises. If you do not cooperate, I will be forced to use violence.
Cisco held up the cold gun, pointing it at Raymond. Caitlin glared at her former lover, narrowing her gaze.
Wells: This was our place first. We'll have to ask you to leave.
Ronnie: Really, Dr. Wells?
Caitlin: Ronnie, let us through. We are here for Y/N and Y/N alone. You know what they're doing to him is wrong.
Ronnie: I don't ask question. I just follow my orders. Besides, better him than me.
Cisco cocked the cold gun. Ronnie pointed at it.
Ronnie: Nifty toy, Cisco. You always were the best with tech. What does this one do?
Cisco: Take one step closer and you'll find out.
Ronnie: Now, Cisco, is that any way to talk to a friend?
Ronnie stepped forward. Cisco fired the gun, giving a warning shot. He hit a barrel next to Raymond. The container froze over, completely covered in ice.
Cisco: This baby contains a micro-engine that allows it to generate a temperature of absolute zero. A hit from this thing would be enough to kill a normal human upon impact. I'm sure it'd do a number on your fiery touch.
Ronnie: Impressive. So you are making weapons. Shame you didn't share that design with the military.
Ronnie took another step forward. Cisco cocked the gun again.
Cisco: Take one more step and I'll send you to the ice age, Deathstorm. That's right, I changed your name. It suits you better.
Ronnie grinned, shaking his head. He looked over at the three individuals.
Ronnie: Is this who you are now? Cold-hearted criminals?
Caitlin: The only one with a cold heart is you.
Ronnie cocked his head to the side. He ignited his body and hovered in the air.
Ronnie: Quite the opposite, babe.
Cisco fired at the flaming man. Ronnie quickly dodged the white beam, causing ice to cover the ceiling. He then threw a large fireball down towards the group. Cisco and Caitlin fell back, dropping their respective items onto the floor. Dr. Wells was pushed back, his chair sliding and hitting the wall behind him.
Cisco had fallen close to Wells. Ronnie landed and approached the two of them. He held up his flaming hand.
Ronnie: I guess you got what you wished for, Dr. Wells. You really did change the world.
Cisco and Wells prepared to be grilled like flaming cabobs. Ronnie brought back his hand, about to fire at them. He stopped when he heard a machine whir up behind him.
Turning around, Raymond say Caitlin holding the cold gun. She pointed it straight at him. Her face was stern but her hand was shaking, shaking the gun with it.
Caitlin: Step away, Ronnie.
Ronnie smirked. He talked to Caitlin while cockily shaking his head.
Ronnie: Cait, we both know that you don't have what it takes to-
Caitlin pulled the trigger, firing at Raymond. Ronnie fell back as a blast of cold ice hit his body. He was flung against the wall and fell down. The flames on his body were instantly extinguished. Ice covered his chest and he passed out.
Caitlin: You don't get to call me that anymore.
Caitlin looked at him sternly, her eyes looking angrier than they ever had before. She picked up the splicer from the ground and walked over to the fallen man.
Caitlin: It's Dr. Snow to you, asshole.
The bitter brunette placed the splicer over Ronnie's chest. Pressing a button, a set of smaller disks stretched out, connected via wire threads. Caitlin then stepped back as the splicer did its job.
Ronnie's body began to glow and shake. It looked like he was having a
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