1.12 Charge of Lightning

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Caitlin and Dr. Wells made their way towards Lab 52. Caitlin held onto the cold gun, now walking with confidence and urgency. Turning the corner, they found the lab door. Dr. Wells tried his key card only to find that it had been disabled.

Caitlin groaned. She held up the cold gun and froze the door. With a tap of her hand, the frozen glass shattered, allowing the two inside. They entered cautiously. All of the scientists had already left. Caitlin looked towards the back of the room and froze.

There, hooked up to a steel cage, was Y/N. The young man looked exhausted. Dark bags hung under his eyes and his hair was a mess. His head was hanging low. A cut on his lip indicated the pain he'd been in.

Caitlin: Oh, my God! Y/N!

Caitlin rushed forward towards the imprisoned man. Y/N heard her, bringing his head up and grinning in disbelief. He couldn't believe it. His friends had come for him.

Y/N's grin faded when a tall, broad figure stepped between the prisoner and his friends. General Eiling stood in front of Y/N, grinning at the intruders. He stood with confidence, his hands clasped behind his back. Even when Caitlin brought up and pointed the cold gun at him he didn't move, not even reaching for his own pistol on his belt. 

Eiling: Guess you're more than just brains, little lady.

Caitlin: Let. Him. Go.

Eiling: Determined as well. I like that. 

He turned to address the man in the wheel chair.

Eiling: It looks like you just can't let things be, huh Harrison? Did you grow a conscience or something?

Wells: Let him go, Wade. This is inhumane, even for you.

Eiling: Not if its on something that isn't entirely human. And as far as I'm concerned, this man is no longer human thanks to you. 

Wells scowled, closing his fingers into a fist.

Eiling: Besides, this man is a valuable asset to us. The energy he's outputting is enough to power the entire city, along with a few other ideas I've had in mind.

Eiling nodded over to a few computer monitors, all showing displays of the particle accelerator. Wells examined the images. The accelerator looked the same, almost fixed, in fact. However, something was off about the design. Large, cylindrical columns lined the sides of the inner ring.

Wells was confused at first. He then looked over at one of the other monitors and realized what Eiling had been working on. The image displayed a blueprint of the old particle accelerator concept, the one that involved the use of electromagnets. 

Looking back, he realized that this concept had now been implemented into the current accelerator's design. The rings sparked with power and lightning. It was designed to harness power, and Wells knew where they were getting it from. He gritted his teeth and stared at the general.

Wells: You're using him as a battery.

Eiling nodded.

Eiling: This man can generate untold amounts of power, the type that makes oil and nuclear energy look like the tools of the cavemen. With this, we can create countless weapons and powered vehicles using just a fraction of what we currently use.

Caitlin saw what was happening. A bitter tear ran down her eye.

Caitlin: You're killing him.

Eiling: Don't be ridiculous. This man is off value. He may wish he were dead, but he'll only ever reach the edge, never exceed it. Besides, my scientists have been working on a new use of his power, anyway. 

As the general spoke, the machine next to him beeped. Eiling walked over to it, seeing the processing had been completed. He grinned. Reaching his hand into a glass case, the general pulled out a small, glass tube. It contained a strange, glowing liquid. Eiling took the tube and inserted it into a doctor's needle.

Eiling: Perhaps a demonstration will suffice. 

Eiling began to approach Wells. Caitlin held up and cocked the cold gun, aiming it at him.

Caitlin: What are you doing?

Eiling: Put down the weapon, little lady. I'm not going to hurt him.

Caitlin: Step. Back. Now.

Eiling glared at her. He then reacted quicker than the brunette could react. The general forced the syringe into Dr. Wells' neck and pressed the plunger down. The glowing liquid was inserted into Wells who hollered out in pain. Eiling stepped back as Caitlin pointed the gun at him. 

Wells squirmed for a moment, feeling his muscles flex and writhe. It felt like something was crawling under his skin. Caitlin was about to pull the trigger when Wells brought up his hand, indicating her to stop. 

Then, something happened that neither scientist expected. Wells felt different near his legs, in that he could actually feel his lower half. His muscles felt strong. Pulling himself up, Caitlin and Harrison gasped in shock. The once paralyzed man was now standing up on his own two legs. 

Caitlin and Wells looked in shock. Harrison tried to move around, not having used his legs for over 9 months. Caitlin just couldn't believe it. Eiling looked on with a grin on his face.

Eiling: One of my doctors suggested it, a young fellow if I recall. He showed a real enthusiasm for the project. By extracting some of the regenerative power from Mr. L/N's cells, we were able to reconstruct them into a serum capable of healing even the most fatal of wounds. Imagine what this could do to a perfectly healthy man, one not held down by physical impairments.

Caitlin looked back at Eiling in shock. So this was what he wanted all along. Use Y/N's energy to power the accelerator himself and use his cells to create super soldiers. The ultimate military force. 

Wells stumbled on his feet. He held himself up against his chair, his hand scrolling across the now pointless controls. Harrison then tripped and caught himself against one of the desks nearby, his fingers sliding over the keyboard. He finally managed to hold himself up, getting use to the feeling of walking again.

Wells: General, you can't seriously be considering putting this thing on the market. Think of the damage it could bring if it fell into the wrong hands. 

Eiling: It won't, Harrison. The only hands it'll be in is ours.

The two glared at each other, Eiling keeping his confident smirk. 

Eiling: This is what its always been about, Wells. You could have been a part of it. Yet you chose the more "altruistic" path. Guess that didn't pan out for you.

Wells: Neither did your path.

Suddenly, the computer screens around the room began to flash. They glitched and several files were taken over. Eiling looked over at the screens, not knowing what was happening. Then the processer stopped midway through another download. The general's confidence began to fade. He looked over at Wells.

Wells: You aren't the only one with a mole on the inside.

Through another door in the back of the room, Cisco walked out. He held an iron pipe in his hands. Eiling looked at the young man in confusion.

Cisco: You just got a taste of your own medicine.

Wells: That stumble I took back there, I didn't trip. I uploaded a virus into your system. Something I cooked up back in my college days. It selected the files it needed. Mr. Ramon here did the rest from your computer system.

Cisco: I recovered the files you've been stealing from us. I sent a comprehensive list of war crimes and federal offenses also committed by one Wade Eiling to Homeland Security and the Defense Department. All that was left to do afterwards was to shut down your operations.

He looked down at the pipe in his hands. 

Cisco: And smash a few monitors before I left.

Eiling snarled. He was no longer in control. Things were out of his reach and he'd been outed as a criminal in the eyes of the government. Cisco stepped towards the now panicking general.

Cisco: I'm only going to say this once. Let Y/N go. 

Y/N weakly smiled from his containment. His friends not only came for him, but had done everything to take down the man who wronged him. Who wronged all of them. Y/N was filled with emotions of joy and pride in his newfound friends.

Eiling sneered at Ramon. Suddenly, before anyone could react, he brought up his leg and kicked the pipe out of Cisco's hands. He then brought up a firm hand and socked Cisco right in the gut. Cisco toppled forward, spitting up blood. Eiling then delivered a karate chop to his face before grabbing the young man by the shirt and tossing him over towards Wells.

Caitlin brought up the cold gun, prepared to shoot. Eiling took out his own gun, pointing it directly at her head. The two were locked in a stalemate.

Eiling: You really think you can pull that trigger faster than I can pull mine? Go ahead. Do it.

 Caitlin froze. She was now terrified, unsure of what to do. Eiling was angry. He had nothing left to lose.

From his encased cell, Y/N saw what was going on. He no longer felt pride. He felt angry. Anger towards Eiling. This man had done so much wrong to them. He got the accelerator to purposely explode, forcing Y/N into a nine month coma. He'd forced the three scientists to go on the run, scared of being caught. He got Ronnie to win over Wells' trust and hurt Caitlin in the process. Eiling was responsible for everything. The pain, the meta-humans, the destruction going on in the city. Now, all Y/N could feel was anger towards the man who wronged them all.

Y/N fists tightened inside the metal grip. As he glared at Eiling, his eyes began to glow a bright orange. Lightning crackled in his irises. Then, the machine he was in began to shake. Sparks flew and metal hissed.

Eiling looked back to see what was happening. He was utterly shocked by what he saw. Lightning began to spark from Y/N. It flew around the machine he was in, hitting anything electrical close by. The bars keeping the young man pinned down began to groan.

Suddenly, an explosion of lighting erupted from Y/N. His cage was completely broken, the metal bars snapping in half. It was as if a lightning bolt had suddenly burst inside the room itself.

Acting as quick as a blur, Y/N charged towards the general. He pushed him hard, lightning hitting Eiling and forcing him off his feet. He flew through the air and landed on his back, the gun sliding out of his hand.

The other three were flung back as well. Caitlin dropped the cold gun as she hit the floor. It slid underneath a table. Soon, the three scientists picked themselves up. Looking in front of them, they gasped in amazement. 

Y/N stood up tall. Lightning flickered around him, surging from the floor into his body. The young man settled down, looking at all of his friends. He breathed out a deep exhale. The cuts on his skin began to heal almost instantly.

Y/N looked down at his hands, seeing the lightning course through them. He then calmed down and the lightning faded. After a moment, Y/N brought up his eyes to his friends. They all stood there with gaping jaws.

Y/N was trying to think of something to say. Before he could speak, though, Caitlin rushed over and embraced him in a tight hug. Y/N was caught off guard by the doctor's sudden show of affection, but soon relaxed and wrapped his own arms around her. After a moment, they separated.

Y/N: You came for me.

Caitlin: We couldn't let one of our own slip away. Not again. 

Y/N nodded and smiled at her. Caitlin smiled back, wiping a tear from her eye. Y/N then looked over at Cisco. The two brought up their hands and clapped before embracing in a quick hug.

Cisco: Dude, that was sick!

Y/N: I know. Thanks for coming for me, man.

Cisco: How did you even do that?

Y/N: I don't know. I just felt it. I'm sure you'll figure out how I can control it.

Cisco: Yeah, once I get my own super powers under control.

Y/N looked at him in shock and confusion.

Cisco: I'll tell you later.

Y/N then turned his attention to Dr. Wells. He looked, amazed at seeing the bright man walk again. Wells brought out his hand to Y/N.

Wells: It's good to see you safe and sound, Mr. L/N.

Y/N smiled and shook his hand firmly. He then brought Wells into another hug. Harrison wasn't fully into it, but allowed the young man to have his moment. Y/N finished the hug and smiled brilliantly at his three friends.

Y/N: Thank you all, so much!

Cisco: We couldn't just leave you, man. We need you. 

Y/N continued to smile at his friends. His smile quickly faded when the alarms around the facility began to blare. The group rushed over to the computer screens, trying to figure out the issue.

Y/N: What's going on?

Cisco: The accelerator! The energy levels are spiking!

Wells: Eiling must've been extracting too much power too quickly. The levels the system's reaching have already exceeded their max capacity. It's too much for the accelerator to channel all at once.

Caitlin: If this thing continues, it could release all of that power out into the city!

Wells: What's the fallout radius?

Caitlin: Anything within two miles of the lab will be incinerated. Three miles out and the ground could crack, possibly producing a tectonic shift.

Cisco: It could level all of Central City.

The four looked on, panicking.

Y/N: Can we shut it down? What would that do?

Wells: Shutting off the entire facility may cause all systems to die, losing their hold over the power and stopping the overflow of energy. However, we can't shut them all down this quickly.

Y/N thought for a moment. He then looked back at the machine behind him, the one he'd been trapped in. He looked at the bent metal and fried circuits. He then thought of something.

Y/N: What if I were to overload it from the inside?

Caitlin: What?

Y/N: The accelerator is using electromagnets to harness the energy. If I run around it fast enough, I could overload the system with my own lightning. Would that work?

Wells thought for a moment, biting his lip.

Wells: Yes. It could cause the systems to fail, dissipating the energy before the overflow.

Y/N: Then I'm doing it.

Caitlin: Y/N, wait!

The young girl reached and grabbed Y/N's wrist, holding him back.

Caitlin: We don't know what it could do to you.

Wells: She's right. To generate enough energy, you'd have to reach speeds close to if not exceeding Mach 2. 

Caitlin: You've never gone that fast. Trying that now while you're still weak could tear your body apart.

Y/N: Caitlin, I have to do this.

Caitlin: Please, Y/N. For once, think this through!

Her grip around his wrist tightened. Y/N looked at her. Tears were streaming down her face again. She was scared. The other two in the room also looked scared, stepping closer towards the speedster. Y/N looked down at Caitlin before cupping her head in his hands.

Y/N: Cait, I am thinking this through. 'Cause right now, all I can think about is you guys. I need to protect you just as you protected me. This city is in danger and I need to fix it. I need to keep you all safe.

Caitlin looked up at him. She sniffled, trying to hold back more tears. After a bit, she nodded, calming herself down.

Caitlin: Then, before you go, you'll need this.

She reached into her bag and pulled out a small metal cap. Y/N grinned upon seeing his hat. He took it in his hands, examining it. He then put it neatly on his head.

Caitlin: It fits you.

Y/N gave her a gentle smile. Caitlin tried to put on a brave smile herself before backing away. Cisco stepped up, reaching into his pocket and handing Y/N his goggles.

Cisco: For a while, I didn't think I had any real friends. Then you came along and I found more than a friend. I found someone who understood me. A brother. I don't want to lose you so soon.

The two smiled at each other before embracing in another hug. Y/N took his goggles, sliding then over his head. Wells then walked over, looking at Y/N.

Wells: Mr. L/N... I feel like there's so much I need to say with so little time. But if there's one thing I have to tell you, it's this. 

Harrison brought up his hand, putting it on Y/N's shoulder.

Wells: I was wrong. I've been wrong about many things. But I was most wrong about you. You are special. You are a kind, brave man. You are not a nobody. You are a special man who was standing in the right place at the right time. Now go be a hero.

Y/N looked at the scientist, nodding and sliding his goggles over his eyes with a smile.

Wells: Run, Flash, run.

Y/N made his way to the door that led into the observation deck down into the accelerator. While turning, he saw Eiling sitting back up. The general looked stunned and in shock.

Y/N: You want my power, General? You can have it.

With that, Y/N sped off in a flash of lightning. He made his way down into the accelerator and began to run around the large ring. He built up speed, lightning shooting around him. The lightning began to build up in energy the faster he ran.

The orange lightning following Y/N then began to leap towards the cylindrical magnets placed around the ring. They coursed with energy, taking in what he generated. Soon, all of the magnets began to flash with sparks of orange energy. The lights around the facility began to flash and strobe in flickering patterns. 

Outside, people on the streets stopped to see the strange occurrence that was coming from the labs. Joe West stopped in his car, watching in concern as lightning crackled around the facility.

Inside the lab, the three former employees all looked at the screens in concern. Y/N was getting faster and faster with each cycle. Behind them Eiling began to pull himself up. Noticing how the three were distracted, he decided to make his escape.

Eiling bent down to grab his gun. As he did so, he noticed something else nearby. Reaching under the table, he grabbed the black and grey cold gun. He looked at it curiously before looking over his shoulder and running out of the room.

Deep in the facility, Ronnie Raymond began to wake up. His head felt odd. Clear. He tried generating fire from his hands but nothing happened. He then realized what had happened. 

Ronnie: No. No, no, no!

Ronnie pulled himself up and began to limp through the halls. As he did so, he ran into a familiar face running the other way.

Ronnie: General Eiling!

Eiling noticed Ronnie. The younger man was leaning against a wall, trying to keep himself composed. He was out of breath and panting.

Ronnie: I can help. What's our next move, General?

Eiling looked at Raymond, noticing the splicer on his chest. He sighed, realizing just how much of a failure he got out of the young soldier.

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