1.11 No Friend Left Behind

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seizure. His whole body was then engulfed in a fiery flame. The flame then separated into two individuals. The light died down, revealing the two men who were once Firestorm.

Ronnie continued to lay on the ground unconscious. Next to him, Professor Martin Stein looked frazzled. His glasses were crooked and his jacket was wrinkled with a few tears in it. The old man steadily woke up, looking around.

Cisco crawled over to Stein, easing him and helping him sit up. He looked confused. 

Cisco: Welcome back, Professor.

Stein looked at the man in front of him. He brought up a shaky hand, trying to catch is bearings. He looked behind the man to see a familiar face.

Stein: Harrison?

Wells had a smile on his face as he saw the relieved professor.

Wells: It's good to see you as yourself again, Professor Stein.

Stein nodded his head. He looked around at the three people who had saved him. His eyes rested on Caitlin.

Stein: Thank you.

Caitlin smiled, happy she could help and glad the nightmare was over. After a moment, her face grew stern again and she stood up. They had a job to finish. She held the cold gun firmly and talked to the others.

Caitlin: Cisco, get Professor Stein to safety. Dr. Wells, you and I will find Y/N. This ends now.

She turned around and began walking off. She didn't get far before turning around, noticing the others weren't following her. They simply stood there in shock, not used to her taking charge like that.

Caitlin: What are you waiting for? Let's move, people!

Wells and Cisco immediately got to work. Cisco helped Stein stand up and directed him out of the facility. Wells rolled over to Dr. Snow and followed her down the hall.

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