Katrina could hear music playing, it sounded a lot like PokerFace by Lady Gaga, and she had no idea why she was hearing it. She gasps as her eyes flutter open, and looks around at her surroundings, she spots Barry, who is on the bed beside her, also gasp and wake up.
"Where am I?" she hears him say before looking aver at her, "Kitty Kat" he says using the only nickname he was allowed to use.
"They are up" they hear a women's voice say and see that they are not alone.
"Dr Wells, get down to the cortex, like, right now" they hear a boys voice say. The women then comes over and starts checking them over the way a doctor would , " 110, pulse 120. Pupils equally reactive to light." Barry tries to move, "Look at me. Look at me" she says to him. Katrina tries to move as well, when she is also stopped.
"Hey, hey,hey. Whoa, relax. Everything's okay, you guys. You're at S.T.A.R labs" the guy tells them.
"S.T.A.R labs" they both say confused.
"Who are you?" Barry asks.
"I'm Cisco Ramon. She's Caitlin..Dr.Snow" Cisco tells them, as Caitlin holds a cup infront of Barry.
"I need you to urinate in this" she tells him, and both Barry and Katrina give her a disgusted look.
"Not this second" Cisco says taking the cup away.
"What..what is happening" Barry says as Katrina and him try and move away from the two people staring at them.
"Yeah, why are we here" Katrina asks moving herself as close as possible to Barry.
"You were both struck by lightning, dude" Cisco says to them.
"What" Barry and her say when they then see themselves in a monitor, they both are more toned, and Katrina can't help but notice the abs on Barry.
"Lightning gave me abs" Barry says as he looks Katrina, "us both abs?" Their faces immediately blush as seeing each other so exposed.
"Your muscles should be atrophied" Caitlin says as she touches Barry all over, "but instead they're in a chronic and unexplained state of cellular regeneration" she keeps touching Barry and Katrina gets a tug at her heart, and she seems jealous.
"Come here, have a seat" Cisco says grabbing at Katrina and Barry, making them sit on the bed. "You two were in a coma" he explains to them.
They look at one another then back up at Cisco, "For how long?" Barry asks.
"Nine months" they heard another voice and look to see one Harrison Wells, come into the room, in a wheelchair. "Welcome back Miss Ivory, Mr. Allen. We have a lot to discuss"
After getting a sweatshirt for Barry and Katrina, they walked beside Wells, a smile playing on Barry's face. "It's hard to believe I'm here, we're here" Barry says excitedly, "I have always wanted to meet you face-to-face" he then says to Wells.
"Yeah? You surely went to great lengths to do it. S.T.A.R. labs has not been operational since FEMA categorized us a class four hazardous location. Seventeen people died that night, many more injured" Wells explains as they walk down the corridor, passing by an empty cage the name GRODD engraved on it. They finally come to a stop on an balcony overlooking the destroyed particle accelerator. "Myself among them" Wells says to the two of them.
"Jesus" Barry says as they both look down on the destruction.
"What happened that night?" Katrina asks.
"Nine months ago, the particle accelerator went online exactly as planned. For 45 minutes I had achieved my life's dream, and then..there was an anomaly. The electron volts became unmeasurable, the ring under us popped. Energy from that detonation was thrown into the sky, and that in turn, seeded a storm cloud"
"That created the lightning bolt..that struck Barry, and I" Katrina says to them.
"That's right. I was recovering myself, when I heard about the two of you" Wells explains to them, The hospital was undergoing unexplainable power outages every time you two were going into cardiac arrest, which was actually a misdiagnosis. Because you see you weren't flat lining Barry, Katrina, Your heartbeats were moving too fast for the EKG to register it." Wells tells them.
The three of them make it back to the cortex, "Now, I'm not the most popular person in town these days, but Detective West and his daughter gave me permission to bring you here Mr. Allen, and Miss Ivory, a Mr. Pennyworth gave me permission for you where we were able to stabilize the two of you." Katrina hears a name she hasn't heard in years, and is shocked that he was still her main caregiver.
"Pennyworth?" Barry asks her, and she just shakes her head. "Iris?" he the says.
"Iris,yes" Wells tells Barry, "She came to see the two of you quite often, as did a Dick Grayson, visited Katrina" he tells them, and Katrina feels a pull at the mention of Dick's name.
"She talks a lot, but Dick is the quite type" Caitlin says as she walks over to them passing Wells a drink.
"Also, she's hot" Cisco adds about Iris.
"I need to go" Barry suddenly says ands starts to leave.
"No, you can't" Caitlin calls out.
"No, nope Caitlin's right. Now that you're awake we need to do more tests on both of you. You're still going though changes. There's so much we don't know" Wells says trying to stop him from leaving.
"Barry maybe we should listen to them" Katrina says knowing that they are probably right about these things.
"I'm fine really. I feel normal" he says to them. "Thank you for saving my life" he then walks away out of the room.
"Really" Caitlin says.
Barry pops back in, "Can I keep the sweatshirt" he quickly asks.
"Yeah keep the sweatshirt" Wells tells him.
"Okay" Barry then takes off.
Katrina looks at the others, "I will try and get him back" she tells them as she makes her way to leave.
"Miss Ivory, I don't know who you know, but we have had a certain billionaire inquiring into your well being. Am I in the right as to contact said person and inform them of your awaking" Wells asks her before she leaves.
"You may, but let him know I do not need him coming here, or Grayson. Not anymore" she adds as she then leaves the room.
Leaving S.T.A.R Labs so many thoughts ran through Katrina's mind, impaticular was why Bruce even still cared, and why would Dick come see here. She left that world so far behind her, and had broken things off with Dick, the last words she said to him still ringing in her ears.
"I can't be like this anymore Grayson" Katrina says as he holds her close to him.
"What we do, is saving a lot of people Kitty" he says to her.
"I know, but it's starting to take a toll on my body both mentally and physically. And when Two-Face had me kidnapped, I actually got scared for once" She says to him.
"Do you want to give this up?" he asks concern in his voice. Katrina pulls away and stands up on the edge of the rooftop.
"This life has been amazing, but it's just not enough for me anymore. I need to take a break find some peace in my life for once" She explains to him.
"Am I not enough anymore?" He asks her as he stands up in front of her.
"You will always be enough Dick, and I'm sorry, but I just need to figure myself out. I love you and always will" She says as she kisses him. As they kiss he pulls her body closer to his, never wanting to let her go, but she manages to pull away, then using her grabbling hook she swings away from him, leaving the boy she loved behind.
Katrina eventually made her way back to her apartment, not surprised that she still had it considering Bruce paid for it. She decided to go inside, and change before figuring out where Barry had run off to. Entering the apartment, she expected to see her plants dead, and dust on everything, she should have know Bruce would send Alfred to clean it up for her. Going to her room, she decided to change out of the clothes she as in from the Lab, and into her own, feeling more relaxed in her own clothing. She changed into jeans, a white tank top and pulled on her red leather jacket. As she went to exit her apartment to look for Barry it didn't take her long to find him, as he was standing on the other side of her door.
"I couldn't go see Iris without you" he says to her.
"How did you even know I would be here?" She asked him.
"A hunch" he says grinning at her.
"Well, lets go find your woman" She then says surprising Barry.
"Iris, she's..she's..no no way" he says stuttering.
"Barry, I know, you have the world's biggest crush on her and I knew as soon as you heard her name you would want to find her" Katrina says as she closes her apartment door.
"Yeah, you're right" he says to her.
"I always am" she replies as they get to the elevator.
"Care to tell my who Mr Pennyworth , and Dick Grayson are?" Barry then asks her.
"Alfred, took care of me when I lived in Gotham, Grayson, he..he was someone special to me there. He's now a detective with GCPD" she tells Barry.
"Seriously you lived in Gotham?" he asks her surprised as they step onto the open elevator.
"Yes, Barry I grew up in Gotham, I'm sorry I never told you in college" she says pressing the button to close the doors and then the lobby button.
Barry does his usual hand behind his neck, then moves it, "That's okay. I mean if you didn't want to tell me about that I understand" he says to her.
Katrina doesn't say anything else as they exit the elevator, once it came to a top and the doors opened. They leave her building and head down the street, going toward CC Jitters, knowing that's where Iris most likely will be. Neither one of them say a word, but too lost in their own thoughts, and trying to figure out how to explain their miraculous recovery. As soon as they walked through the doors of Jitters, Katrina saw Barry's face light up at seeing Iris, and can't help but be saddened.
"Oh My God" they hear Iris say as she comes rushing over to her two best friends wrapping them in a hug. She pulls away looking them over, "You two are awake? Why didn't S.T.A.R Labs call us" she then says.
"We just woke up, and wanted to see our best friend" Katrina tells her.
"Should you two even be on your feet?" she asks them.
"Iris, we are okay" She tells her.
"I watched you two die" she says upset. "You both kept dying, your hearts kept stopping" she says to them.
Barry takes her hand in his, placing it on his chest; right at his heart, "It's still beating" he says smiling at her.
"It's really fast" she says smiling back at them.
Just then Katrina gets an odd sensation, "Opps" she hears the other waitress say, and everything starts to slow down. Before she can react it all goes back to normal, and the mug the waitress was carrying drops to the floor. She glances over at Barry, realizing he just had the same moment as her.
"Are you okay Tracey?" Iris asks the girl.
"Yeah I got it" the girl replies, as she cleans up the mess.
"My dad is going to be so happy to see you two" Iris smiles at them, as they try to hide their confusion. "Let me get my stuff okay? I'll be right back" Iris tells them as she walks away.
"What..Did You" Barry says confused.
"Yeah, I did" Katrina replies, but before they can say more, Iris returns and the three of them head off for CCPD.
They walk in and are immediately hugged by Joe, "Oh, You scared, the hell out of us, you two" he says.
"Yeah that was quite the nap you took, Baby Face, Sleeping beauty" one of their fellow officers joke.
"And you still look 12, and you still as beautiful" he adds. Iris and Joe laugh at the remarks.
"You look okay, are you two really?" Joe asks resting his hand on Barry's shoulder.
"Yeah, we are" Katrina tells the man.
"Detective West" they then hear a fellow officer call him, "We got a 5-50 in progress at Gold City Bank" she tells him. "Two dead. Storms picking up on the south side, I'd grab rain gear" she finishes telling him.
"Sorry, I gotta run" Joes tells them as he grabs his jacket.
"Do you need our help?" Barry asks him.
'No, you two take it easy. There will plenty for you to do, when you two get settled in." Joes says to the two of them before turning his head back shouting "Let's go partner"
Katrina and Barry then see Eddie tossing his jacket on coming over to them, "Hey Allen, Ivory glad to see you" he says to them.
"Thanks Eddie" Barry tells him.
Eddie then looks over at Iris, "Hey Iris" he says and Katrina notices the wide smile on his face.
"Detective you should go, my dad doesn't like to be kept waiting" Iris says trying to avoid looking him in the eyes.
"Glad you two are back" he says patting Barry's shoulder before walking away. As they turn to watch Eddie leave, Barry and Katrina spot a display case, a picture of Joe's former partner.
"The night of the explosion, Clyde Mardon shot Chyre. Mardon and his brother died escaping. Their plane crashed" Iris tells them.
"Iris, got a minute" They hear a officer call out, and Iris walks away.
"Hey Katrina, Barry, Good to see you two" another officer, that has apprehended a criminal, says to them.
That's when they both notice the criminal reaching for the gun, and before they know it, they rush to stop the man, knocking him into the table, and they rush back to where they had just been standing,
"Screw you!" the criminal shouts, not realizing what just happened. Katrina and Barry look at one another confused about what they had just done and witnessed.
"You two okay?" Iris comes over and asks.
"Yeah we're fine" Katrina tells her.
"We..We uh just need some air" Barry tells her, "But, I'll call you tonight, all right" he says and the two of them take off, heading out into the back alley.
"What just happened?" Katrina says to Barry.
"I got no idea" he then grabs at his hand, and holds it up and they see if vibrating, "What is happening to me?" he asks her.
"What is happening to us?" She asks as she starts to see her hands do the same thing. Suddenly Barry takes off running back and forth, at a high speed rate. He crashes into the back of a police car, the back window shatters.
"Barry! Are yoy okay?" Katrina goes to check on him, but manages to speed right by him crashing into a dumpster.
"Damnit!" she shouts in pain. Barry gets off the police car, and goes to check on Katrina, when he speeds pass her. All she see's is a blur of him going down the alley way. She gets up to check on where he went, when she runs down the alley chasing after him. She manages to stop at the end, to see a man looking completely confused, into the back of his truck. Katrina slowly goes over, to see Barry lying amongst bags of laundry.
"Awesome" is all Barry says to her, as she helps him out of the laundry.
"Sorry, so sorry" Katrina apologizes to the man that owns the truck, as her and Barry walk away. The two of them head down the street, confused by what just took place.
"Do you? DO you think we should contact S.T.A.R Labs?" Katrina asks.
"Uh, yeah..yeah we should" he agrees. They decided to go back to S.T.A.R Labs, and see if they could figure out what just took place. They all decided to meet the next say at an air field, to run some tests on the two of them, thinking something must have happened to them when they had gotten hurt the night of the explosion.
Barry and Katrina walked out of the lab, "should we tell Iris?" he asks her.
"No, we shouldn't. I think keeping this just between us, and well them" she says pointing to S.T.A.R labs.
"So this will just be our little secret" he smiles at her.
"Yeah, our dirty little secret" she jokes with him as they head back down the street.
"SO, I'm guessing you will probably want to head home and catch up with Joe and Iris" she says to him.
"Yeah, I'm sure Joe will have this whole dinner planned out for me. You should come along, I'm sure they would love to have you over" Barry offers to her.
"No, I don't want to impose" she says.
"Kitty Kat, you are not imposing. They love you like family, come on I would love to have you there too" he smiles at her.
"Fine, I will come to dinner with you, but do not call me that around anyone else please" she says to him.
"Oh come on, you love when I call you that" he nudges her. She just chuckles and nudges him back, when she starts to get that heart beating faster sensation.
Katrina and Barry, headed to the West residence, and sure enough Joe had pulled out all the stops, and cooked them a huge meal. They had a great time, catching up on everything they had missed the last nine months, and of course Joe had made them play board games, and watch some old movies. It was just like before the incident, and both Barry and Katrina loved it.
"I should head home, this has been great Joe" Katrina says as she gets up from the table.
"You are more then welcome to stay here?" Joe offers.
"No, I miss my own bed, and would love to sleep in it tonight" she says as she makes her way to the door.
"Alright, but you and Barry take the day slow tomorrow. I'll call only if its an emergency" he says as he hugs her good bye.
"I am so glad to have you two back" Iris says hugging both Katrina and Barry.
"I'll walk you out" Barry offers.
"Aww a real gentlemen" Katrina smiles at him, as they step outside onto the front steps.
"You going to be okay, staying the night at your place by yourself?" Barry asks her.
"Yes, Barry I will be okay" she tells him.
"If you need anything, just call and I'll be there" Barry tells her.
"Thanks Barry, do you want to grab some coffee at Jitters before we meet the crew?" she asks him.
"I'd like that" he says.
"Have a good night Barry Warry" she jokes giving him a hug, they go to pull apart, but Barry still hods her close. She gets the sensation to lean closer to him, their lips almost touching, when he suddenly pulls away.
"Good Night Kitty Kat" he says back to her as he turns and heads back into the house. Katrina stands on the steps for a few minutes before heading down them and back to her apartment.
Upon arriving to her apartment she starts to get an odd feeling, like she was being watched. Turning the key into the lock, she
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